


Kanban Board
Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock 像素拍摄/快门

A Kanban board is a common tool for displaying tasks. You might not know it by name, but you’ve probably used one before and almost certainly seen one at work or on TV. Let’s take a look at how they work.

看板是显示任务的常用工具。 您可能不知道它的名字,但是您可能以前曾经使用过它,并且几乎可以肯定在工作或电视上看到过它。 让我们看看它们是如何工作的。

A Kanban board is used for visualizing task flow from beginning to end. At its simplest, it contains three columns called “To-Do”, “Doing”, and “Done”. To start, you put your tasks in the “To-Do” column, move them to the “Doing” column while you’re working on them, and then finally move them to the “Done” column when you’ve finished the task.

看板用于从头到尾可视化任务流程。 最简单地说,它包含三个列,分别称为“待办事项”,“正在执行”和“完成”。 首先,将任务放在“待办事项”列中,在处理任务时将其移至“正在做”列,然后在完成任务后将其最终移至“完成”列中。

Kanban Board Illustration
astel design/Shutterstock 骨料设计/快门

Kanban boards provide a visual representation of process management. In other words, they let you see how your tasks are progressing.

看板板提供了过程管理的可视化表示。 换句话说,它们使您可以查看任务的进度。

They originated as part of Kanban, a type of lean manufacturing process that has been used in Japanese manufacturing for decades, but have been primarily popularized in North America and Europe as part of task management software like Jira, Asana, Trello, and Planner. If you’ve ever worked in or around software development, this kind of board will be familiar to you.

它们起源于看板(Kanban)的一部分,看板是一种精益制造Craft.io,已在日本制造业中使用了数十年,但作为任务管理软件(例如JiraAsanaTrelloPlanner)的一部分,在北美和欧洲已得到广泛普及。 如果您曾经从事过软件开发工作或与之相关的工作,那么您将很熟悉这种董事会。

Originally, Kanban boards were physical, but over time plenty of Kanban software has been created. Unlike a lot of processes that have moved from physical to digital—think music recording, project planning, and bookkeeping—it’s still very common to have physical Kanban boards, often in tandem with a digital copy.

看板最初是物理的,但是随着时间的流逝,已经创建了许多看板软件。 与许多从物理到数字的过程(例如音乐录制,项目计划和簿记)不同,拥有物理看板板仍然很普遍,通常与数字副本结合使用。

If you’ve walked through an office and seen whiteboards and walls covered in Post-It notes arranged in columns, you’ve probably been looking at a Kanban board.


Kanban Board Teamwork
Vera Harly/Shutterstock 薇拉·哈利/快门

Somewhere on a server, there will normally be a digital representation of that same Post It-filled Kanban board, which may seem odd. Why have the same data held in two places, as it just duplicates the work of maintaining them?

在服务器上的某个位置,通常会用同一张纸贴满的看板的数字表示形式,这似乎很奇怪。 为什么要在两个地方保存相同的数据,因为它们只是重复了维护它们的工作?

The reason is quite simple: A Kanban board is designed to be visual and easy to use, so having a physical board makes it easy for a team to see the tasks and move them around the board. But a physical board is no good for data analysis and reporting, which is where the digital version comes in.

原因很简单:看板设计得视觉化且易于使用,因此拥有物理板可以使团队轻松查看任务并在板上移动任务。 但是物理板不利于数据分析和报告,而数字版正是这种情况。

The digital version—whether in Jira, Trello, Asana, Planner, or any other software—can also be viewed from anywhere, which makes it more useful for remote teams or interested stakeholders who don’t sit with the team and their physical board.


A digital Kanban Board
Trello 特雷洛

Using a Kanban board couldn’t be much simpler. You add tasks to the To-Do column and then move them (if it’s a physical board) or drag and drop them (if it’s a digital board) from one column to the next. Every now and then, you remove the tasks from the final Done column and put them anywhere you like, whether that’s an archive of completed tasks or simply the bin.

使用看板很简单。 您可以将任务添加到“待办事项”列中,然后将它们(如果是物理板)移动或将它们(如果是数字板)拖放到另一列。 时不时地,您从最终的“完成”列中删除任务,并将它们放置在所需的任何位置,无论是已完成任务的存档还是简单的垃圾箱。

Kanban boards can have as many columns as you want. It’s common in software development teams to have columns for Design, Development, Testing, and Documentation, for example. Often, more esoteric columns are included that are process-specific, such as “Fuzzing” (a process where deliberately malformed data is entered to test software for error-handling and security), “Pull” (a pull request has been submitted to move the code into a GitHub branch), and “Pre-Prod” (a piece of work has been moved to the pre-production server). But you can use whichever columns you want in a Kanban board, for any type of process.

看板可以具有任意多的列。 例如,在软件开发团队中,通常会有用于“设计”,“开发”,“测试”和“文档”的列。 通常,包含更多特定于过程的深奥列,例如“ Fuzzing”(将故意格式错误的数据输入到测试软件以进行错误处理和安全性的过程),“ Pull”(已提交拉动请求以进行移动)将该代码放入GitHub分支中)和“ Pre-Prod”(一件作品已移至预生产服务器)。 但是,您可以在看板中使用任意列,以进行任何类型的处理。

Getting something done often requires multiple teams and/or multiple streams of work. Kanban boards handle this using something called “swim lanes”. Whilst the columns—To-Do, Doing, Done, etc—are vertical, swim lanes are horizontal bars where tasks for a single team or workstream can be separated out.

完成某项工作通常需要多个团队和/或多个工作流。 看板板使用一种称为“泳道”的方法来处理此问题。 纵列(待办事项,待办事项,完成等)是垂直的,泳道是水平条,可以将单个团队或工作流的任务分开。

A Kanban board with swimlanes
Atlassian Atlassian

In most Kanban applications, you can also color-code tasks. This lets you set up your board with swim lanes for teams and colors for work streams, or vice versa. Many teams synchronize their Post-it note colors, to colors used in their digital boards, which is why so many offices are adorned with multi-color Post-it notes, rather than a single color.

在大多数看板应用程序中,您还可以对任务进行颜色编码。 这样,您就可以为团队设置游泳道,为工作流设置颜色,反之亦然。 许多团队将其便签纸颜色与数字白板中使用的颜色同步,这就是为什么这么多办公室都用多色便笺纸而不是单一颜色来装饰。

Kanban is a very flexible system that provides for large amounts of customization to fit whatever process you’re managing. It doesn’t matter if you’re putting together a multi-billion dollar space launch at JPL or tracking your kids’ chores, Kanban can help you see your tasks and keep right on track.

看板是一个非常灵活的系统,可提供大量自定义设置以适应您正在管理的任何流程。 无论您是在JPL上筹集数十亿美元的太空发射资金还是跟踪孩子的琐事都没关系,看板可以帮助您查看任务并保持进度。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/663877/what-is-a-kanban-board-and-how-do-you-use-it/






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