
Unlike with older feature phones, your iPhone’s alarm won’t sound if your phone is turned of or out of battery. The alarm will sound if your iPhone’s on silent or Do Not Disturb.

与旧版功能手机不同,如果您的手机没有电或没有电池,iPhone的警报将不会响起。 如果您的iPhone处于静音或“请勿打扰”状态,则会发出警报声。

Old Nokia and other dumb phones had a great feature: the alarm would sound even when the phone was turned off. This meant you could go to bed knowing your phone wasn’t going to make a sound until it was time for the alarm to wake you. Some Android phones still have this feature. Your iPhone—and by extension, iPad—sadly does not.

旧的诺基亚手机和其他静音手机具有很大的功能:即使关闭手机,闹铃也会响起。 这意味着您可以上床睡觉,知道您的手机不会发出声音,直到闹钟将您唤醒为止。 某些Android手机仍具有此功能。 您的iPhone和iPad的扩展名确实没有。

如果我的iPhone已关闭,警报会响起吗? (Will the Alarm Go Off If My iPhone Is Off?)

No. The alarm won’t sound if your iPhone is switched off. If you want an alarm to go off, your iPhone must remain on. It can be in sleep mode (with the screen off), on Silent, and even have Do Not Disturb turned on and the alarm will still sound when it’s meant to.

否。如果您的iPhone已关闭,则警报不会响起。 如果您想发出警报,则您的iPhone必须保持打开状态。 它可以处于睡眠模式(屏幕关闭),处于静音状态,甚至可以打开“请勿打扰”,并且在需要时仍会发出警报。

如果我的iPhone电池电量耗尽,警报会响起吗? (Will the Alarm Go Off If My iPhone Runs Out of Battery?)

No. If your iPhone runs out of battery during the night, the alarm you’ve set for the morning won’t sound.


iPhones are pretty good at holding their charge if you’re not using them, especially when you turn on Low Power Mode. So, you don’t need to worry too much if you have around 20% battery left. On the other hand, if you have 5% or so battery left and are bedding down for an eight hour sleep, there’s a very good chance it will run out of juice during the night.

如果您不使用iPhone,iPhone会很好地保持其充电状态,尤其是当您打开低功耗模式时 。 因此,如果剩下约20%的电池电量,则无需太担心。 另一方面,如果您剩下5%的电池电量,并且要卧床休息8个小时,那么很有可能在晚上耗尽果汁。

如果我的iPhone处于静音或不打扰模式,警报会响起吗? (Will the Alarm Go Off If My iPhone is On Silent Or Do Not Disturb Mode?)

As long as your iPhone is on, the alarm will still sound. So yes, your alarm will sound if your iPhone is in Silent mode or Do Not Disturb mode.

只要您的iPhone处于打开状态,警报仍会响起。 所以是的,如果您的iPhone处于静音模式或请勿打扰模式,您的闹钟将响起。

如果我的iPhone屏幕关闭,警报会响吗? (Will the Alarm Go Off If My iPhone’s Screen Is Off?)

Yes, the screen going black is just a normal power saving feature of your iPhone. As long as when you touch the home button, it lights up again, the alarm will sound when it’s meant to.

是的,屏幕变黑只是iPhone的常规节能功能。 只要您触摸“主页”按钮,它就会再次亮起,警报将在需要时响起。

即使没有警报,计时器也会关闭吗? (Will a Timer Go Off Even If An Alarm Won’t?)

Timers, calendar appointments, and reminders all work the same way as an alarm. If you set a timer and then turn your iPhone off, the timer will not sound. Instead, when you turn your iPhone on again, the timer will sound straight away—presumably to remind you that you missed a timer.

计时器,日历约会和提醒的工作方式与闹钟相同。 如果您设置了计时器然后关闭了iPhone,则计时器将不会响起。 相反,当您再次打开iPhone时,计时器会立即响起-大概是在提醒您您错过了计时器。

If, for some reason, your iPhone is so low on battery that it won’t make it through the night—and you can’t charge it—but you desperately need an alarm to wake you in the morning, you will need to get creative. Dig out an old alarm clock, steal a charger, or beg a trusted friend (or the hotel reception desk) to ring you in the morning. You won’t be able to rely on your iPhone.

如果出于某种原因,您的iPhone电池电量太低,以至于整夜都无法使用它,而且您无法给它充电,但是您迫切需要一个闹钟在早晨将您唤醒,那么您需要创意。 挖一个旧的闹钟,偷一个充电器,或求一个可信赖的朋友(或酒店接待台)在早上给您打电话。 您将无法依靠iPhone。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/348818/will-the-alarm-work-if-your-iphone-is-off/





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