谷歌无法购买此商品_如何使用Google Home购买商品



Amazon may be leading the pack on buying things with your voice on the Echo, but that doesn’t mean Google is content to sit this race out. Depending on where you live, you can buy things with Google Home using Google Express. Here’s how to set it up.

亚马逊可能会在用Echo上用您的声音购买商品方面领先,但这并不意味着Google愿意参加这场竞赛。 根据您的居住地,您可以使用Google Express在Google Home上购买商品。 设置方法如下。

If you’re unfamiliar with Google Express, it works a bit like Amazon Prime. You can order a variety of items and have them delivered straight to your door. However, Google doesn’t have its own shipping warehouses of products like Amazon. Instead, Google will sell you items from other stores like Costco, PetSmart, Walgreens, Whole Foods, and more. Google coordinates with stores in your area to send you the items that those stores sell. When you buy things via Google Home, you can specify that you want to buy things from a certain store, or Google can choose a store for you automatically.

如果您不熟悉Google Express ,它的工作方式类似于Amazon Prime 。 您可以订购各种物品,并将其直接送到您家门口。 但是,谷歌没有像亚马逊这样的产品运输仓库。 相反,Google会从Costco,PetSmart,Walgreens,Whole Foods等其他商店向您出售商品。 Google与您所在地区的商店进行协调,以将这些商店出售的商品发送给您。 通过Google Home购买商品时,您可以指定要从某个商店购买商品,或者Google可以自动为您选择商店。

首先,添加付款方式和收货地址 (First, Add a Payment Method and Delivery Address)

Before you buy stuff with your Google Home, you’ll need to set up how you’ll pay and where your stuff should go. To get started, open up the Google Home app and tap the menu icon in the top-left corner. Then, tap the “More settings” option.

在您使用Google Home购买商品之前,您需要设置付款方式以及应存放的物品。 首先,请打开Goog​​le Home应用,然后点击左上角的菜单图标。 然后,点击“更多设置”选项。

Scroll down to the “Google Account settings” section and tap “Payments.”

向下滚动到“ Google帐户设置”部分,然后点击“付款”。

If this is your first time setting up a payment method with Google Home, you should see a screen like this one. Tap the big blue “Get Started” button to continue. Next, you’ll see the terms of service page. Click “Accept.”

如果这是您首次使用Google Home设置付款方式,则应该会看到类似这样的屏幕。 点击蓝色的大“入门”按钮继续。 接下来,您会看到服务条款页面。 点击“接受”。

If you’ve used Google to pay for anything from your account previously, you should see a list of the credit and debit cards you’ve added. Pick the one you want to use for your purchases. You’ll then be prompted to enter your CVV code. Alternatively, you can add a new credit or debit card and use that.

如果您以前曾使用Google从您的帐户中支付过任何款项,则应该会看到已添加的信用卡和借记卡的列表。 选择您要用于购买的商品。 然后,系统将提示您输入CVV代码。 或者,您可以添加新的信用卡或借记卡并使用它。

Next, you’ll need to add your shipping address. Once again, if you’ve added an address to your Google account, you can choose it from a list, or you can add a new one.

接下来,您需要添加您的送货地址。 再一次,如果您已将地址添加到您的Google帐户,则可以从列表中选择它,也可以添加一个新地址。

Finally, Google will ask you to confirm that you want to use this information on “shared devices” like Google Home. This is basically letting you know that anyone that can talk to your Google Home will be able to buy things from your account. That includes your family, friends, house guests, and news reports on TV. If you have multiple Google Home devices connected to your account, you can pick which ones you want to give this privilege to here as well.

最后,Google会要求您确认要在“共享设备”(例如Google Home)上使用此信息。 这基本上是让您知道,可以与您的Google Home通话的任何人都可以从您的帐户购买商品。 其中包括您的家人,朋友,房屋客人和电视上的新闻报道 。 如果您有多个连接到您帐户的Google Home设备,则可以在此处选择要授予此特权的设备。

Once all that is set up, you’re ready to start ordering things through Google!


从Google或特定商店开始购物 (Start Shopping From Google, Or a Specific Store)

Once your payment system is set up, you can start ordering things. To start an order, say something like “Ok Google, buy LR44 batteries.” Google will then read off the top search results and ask if you want to order that item. Say “Yes” to order, or “No” to get the next search result. At any point, you can say “Cancel” to stop the search.

设置付款系统后,您就可以开始订购商品了。 要下订单,请说“ Ok Google,购买LR44电池”。 然后,Google将读取搜索结果的顶部,并询问您是否要订购该商品。 对命令说“是”,或说“否”以获取下一个搜索结果。 您随时可以说“取消”以停止搜索。

According to Google’s help documents, you can also specify a store if you prefer your batteries from a specific company. Simply say “Buy batteries from Fry’s” to only get results from your favorite store. If you’ve already bought an item, you can also say “reorder batteries” to place the same order again. Check out the chart above for the full range of voice commands you can use to order from Google Home.

根据Google的帮助文档 ,如果您希望从特定公司购买电池,也可以指定商店。 只需说“从Fry's购买电池”即可仅从您最喜欢的商店获得结果。 如果您已经购买了商品,也可以说“重新订购电池”以再次下订单。 查看上面的图表,了解可用于从Google Home订购的语音命令的全部范围。



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