


As of late, Apple has been under fire for its App Store practices. Specifically, the fact that it takes a 30% cut of all app sales, causing developers to raise prices, leaving users no other choice but to pay up.

截止到最近,Apple因其App Store的做法而受到抨击。 具体来说,它削减了所有应用销售的30%,导致开发人员提高价格,而用户别无选择,只能付钱。

Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled iPhone owners could proceed with a suit against Apple for the practice. Since Apple only allows apps to be downloaded directly from its App Store on iOS, the claim is that it has a monopoly over app distribution. It’s an interesting angle because iOS is one of the only (or perhaps the only?) operating systems that works like this. Android, Windows, Linux, and even macOS allow users to install whatever they like outside of any official channels that exist.

昨天, 最高法院裁定, iPhone用户可以对苹果提起诉讼。 由于Apple仅允许直接在iOS上从其App Store下载应用程序,因此声称它在应用程序发行方面拥有垄断地位。 这是一个有趣的角度,因为iOS是像这样工作的唯一(或也许唯一?)操作系统之一。 Android,Windows,Linux甚至macOS允许用户在现有的任何官方渠道之外安装任何所需的东西。

Of course, this practice is nothing new for Apple—the company has been curating its App Store since the beginning. It uses this as a way to control the quality of the apps installed on iOS devices, which helps keep the OS (mostly) free from viruses, malware, and other malicious applications. Considering the fire that Android comes under for having a “virus problem” (which isn’t exactly accurate), there’s an argument that Apple’s approach works.

当然,这种做法对Apple而言并不是什么新鲜事-该公司从一开始就一直在策划其App Store。 它使用这种方法来控制安装在iOS设备上的应用程序的质量,这有助于使OS(主要是)免受病毒,恶意软件和其他恶意应用程序的攻击。 考虑到Android因“病毒问题”( 并非完全准确 )而遭受打击 ,有人认为Apple的方法行之有效。

Naturally, Apple has responded to the Court’s decision, stating that the App Store “is not a monopoly by any metric” in a statement shared by 9to5Mac. It goes on to state that “developers set the price they want to charge for their app and Apple has no role in that,” and that “the vast majority of apps on the App Store are free and Apple gets nothing from them.” It’s a compelling argument, though it’s not without its holes. For example, while developers do set their own prices, there’s nothing to prove they don’t offset the cost of what Apple will take, thus moving the responsibility to the user. I guess that’s ultimately why this is going to court in the first place.

自然,苹果对法院的裁决做出了回应,在9to5Mac的一份声明中指出,App Store“不是任何指标的垄断”。 它继续指出:“开发人员确定了他们想为自己的应用程序收费的价格,而苹果公司对此没有任何作用”,并且“ App Store上的绝大多数应用程序都是免费的,苹果公司从中什么也得不到。” 尽管并非没有漏洞,但这是一个令人信服的论点。 例如,尽管开发人员确实确定了自己的价格,但没有任何证据可以证明他们没有抵消Apple承担的费用,从而将责任转移给了用户。 我想这就是最终要把它放在第一位的原因。

Yesterday’s ruling doesn’t mean much yet—it simply states that lawsuits against Apple will be allowed to move forward. It will likely be a while before anything results from the cases, but the implications could change the way iOS works forever—for example, it could force the company to allow third-party app stores on its platform, which would be a huge shift.

昨天的裁决并不意味着什么还没有 -它只是说对苹果说诉讼将被允许继续前进。 这些案件可能尚需时日,但其含义可能会改变iOS的永久运行方式,例如,它可能迫使该公司在其平台上允许第三方应用商店,这将是一个巨大的转变。

But now we’re starting to get ahead of ourselves because it’s still just too early to tell. [CNBC, Engadget, Wired, The Verge]

但是现在我们开始超越自我,因为现在还为时过早。 [ CNBCEngadgetWiredThe Verge ]

在其他新闻中 (In Other News)

Amazon wants employees to quit their jobs and start delivery businesses, iOS 12.3 is out, Spotify releases a tool for podcasters, and more.

亚马逊希望员工辞职并开始送货业务,iOS 12.3已经发布,Spotify发布了一个用于播客的工具,等等。

  • Amazon wants to help employees start delivery businesses: Amazon is always looking for ways to reduce shipping times, and its most recent idea is an interesting one: it’s offering to give employees “up to $10,000” to start their own delivery businesses. Compelling. [Ars Technica]

    亚马逊希望帮助员工开展送货业务:亚马逊一直在寻找减少运输时间的方法,其最新想法是一个有趣的想法:它提供给员工“最高10,000美元”的资金来开展自己的送货业务。 令人信服。 [ Ars Technica ]

  • iOS 12.3 is out: It includes the new Apple TV app, AirPlay 2, bug fixes, and more. [MacRumors]

    iOS 12.3已发布:它包括新的Apple TV应用程序,AirPlay 2,错误修复等。 [ MacRumors ]

  • Spotify makes mixing and mastering podcasts easier: It just launched a new service called Soundtrap, which will help amateur podcasters produce high-quality content with simple, collaborative editing. The full suite will set users back $15 a month. [CNET]

    Spotify使播客的混合和母带制作更加容易:它刚刚推出了一项名为Soundtrap的新服务,该服务将帮助业余播客通过简单的协作编辑来制作高质量的内容。 全套软件的价格为每月15美元。 [ CNET ]

  • A Twitter bug exposed location data for iOS users: The company disclosed the bug yesterday, which has since been resolved. If you use two accounts on Twitter and allow one to access precise location but not the other, there’s a chance that this bug allowed your location data to be visible on both accounts. [9to5Mac]

    Twitter错误暴露了iOS用户的位置数据:该公司昨天披露了该错误,此错误已得到解决。 如果您在Twitter上使用两个帐户,但允许一个帐户访问精确的位置,而另一个帐户则不允许,则此错误有可能使您的位置数据在两个帐户上均可见。 [ 9to5Mac ]

  • Windows 10 gets Arch Linux: Windows 10 has access to several Linux distros straight from the Microsoft Store, and now a third-party developer has done the same for Arch Linux. It’s unofficially supported, however, so proceed at your own risk. [TechRadar]

    Windows 10使用Arch Linux: Windows 10可以直接从Microsoft Store访问多个Linux发行版,现在第三方开发人员已经对Arch Linux进行了同样的操作 。 但是,它是非官方支持的,请您自担风险。 [ TechRadar ]

  • Google Tasks comes to Gmail for Android: You can now quickly add things to Tasks directly from the Gmail app. Nice. [XDA Developers]

    Google Tasks随附于Android版Gmail:您现在可以直接从Gmail应用程序将内容快速添加到Tasks中。 真好 [ XDA开发人员 ]

  • Good news: over 25,000 Linksys routers are leaking data: They’re vulnerable to a remote exploit, allowing attackers to access sensitive information and potentially enslave the routers in botnet setups. A fix isn’t yet available, so if you have a Linksys router, this is something to look into. [ZDNet]

    好消息:超过25,000台Linksys路由器正在泄漏数据:它们很容易受到远程利用,从而使攻击者能够访问敏感信息,并有可能在僵尸网络设置中奴役路由器。 该修复程序尚不可用,因此,如果您有Linksys路由器,则需要研究一下。 [ ZDNet ]

  • Walmart offers free one-day shipping: If Amazon is going to do something, you better believe Walmart is going to copy it. The new service is rolling out in Phoenix and Las Vegas now and is expected to hit 75 percent of the country by year’s end. The most significant difference compared to Amazon’s new one-day option? Walmart requires a $35 minimum order. [Engadget]

    沃尔玛提供一日免费送货:如果亚马逊打算做某事,那么您最好相信沃尔玛会复制它。 这项新服务目前正在凤凰城和拉斯维加斯推出,预计到年底将达到全国的75%。 与Amazon的新一日选项相比,最大的区别是什么? 沃尔玛要求最低订购价格为$ 35。 [ Engadget ]

  • Google added “your data” to Assistant: This makes it easier to access and delete your Google Assistant recordings/interactions. Just another step towards increased transparency and privacy options from Google. Good stuff [Android Police

    Google在助手中添加了“您的数据”:这使访问和删除您的Google Assistant记录/互动更加容易。 只是增加Google透明度和隐私选项的又一步。 好东西[ Android Police ]

The future of portable PCs is here, and it includes multiple screens. In the case of the HP Omen X 2S, that means a big screen and a little screen. With an unnamed Lenovo Thinkpad, that means a foldable display. The future is wild, y’all.

便携式PC的未来就在这里,它包括多个屏幕。 对于HP Omen X 2S来说 ,这意味着大屏幕和小屏幕。 使用未命名的Lenovo Thinkpad ,这意味着可折叠的显示屏。 你们所有人的前途一片光明。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-apples-app-store-monopoly/


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