


There comes a time in nearly every computer user’s life when they need a file from their PC…and the PC isn’t nearby. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to remotely access your PC directly from your phone or tablet, making getting that missing file a piece of cake.

几乎每个计算机用户的生活中都有一段时间需要从PC上获取文件,而PC不在附近。 幸运的是,有一种简单的方法可以直接从手机或平板电脑远程访问PC,从而使丢失的文件变得轻而易举。

While there are many options out there that allow this, we’re going to limit our focus to a couple of the easiest and most convenient. Why work harder to do less? Here are your best options.

尽管有很多选项可以实现此目的,但我们将重点放在最简单,最方便的几个方面。 为什么要努力工作以减少工作量? 这是您最好的选择。

选项一:Chrome远程桌面(Windows,Mac,Linux,Android,iPhone) (Option One: Chrome Remote Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone))

Ah, good ol’ Chrome Remote Desktop. This has been my personal go-to for remote access ever since it was first released some years ago. It’s quick and easy to use, completely painless to set up, and works on pretty much any device across the board, from Windows, Mac, and Linux to Android and iOS.

嗯,Chrome浏览器远程桌面很好。 自几年前首次发布以来,这一直是我个人进行远程访问的目标。 它快速且易于使用,设置起来非常轻松,并且几乎可以在从Windows,Mac和Linux到AndroidiOS的所有设备上使用

Of course, it does have its caveats, like the fact that you have to be a Chrome user. While there are a lot of Chrome users out there, I get that there are also quite a few users who just aren’t into Google’s browser, and that’s okay—we’ll talk about a good option for you guys down below. But if you use Chrome, this is probably your easiest option.

当然,它确实有一些警告,例如您必须是Chrome用户。 尽管有很多Chrome用户,但我知道也有很多用户不使用Google浏览器,这没关系–我们将在下面为您介绍一个不错的选择。 但是,如果您使用的是Chrome,这可能是您最简单的选择。

How to Set up Chrome Remote Desktop (Beta)


The original iteration of Chrome Remote Desktop took place as an install-able Chrome app from the Chrome Web Store, but since Google is phasing out Chrome apps in exchange for progressive web apps, we’ll start with how to set up Remote Desktop using the all new web app version of the service.

Chrome远程桌面的最初版本是从Chrome网上应用店安装的可安装Chrome应用程序,但是由于Google 逐步淘汰了Chrome应用程序以换取渐进式Web应用程序 ,因此我们将从如何使用服务的所有新的Web应用程序版本。

Note: At the time of writing, Chrome Remote Desktop on the web web is still in beta, so it may be slightly buggy. As such, we’ll leave the tutorial for setting up the Remote Desktop Chrome app in place below for the time being.

注意:在撰写本文时,网络上的Chrome远程桌面仍处于测试阶段,因此可能存在一些问题。 因此,我们暂时将下面的教程放置在远程桌面Chrome应用中。

To get started, head over to the new Chrome Remote Desktop beta website. Click on the download arrow in the bottom corner of the “Set up remote access” box.

首先,请转到新的Chrome远程桌面测试版网站 。 单击“设置远程访问”框底角的下载箭头。

This will bring up a dialog box to install the new Remote Desktop extension (not to be confused with the older Remote Desktop app, which is a different thing). Click the Add Extension button.

这将弹出一个对话框,以安装新的远程桌面扩展(不要与较早的远程桌面应用混淆,这是另一回事)。 单击添加扩展按钮。

It’ll take a few seconds to download and install, after which you’ll enter your computer name. Hit next.

下载和安装将花费几秒钟,然后输入您的计算机名称。 打下一个。

From here, choose your login PIN. Make it hard! When you’re finished, click Start.

在这里,选择您的登录PIN。 加油! 完成后,单击“开始”。

On Windows, you should get a popup box asking if you’re cool with letting this make changes to your device. Click ‘Yes” and you’re all set up.

在Windows上,您应该会看到一个弹出框,询问您是否愿意让此操作对设备进行更改。 单击“是”,就完成了所有设置。

How to Set up Chrome Remote Desktop Using the Legacy Chrome App


Like I said earlier, Google will be phasing this version of Remote Desktop out (along with all other Chrome apps) in the coming months, but it’s still available for now, so we’re leaving this in place until it isn’t.

就像我之前说的,Google将在未来几个月内逐步淘汰此版本的Remote Desktop(以及所有其他Chrome应用程序),但目前仍然可用,因此我们将其保留到位。

First, you’ll need to install the Chrome Remote Desktop app in your browser. It’s available from the Chrome Web Store, and the installation takes all of a few seconds.

首先,您需要在浏览器中安装Chrome远程桌面应用。 可以从Chrome网上应用店购买 ,安装过程仅需几秒钟。

Once installed, you’ll launch the app from Chrome’s app menu—it should be the first link in the bookmarks bar. From there, just look for the Chrome Remote Desktop link.

安装后,您将从Chrome的应用菜单中启动该应用-它应该是书签栏中的第一个链接。 在此处,只需查找Chrome远程桌面链接。

The first time you launch it, you’ll have to enable remote connections to the computer by installing a small utility. The process is very straightforward, and Chrome will guide you through the whole thing.

首次启动时,您必须通过安装一个小型实用程序来启用与计算机的远程连接。 该过程非常简单,Chrome会指导您完成整个过程。

When the utility has been downloaded and installed, Chrome Remote Desktop will prompt you to enter a PIN. Make it something easy for you to remember, of course, but difficult for anyone else to figure out! (So, don’t use 123456 or something. You know better!)

下载并安装实用程序后,Chrome远程桌面会提示您输入PIN码。 当然,让您容易记住它,但是其他人则很难理解! (因此,请勿使用123456之类的东西。您知道的更好!)

After you enter the PIN, it will take a few seconds to enable the remote connection. Once it’s finished, your computer—whatever its name is—will show up in the list. You can see both my laptop and my desktop in this screenshot.

输入PIN后,将需要几秒钟来启用远程连接。 完成后,无论名称如何,您的计算机都将显示在列表中。 您可以在此屏幕快照中看到我的笔记本电脑和台式机。

From there, you can easily access any of your connected computers from any other computer or mobile device you’re logged into. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that Chrome Remote Desktop has to be set up before you need it—you can’t do it remotely!

在这里,您可以从登录的任何其他计算机或移动设备轻松访问任何已连接的计算机。 您唯一需要记住的是, 必须在需要之前设置Chrome远程桌面-您不能远程进行操作!

How to Connect to Your PC with Chrome Remote Desktop


Now that everything is all set up, you’ll need to download the Chrome Remote Desktop app for your phone (Android or iOS). Fire it up to get started—I’m using a Google Pixel XL here, but the process should be largely the same regardless of which device  you’re using.

现在,所有设置均已设置完毕,您需要为您的手机( AndroidiOS )下载Chrome远程桌面应用。 启动它即可开始使用-我在这里使用的是Google Pixel XL,但是无论您使用哪种设备,其过程都应该大致相同。

As soon as you launch the app, it should show a list if your computers. Tap the one you need to connect to.

一旦启动该应用程序,它将显示一个列表(如果您有计算机)。 点击您需要连接的那个。

It will request your PIN here, as well as offer the option to always allow connections from this device without a PIN…which I honestly don’t recommend doing. If something were to happen to your phone, you don’t want any would-be wrong doers having access to both your phone and your computer, after all.

它会在此处请求您的PIN码,并提供始终允许不带PIN的情况下从此设备进行连接的选项……老实说,我不建议这样做。 如果您的手机发生了某些事情,那么您根本不希望任何可能成为错误行为者的人同时访问您的手机计算机。

With your PIN entered, tap “Connect.”


Boom. The connection will be instant. At this point, you can easily do what you need to do—use your finger as the mouse and tap to click. It’s almost like it makes sense.

繁荣。 连接将是即时的。 此时,您可以轻松地完成所需的操作-用手指作为鼠标,然后点击以单击。 这几乎是有道理的。

When you’re finished, just tap the “Stop Sharing” button at the bottom. The connection will be terminated. Easy peasy.

完成后,只需点击底部的“停止共享”按钮。 连接将终止。 十分简单。

选项二:TeamViewer(Windows,Mac,Linux,Android,iPhone) (Option Two: TeamViewer (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone))

Like I said earlier, not everyone uses Chrome. And if you don’t use Chrome, well, you can’t very well use Chrome Remote Desktop, can you?

就像我之前说的,并非所有人都使用Chrome。 而且,如果您不使用Chrome,就不能很好地使用Chrome远程桌面,对吗?

For everyone else, there’s TeamViewer. Like Chrome Remote Desktop, it’s available across the board—Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and so on. It’s not that hard to set up and use, but I’ll warn you now, Chrome Remote Desktop is a lot simpler. And TeamViewer’s complexity means it takes a lot more work to keep secure—something you absolutely need to do if you’re going to use it. If you don’t, you’re basically leaving the door to your house unlocked, which is bad.

对于其他所有人,都有TeamViewer 。 与Chrome远程桌面一样,它可在Windows,Mac,Android,iOS等所有平台上使用。 设置和使用起来并不难,但是我现在警告您,Chrome远程桌面要简单得多。 而且,TeamViewer的复杂性意味着维护安全性还需要做更多的工作-如果要使用它,这是您绝对需要做的事情。 如果您不这样做,则基本上是将房屋的门打开了,这很不好。

How to Set Up TeamViewer


First, head over to the TeamViewer website and download the latest version of the program. It’s a big green box on the main screen, so it’s hard to miss.

首先, 访问TeamViewer网站并下载该程序的最新版本。 这是主屏幕上的一个大绿框,因此很难错过。

During the installation, you’ll need to select your installation type and use case. TeamViewer is free for personal use, so if you’re just doing this on your personal computer, use that option. If you’re using it for corporate use, though, be honest here.

在安装过程中,您需要选择安装类型和用例。 TeamViewer免费供个人使用,因此,如果您只是在个人计算机上执行此操作,请使用该选项。 但是,如果您将其用于企业用途,请在此处诚实。

The installation will just take a few minutes, and you’ll be ready to get started.


By default, TeamViewer will provide you with a remote ID and PIN, but this is only useful if you’re actually in front of your computer—the idea here is that you can provide that to someone else so they can remote access your computer. It doesn’t do a whole lot of good if you’re out and about and need remote access to your own system, though.

默认情况下,TeamViewer将为您提供远程ID和PIN,但这仅在您实际在计算机前时才有用–这里的想法是您可以将其提供给其他人,以便他们可以远程访问您的计算机。 但是,如果您出门在外并且需要远程访问自己的系统,那么这样做并没有太大的好处。

For that, you’ll need to set up a TeamViewer account and connect your computer to it. To get that set up, click the “Sign Up” button in the small right-hand window. Of course, if you already have a TeamViewer account, you can just sign in.

为此,您需要设置一个TeamViewer帐户并将您的计算机连接到该帐户。 要进行设置,请在右侧的小窗口中单击“注册”按钮。 当然,如果您已经拥有一个TeamViewer帐户,则只需登录即可。

Once you have your account all set up and ready to go, you’ll also assign a password to this particular computer. Again, make it something easy to remember but hard to figure out. And now would be a good time to tweak these security settings as well.

设置好所有帐户并准备就绪后,您还将为该特定计算机分配密码。 同样,使它易于记忆但很难弄清楚。 现在,也是调整这些安全设置的好时机。

How to Connect to Your PC with TeamViewer


To access your PC, install TeamViewer’s mobile app on your Android or iOS device, then fire it up. Tap the “Computers” button at the bottom, then sign in to the account you just created.

要访问您的PC,请在AndroidiOS设备上安装TeamViewer的移动应用程序,然后启动它。 点击底部的“计算机”按钮,然后登录到您刚创建的帐户。

After that, tap on “My Computers,” which will show a list of all the computers currently attached to your TeamViewer account.


Tap the one you’d like to connect to. The remote connection will take a minute to get established, but after that you’ll be ready to roll.

点按您想要连接的那个。 建立远程连接将需要一分钟,但是之后,您就可以开始滚动了。

The bottom of the interface (again, on the phone) will show a quick list of things you can do: close, keyboard, actions (like keyboard shortcuts), Windows, TeamViewer settings, and hide. These are super useful settings for more than just simple tap-and-click uses, and one area where TeamViewer has a leg up on Chrome Remote Desktop.

界面底部(再次在电话上)将显示您可以执行的操作的快速列表:关闭,键盘,操作(如键盘快捷键),Windows,TeamViewer设置和隐藏。 这些超级有用的设置不仅可用于简单的单击和单击操作,而且是TeamViewer在Chrome Remote Desktop上的佼佼者。

When you’re finishing doing your thing, simply click the X button (or “back”) to close the connection.


How to Transfer Files Back and Forth with TeamViewer


But wait, there’s more! If you’re just trying to grab a couple of files, there’s another option here: you can use TeamViewer’s File Transfer system.

但是,等等,还有更多! 如果您只是想抓取几个文件,这里还有另一个选择:您可以使用TeamViewer的文件传输系统。

With the app logged into your TeamViewer account, tap the “Files” option at the bottom, then “Remote Files.”


After you log in, tap the “My Computers” button, then select the computer you need to access.


From here, it’s pretty straightforward: navigate through the file system, and tap the checkbox beside the files you’d like to transfer. With the files selected, tap the “My Files” button at the bottom, then the little paper icon at the top to transfer the files to the desired location.

从这里开始非常简单:浏览文件系统,然后点击要传输的文件旁边的复选框。 选择文件后,点击底部的“我的文件”按钮,然后点击顶部的小纸图标将文件传输到所需位置。

When you’re finished, just tap the back button to disconnect. That’s really all there is to it.

完成后,只需点击“后退”按钮即可断开连接。 这就是全部。

There are countless other options for remote access out there, but these are two of the best cross-platform options that should work no matter what kind of computer or phone you have.


While I admittedly use Chrome Remote Desktop for all of my remote needs (which are generally rare), I concede that TeamViewer is clearly the more powerful option here. The file transfer option is brilliantly executed and easy to use. Just make sure that, if you want to take advantage of TeamViewer’s power, you take the necessary steps to secure it.

尽管我承认使用Chrome Remote Desktop可以满足我的所有远程需求(通常很少见),但我还是承认,TeamViewer显然是此处更强大的选择。 文件传输选项执行出色,易于使用。 只要确保,如果您想利用TeamViewer的功能,就可以采取必要的步骤加以保护。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/174301/how-to-access-a-windows-desktop-from-your-tablet-or-phone/


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