ai procon
Looking for a way to filter web content in Firefox to help keep your family from being exposed to less than desirable content on the Internet? Now you can with the ProCon Latte extension for Firefox.
是否正在寻找一种方法来过滤Firefox中的Web内容,以帮助您的家人避免暴露在Internet上不受欢迎的内容中? 现在,您可以使用适用于Firefox的ProCon Latte扩展。
Note: If you are currently running Firefox 3.5, make certain to install version (link provided at bottom of article).
注意:如果您当前正在运行Firefox 3.5,请确保安装版本1.7.9.6(文章底部提供的链接)。
Setup & Options
Once you have downloaded and installed the extension, the best place to start is by adjusting the options for ProCon Latte to best suit you and your family’s needs.
一旦下载并安装了扩展程序,最好的开始就是调整ProCon Latte的选项,以最适合您和家人的需求。
Here you can see the General Settings. You can prevent the extension from being disabled or uninstalled, lock the “about:config” settings, enable the right click options, and set a password to protect your settings (a very good feature!).
在这里您可以看到常规设置。 您可以防止扩展名被禁用或卸载,锁定“ about:config”设置,启用右键单击选项以及设置密码以保护您的设置(这是一个很好的功能! )。
In the Main Filter area, you can edit the Explicit Material Filter list, choose whether to allow the webpage to load before or after filtering, block all traffic, manage warning messages, redirect blocked pages, and select the level of domain control that you wish to use.
Here is a quick look at the Explicit Material Filter list Editing Window… You can filter based on keywords and keywords in website addresses (very nice!). Notice that you can also import and export lists! We blacked out the list of words and descriptions as they are quite vulgar and not How-To Geek friendly.
快速浏览一下“显式材料过滤器”列表“编辑窗口” ...您可以基于关键字和网站地址中的关键字进行过滤( 非常好! )。 请注意,您还可以导入和导出列表! 我们将单词和说明的列表涂黑了,因为它们很粗俗,而且对How-To Geek不友好。
Note: You will most likely want to add additional keywords to these lists by importing a keyword list.
You can also create a Whitelist of websites and domains if you want to have more control over what is accessed with Firefox.
In the Profanity Filter area, you can specify the word (or words) that profanity is to be replaced with when encountered on a website. Notice that the words in the profanity list may also be edited. Again … the list is blacked out due to vulgarity.
在“亵渎行为过滤器”区域中,您可以指定在网站上遇到亵渎行为时要替换的单词。 请注意,亵渎列表中的单词也可以被编辑。 再次……由于粗俗,名单被涂黑了。
A Sample of ProCon Latte in Action
For our example, we decided to do a quick search using Google with a common keyword. As you can see, ProCon Latte immediately caught the keyword and blocked the search results. It also displayed a message explaining why the search results were blocked (wonderful!).
对于我们的示例,我们决定使用带有通用关键字的Google进行快速搜索。 如您所见,ProCon Latte立即捕获了该关键字并阻止了搜索结果。 它还显示一条消息,解释为什么阻止了搜索结果( 妙极了! )。
A wonderful option if you happen to encounter a word that you would like to add to the filter is to use the mouse to highlight the word, right click on it and select “Filter word”. The following message will display to confirm the action.
如果碰巧遇到要添加到过滤器中的单词,一个不错的选择是使用鼠标突出显示该单词,右键单击该单词,然后选择“过滤器单词”。 将显示以下消息以确认操作。
If you happen to encounter an URL that you want to block access to, right click on it and select “Filter URL”. You will see the following confirmation message.
如果碰巧遇到要阻止访问的URL,请右键单击它,然后选择“过滤URL”。 您将看到以下确认消息。
ProCon Latte is a wonderful extension that can help keep your children and family members from being exposed to the more unsavory elements on the Internet. Enjoy knowing that your family is better protected!
ProCon Latte是一个了不起的扩展,可以帮助您的孩子和家庭成员避免暴露于Internet上更有害的元素。 很高兴知道您的家人得到了更好的保护!
Download the ProCon Latte extension (Mozilla Add-ons)
ai procon