



Smart thermostats are convenient, and claim they can save you a lot of money on your energy bills. But is a smart thermostat actually worth the price and effort?

智能恒温器非常方便,声称可以为您节省大量电费。 但是,智能恒温器确实值得付出代价和精力吗?

智能恒温器的作用 (What Smart Thermostats Do)

If you don’t know much about smart thermostats, you might think they’re magical devices that can completely change the way you heat and cool your house. That’s….slightly true, we suppose.

如果您对智能恒温器了解不多,您可能会认为它们是神奇的设备,可以完全改变您为房屋供暖和制冷的方式。 我们认为……是的。


Smart thermostats allow you to change various thermostat settings from your smartphone–and, in some cases, a web browser, computer, or with your voice using a device like the Amazon Echo. This adds a new level of convenience, as you can turn up the A/C when you’re on your way home from vacation, so it’s nice and cool by the time you walk through the front door. Or, you can crank up the heat while you’re curled up on the couch, without having to walk across the house.

使用智能恒温器,您可以从智能手机(有时在Web浏览器,计算机上)或使用诸如Amazon Echo之类的声音来更改各种恒温器设置。 这增加了一个新的便利级别,因为您在放假回家时可以打开空调,所以当您走进前门时,它既酷又酷。 或者,您可以在curl缩在沙发上时提高热量,而不必走动房屋。

Most smart thermostats also allow you to view your usage history and see when the heating or cooling kicked on and at what time that occurred, giving you a better idea of just how often your system is running.


Perhaps the biggest feature of smart thermostats, at least in some cases, is the ability to learn your adjustment habits. The Nest Thermostat, for instance, can learn over time when you’re home or away, and how warm or cool you like your house to be at different times throughout the day, without you needing to program it manually. You just adjust the thermostat whenever you want, and it’ll learn those habits.

至少在某些情况下,智能恒温器的最大功能也许是学习调节习惯的能力。 例如, Nest Thermostat可以随着时间的流逝学习您在家中或外出时的情况,以及一天中不同时间您喜欢房子的温度如何,而无需手动进行编程。 您只需在需要时调节恒温器,它就会学习这些习惯。

那么,如何“省钱”呢? (So How Does That “Save Money”?)

All this sounds great, and if you’re in the market for a new thermostat–or just want to make your life a little easier–a smart thermostat seems like a no-brainer. But there are a few other things to consider.

所有这些听起来都很棒,而且如果您正在市场上寻找一款新的恒温器,或者只是想让自己的生活更轻松一点,那么智能恒温器似乎就是理所当然的事情。 但是还有其他一些需要考虑的事情。


Cost is probably the biggest downside, seeing that most smart thermostats are priced at around $250, whereas a traditional, basic programmable thermostat can be had for as little as $25.


That means that those extra capabilities–smartphone access, usage history, the ability to have your thermostat adjust temperature settings for you, and other bells and whistles–cost an extra $225 or so.


Of course, the extra cash you spend on a smart thermostat will save you more money in the long run, right? Smart thermostats are marketed as having the ability to easily save you money on your energy costs, and they certainly can.

当然,从长远来看,您花在智能恒温器上的额外现金将为您节省更多的钱,对吗? 市场上销售的智能恒温器具有轻松为您节省能源成本的能力,而且肯定可以

However, that’s really only because the thermostat can learn your adjustment habits and optimize the heating and cooling, turning down the A/C during the day when you’re at work and turning it back up when you get home. A basic programmable thermostat can do the exact same thing, but it’s much more of a hassle to program using those clunky buttons. Smart thermostats are much quicker and easier to program, and some (like the Nest) can do it all automatically, making it even easier.

但是,这实际上仅是因为恒温器可以了解您的调节习惯并优化供暖和制冷,在您上班期间将空调调低,而在您回家时将其调高。 基本的可编程恒温器可以完成完全相同的操作,但是使用那些笨拙的按钮进行编程更麻烦。 智能恒温器可以更快,更轻松地进行编程,并且某些恒温器(例如Nest)可以自动完成所有操作,从而更加轻松


So on their own, smart thermostats probably won’t save you any more money than a basic, programmable thermostat. And, if your house isn’t optimized for airflow and ventilation, then you have much bigger problems than just the thermostat.

因此,就其本身而言,智能恒温器可能不会比基本的可编程恒温器节省更多的钱。 而且, 如果您的房屋没有针对气流和通风进行优化 ,那么您将遇到的问题不仅仅是恒温器。

But if you aren’t going to take the time to program the thermostat you already have–because it’s just too much of a pain–a smart thermostat could be a wise investment, since it can program itself for you (or at least make it a lot easier than a traditional thermostat). The remote access capabilities alone could be worth the extra money, too. Many people, including myself, prefer to have full (or at least most) manual control over the thermostat, and the remote access is handy–I can simply open up the smartphone app and change the temperature on the thermostat, no matter where I’m at in the world.

但是,如果您不花时间对已有的恒温器进行编程(因为这太痛苦了),那么智能恒温器可能是明智的投资,因为它可以为您自己编程(或至少可以自行制造) 很多比传统的自动调温器更容易)。 单独的远程访问功能也可能值得花额外的钱。 包括我自己在内的许多人都希望对恒温器进行完全(或至少大多数)手动控制,并且远程访问非常方便–无论我在哪里,我都可以打开智能手机应用程序并更改恒温器的温度。在世界上。

In the end, you probably don’t need a smart thermostat, and they won’t necessarily save you more money on your energy bills on their own (unless your current thermostat is so obtuse that you aren’t programming it optimally). But they’re certainly more convenient, and if you aren’t taking the time to use your thermostat the way it was designed, a smart thermostat could save you a few bucks while making your life easier.

最后,您可能不需要智能恒温器,并且它们不一定会为您自己节省更多的电费(除非您当前的恒温器太笨拙以至于您无法对其进行最佳编程)。 但是它们肯定更方便,如果您不花时间按照设计的方式使用恒温器,那么智能恒温器可以为您节省几美元,同时使您的生活更轻松。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/265170/can-a-smart-thermostat-actually-save-you-money/


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