


Netflix recommends content based on what you’ve watched, but if it thinks everyone in your household is the same person then its recommendations will be terrible. Here’s how to improve recommendations for everyone with user profiles.

Netflix根据您所观看的内容推荐内容,但是如果它认为您家中的每个人都是同一个人,那么它的推荐将很糟糕。 这是通过用户个人资料为每个人改进建议的方法。

Setting up multiple user profiles benefits everyone. In a family setting, it allows you to separate the viewing habits of the adults and the kids, allows you to take advantage of Netflix’s parental controls and “Kids” profile stocked with age-appropriate content.

设置多个用户配置文件对所有人都有好处。 在家庭环境中,它使您可以区分成年人孩子的观看习惯, 可以利用Netflix的父母控制和存储有适合年龄的内容的“孩子”个人资料。

Even if you’re the sole user in your household, you can still benefit from profiles. You can set up a guest profile for when you have company, so they can watch whatever they want without polluting your recommendation queue. You can also set up multiple profiles for yourself to silo your particular interests based on mood or subject matter. Absolutely love documentaries and horror movies but don’t want to get bombarded with suggestions for one while you’re in the mood for the other? Make a profile for each—it’s super easy.

即使您是家庭中的唯一用户,您仍然可以从个人资料中受益。 您可以在有公司的时候设置访客资料,这样他们就可以观看他们想要的内容而不会污染您的推荐队列。 您还可以为自己设置多个配置文件,以便根据心情或主题确定自己的兴趣爱好。 绝对喜欢纪录片和恐怖电影,但又不想在想另一个的同时受到别人的建议吗? 为每个配置文件-超级简单。

如何创建和管理配置文件 (How to Create and Manage Profiles)

For this tutorial, let’s consider a household where we have a primary user, “Jason”, a secondary adult user “Jenny”, a teenager “Angie”, a preschooler “Stevie”, and that we have frequent visits from relatives and friends so we also want a guest account to serve as a catch-all for their viewing habits.

在本教程中,让我们考虑一个家庭,其中有一个主要用户“ Jason”,一个成年二级用户“ Jenny”,一个青少年“ Angie”,一个学龄前儿童“ Stevie”,并且我们经常拜访亲戚和朋友,因此我们还希望访客帐户能够满足他们的观看习惯。

First things first, log into your Netflix account in a browser. Once logged in, click on your default profile name in the upper right corner to access the drop down menu. Select “Manage Profiles”.

首先,在浏览器中登录您的Netflix帐户。 登录后,单击右上角的默认配置文件名称以访问下拉菜单。 选择“管理个人资料”。

By default, Netflix has both the profile you created when you started the service and their very tightly moderated “Kids” category. Let’s take a moment to look at that category, as it’s already partially configured for our preschooler “Stevie”. (Don’t worry, if you don’t have a little kid in your household this is also the step where you can delete the “Kids” profile if you wish.)

默认情况下,Netflix既具有您在启动服务时创建的配置文件,又具有非常严格的“孩子”类别。 让我们花一点时间看一下该类别,因为它已经为我们的学龄前儿童“ Stevie”进行了部分配置。 (不用担心,如果您家中没有小孩,这也是您可以根据需要删除“孩子”个人资料的步骤。)

Click on “Manage Profiles” to get started.


Click on the pencil icon in the center of the “Kids” profile.


In the screenshot below, you can see four editable options. You can change the profile name, check (and uncheck) “Kid?” to toggle the age settings on and off, change the language, click on the pencil icon on the profile avatar to change it, and change the available content in the “Allowed TV shows and movies” dropdown menu.

在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到四个可编辑的选项。 您可以更改个人资料名称,选中(取消选中)“孩子?” 要打开和关闭年龄设置,更改语言,在个人资料头像上单击铅笔图标以进行更改,以及在“允许的电视节目和电影”下拉菜单中更改可用内容。

You can select “For Little Kids only”, “For Older Kids and Below”, “For Teens and below”, and “All Maturity levels”. For U.S. users, those levels correspond, respectively, to the movie ratings G, PG, PG-13, and R/NC-17/Unrated. For a more detailed breakdown and to see the equivalent rating in your country, check out this Netflix help file.

您可以选择“仅适用于小孩”,“适用于年龄较大的儿童及以下”,“适用于青少年及以下”和“所有成熟度”。 对于美国用户,这些级别分别对应于电影等级G,PG,PG-13和R / NC-17 /未分级。 有关更详细的分类并查看您所在国家/地区的同等评级, 请查看此Netflix帮助文件

Let’s tweak the “Kids” profile to become the profile for Stevie, our preschooler, by updating the name, changing the icon, and tweaking the category to “For Little Kids only” to ensure that Stevie only sees G-rated preschool-level content.


Click “Save” when you’re done (or, if you’re just here to delete the profile to make room for the other adults in your house, you can click “Delete Profile” here).


Now that we’ve dealt with the default “Kids” profile, let’s turn our attention to creating a simpler adult profile. On the Manage Profiles screen, click “Add Profile”.

现在,我们已经处理了默认的“儿童”个人资料,现在让我们将注意力转移到创建更简单的成人个人资料上。 在“管理配置文件”屏幕上,单击“添加配置文件”。

Simply name the adult profile and click “Continue”. You can’t switch the profile avatar when you first create the profile, so if you want to change the avatars wait until the end and edit all of them at once.

只需命名成人个人资料,然后单击“继续”即可。 首次创建配置文件时,您无法切换配置文件的头像,因此,如果要更改头像,请等到最后再一次编辑所有头像。

After creating the “Jenny” profile, we’ll simply create another profile for “Guest” using the same method.

创建“ Jenny”个人资料后,我们将使用相同的方法为“ Guest”创建另一个个人资料。

Now we have three adult profiles in our household for Jason, Jenny, Stevie, and the generic “Guest”. All that’s left is to create a profile for our teenager “Angie”. To do so, we’ll add another profile, but instead of checking the “Kid?” box, which would automatically restrict her to content for kids 12 and under (the G/PG categories), we’ll instead use the “Allowed TV shows and movies” drop down menu to select “For Teens and below” to give her access to PG-13 content.

现在,我们的家庭中有Jason,Jenny,Stevie和通用“ Guest”的三个成人资料。 剩下的就是为我们的少年“ Angie”创建个人资料。 为此,我们将添加另一个个人资料,而不是选中“孩子吗?” 框,该框将自动将她限制为12岁及以下(G / PG类别)儿童的内容,我们将改为使用“允许的电视节目和电影”下拉菜单选择“供青少年及以下”使用PG-13内容。

Our last “just for fun” step, after saving Angie’s profile, is to head back to the main screen and give everybody an avatar that’s more exciting than the default smiley face. Click the pencil icon on each profile to do so and then, within the individual profile click the pencil icon again to select from one of the 13 available avatars.

保存Angie的个人资料后,我们的最后一个“只是为了好玩”步骤是回到主屏幕,并给每个人提供比默认笑脸更令人兴奋的化身。 单击每个配置文件上的铅笔图标,然后在单个配置文件中再次单击铅笔图标,以从13个可用化身中选择一个。

After a few quick edits, we now have five unique profiles tailored to our family, custom avatars and all.


Now when our family and guests watch Netflix on any of the smart TVs or devices in our home they can select a profile that retains their recommendations, saved content lists, continue watching queue, and, in the case of kids, ensures they aren’t watching age-inappropriate content.




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