
So far we have taken a look at SkyDrive, Mozy, and ADrive for backup, storage, and sharing your data.  Another popular option is AOL’s Xdrive.  Like Microsoft’s SkyDrive you get 5GB of storage with Xdrive.

到目前为止,我们已经了解了用于备份,存储和共享数据的SkyDrive,Mozy和ADrive。 另一个流行的选择是AOL的Xdrive。 像Microsoft的SkyDrive一样,使用Xdrive可获得5GB的存储空间。

**EDIT:  Thanks to all of the readers who pointed out AOL’s Xdrive is up for sale and all development for it has stopped.  At least you can take a look and get an idea of what it is all about.   **

**编辑:感谢所有指出AOL Xdrive即将发售的开发人员,并且其所有开发工作都已停止。 至少您可以看一下并了解所有内容。 **

Uploading files to the Xdrive is pretty straight forward.  Click on Upload from the Xdrive menu interface.  Shown here is the classic interface of the Xdrive.

将文件上传到Xdrive非常简单。 在Xdrive菜单界面中单击“上传”。 这里显示的是Xdrive的经典界面。


A separate window will open for your download.  Accelerated Plus is an enhanced feature as i allows you to upload multiple files.  Basic you only upload on file at a time.  You will get a progress bar and a message advising you if the transfer was successful or not.

将打开一个单独的窗口供您下载。 Accelerated Plus是一项增强功能,因为我允许您上传多个文件。 基本而言,您一次只能上传文件。 如果传输成功与否,您将获得一个进度条和一条消息,通知您。


That is all we need to look at for the old interface.  Since we are technology geek’s it is important to check out the latest / greatest features.  The latest feature to check out here is Xdrive Desktop Lite.  This is still in Beta but it seems to offer a lot of coolness already, it uses Adobe AIR technology and makes transferring files easier.

这就是我们需要查看旧界面的全部内容。 由于我们是技术极客,因此务必查看最新/最重要的功能。 这里要检查的最新功能是Xdrive Desktop Lite 。 它仍处于Beta中,但似乎已经提供了很多功能,它使用了Adobe AIR技术,使文件传输更加容易。

You will be required to install Adobe AIR 1.1 to use Xdrive Desktop Lite.  The installation is pretty quick and painless.

您将需要安装Adobe AIR 1.1才能使用Xdrive Desktop Lite。 安装非常快捷,轻松。

air install

To begin using the Xdrive Desktop Lite application the first thing to do is log in to your account.

要开始使用Xdrive Desktop Lite应用程序,首先要做的是登录到您的帐户。


The Xdrive Desktop Lite user Interface is slick and and easy to use.  Just launch the Desktop Lite and drag and drop your files into the directory you want to save it in.

Xdrive Desktop Lite用户界面光滑且易于使用。 只需启动Desktop Lite,然后将文件拖放到要保存的目录中即可。


This shows how easy you can explore your hard drives and also you can change the view of your files to detail so it is easier to manage everything,



Sharing your files with others directly from the interface is a snap.  Just pick out the file you want to share and send it off.  You can easily pick out contacts from your AOL address book.  You can also administer permissions for the folders and files you are sharing from this screen.

直接从界面与他人共享文件非常简单。 只需选择您要共享的文件并发送出去。 您可以轻松地从AOL通讯录中选择联系人。 您还可以从此屏幕管理共享文件夹和文件的权限。


You can also schedule automated backups by downloading Xdrive desktop (not the Lite version we just covered).  After first installing Xdrive Desktop you are prompted to set up Auto Copy.  This will monitor and sync the folders you choose when changes occur.

您还可以通过下载Xdrive桌面(不是我们刚刚介绍的精简版)来安排自动备份 首次安装Xdrive Desktop之后,系统将提示您设置自动复制。 发生更改时,这将监视并同步您选择的文件夹。


The user interface of Xdrive is quite intuitive as is managing your files online.  The free account is for 5GB of storage with the file size only limited to the amount of space on the drive.

Xdrive的用户界面非常直观,就像在线管理文件一样。 可用帐户的可用空间为5GB,文件大小仅限于驱动器上的空间量。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80002/free-storage-with-aols-xdrive-online-storage-series-2/





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