


Keyboard Mystery Hero Image

You’re typing on your laptop and, suddenly, some of the keys start registering as numbers and symbols instead of letters. What’s going on? Most likely, the answer lies with your Num Lock key. Here’s why—and how to fix it.

您在笔记本电脑上打字时,突然有些键开始注册为数字和符号,而不是字母。 这是怎么回事? 答案很可能取决于您的Num Lock键。 这就是原因以及解决方法。

什么是Num Lock? (What is Num Lock?)

Num Lock, short for “number lock,” is a feature of PC keyboards dating back to the very first IBM PC in 1981. To save room on the keyboard, IBM decided to make keys on the numeric keypad do double duty as both number keys and cursor keys. To switch modes between them, IBM introduced the Num Lock key.

Num Lock(数字锁定)的缩写,是自1981年第一台IBM PC以来的PC键盘的一项功能。为节省键盘空间,IBM决定使数字小键盘上的兼作两个数字键和光标键。 为了在它们之间切换模式,IBM引入了Num Lock键。

Here is an example of a typical numeric keypad location on a desktop keyboard.


Numeric keypad on an IBM Model M Keyboard
Benj Edwards

With Num Lock turned on, the numeric keypad on a desktop PC works like an adding machine keypad with numbers and symbols (such as *, /, and +) that represent mathematical operations. With Num Lock turned off, the keypad registers as cursor keys (like up and down arrow) and some editing keys (such as Home and Insert).

启用Num Lock时,台式PC上的数字小键盘的工作方式类似于带有表示数学运算的数字和符号(例如*,/和+)的加法键盘。 关闭Num Lock后,小键盘会注册为光标键(如上下箭头)和一些编辑键(如Home和Insert)。

笔记本电脑上的Num Lock有什么不同? (What’s Different About Num Lock on a Laptop?)

Most laptops don’t have dedicated numeric keypads, so Num Lock works differently on them. Instead of changing cursor keys into numbers, it converts a section of the QWERTY letters on the keyboard into a virtual numeric keypad.

大多数笔记本电脑没有专用的数字键盘,因此Num Lock在其上的工作方式有所不同。 它没有将光标键更改为数字,而是将键盘上的QWERTY字母的一部分转换为虚拟数字键盘。

Here is an example a keyboard made by Acer for a Windows 10 laptop. When you press the Num Lock key (seen here highlit in a red rectangle), 15 of the keys switch modes into a simulated numeric keypad. When you push them, they register as the symbol highlit in the red circle.

这是Acer为Windows 10笔记本电脑制作的键盘示例。 当您按下Num Lock键(在此处以红色矩形突出显示)时,有15个键将模式切换为模拟数字键盘。 按下它们时,它们会注册为红色圆圈中突出显示的符号。

Example of num lock keys on a laptop keyboard
Benj Edwards

Your laptop will most likely look different than this, but many manufacturers use some variation of using keys on the right side of the keyboard as a numeric keypad with Num Lock.

您的笔记本电脑看上去很可能与此不同,但是许多制造商使用键盘右侧的一些按键作为带有Num Lock的数字键盘使用一些变体。

As a result, if you hit the Num Lock key by accident on a laptop, you might have a problem that looks like this.

如此一来,如果您在笔记本电脑上无意中按下了Num Lock键,则可能会出现如下问题。

Example of num lock accidentaly turned on with a laptop

In this case, you’re typing numbers instead of letters because the Num Lock key is turned on. Here’s how to turn it off.

在这种情况下,您将输入数字而不是字母,因为Num Lock键已打开。 这是关闭它的方法。

如何关闭笔记本电脑上的数字锁定 (How to Turn Off Num Lock on a Laptop)

The first step to turning off Num Lock is to find the Num Lock key on your laptop’s keyboard. Its location can vary wildly by laptop manufacturer, but it is usually located in the upper-right corner of the keyboard.

关闭Num Lock的第一步是在笔记本电脑的键盘上找到Num Lock键。 它的位置可能因笔记本电脑制造商而异,但通常位于键盘的右上角。

Look for a small key that says some variation of “Num Lock,” “NumLk,” or even a small lock symbol with a number 1 inside.

寻找一个小钥匙,上面写着“ Num Lock”,“ NumLk”的某种变体,或者甚至是里面带有数字1的小锁符号。

For example, here is the Num Lock key’s location on an Acer laptop.

例如,这是Acer笔记本电脑上Num Lock键的位置。

An example laptop numlock key
Benj Edwards

In this case, the Num Lock key doubles as the F12 key, and it defaults to being Num Lock.

在这种情况下,Num Lock键将同时用作F12键,并且默认为Num Lock。

Some laptops may require you to hold down a Function key (commonly labeled “Fn”) while pushing Num Lock to toggle it on or off.

某些笔记本电脑可能会要求您在按住Num Lock来打开或关闭功能键的同时按下功能键(通常标记为“ Fn”)。

Also, some laptop keyboards may have an indicator light showing whether Num Lock is turned on or off. For example, this YouTube video shows the location of the Num Lock key and its indicator light on a Sony VAIO notebook keyboard.

另外,某些笔记本电脑键盘上的指示灯可能会显示Num Lock是打开还是关闭。 例如,此YouTube视频在Sony VAIO笔记本键盘上显示Num Lock键的位置及其指示灯。

Your laptop will vary. If you have trouble locating your Num Lock key, try searching for a combination of your manufacturer name + “laptop” + “numlock key location” on Google, and you might find a websites with instructions specific to your laptop. For example, Google “lenovo laptop numlock key location,” and you will find information about the Num Lock key on various ThinkPad laptops.

您的笔记本电脑会有所不同。 如果您在查找Num Lock键时遇到问题,请尝试在Google上搜索制造商名称+“笔记本电脑” +“ numlock键位置”的组合,然后您可能会找到一个网站,其中包含笔记本电脑专用说明。 例如,谷歌“ lenovo笔记本电脑numlock键位置”,您将在各种ThinkPad笔记本电脑上找到有关Num Lock键的信息。

预防未来的Num Lock事故 (Preventing Future Num Lock Accidents)

Now that you know about the Num Lock key, you can easily turn it off if you ever accidentally find yourself typing numbers again. If you’d like to receive an audible alert when you push the Num Lock key, follow this guide to make your computer play a sound when you type the Num Lock key, so you’ll know if you pressed it by accident. There’s also a way to see a notification in your Task Bar if you turn on Num Lock.

现在您已经知道Num Lock键了,如果您不小心再次输入数字,可以轻松地将其关闭。 如果您想在按下Num Lock键时收到声音警报,请按照此指南在键入Num Lock键时使计算机播放声音 ,这样您就会知道是否意外按下了它。 如果打开Num Lock,还有一种方法可以在任务栏中查看通知

Good luck, and happy typing!








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