



It’s the game within a game that some people argue might actually be more fun than the actual game itself. The tabletop deckbuilding simulator Gwent, found inside CD ProjektRED’s The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, has proven to be an unexpected runaway hit since it released with its parent title back in May of this year, as players from every corner of the globe continue to pore through decklists, strategy guides, and card location maps long after the single player campaign has already been explored to completion.

有人认为这是游戏中的游戏,实际上可能比实际游戏本身更有趣。 CD ProjektRED的The Witcher III:Wild Hunt中发现的桌面甲板模拟游戏Gwent自今年5月以其母版头衔发布以来,就证明是出人意料的失控热销,因为来自全球各个角落的玩家不断涌入在探索单人战役很久之后,通过甲板清单,策略指南和牌位置图进行搜索。

To pretty much everyone’s surprise (including the developers themselves), a feature that could have easily been thrown in as a one-off, two-bit minigame has since transformed into one of the biggest reasons people still come back to the Witcher III long after putting a beat down on all the monsters and bosses. Gwent has emerged as a deep, feature-rich card game that easily rivals other popular CCGs like Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering in both complexity and addictive potential, sending you scouring to every edge of Novigrad to get that very last card to finish your Nilfgaardian Empire collection.

令所有人(包括开发人员自己)惊讶的是,此功能可以轻松地作为一次性的,两位数的迷你游戏投入使用,此后已转变为人们在很长一段时间后仍重返巫师III的最大原因之一。击败所有的怪物和老板。 格温特已经发展成为一款功能丰富的深层纸牌游戏,在复杂性和令人上瘾的潜力方面,可以轻松与其他流行的CCG(如炉石传说和魔法聚会)相提并论,使您在Novigrad的每一个角落都精益求精,以获取最后一张完成Nilfgaardian帝国的纸牌采集。

In this beginner’s guide, we’re going to teach you everything you need to know about the foundation of Gwent, while also dropping a few key hints that can help you up your game along the way.


基础 (The Basics)

For those out of the loop, Gwent is a card game first introduced as a part of the RPG The Witcher III  that the main character can play with any merchants or shopkeeps in various towns to win prizes and extra cards. The more players you defeat, the more cards you acquire, and the better your deck will become as you progress through the main storyline.

对于那些不喜欢玩游戏的人,格温特是一款纸牌游戏,是RPG The Witcher III的一部分首次引入,主角可以与各个城镇的任何商人或购物者玩耍,以赢得奖品和额外的纸牌。 您击败的玩家越多,获得的卡就越多,随着您在主故事情节中的前进,您的套牌也会变得越好。

The game is played in up to three rounds as a 1v1 bout, in an overall best out of three match. At the start of each round, players draw a hand of ten cards, maintaining the option to redraw two out of their total deck to better equip themselves for the battle ahead. One the hands are drawn, players must then attempt to play enough of their own minions onto the board to keep their overall battle score higher than that of their opponent before the round is eventually passed by both players.

这场比赛以1v1的回合最多进行三轮比赛,在三场比赛中总体表现最好。 在每个回合开始时,玩家会抓一张10张牌,并保持从总牌组中抽出2张的选择,以更好地为自己的战斗做好准备。 一只手被抽出,然后玩家必须尝试在板上充分玩自己的仆从,以使他们的总体战斗得分高于对手的总得分,然后双方才最终通过该回合。

There are three rows in which to play your minions, each corresponding to a different minion “type”. A minion can either be a Melee, Ranged, or Siege character, and you can only play minions of the same type together in their predesignated lane.

共有三行播放您的奴才,每行对应一个不同的奴才“类型”。 一个小兵可以是近战,远程或围攻角色,并且您只能在其预定通道中一起玩相同类型的小兵。


Each player can place down one card per turn, building up their army piece by piece until they’re satisfied with their total battle score. The first player to “Pass” their turn leaves the rest of the round up to the other player, who can then either continue to play out more cards to try and beat the opponent’s score, or forfeit the match to wipe the board and start over.

每个玩家每回合可以放下一张牌,逐步建立自己的军队,直到对总战斗成绩感到满意为止。 第一个“通过”回合的玩家将剩下的回合留给另一位玩家,后者可以继续玩更多的牌以尝试击败对手的得分,或者放弃比赛以抹去棋盘并重新开始。

您的手/资源管理 (Your Hand/Resource Management)

What makes Gwent so different from most other card games out there is unlike those, the cards you draw at the beginning of the match are the only ones you’ll have to work with until all rounds have concluded. This means that managing your resources is just as important from the beginning of the game as it is all the way to the end, because even though your opponent might have gotten a ton of minions out in the first round to secure the initial win, as long as you’ve managed your card pool carefully, you should be able to sweep the series once whatever remains in their hand inevitably runs out of steam.

格温特与其他大多数纸牌游戏的不同之处在于,与之不同的是,在比赛开始之前,您只需要使用这些纸牌,直到所有回合结束为止。 这意味着管理资源从游戏开始到结束都同等重要,因为即使您的对手在第一轮中已经拿出大量的小兵来确保最初的胜利,只要您对卡池进行了精心管理,一旦手中的剩余物不可避免地用尽了,您就应该能够扫一扫。


The true strategy of mastering Gwent lies in how well you’re able to sacrifice a battle in order to win the war. Both planning out your initial hand, and knowing when the best moment to Pass are two of the most important skills you can learn when finding the path to secure ultimate victory.

掌握根特的真正策略在于您为赢得战争而牺牲战斗的能力。 规划最初的手牌和知道何时通过最佳时机是寻找最终胜利的途径时可以学习的两个最重要的技能。

派系/领导者 (Factions/Leaders)

In Gwent, there are four separate factions, each of which have their own specialized minion cards as well as a unique “Leader”. Leader cards give players the opportunity to activate a unique power at any point during the round, ranging from low-tier attacks like playing a type of Weather card, to stealing three cards from the opponents discard pile when resources start to run low. The four factions available in Gwent include the Nilfgaardian Empire, the Northern Realms, the Scoia’tael, and Monsters. Every player in the Witcher will automatically be started off with a basic Northern Realms deck, the Leader of which has the initial power to “find an Impenetrable Fog card in your deck and play it immediately”.

在根特(Gwent),有四个独立的派系,每个派系都有自己的专门的奴才卡,以及一个独特的“领袖”。 领导者牌让玩家有机会在回合中的任何时候激活独特的力量,范围从打低等级的攻击(例如打出某种类型的Weather Card)到从对手那里窃取三张牌(当资源开始耗尽时会丢掉堆)。 根特可用的四个派系包括尼尔加德帝国,北方王国,斯科亚之塔和怪兽。 巫师中的每个玩家都会自动从一个基本的北方王国套牌开始,该套牌的首领具有“在套牌中找到难穿透的防雾卡并立即使用它”的初始威力。


This is a power that can prove useful when your opponent is relying heavily on ranged cards to boost their score, and can even be upgraded through four separate tiers by purchasing special cards from merchants in certain cities. Once upgraded, the ability can be transformed into the option to clear all the weather effects on the board instantly rather than adding one, a change which can drastically alter how the deck is built and played despite belonging to the same faction throughout.

当您的对手严重依赖远程卡来提高得分时,此功能非常有用,甚至可以通过从某些城市的商人那里购买特殊卡来通过四个单独的级别进行升级。 升级后,该功能可以转换为立即清除板上所有天气影响的选项,而无需添加一个,这一更改可以极大地改变甲板的建造和演奏方式,尽管整个过程属于同一派系。


Getting the perfect mix of Leader ability cards, minions, and factions for your upstart Gwent deck is a process that even the most dedicated players still don’t have totally nailed down yet, and as expansion packs are released and the card pool grows, the meta will only continue to change and evolve as time goes on from here.


卡效果 (Card Effects)

Of course, the game wouldn’t be all that fun if it was just about throwing around arbitrary cards until you got a bigger number than someone else. This is where card effects come in, acting as modifiers for minions which bring extra levels of flair to each round. If a minion has a card effect, it will be notated by a white circular badge, located just under their type and power rating on the left-hand side of their portrait.

当然,如果只是扔掉任意的牌直到你得到的数字比别人大,游戏就不会那么有趣。 这是卡牌效果的发源地,用作小兵的修饰符,使每回合都具有额外的天赋。 如果一个仆从具有卡牌效果,将使用白色圆形徽章标记该徽章,该徽章位于其肖像左侧的类型和等级下。


Card effects can range from bolstering spells like Morale Boost (increase the attack of all minions in the row by +1), to more popular effects like the Spy modifier, which sends a minion or monster to your opponents side of the field, thereby increasing their battle score, but allows you to draw two more cards in return. These are the kinds of mechanics that can either pay off huge of flop completely in one move, and knowing how to mitigate the gaps in that risk is what separates the amateurs from the pros on the battlefield.

卡牌效果的范围从加强诸如士气的法术(将行中所有小兵的攻击提高+1)到更流行的效果(如间谍修改器),后者会将小兵或怪物发送到场上的对手方,从而增加他们的战斗得分,但可以让你再抓两张牌。 这些机制可以一口气完全抵消掉巨大的失败,并且知道如何减轻这种风险的差距是使业余爱好者与战场上的职业玩家区别开来的原因。

天气影响 (Weather Effects)

But why should a minion type matter if the score is always the same?


Say hello to the rainy day, because there’s going to be a lot of them from now on. For each type of minion, there’s a corresponding Weather effect card that players can use to reduce the attack of all the minions in a particular row down to one, negating their effectiveness on the battlefield until the round is over or an opponent counters the card with a “Clear Weather” spell.

在下雨天打个招呼,因为从现在开始会有很多这样的事情。 对于每种类型的爪牙,都有一张相应的天气效果卡,玩家可以使用该效果卡将特定行中所有爪牙的攻击降低到一个,从而在战场上无效,直到回合结束或对手反击该卡“晴天”法术。


Weather modifiers like Biting Frost will reduce the attack of all melee minions (also to one), while Impenetrable Fog and Torrential Rain will do the same for ranged and sieged minions, respectively. This is why it’s smart never to rely too heavily on any one type of particular minion to win you the game, because often all it can take is one well placed Weather effect to completely swing a round in the other direction.

诸如Biting Frost之类的天气调节器将减少所有近战小兵的攻击力(也降低为1),而坚不可摧的雾和暴雨将分别对远程和包围的小兵造成同样的影响。 这就是为什么永远不要过分依赖任何一种特定的奴才来赢得游戏是明智的,因为通常它所需要的只是一个放置良好的Weather效果,可以完全朝另一个方向摆动。

Like mana in Magic or spell cards in Hearthstone, managing a fine balance of Weather effects in your deck crucial to coming out on top for any hard-fought victory.


英雄卡 (Hero Cards)

Lastly, there are hero cards. These are rare cards that players can only earn by completing special quests around the world map, or finding obscure merchants that pop up via various quests along the way.

最后,还有英雄卡。 这些是稀有卡,玩家只能通过完成世界地图上的特殊任务,或找到沿途通过各种任务弹出的晦涩商人来获得。


Hero cards are high damage minions that are completely unaffected by weather spells, and more often than not the first hero card you get will determine how you build your deck around their type. Because this is only an introductory course in Gwent we won’t spend too much time dwelling on all the different characters that occupy the hero tier of minions, but keep a look out for our future guides to learn more about who they are and how they can help you nail the toughest opponents in the Northern Kingdoms.

英雄卡是高伤害小兵,完全不受天气法术的影响,而且获得的第一张英雄卡通常会决定如何围绕它们的类型建造甲板。 因为这只是Gwent的入门课程,所以我们不会花太多时间在占据小兵英雄阶层的所有不同角色上,但是请留意我们的未来指南,以更多地了解他们是谁以及他们如何可以帮助您钉牢北方王国中最艰难的对手。

As we mentioned at the outset, Gwent is a highly intricate game, complete with dozens of different strategies for each faction and deck type. To try and break them all down in one article would be nearly impossible, but stay tuned to How-To Geek as we give you all the tips, tricks, and techniques you’ll need to amass your card army and become the master of the Witcher III’s Gwent gauntlet.

就像我们一开始提到的那样,Gwent是一款高度复杂的游戏,针对每种派系和套牌类型,都有数十种不同的策略。 试图将它们分解成一篇文章几乎是不可能的,但是请继续关注How-To Geek,因为我们为您提供了积聚卡片军队并成为其精通者所需的所有技巧,窍门和技术。巫师三世的根特护手。

Until then, now that you know how Gwent works and the building blocks for what it takes to get good, you can finally set out on your adventure into the world and start racking up some wins like the power of your deck depends on it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/231239/how-to-play-gwent-in-the-witcher-iii-wild-hunt/


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