


Man with a clothespin on his nose, reeling from the nasty smell of his laptop.
Elnur/Shutterstock Elnur /快门

So, you’ve cracked open that new phone or laptop, only to be greeted by a familiar, plastic smell. Where does this strange “new electronics smell” come from, and why does it disappear over time?

因此,您已经打开了新手机或笔记本电脑,只是被熟悉的塑料气味所吸引。 这种奇怪的“新电子产品气味”从何而来,为什么随着时间的流逝它会消失?

就像是新车的气味 (It’s Like a New Car Smell)

Everybody knows the smell of a new car. It’s a crisp, clean, and somewhat mysterious scent. It’s often the key factor in confirming that a car is genuinely new, and as it turns out, it’s actually just the smell of vaguely-toxic chemicals. (These chemicals don’t pose a serious health risk, but more on that later.)

每个人都知道新车的味道。 这是一种清脆,干净且有点神秘的气味。 通常,这是确认汽车是全新的关键因素,而且事实证明,这实际上只是闻到含毒化学物质的气味。 (这些化学物质不会构成严重的健康风险,但以后会更多。)

See, cars are full of adhesives, flame retardants, chemical starches, and plasticizers. These materials are in your vehicle for a good reason, but they contain a slew of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

可见,汽车中充满了粘合剂,阻燃剂,化学淀粉和增塑剂。 这些材料存在您的车辆中是有充分理由的,但它们包含大量挥发性有机化合物(VOC)。

VOCs are chemicals that evaporate at or below room temperature. For example, formaldehyde (which contributes to the smell of fresh paint), evaporates at -2 degrees Fahrenheit. And while this sounds scary, most VOCs are entirely non-toxic. In fact, most natural odors are just VOCs.

VOC是在室温或低于室温蒸发的化学物质。 例如,甲醛(有助于散发出新鲜油漆的气味)在华氏-2度蒸发。 尽管这听起来很可怕,但大多数VOC都是完全无毒的。 实际上, 大多数自然气味只是挥发性有机化合物。

Like a car, most (if not all) electronics contain glue, flame retardants, protective coatings, and plasticizers. These materials are full of VOCs, which evaporate at room temperature and create the “new electronics” smell.

就像汽车一样,大多数(如果不是全部)电子产品都包含胶水,阻燃剂,保护涂层和增塑剂。 这些材料充满了挥发性有机化合物,这些挥发性有机化合物在室温下会蒸发并产生“新电子产品”的气味。

随着通风,气味最终消失 (With Ventilation, the Smell Eventually Disappears)

The VOCs in new electronics evaporate into the air that you breathe—that’s why new electronics have a smell. But your new Nintendo Switch isn’t filled with an unlimited supply of VOCs. Over time, all of the device’s VOCs will evaporate into the air, and you’ll be left with a smell-less heap of plastic.

新电子产品中的VOC蒸发到您呼吸的空气中,这就是为什么新电子产品中有异味的原因。 但是,您的新Nintendo Switch并未充满无限量的VOC。 随着时间的流逝,设备的所有VOC都会蒸发到空气中,您将剩下无味的塑料堆。

This process is commonly referred to as off-gassing, and it’s the reason why old electronics and cars don’t smell “new.” While this off-gassing process technically begins as soon as a product is manufactured (again, VOCs evaporate at or below room temperature), the speed at which a product off-gasses is mostly tied to ventilation.

这个过程通常被称为除气,这就是旧电子设备和汽车闻不到“新”气味的原因。 尽管从技术上讲,这种排气过程是在产品生产后立即开始的(再次,VOC在室温或低于室温下蒸发),但产品排气的速度主要取决于通风。

A close up photo of an HVAC AC unit
vchal/Shutterstock vchal /快门

This idea sounds complicated, but it’s straightforward to understand. When you buy a new laptop or phone, it probably isn’t fresh out of a factory. It’s probably spent a few months in the back of a Best Buy. But upon opening the box, your device smells “new.” That’s because there’s very little ventilation inside of a sealed box. Without anywhere for the VOCs to go, they just stick to the laptop or phone.

这个想法听起来很复杂,但是很容易理解。 当您购买新的笔记本电脑或手机时,出厂时可能并非新鲜事。 在百思买的支持下,它可能花了几个月的时间。 但是,打开包装盒后,您的设备闻起来“很新”。 那是因为密封盒内的通风很少。 没有任何VOC可用的地方,它们只是粘在笔记本电脑或手机上。

Some people dislike the smell of VOCs, especially when they’re present on cheap leather products or furniture. These VOC-haters sometimes speed up the off-gassing process by leaving new products outside, or by leaving the windows open in their new car. Remember, ventilation encourages the off-gassing process. If you hate the smell of your new laptop, then don’t leave it in a stuffy room.

有些人不喜欢VOC的气味,尤其是当它们出现在廉价皮革产品或家具上时。 这些VOC使用者有时通过将新产品放在外面或在新车中打开窗户来加快除气过程。 请记住,通风会促进除气过程。 如果您讨厌新笔记本电脑的气味,请不要将其放在闷热的房间里。

VOC不会构成重大健康风险 (VOCs Don’t Pose a Major Health Risk)

Earlier, we referred to new car smell as “vaguely-toxic.” That’s because government regulation forces manufacturers only to use safe quantities of toxic VOCs. Sure, the idea that any amount of a toxic chemical can be “safe” sounds laughable, but it’s a scientific fact. Formaldehyde, as an example, is integral to your body’s metabolic functions. It’s only deadly when ingested excessively or inhaled over a long period.

早些时候,我们将新车气味称为“模糊毒性”。 这是因为政府法规强制制造商只能使用安全量的有毒VOC。 当然,任何数量的有毒化学物质都可以“安全”的想法听起来可笑,但这是科学事实。 例如,甲醛是人体代谢功能不可或缺的部分。 只有过量摄入或长期吸入才致命。

That being said, long-term exposure to these slightly-toxic VOCs can cause some problems, like irritation of the throat and eyes, headaches, and lethargy. These health issues are referred to as sick building syndrome, and they’re usually a result of poor ventilation in a newly remodeled building. Remember, VOCs evaporate into the air, and the off-gassing process is encouraged by ventilation.

话虽这么说,长期接触这些微毒的VOC可能会引起一些问题,例如喉咙和眼睛发炎,头痛和嗜睡。 这些健康问题被称为建筑物病态综合症 ,通常是新装修的建筑物通风不良造成的。 请记住,VOC挥发到空气中,通风促进了排气过程。

A man who's happy because his laptop is fully offgassed
fizkes/Shutterstock 笛子/快门

The health issues associated with sick building syndrome are not permanent, and they can be eliminated by improving ventilation (opening a window or replacing the A/C’s filter), steam-cleaning new products, filtering the air with houseplants, or by leaving new products outside to speed up the off-gassing process. Once something stops smelling “new,” it’s been off-gassed.

与病态建筑综合症有关的健康问题不是永久性的,可以通过改善通风(打开窗户或更换空调过滤器),蒸汽清洁新产品,用室内植物过滤空气或留下新产品来消除。外部以加快除气过程。 一旦有东西闻到“新”的气味,它就被除气了。

Yes, there’s the elephant in the room, and it’s called cancer. A Google search for “off-gassing” or “VOCs” will lead to claims that the chemicals in cars, electronics, and new furniture contribute to cancer. While we know that severe long-term exposure to VOCs can cause cancer (working full-time as a painter for thirty years without wearing a mask), it’s challenging to find a link between consumer-level VOC exposure and cancer.

是的,房间里有只大象,叫做癌症。 谷歌搜索“放气”或“ VOC”将导致汽车,电子产品和新家具中的化学物质导致癌症。 虽然我们知道长期严重接触VOC会导致癌症(全职工作了三十年而不戴着口罩的画家),但要找到消费者级别的VOC暴露与癌症之间的联系是一项挑战。

If you’re concerned about the VOCs in your new electronics or updated carpeting (remember, health issues only occur after repeated long-term exposure), then your best bet is to improve your air quality by encouraging ventilation, or by off-gassing new products outdoors. If you want a little piece of mind, you could use an air quality monitor to detect VOCs.

如果您担心新电子产品或更新的地毯中的VOC(请记住,健康问题仅在反复长期暴露后才会发生),那么最好的选择是通过鼓励通风或给新产品除气来改善空气质量。户外产品。 如果您不介意的话,可以使用空气质量监测仪来检测VOC。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/415656/why-do-new-electronics-smell/






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