


Do you find yourself changing your monitor resolution several times a day?  If so, you might like this handy way to set a keyboard shortcut for your most-used resolutions.

您发现自己一天几次更改显示器分辨率吗? 如果是这样,您可能会喜欢这种方便的方法来为最常用的分辨率设置键盘快捷键。

Most users rarely have to change their screen resolution often, as LCD monitors usually only look best at their native resolution.  But netbooks present a unique situation, as their native resolution is usually only 1024×600.  Some newer netbooks offer higher resolutions which may not looks as crisp as the native resolution but can be handy for using a program that expects a higher resolution.  This is the perfect situation for a keyboard shortcut to help you change the resolution without having to hassle with dialogs and menus each time, and HRC – HotKey Resolution Changer makes it easy to do.

大多数用户很少需要经常更改其屏幕分辨率,因为LCD监视器通常只在其原始分辨率下看起来最佳。 但是上网本存在一种独特的情况,因为其本机分辨率通常仅为1024×600。 一些较新的上网本提供了更高的分辨率,看起来可能不像原始分辨率那样清晰,但可以方便地使用需要更高分辨率的程序。 这是键盘快捷键的理想情况,它可以帮助您更改分辨率而不必每次都麻烦对话框和菜单,而且HRC – HotKey Resolution Changer使操作变得容易。

创建键盘快捷键 (Create Keyboard Shortcuts)

Download the HRC – HotKey Resolution Changer (link below), unzip, and then run HRC.exe in the folder.

下载HRC – HotKey Resolution Changer( 下面的链接 ),解压缩,然后在文件夹中运行HRC.exe。


This will start a tray icon, and will not automatically open the HRC window.  You don’t have to install HRC.  Double-click the tray icon to open it.

这将启动一个托盘图标,并且不会自动打开HRC窗口。 您不必安装HRC。 双击托盘图标以将其打开。

Note: Windows 7 automatically hides new tray icons, so if you can’t see it, click the arrow to see the hidden tray icons.

注意:Windows 7自动隐藏新的任务栏图标,因此,如果看不到它,请单击箭头以查看隐藏的任务栏图标。

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By default, HRC will show two entries with your default resolutions, color depth, and refresh rate.


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Add a keyboard shortcut by clicking the Change button over the resolution.  Press the keyboard shortcut you want to press to switch to that resolution; we entered Ctrl+Alt+1 for our default resolution.  Make sure not to use a keyboard shortcut you use in another application, as this will override it.  Click Set when you’ve entered the hotkey(s) you want.

通过单击分辨率上方的“ 更改”按钮来添加键盘快捷键。 按您想按的键盘快捷键切换到该分辨率; 我们输入Ctrl + Alt + 1作为默认分辨率。 确保不要使用在其他应用程序中使用的键盘快捷键,因为这会覆盖它。 输入所需的热键后,单击“ 设置”


Now, on the second entry, select the resolution you want for your alternate resolution.  The drop-down list will only show your monitor’s supported resolutions, so you don’t have to worry about choosing an incorrect resolution.  You can also set a different color depth or refresh rate for this resolution.  Now add a keyboard shortcut for this resolution as well.

现在,在第二个条目上,选择所需的分辨率作为替代分辨率。 下拉列表将仅显示显示器支持的分辨率,因此您不必担心选择错误的分辨率。 您也可以为此分辨率设置不同的颜色深度或刷新率。 现在也为此分辨率添加键盘快捷键。

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You can set keyboard shortcuts for up to 9 different resolutions with HRC.  Click the Select number of HotKeys button on the left, and choose the number of resolutions you want to set.  Here we have unique keyboard shortcuts for our three most-used resolutions on our netbook.

您可以使用HRC为多达9种不同的分辨率设置键盘快捷键。 单击左侧的“ 选择热键数量”按钮,然后选择要设置的分辨率数量。 在这里,我们为上网本上三种最常用的分辨率提供了独特的键盘快捷键。


HRC must be kept running to use the keyboard shortcuts, so click the Minimize to tray icon which is the second icon to the right.  This will keep it running in the tray.

必须保持HRC运行,才能使用键盘快捷键,因此请单击“ 最小化到任务栏”图标,该图标是右侧的第二个图标。 这将使其在纸盘中运行。

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If you want to be able to change your resolution anytime, you’ll want HRC to automatically start with Windows.  Create a shortcut to HRC, and paste it into your Windows startup folder.  You can easily open this folder by entering the following in the Run command or in the address bar in Explorer:

如果您希望能够随时更改分辨率,则需要HRC自动从Windows启动。 创建HRC的快捷方式,并将其粘贴到Windows启动文件夹中。 通过在“运行”命令或资源管理器中的地址栏中输入以下内容,可以轻松打开此文件夹:

%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

%appdata%\ Microsoft \ Windows \开始菜单\程序\启动

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HRC- HotKey Resolution Changer gives you a great way to quickly change your screen resolution with a keyboard shortcut.  Whether or not you love keyboard shortcuts, this is still a much easier way to switch between your most commonly used resolutions.

HRC-热键分辨率更改器为您提供了一种通过键盘快捷键快速更改屏幕分辨率的好方法。 无论您是否喜欢键盘快捷键,这仍然是在最常用的分辨率之间切换的一种简单得多的方法。

Download HRC – HotKey Resolution Changer

下载HRC –热键分辨率更改器







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