常用lan ip地址_不同类型的LAN IP地址代表什么?

常用lan ip地址

常用lan ip地址


When you start learning about IP addresses, it may be a bit confusing at first when it comes to knowing what specific addresses represent and why they do so. With that in mind, today’s SuperUser Q&A post helps a curious reader learn more about IP addresses.

当您开始学习IP地址时,一开始可能会有点困惑,要知道特定的地址代表什么以及为什么这样做。 考虑到这一点,今天的SuperUser Q&A帖子可帮助好奇的读者了解有关IP地址的更多信息。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Image courtesy of CLUC (Flickr).


问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Flare Cat wants to know what different types of LAN IP addresses represent?:

超级用户阅读器Flare Cat想要知道不同类型的LAN IP地址代表什么?:

I have seen LAN IP addresses in the following ways/forms:

我已经通过以下方式/形式看到了LAN IP地址:

  • 10.0.0.*

  • 192.168.0.*

  • 192.168.1.*

  • 192.168.2.*

  • 127.0.0.* (this one usually ends with a 1 and I am not sure if it is a LAN address or not, since I normally see it with proxy stuff)


Why are there different forms of LAN IP addresses and what do they represent (mean)?

为什么会有不同形式的LAN IP地址,它们代表什么(均值)?

What do different types of LAN IP addresses represent??

不同类型的LAN IP地址代表什么?

答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor Abraxas has the answer for us:


There are many questions that deal with this, but here is a crash course on what are called Private IP Addresses, as defined in RFC 1918.

有很多问题可以解决,但是这是关于RFC 1918中定义的所谓专用IP地址的速成课程。

IP addresses were broken up into what are called classes as seen here. This is no longer used (replaced with Classless Inter-Domain Routing, or CIDR for short), but may help in understanding different sizes of networks:

IP地址被分为所谓的类,如此处所示。 不再使用它(用无类域间路由或简称CIDR代替),但可能有助于理解不同大小的网络:


There are a couple of basic distinctions regarding addresses. You have what are called networks, network addresses, public addresses, private addresses, and subnets.

关于地址有两个基本区别。 您拥有所谓的网络,网络地址,公用地址,专用地址和子网。

In short, your computer gets an IP address which resides in a particular IP network. Your computer’s IP address and your network’s address (usually defined in your local router) are private addresses. Private addresses differ from public addresses in that private addresses are not assigned to public networks. For instance, if you ping google.com, you will receive a response from the public address which google.com resolves to. That is a public address. There are some networks which are “special” and do not get assigned publicly; they are called private IP addresses. For more information, read here: What is a Private IP Address?

简而言之,您的计算机将获得一个位于特定IP网络中的IP地址。 您计算机的IP地址和网络地址(通常在本地路由器中定义)是专用地址。 专用地址与公用地址的不同之处在于,专用地址未分配给公用网络。 例如,如果您ping google.com,您将收到google.com解析为公共地址的回复。 那是一个公共地址。 有些网络是“特殊的”,不会被公开分配; 它们称为专用IP地址。 有关更多信息,请阅读此处: 什么是专用IP地址?

Here is a list of the private network ranges:



The easiest way, I think, to visualize this is to imagine the following. Your Internet service provider gives you a single IP address, “”, for example. This is plugged into the modem/router for your home and is the public interface’s IP address. However, you have more than one device you want on your network, so what your modem/router does is it creates an “internal” network. Say it picks the number “” for the network and it is a standard netmask (read related links to find out more).

我认为,将其可视化的最简单方法是想象以下内容。 您的Internet服务提供商为您提供了一个IP地址,例如“”。 它已插入您家中的调制解调器/路由器,并且是公共接口的IP地址。 但是,您的网络上需要多个设备,因此调制解调器/路由器要做的就是创建一个“内部”网络。 假设它为网络选择了数字“”,并且它是标准的网络掩码(请阅读相关链接以了解更多信息)。

This means that you can plug in devices inside of your router and give them any IP address which fits this pattern: “”. The last octet (space after the last period) is your “available range” of host IP addresses. There are some special IP addresses (network addresses, broadcast addresses, etc.), but if you do not use a “0” or a “255”, you will be fine in most cases.

这意味着您可以插入路由器内部的设备,并为它们提供适合此模式的任何IP地址:“”。 最后一个八位位组(最后一个句点之后的空格)是主机IP地址的“可用范围”。 有一些特殊的IP地址(网络地址,广播地址等),但是如果您不使用“ 0”或“ 255”,则在大多数情况下都可以。

So, the short answer is, “10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x, and 172.16-31.x.x” are all IP addresses that you can use in your own home network which will never conflict with public IP addresses. This is important for the following reason:

因此,简短的答案是:“ 10.xxx,192.168.xx和172.16-31.xx”都是您可以在自己的家庭网络中使用的IP地址,它们永远不会与公共IP地址冲突。 这很重要,原因如下:

When you try to go to a website, say google.com, and your browser contacts a DNS server on the Internet and says ‘Where is google.com?’, it gets a response back in the form of an IP address. The response is basically, “If you want to get to google.com, then go to” Your browser then sends a request to “” and loads whatever page is there.

当您尝试访问某个网站时,例如说google.com,而您的浏览器联系了Internet上的DNS服务器并说“ google.com在哪里?”,它会以IP地址的形式返回响应。 响应基本上是:“如果要访问google.com,请转到8.8.8.8。” 然后,您的浏览器将请求发送到“”,并加载其中的任何页面。

What if you used “” for an IP address in your home network? Well, you might have an issue because your router may say, “I know where is, it is right over there!” and then you end up losing access to google.com because you cannot get out of your network and resolve the correct “” address. Since private IP address ranges are designated for private use only, public websites should never use them and therefore you should never look up a website address (outside of your LAN) which points to one of them.

如果您在家庭网络中使用“”作为IP地址怎么办? 好吧,您可能会遇到问题,因为路由器可能会说:“我知道8.8.8.8在哪里,它就在那儿!” 然后您最终无法访问google.com,因为您无法脱离网络并解析正确的“”地址。 由于专用IP地址范围仅指定供私人使用,因此公共网站绝对不应使用它们,因此,您绝不应该查找指向其中一个的网站地址(在LAN之外)。

“” is a special type of address called your “localhost” address (I will not go in to it here). It does cover the whole 127 range: “ –”. Think of it as a way to give a device its own IP address without anyone or anything else being able to do things with that address.

“”是一种特殊的地址,称为“本地主机”地址(我在这里不再赘述)。 它确实涵盖了整个127个范围:“ –”。 可以将其视为为设备提供自己的IP地址,而任何人或其他任何人都不能使用该地址进行操作的方法。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/243805/what-do-different-types-of-lan-ip-addresses-represent/

常用lan ip地址





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