ios 行间距和段落间距_如何在Microsoft Word中控制行间距和段落间距

ios 行间距和段落间距

ios 行间距和段落间距

There are lots of reasons you might want to change the amount of space between lines in a paragraph, or between paragraphs themselves. Word offers some handy preset values to use, but you can also take full control by specifying exact spacing. Here’s how.

您可能有很多原因想要更改段落中各行之间或段落本身之间的间距。 Word提供了一些方便的预设值来使用,但是您也可以通过指定精确的间距来完全控制。 这是如何做。

Changing the line or paragraph spacing in a document is not something you might need to do very often. But as anyone who’s had to turn in a paper with mandatory double spacing knows, it can be the difference between passing and failing. Outside of college, you still might be faced with line spacing guidelines by employers, clients, or publishers. And even in your own documents, the right spacing can  make your document more readable or highlight parts of the documents on which you want your readers to focus . If the default spacing in Word doesn’t quite hit the spot for you, Word makes it easy to change.

更改文档中的行距或段落间距并不是您经常需要执行的操作。 但是,正如任何必须使用必填双倍间距来提交论文的人都知道的那样,这可能是通过与失败之间的区别。 在大学以外,雇主,客户或出版商仍可能面对行距准则。 甚至在您自己的文档中,正确的间距也可以使您的文档更具可读性,或者突出显示您希望读者重点关注的文档部分。 如果Word中的默认间距不太适合您,Word使更改变得容易。

什么是行距和段落间距? (What is Line and Paragraph Spacing?)

They are both pretty much what they sound like. Line spacing is the amount of white space between two lines of text. Paragraph spacing is the amount of white space between two paragraphs. And like using the right font or proper margins, controlling spacing is an important part of document formatting.

它们听起来都差不多。 行距是两行文本之间的空白量。 段落间距是两个段落之间的空白量。 就像使用正确的字体或适当的边距一样,控制间距是文档格式的重要组成部分。

And weird as it might sound at first, both line and paragraph spacing are applied at the paragraph level. Line spacing controls how all lines of a paragraph are spaced. Paragraph spacing controls how much space comes before and after the paragraph.

一开始听起来很奇怪,但在段落级别应用行距和段落间距。 行距控制段落中所有行的间距。 段落间距控制段落前后的空间。

In Word, line spacing is most commonly measured in multiples of whatever font size the paragraph is using. For example, say you’re using a 12 point font for the text in your paragraph. If you choose single line spacing, the space between lines will be 12 points. If you choose double spacing, that space between lines will be 24 points. However, if you want to fine tune things, you can also specify an exact point size to use.

在Word中,行距通常以段落使用的任何字体大小的倍数来衡量。 例如,假设您在段落中使用12点字体。 如果选择单行间距,则行间距为12点。 如果选择双倍间距,则线之间的间距将为24点。 但是,如果要微调,也可以指定要使用的确切磅值。

Paragraphs work a bit differently. By default, Word adds eight points of space after a paragraph and no additional space before the paragraph, and you can change both of those values however you like.

段落的工作方式略有不同。 默认情况下,Word在段落后添加八个空格,在段落前不添加空格,并且您可以根据需要更改这两个值。

Let’s take a closer look at how to do all this.


使用快速预设轻松更改 (Use Quick Presets for Easy Changes)

Word has some common preset options for you to choose from. Remember that line and paragraph spacing are both applied at the paragraph level. If you place your insertion point in a paragraph, you’ll change things for that paragraph. If you select text from multiple paragraphs, you’ll change things for all those paragraphs.

Word有一些常见的预设选项供您选择。 请记住,行距和段落间距都应用于段落级别。 如果将插入点放在段落中,则将更改该段落的内容。 如果您从多个段落中选择文本,则将更改所有这些段落的内容。

Select all of the paragraphs you want to change (or place your insertion point anywhere in a single paragraph you want to change). On the Home tab, click the “Line and Paragraph Spacing” button.

选择要更改的所有段落(或将插入点放置在要更改的单个段落中的任何位置)。 在“主页”选项卡上,单击“线和段间距”按钮。

This opens a dropdown menu with presets for line spacing (at the top) and paragraph spacing (at the bottom).


The line spacing is shown in multiples. “2.0” is double spacing, “3.0” is triple spacing, and so on. Select the multiple you want, and Word applies it to the selected paragraphs. If you want to choose another spacing, or revert to the original spacing, click the “Line and Paragraph Spacing” option again and select a different multiple.

行距以倍数显示。 “ 2.0”是双倍间距,“ 3.0”是三倍间距,依此类推。 选择所需的倍数,然后Word将其应用于选定的段落。 如果要选择其他间距,或恢复为原始间距,请再次单击“线段间距”,然后选择其他倍数。

The paragraph spacing only lets you add or remove a preset spacing before the paragraph or after the paragraph. And it’s kind of weird the way it works. If you currently have no spacing before or after a paragraph, the menu shows commands for adding spacing in both locations (as shown in the previous image). If you add a space in one location, that command changes to let you remove that spacing.

段落间距仅允许您在段落之前或之后添加或删除预设间距。 而且它的工作方式有点怪异。 如果当前在段落之前或之后没有空格,则菜单将显示用于在两个位置添加空格的命令(如上图所示)。 如果在一个位置添加空格,则该命令将更改以允许您删除该间距。

So, you can only ever add or remove one level of preset spacing with the menu commands. And what are those presets? 12 points for the spacing before the paragraph and 8 points for the spacing after.

因此,您只能使用菜单命令添加或删除一级预设间距。 这些预设是什么? 段落前的间距为12点,段落后的间距为8点。

These presets work well enough for simple changes to a few paragraphs. But what if you want to change the spacing on the whole document? You could select everything (Ctrl+A) and then use these same commands, but there are some better presets available if you want to change the whole document.

这些预设足以对几个段落进行简单更改。 但是,如果您想更改整个文档的间距怎么办? 您可以选择所有内容(Ctrl + A),然后使用这些相同的命令,但是如果要更改整个文档,可以使用一些更好的预设。

为整个文档使用其他间距预设 (Use Additional Spacing Presets for Your Whole Document)

Switch over to the “Design” tab, and then click the “Paragraph Spacing” button.


Now, even though that button is labeled “Paragraph Spacing,” the changes here can apply to both paragraph and line spacing for your document. As you hover your pointer over each preset, you can see the changes reflected in your document. You’ll also see a little text bubble pop up that lets you know exactly what line and paragraph spacing options that preset will apply.

现在,即使该按钮标记为“段落间距”,此处的更改也可以应用于文档的段落间距和行间距。 将指针悬停在每个预设上时,您可以看到文档中反映的更改。 您还将看到一个弹出的小气泡,它使您确切知道预设将应用哪些行和段落间距选项。

This is an “all or nothing” option, so it’ll only work for the whole document, or not at all. Here’s what the Compact, Open, and Double presets look like on identical text.

这是一个“全有或全无”选项,因此它仅适用于整个文档,或者根本不适用。 这是紧凑,打开和双重预设在相同文本上的外观。

At the bottom of that “Paragraph Spacing” dropdown menu, you can also click the “Custom Paragraph Spacing” command to open the Manage Styles window.


On the “Set Defaults” tab, the tools in the “Paragraph Spacing” section let you fine tune spacing for your document. You can also choose at the bottom whether to apply your changes only in the current document, or to all new documents based on the same template.

在“设置默认值”选项卡上的“段落间距”部分中,您可以微调文档的间距。 您还可以在底部选择是仅对当前文档应用更改,还是对基于同一模板的所有新文档应用更改。

将更精细的控制应用于段落和行间距 (Apply Finer Control to Paragraph and Line Spacing)

If you want a little more finesse than any of these presets we’ve covered offer, you do have another option (this is Word, after all).


First, place your insertion point in the paragraph you want to change (or select multiple paragraphs, or the whole document with Ctrl+A). On the “Home” tab, click the small arrow at the bottom right of the Paragraph group.

首先,将插入点放置在要更改的段落中(或使用Ctrl + A选择多个段落或整个文档)。 在“主页”选项卡上,单击“段落”组右下方的小箭头。

This opens the Paragraph window. On the “Indents and Spacing” tab, in the “Spacing” section, you can apply specific adjustments to both paragraph and line spacing.

这将打开“段落”窗口。 在“缩进和间距”选项卡上的“间距”部分中,您可以对段落和行距应用特定的调整。

On the left, you can use the “Before” and “After” controls to specify how much space you want before and after paragraphs. You’ve also got the option to keep your paragraph spacing from affecting blocks of text that are in different styles by switching on the “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style” checkbox. (If you’re not sure whether you’re using different styles then you probably aren’t.)

在左侧,您可以使用“之前”和“之后”控件指定段落之前和之后的空间。 您还可以通过选择“不要在相同样式的段落之间添加空格”复选框来保持段落间距,以免影响不同样式的文本块。 (如果不确定是否使用了不同的样式,则可能不是。)

On the right in that section, the “Line Spacing” dropdown lets you choose all those same line spacing presets we looked at before, along with some other options.

在该部分的右侧,“行距”(Line Spacing)下拉菜单使您可以选择我们之前看过的所有相同行距预设以及一些其他选项。

These additional options include:


  • At least: This option lets you specify a minimum point size to use for line spacing and is only useful in very specific circumstances. For example, say you had one line in a paragraph that for whatever reason used a smaller font size than the other lines. Regular spacing options might make it look weird. Choose a minimum spacing can help.

    至少:此选项使您可以指定用于行距的最小点大小,并且仅在非常特殊的情况下有用。 例如,假设您某段中有一行由于某种原因使用的字体大小小于其他行。 常规间距选项可能会使它看起来很奇怪。 选择最小间距可以有所帮助。

  • Exactly: This option lets you specify an exact point size to use between lines of the selected paragraphs.


  • Multiple: This options lets you dial in a specific multiple to use for spacing. For example, if 1.5 spacing seems too tight and 2.0 seems too wide, you could try something like 1.75.

    倍数:此选项使您可以拨入特定的倍数以用于间隔。 例如,如果1.5间距看起来太紧而2.0间距看起来太宽,则可以尝试使用1.75之类的方法。

Between these three options you’ve got complete control of all your document spacing, so now you can confidently double space that term paper or wow your colleagues with a perfectly formatted report.



ios 行间距和段落间距

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