


The so-called QWERTY keyboard layout–the keyboard most of us use every day–is a typing mainstay. Most people will never need or want to use anything else. But, there are other keyboard layouts out there, some of which claim to be more efficient.

所谓的QWERTY键盘布局(我们大多数人每天使用的键盘)是打字的Struts。 大多数人将永远不需要或不想使用其他任何东西。 但是,还有其他键盘布局,其中一些声称效率更高。

QWERTY, as legend has it, was invented with the typewriter by Christopher Sholes in 1868. The QWERTY layout was developed to space out oft-used letters and prevent the keys from getting jammed (as old typewriters were wont to do). And we’ve been using it ever since.

正如传奇所言,QWERTY是克里斯托弗·肖尔斯(Christopher Sholes)于1868年用打字机发明的。QWERTY布局的开发目的是将常用的字母间隔开,并防止按键被卡住(因为老式打字机不愿意这样做)。 从那时起,我们一直在使用它。

But, that doesn’t mean others haven’t tried to invent something better. Indeed, there are two other oft-tried alternate layouts: Dvorak and Colemak. Dvorak is by far the most popular and routinely mentioned. It is designed to place the most-often used letters on home row, meaning your fingers have to go through fewer motions.

但是,这并不意味着其他人还没有尝试发明更好的东西。 实际上,还有其他两种经常尝试的替代布局:Dvorak和Colemak。 到目前为止,德沃夏克(Dvorak)是最受欢迎和经常提及的。 它旨在将最常用的字母放在主行上,这意味着您的手指只需进行较少的动作即可。

The Dvorak keyboard layout.

The Colemak keyboard, meanwhile, maintains some of the QWERTY layout but does mix things up a bit. The Colemak layout is intended to place the most frequently used letters under the strongest fingers. For example, the “E” key is placed under the right middle finger since E is the most-often used letter in the English language.

同时,Colemak键盘保留了一些QWERTY布局,但确实有些杂乱。 Colemak布局旨在将最常用的字母放在最坚固的手指下。 例如,“ E”键位于右中指下方,因为E是英语中最常用的字母。

The Colemak keyboard layout. (image courtesy of Wikipedia)
Colemak键盘布局。 (图片由维基百科提供)

This only brushes the surface, and we recommend you read our explainer on alternative keyboard layouts for more information on the advantages and disadvantages between QWERTY, Dvorak, and Colemak.


There is one caveat to trying out a new layout, at least on your computer: your old physical QWERTY keyboard won’t change, so you’ll need to try to learn using a printout or similar visual guide.


You could also try rearranging the keys, by prying them off and giving them new locations. This is however, time consuming and on some keyboards, the keys may be designed to fit specifically in their default locations. Plus, you may want to switch back to QWERTY regularly.

您也可以尝试撬开并给它们新的位置来重新排列键。 但是,这很耗时,并且在某些键盘上,按键可能设计为专门适合其默认位置。 另外,您可能需要定期切换回QWERTY。

Alternatively, you could buy a special Dvorak keyboard, but they can be pretty pricey and would imply you’re really devoted to this change.


Perhaps the best compromise is to try using keyboard stickers or even buying a special keyboard overlay. Both these are temporary and far less inexpensive than the previously mentioned options.

最好的折衷办法是尝试使用键盘贴纸 ,甚至购买特殊的键盘覆盖物 。 这两个都是临时的,并且比前面提到的选项便宜得多。

So, let’s say you’ve decided that you want to try to change your keyboard layout to see how Dvorak or Colemak work for you. Here’s how to make Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS use an alternate layout.

因此,假设您已经决定要尝试更改键盘布局,以了解Dvorak或Colemak如何为您工作。 这是使Windows,macOS,Android和iOS使用替代布局的方法。

如何在Windows上更改键盘布局 (How to Change Your Keyboard Layout on Windows)

To change your keyboard layout on Windows to Dvorak (or any other layout), first open the Control Panel. From there, navigate to the Language options.

要将Windows上的键盘布局更改为Dvorak(或其他布局),请首先打开“控制面板”。 从那里导航到语言选项。

If your Control Panel doesn’t look like ours, then first click “View by” and choose “Small icons” then you can click on “Language”.

Once you’re in the Language panel, click on “Options” to the right of the English panel.


In the language options, now click on “Add an input method”.


Choose the Dvorak layout from the list and then click “Add”. There are a lot of alternative layouts available from the selections, but sadly Colemak isn’t one of them. You can however, download and install a Colemak layout using a standalone application.

从列表中选择Dvorak布局,然后单击“添加”。 选择中有很多可用的替代布局,但可惜的是Colemak不是其中之一。 但是,您可以使用独立的应用程序下载并安装Colemak布局

Back on the language options screen, you can now see that Dvorak has been added.


If you’re using Windows 10, there is another way as well. First open the Settings and choose “Time & language”.

如果您使用的是Windows 10,则还有另一种方法。 首先打开设置,然后选择“时间和语言”。

Click open “Region & language” then click “English (United States)” and then “Options” from the resulting selections.


Click “Add a keyboard” and choose the Dvorak layout from the the choices.


Now you can change to the Dvorak layout anytime by clicking on the language selector in the taskbar and choosing it from the popup menu.


You can quickly switch between keyboard layouts using “Alt+Shift”.
您可以使用“ Alt + Shift”在键盘布局之间快速切换。

Though it might look slightly different, the language selector should still be located in the same place on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10.

尽管语言选择器可能看起来略有不同,但语言选择器仍应位于Windows 7,Windows 8.1和Windows 10上的同一位置。

在Mac上更改键盘布局 (Changing Your Keyboard Layout on a Mac)

To change your keyboard layout on a Mac, first open the System Preferences, then click open “Keyboard”.


In the Keyboard preferences, click the “Input Sources” tab and then the “+” sign in the bottom left corner.

在“键盘”偏好设置中,单击“输入源”选项卡,然后单击左下角的“ +”号。

Now, from the list of English sources, choose Dvorak, Colemak or whatever layout you desire.


Once your alternative layouts are installed, you can access them quickly and easily from the menu bar.


如何在Android上更改键盘布局 (How to Change Your Keyboard Layout on Android)

In Android, you can change to other foreign keyboard layouts or the Dvorak or Colemak layout using the official Google Keyboard. To make this change, open Settings and tap “Language & input”.

在Android中,您可以使用官方的Google键盘更改为其他外来键盘布局或Dvorak或Colemak布局。 要进行此更改,请打开“设置”,然后点击“语言和输入法”。

On the next screen make sure the “Google Keyboard” is assigned under Current Keyboard. If not, tap “Current Keyboard”.

在下一个屏幕上,确保在“当前键盘”下分配了“ Google键盘”。 如果没有,请点击“当前键盘”。

The selector screen will have your available keyboards you can set, choose “Google Keyboard”. If you don’t see it, first make sure it is installed.

选择器屏幕将提供您可以设置的可用键盘,选择“ Google键盘”。 如果看不到,请首先确保已安装

If you don’t see Google Keyboard and you know it is installed, then make sure it is on. Tap “Choose Keyboards”.

如果您没有看到Google键盘并且知道它已经安装,请确保它已打开。 点击“选择键盘”。

Now, tap on “Google Keyboard” to add it to your available keyboard selections.

现在,点击“ Google键盘”将其添加到您可用的键盘选择中。

Once you’ve selected the Google Keyboard, you can now add other keyboard layouts. Back on the language & input screen, tap “Google Keyboard”.

选择Google键盘后,您现在可以添加其他键盘布局。 返回语言和输入屏幕,点击“ Google键盘”。

On the next screen, tap “Preferences”.


You can either override the default German and French layouts here, or add new ones using the “+” symbol in the upper-right corner. Whatever you decide, you will then need to choose your language (English (US) in this case) and then the layout, then tap “Save”.

您可以在此处覆盖默认的德语和法语布局,也可以使用右上角的“ +”符号添加新的布局。 无论您决定什么,都需要选择语言(在这种情况下为英语(美国)),然后选择布局,然后点击“保存”。

As you can see, we now have both layouts available if you want to use them.


From the Google Keyboard settings screen, now tap “Languages”.


Activate Colemak and Dvorak in the active input methods.


Now, in any app that utilizes text input, tap and hold the globe key in the lower-left corner until the change keyboard options appear.


Now you can switch between various layout on the fly.


2016-07-25 20.16.56

Note, this works just the same for foreign layouts as well so if you ever need to switch to Russian or French, then you can use this method to add and activate whatever keyboard you require.


如何在iOS上更改键盘布局 (How to Change the Keyboard Layout on iOS)

Just like with Android, iOS doesn’t come with any alternative keyboard layouts, unlike Android, it’s not free. We did find one, though, that only costs $0.99 and seemed to do nicely.

就像Android一样,iOS没有其他替代键盘布局,与Android不同,它不是免费的。 不过,我们确实找到了一款,价格仅为0.99美元,而且看上去还不错。

The Dvorak + Colemak Keyboards app has both keyboard layouts and can be had from the App Store.

Dvorak + Colemak键盘应用程序具有两种键盘布局,可以从App Store获得。

Once installed, open the Settings and tap “General”.


In the General settings, tap “Keyboard”.


Once you’re in the Keyboards settings, tap on the “Keyboards” button.


In the Keyboards settings, tap “Add New Keyboard…”.


From the offerings on the Add New Keyboard screen, we tap “Dvorak+Colemak”.

从“添加新键盘”屏幕上的产品中,点击“ Dvorak + Colemak”。

And, we can then activate one or the other or both, then tap “Done”.


With that, your alternative keyboard layouts are now active and can be selected from any keyboard screen by tapping the globe icon in the lower-left corner.



Of course, with any of these systems, you’re not limited solely to Dvorak or Colemak. Indeed, if you intend to type anything in Russian or Arabic or Chinese, you will be able to change your keyboard layout to suit you.

当然,使用这些系统中的任何一个,您都不仅限于Dvorak或Colemak。 确实,如果您打算用俄语,阿拉伯语或中文键入任何内容,则可以更改键盘布局以适合您。

With these alternative English layouts, however, you can challenge yourself to learn a new way of typing and perhaps even bolster your speed and accuracy in the process. It won’t be necessarily a fast or easy process, especially if you’ve been using QWERTY for your whole life, but you might find they work better for you, perhaps even reducing typing fatigue.

但是,使用这些替代的英语版式,您可能会挑战自己,学习一种新的打字方式,甚至可能提高过程的速度和准确性。 这不一定是一个快速或简单的过程,尤其是如果您一生都在使用QWERTY,但是您可能会发现它们对您更有效,甚至可以减轻打字疲劳。

So, what do you have to lose? As you can see, it’s a rather simple process, and could actually be a lot of fun and best of all, it’s free if you use Windows, Mac, or Android, and if you use an iPhone, you get two keyboard layouts for the low price of $0.99.

那么,你要失去什么呢? 如您所见,这是一个相当简单的过程,实际上可能会很有趣,而且最好的是,如果您使用Windows,Mac或Android,则它是免费的;如果您使用iPhone,则可以得到两种键盘布局0.99美元的低价。

Image credits: Wikipedia Dvorak, Wikipedia Colemak

图片来源: Wikipedia DvorakWikipedia Colemak

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/263849/how-to-switch-to-dvorak-and-other-keyboard-layouts-on-your-computer-or-phone/






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