热键打开程序_秘密热键在任何应用程序中打开Windows 10的新表情符号选择器



Windows 10 has a hidden emoji picker you can use to type emoji in any application, even desktop programs like Google Chrome. It’s accessible by pressing a keyboard shortcut combination.

Windows 10具有隐藏的表情符号选择器,您可以在任何应用程序中甚至在桌面程序(例如Google Chrome)中键入表情符号。 可以通过按键盘快捷键组合进行访问。

The emoji picker was added in Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update, and improved on in the April 2018 Update.

表情符号选择器已添加到Windows 10的Fall Creators Update中 ,并在2018年4月更新中进行了改进。

如何打开表情符号选择器 (How to Open the Emoji Picker)

To open the emoji picker, press Win+. or Win+; on your keyboard. In other words, hold the Windows key down and press either the period (.) or semicolon (;) key.

要打开表情符号选择器,请按Win +。 或Win +; 在键盘上。 换句话说,按住Windows键并按点号(。)或分号(;)键。

Your cursor must be somewhere that accepts text while pressing these keys, but you can use this shortcut in practically any application—from text fields in your web browser to messaging apps to Notepad to Microsoft Word.

光标必须位于可以在按下这些键的同时接受文本的位置,但是实际上,您可以在任何应用程序中使用此快捷方式-从Web浏览器中的文本字段到消息传递应用程序,再到记事本再到Microsoft Word。

Just click the emoji in the window that pops up to insert it. The panel also remembers your most recently-used emoji and presents them at the top of the list.

只需在弹出的窗口中单击表情符号即可将其插入。 面板还会记住您最近使用的表情符号,并将其显示在列表的顶部。

You can also click the magnifying glass button at the bottom left corner of the emoji panel, and then type to search for an emoji.


Depending on the application, you’ll either see the same full-color emoji you see in the panel (in Chrome, for example), or you’ll see a smaller black-and-white emoji character (in Notebook, for instance).

根据应用程序的不同,您将看到与在面板中看到的相同的全彩表情符号(例如在Chrome中),或者看到较小的黑白表情符号(例如在Notebook中) 。

Starting with the April 2018 Update, the emoji panel stays open after you insert an emoji so that you can insert as many emoji as you like. To close it, either click the “x” button at the top right corner of the panel or press the Esc key on your keyboard.

从2018年4月更新开始,插入表情符号后表情符号面板将保持打开状态,以便您可以随意插入尽可能多的表情符号。 要关闭它,请单击面板右上角的“ x”按钮或按键盘上的Esc键。

If you switch over to the “People” category in the emoji picker (the human face button with the hair at the bottom), a button also appears at the top right of the window that lets you choose the skin color for the emoji. This only changes the color of the newer people-shaped emoji. The older circular face emoji stay yellow.

如果您切换到表情符号选择器中的“人物”类别(头发在底部的人脸按钮),则窗口右上角还会出现一个按钮,您可以选择表情符号的肤色。 这只会更改较新的人形表情符号的颜色。 较旧的圆脸表情符号保持黄色。

Emoji are standard unicode characters, so the emoji you type with this keyboard should be viewable on any modern operating system or device that supports emoji. Microsoft even added black-and-white emoji support to Windows 7 in an update available through Windows Update.

表情符号是标准的unicode字符 ,因此您在任何支持表情符号的现代操作系统或设备上都可以查看用此键盘键入的表情符号。 微软甚至通过Windows Update提供的更新为Windows 7添加了黑白表情符号支持。

You can buy a domain name incorporating emoji characters, too.


如何使用触摸键盘输入表情符号 (How to Type Emoji With the Touch Keyboard)

Windows 10’s touch keyboard also has emoji support, so you can type emoji if you’re using the software keyboard on a touch screen. This works just like typing emoji using the keyboard on other modern mobile devices, like iPhones, Android phones, and iPads.

Windows 10的触摸键盘还支持表情符号,因此,如果您在触摸屏上使用软件键盘,则可以键入表情符号。 就像在其他现代移动设备(例如iPhone,Android手机和iPad)上使用键盘输入表情符号一样,该功能也可以发挥作用。

To type emoji with the touch keyboard, just tap the emoji button to the left of the space bar.


You’ll see a list of emoji, which can insert by tapping. They should work in practically any Windows application.

您会看到一个表情符号列表,可以通过点击将其插入。 它们几乎可以在任何Windows应用程序中工作。

Tap the “abc” button to go back to the standard alphabetical keyboard.

点按“ abc”按钮可返回标准字母键盘。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/351344/how-to-use-windows-10’s-new-emoji-picker-in-any-app/


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