



If you have certain webpages that you visit every time you open your browser, you can save time by having them automatically open when you start your browser. We’ll show you how to set this up in the five most popular browsers.

如果您每次打开浏览器都访问某些网页,则可以通过在启动浏览器时自动打开它们来节省时间。 我们将向您展示如何在五个最受欢迎的浏览器中进行设置。

For example, we want visit to How-To Geek and Google’s advanced search page every time we open our browser, so we’re going to set up each browser to open these two websites automatically.

例如,我们每次打开浏览器时都想访问How-To Geek和Google的高级搜索页面,因此我们将设置每个浏览器以自动打开这两个网站。

Chrome (Chrome)

Open Chrome and, on separate tabs, visit the webpages you want to open automatically when you open the browser. Then, click the Chrome menu button (three horizontal bars) in the upper-right corner of the window and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

打开Chrome,然后在单独的标签上访问您要在打开浏览器时自动打开的网页。 然后,点击窗口右上角的Chrome菜单按钮(三个水平栏),然后从下拉菜单中选择“设置”。


The Settings screen opens on a new tab, unless you chose to have the Settings open in a separate window. In the On startup section, select the “Open a specific page or set of pages” option and then click the “Set pages” link.

除非您选择在单独的窗口中打开设置” ,否则“设置”屏幕会在新标签上打开。 在“启动时”部分中,选择“打开特定页面或页面集”选项,然后单击“设置页面”链接。


On the Startup pages dialog box, click “Use current pages”.



All the webpages you currently have open on tabs in the browser (except for the Settings tab) are listed on the Startup pages dialog box. If you want to add another webpage that’s not currently open, type the URL for that webpage in the “Add a new page” box and press Enter. Click “OK” once you have your list of webpages.

当前在浏览器选项卡中打开的所有网页(“设置”选项卡除外)都在“启动页面”对话框中列出。 如果要添加另一个当前未打开的网页,请在“添加新页面”框中键入该网页的URL,然后按Enter。 有了网页列表后,请单击“确定”。


NOTE: To remove a webpage from the list, move the mouse over the webpage and click the “X” button on the right.

注意:要从列表中删除网页,请将鼠标移到该网页上,然后单击右侧的“ X”按钮。


To close the Settings tab, click the X” button on the right side of the tab or press Ctrl+W on your keyboard.

要关闭“设置”标签,请点击标签右侧的X”按钮,或按键盘上的Ctrl + W。


火狐浏览器 (Firefox)

Open Firefox and, on separate tabs, visit the webpages you want to open automatically when you open the browser. Then, click the Firefox menu button (three horizontal bars) in the upper-right corner of the window and click “Options” on the drop-down menu.

打开Firefox,然后在单独的选项卡上访问要在打开浏览器时自动打开的网页。 然后,单击窗口右上角的Firefox菜单按钮(三个水平条),然后在下拉菜单上单击“选项”。


Make sure the General screen is active and then select “Show my home page” from the When Firefox starts drop-down list, if it’s not already the chosen option.



Under the Home Page box, click “Use Current Pages”.



The URLs for all the open tabs (except for the Options tab) are added to the Home Page box, separated by vertical bars. To close the Options tab, click the “X” button on the right side of the tab or press Ctrl+W on your keyboard.

所有打开的选项卡(“选项”选项卡除外)的URL添加到“首页”框中,并用竖线分隔。 要关闭“选项”选项卡,请单击选项卡右侧的“ X”按钮或按键盘上的Ctrl + W。


To remove a webpage from the Home Page box, select the URL for the webpage and a vertical bar on the right or left of that URL and delete the selection. However, you can also just follow the above steps again to set up different Home Page URLs.

要从“主页”框中删除网页,请选择该网页的URL,然后在该URL的右侧或左侧选择一个竖线,然后删除选择。 但是,您也可以再次按照上述步骤设置不同的首页URL。

歌剧 (Opera)

Open Opera and, on separate tabs, visit the webpages you want to open automatically when you open the browser. Then, click the Opera Menu button in the upper-left corner of the window and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu. You can also simply press Alt+P to open the Settings.

打开Opera,然后在单独的选项卡上访问要在打开浏览器时自动打开的网页。 然后,单击窗口左上角的Opera菜单按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择“设置”。 您也可以直接按Alt + P打开“设置”。


The Settings screen opens on a new tab. Make sure the Basic screen is active. Select the “Open a specific page or set of pages” option and then click the “Set pages” link.

设置屏幕在新选项卡上打开。 确保基本屏幕处于活动状态。 选择“打开特定页面或一组页面”选项,然后单击“设置页面”链接。


On the Startup pages dialog box, click “Use current pages”.



All the webpages you currently have open on tabs in the browser (except for the Settings tab) are listed on the Startup pages dialog box. If you want to add another webpage that’s not currently open, type the URL for that webpage in the “Add a new page” box and press Enter. Click “OK” once you have your list of webpages.

当前在浏览器选项卡中打开的所有网页(“设置”选项卡除外)都在“启动页面”对话框中列出。 如果要添加另一个当前未打开的网页,请在“添加新页面”框中键入该网页的URL,然后按Enter。 有了网页列表后,请单击“确定”。


NOTE: To remove a webpage from the list, move the mouse over the webpage and click the “X” button on the right.

注意:要从列表中删除网页,请将鼠标移到该网页上,然后单击右侧的“ X”按钮。


To close the Settings tab, click the “X” button on the right side of the tab, or press Ctrl+W on your keyboard.

要关闭“设置”标签,请单击标签右侧的“ X”按钮,或按键盘上的Ctrl + W。


IE浏览器 (Internet Explorer)

Open Internet Explorer and, on separate tabs, visit the webpages you want to open automatically when you open the browser. Then, click the gear button in the upper-right corner of the window and select “Internet options” from the drop-down menu.

打开Internet Explorer,然后在单独的选项卡上访问要在打开浏览器时自动打开的网页。 然后,单击窗口右上角的齿轮按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择“ Internet选项”。


On the Internet Options dialog box, make sure “Start with home page” is selected in the Startup section. Then, click “Use current” in the Home page section.

在“ Internet选项”对话框上,确保在“启动”部分中选择了“从首页开始”。 然后,在“主页”部分中单击“使用当前”。


Each URL is placed on a separate line in the Home page box. Click “OK” to accept the change and close the dialog box.

每个URL都放在“首页”框中的单独一行上。 单击“确定”接受更改并关闭对话框。


To remove a webpage from the Home page box, select the URL for the webpage and delete it. You can also follow the above steps again to set up different Home page URLs.

要从“主页”框中删除网页,请选择该网页的URL并将其删除。 您也可以再次按照上述步骤设置不同的首页URL。

微软Edge (Microsoft Edge)

Microsoft Edge is different than the other browsers, and webpages you want to open automatically when the browser opens must be set up manually. Open Microsoft Edge and click the menu button (three dots in a row) in the upper-right corner of the browser window. Then, select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

Microsoft Edge与其他浏览器不同,要在浏览器打开时自动打开的网页必须手动设置。 打开Microsoft Edge,然后单击浏览器窗口右上角的菜单按钮(连续三个点)。 然后,从下拉菜单中选择“设置”。


On the Settings pane, select the “A specific page or pages” option under Open with (1), and select “Custom” in the drop-down list below the option (2). Then, enter one of the URLs you want to open automatically in the box below the drop-down list (3) and click the “Add” button (4). Repeat (3) and (4) for each webpage you want to open automatically when you open the browser.

在“设置”窗格上,选择“打开方式(1)”下的“一个或多个特定页面”选项,然后在选项(2)下方的下拉列表中选择“自定义”。 然后,在下拉列表(3)下方的框中输入要自动打开的URL之一,然后单击“添加”按钮(4)。 打开浏览器时,对于要自动打开的每个网页重复(3)和(4)。


To remove a webpage from the list, click the “X” button to the right of the URL. Click anywhere to the right, outside the Settings pane to close it.

要从列表中删除网页,请单击URL右侧的“ X”按钮。 单击“设置”窗格外部右侧的任意位置以将其关闭。


You can choose to open as many webpages as you want automatically when the browser opens.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/266481/how-to-open-a-specific-set-of-webpages-when-you-start-your-browser/






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