


We love Slack, and chances are if you use Slack for your business or organization, then you love it too. Slack is super easy to use, and maybe you’ve already figured out many of its tricks but you could always know more.

我们喜欢Slack, 如果您将Slack用于您的企业或组织,那么您也很可能会喜欢它。 Slack非常易于使用,也许您已经发现了许多技巧,但您总能了解更多。

The Internet-fueled Slack love fest seems to show no signs of stopping. It has transformed how organizations communicate though at its heart it remains a very simple chat client. Slack derives its appeal from its friendly appearance, extensibility, and amazing feature set.

互联网推动的Slack爱情节似乎没有停止的迹象。 尽管它仍然是一个非常简单的聊天客户端,但它改变了组织的通信方式。 Slack的吸引力在于其友好的外观,可扩展性和惊人的功能集。

This doesn’t necessarily mean, however, that everyone is intimately acquainted with everything Slack can do. Truth is, even we aren’t, and so we’re learning new things all the time. To that end, we’ve compiled a short list of some of our favorite tips and time-saving Slack tips.

但是,这不一定意味着每个人都熟悉Slack可以做的一切。 事实是,即使我们不是,所以我们一直在学习新事物。 为此,我们整理了一些最喜欢的技巧和省时的Slack技巧的简短列表。

所有键盘快捷键 (All the Keyboard Shortcuts)

First, your keyboard shortcuts. We are true lovers of keyboard shortcuts around here, so it makes sense that we would be keenly interested in them for Slack. If you use the keyboard shortcut “Command + /” on Mac, or “Control + /” on Windows, it will pull up the keyboard shortcuts screen.

首先,您的键盘快捷键。 我们是这里附近键盘快捷键的真正爱好者 ,因此对于Slack我们将对其非常感兴趣是有道理的。 如果在Mac上使用键盘快捷键“ Command + /”,在Windows上使用“ Control + /”,它将拉起键盘快捷键屏幕。

Slack keyboard shortcuts on the Mac app.

This is a really important keyboard shortcut to know, but it’s not the only one. To become truly efficient keyboarding your way around the app, spend some time poking around and learn what you can do.

这是一个非常重要的键盘快捷键,但并非唯一。 要真正成为围绕应用程序的高效键盘输入方式,请花一些时间在周围学习并了解您可以做什么。

Slack shortcuts on the Windows app.

Keep in mind, whatever you learn on OS X will be different than Windows, and vice versa. Still if you’re acquainted with the differences between the two platforms (usually just “Command” versus “Control”), and you use the “/” shortcut to pull up the keyboard page for reference, then you should have no problems.

请记住,您在OS X上学到的一切都将不同于Windows,反之亦然。 仍然,如果您熟悉两个平台之间的差异(通常只是“命令”与“控制”),并且使用“ /”快捷方式来拉起键盘页面以供参考,那么您应该没有问题。

链接到松弛链接 (Linking to Slack Links)

Did someone in your organization say something funny or notable that you want call attention to in your exchanges? Right-click on a message’s timestamp or long-press on the message in the mobile app, and copy the Slack link.

您的组织中是否有人在交流中说出一些有趣或值得注意的事情要引起您的注意? 右键单击消息的时间戳,或在移动应用中长按该消息,然后复制Slack链接。

You can then paste it into your chat.


This is a great way to draw attention to or cite stuff previously mentioned. Just remember to star any messages you want to refer to because they can quickly become lost in the crush of other chatter.

这是吸引注意力或引用前面提到的内容的好方法。 只需记住对要引用的任何消息加注星标,因为它们会很快在其他聊天者的迷恋中迷失。

快速切换器 (The Quick Switcher)

Pointing and clicking is so inefficient when you can simply use “Command + K” (Mac) or “Control + K” (Windows) to effortlessly switch between channels and colleagues.

当您只需使用“ Command + K”(Mac)或“ Control + K”(Windows)轻松地在频道和同事之间切换时,指向和单击效率很低。

Once you’ve opened the quick switcher, you can type the first few letters of your destination and hit “Enter” to select it. This saves a ton of time over selecting each channel with the mouse.

打开快速切换器后,您可以输入目的地的前几个字母,然后按“ Enter”将其选中。 与用鼠标选择每个通道相比,这样可以节省大量时间。

/用于命令 (/ for Commands)

If you hit the “/” key in the compose window, it will bring up a list of commands.

如果在撰写窗口中按“ /”键,它将弹出命令列表。

You may find many of these particularly useful, such as changing your status to away, opening the preferences, setting reminders, and much more. Think of these as supercharged keyboard shortcuts, just a “/” and quick word and you can make quick work of simple tasks.

您可能会发现其中许多特别有用的功能,例如将状态更改为离开,打开首选项,设置提醒等等。 可以将它们看作是增压的键盘快捷键,只是一个“ /”和快捷词,您可以快速完成简单的任务。

提醒我们 (That Reminds Us)

Speaking of reminders, they’re highly useful if you find yourself caught up in work, and you need to prompt yourself later to do something important. You can use the command “/remind” to have the Slackbot shoot you a message reminding you to message someone, or type an email, or simply to pick up some milk from the store.

说到提醒,如果您发现自己陷入工作中,并且以后需要提醒自己做一些重要的事情,它们将非常有用。 您可以使用命令“ / remind”让Slackbot向您发送一条消息,提醒您向某人发送消息,或者键入电子邮件,或者只是从商店中取些牛奶。

On the appointed time, the Slackbot will shoot you a friendly reminder.


So, if you’re running errands or simply overwhelmed with work, then you’ll get a ping just as if someone were sending you direct message.


编辑你说的话 (Editing What You Say)

Most Slack users probably know by now that you can edit whatever you type by clicking on the the little gear icon next to your message and selecting “Edit” (or “Delete” if you just want to make it go away).


If you want to quickly edit what you just typed, just hit the up arrow.


This only works for the most recent message. If you type several more messages in the interim and then notice your mistake, you’ll have to resort to the former method to edit it.

这仅适用于最新消息。 如果在此期间再输入几则消息,然后注意到您的错误,则必须使用前一种方法进行编辑。

Just remember, you will need to long-press on the mobile app to access the edit function, such as here in the Android version.


固定物品 (Pinning Items)

Have an important item you want to make stick.You may have noticed the “Pin to” item in an earlier screenshot. Maybe you’ve some rules you want everyone to be on the same page about, or a daily quote to inspire your team.

有一个重要的项目要贴。您可能已经注意到了先前屏幕截图中的“固定到”项目。 也许您有一些规则,希望每个人都在同一页面上,或者每天报价以激发您的团队。

Regardless, you can pin an item and it will then stay stuck where everyone can see it. Just click the little “i” by the Search feature to see all the pinned items in a channel.

无论如何,您可以固定一个项目,然后该项目将停留在每个人都能看到的位置。 只需单击搜索功能旁边的小“ i”即可查看频道中所有固定的项目。

You probably don’t want to pin all the things you find notable. For everything else, remember you can use the star system to hold on to useful bits of information that you need to refer back to at a later time.

您可能不想固定所有您认为值得注意的东西。 对于其他所有内容,请记住,您可以使用star系统保留一些有用的信息,这些信息需要您稍后参考。

标记为已读或未读 (Mark as Read or Unread)

Managing your messages’ read states is a good way to remind you where you left off in a conversation. To essentially mark your place in a conversation, just hold the “Alt” key (any platform) and select where you would like to mark as unread. Anything beyond that point will be considered new messages.

管理邮件的阅读状态是提醒您在对话中离开的地方的好方法。 要本质上标记您在对话中的位置,只需按住“ Alt”键(在任何平台上),然后选择要标记为未读的位置即可。 超出此范围的任何内容都将被视为新消息。

On the flip side, if you want to mark a channel as read, hit the “Esc” key.

另一方面,如果要将频道标记为已读,请按“ Esc”键。

If you want to clear out all your instant messages and new items in every channel, then you can use “Shift + Esc” combination.

如果要清除每个频道中的所有即时消息和新项目,则可以使用“ Shift + Esc”组合键。

Slack will pop up with a warning message if you try to do this. You can tell it not to ask you again, so just be careful with this newfound power.

如果尝试这样做,Slack将弹出警告消息。 您可以告诉它不要再问您,因此请小心使用此新发现的功能。

检查您的提及 (Checking Your Mentions)

Things can happen quickly on Slack, especially if everyone is feeling chatty. You may end up at some point with several mentions and scrolling back to find out what people have been saying about you may not be so simple.

在Slack上,事情很快就会发生,尤其是当每个人都感到健谈的时候。 您可能会在某个时候结束时提到几处,然后回滚以了解人们一直在谈论您的话题可能不是那么简单。

Thankfully, you can check your mentions, which are all compiled in one handy location.


In the iOS app, your recent mentions and other important features are accessible by clicking the menu icon in the upper-right corner.


In the Slack app for Android, you just tap the “@” symbol on the home screen.

在适用于Android的Slack应用中,您只需点击主屏幕上的“ @”符号。

Now you will never miss another important discussion wherein you are mentioned.


格式化消息 (Formatting Your Messages)

Finally, you can format text, such as if you want to emphasize or draw attention to a certain point.


When composing messages in Slack, use asterisks to *bold* items and underscores to _italicize_. 

使用Slack编写邮件时,请使用星号* 粗体*项目,并在下划线_ 斜体 _

There are other things you can do as well, such as making lists. When you use the “Shift + Enter” you create a line break, which means you can number a list or create bullet points.

您还可以做其他事情,例如列出清单。 使用“ Shift + Enter”时,将创建一个换行符,这意味着您可以为列表编号或创建项目符号点。

Finally, one other important formatting note is that you can create block quotes using >. Use more to indent multiple paragraphs, as seen in the following screenshot.

最后,另一个重要的格式设置注意事项是您可以使用>创建块引号。 使用更多缩进多个段落,如以下屏幕截图所示。

We know it sounds pretty mundane and you might be thinking “so?” but just being able to do simple little tricks like this can really put you ahead of the rest of the Slackers. If you want to learn more about formatting text in Slack, make sure to check out their help page devoted to the subject.

我们知道这听起来很平凡,您可能会想“是吗?” 但是只要能够做一些简单的小技巧就可以使您真正领先于其他Slackers。 如果您想了解有关在Slack中设置文本格式的更多信息,请确保查看其专用于该主题的帮助页面

The old adage “communication is key” sounds a little cliche but it’s a simple truth and for How-to Geek at least, Slack has really elevated our daily communications and how we get things done. Then again, there’s always more we can learn to make it better. We hope then that you find these tips essential and they greatly improve how you use Slack in your organization.

古老的格言“沟通是关键”听起来有些陈词滥调,但这是一个简单的道理,至少对于How-to Geek而言,Slack确实提高了我们的日常沟通和完成工作的方式。 再说一遍,我们总有更多的东西可以学习来使它变得更好。 我们希望然后您发现这些提示至关重要,并且它们可以极大地改善您在组织中使用Slack的方式。

Of course, there are no doubt other useful things that we didn’t mention. If you would like to suggest your favorite Slack power user tips, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

当然,毫无疑问,我们没有提到其他有用的东西。 如果您想提出自己喜欢的Slack高级用户提示,请在我们的论坛中留下您的反馈。







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