如何将应用程序添加到Microsoft Teams

The Microsoft Teams logo.

Microsoft Teams is designed to be a “single pane of glass” that allows you to see all of your work in one place. However, this is only possible if you add Microsoft or third-party apps to your teams.

Microsoft Teams旨在成为一个“单一的玻璃窗格”,使您可以在一个地方查看所有工作。 但是,仅当您向团队中添加Microsoft或第三方应用程序时,才有可能。

If you’ve only skimmed the surface of Teams, you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s a not particularly great enterprise version of Slack. After all, the first thing you see in Teams is the “Post” channel, where the threading is unintuitive, you’re limited to six emojis for message reactions, and the whole thing is a bit gray and colorless.

如果您只是略过Teams的表面,那么您会认为这不是Slack的企业版,这是可以原谅的。 毕竟,您在Teams中看到的第一件事是“发布”通道,其中的线程是不直观的,您只能将六个表情符号用于消息响应,并且整个过程有点灰暗和无色。

To harness the power of Teams, you need to add apps. These can include Microsoft apps, like Excel, Planner, SharePoint, Forms, or OneNote, or third-party apps, like Trello, Wikipedia, Asana, Evernote, and GitHub.

要利用团队的力量,您需要添加应用程序。 这些可以包括Microsoft应用程序(例如Excel,Planner,SharePoint,Forms或OneNote),或第三方应用程序(例如Trello,Wikipedia,Asana,Evernote和GitHub)。

Apps can appear in three places: on the sidebar, as a tab, or under the chat window.


Apps appear on the sidebar, as tabs, or under the chat window in Teams.

Each app location houses a different type of app:


  • The sidebar: Apps housed here provide a personalized view of data. For example, if you add the OneNote app here, it will show you (and only you) your OneNote files.

    侧边栏:此处提供的应用程序可提供个性化的数据视图。 例如,如果您在此处添加OneNote应用,它将(仅向您)显示OneNote文件。

  • As tabs: Apps you add as tabs are available to the whole team. So, if you add the Trello app, everyone will be able to access it, as long as they have a Trello account.

    作为标签:您添加为标签的应用可供整个团队使用。 因此,如果您添加Trello应用程序,则只要拥有Trello帐户,每个人都可以访问它。

  • Under the chat window: Apps here are also available to the whole team and provide extra functionality. For example, if you add the Wikipedia app, everyone will be able to search the site straight from the chat window and share articles with the entire team.

    在聊天窗口下:整个团队也可以使用此处的应用程序,并提供其他功能。 例如,如果您添加了Wikipedia应用程序,则每个人都可以直接从聊天窗口搜索站点,并与整个团队共享文章。

Generally, apps only appear in one place. For example, if you install the Wikipedia app it will only appear under the chat window. However, Planner and OneNote can be installed in the sidebar, but they can also be added as tabs to share your work.

通常,应用仅出现在一个地方。 例如,如果您安装Wikipedia应用程序,它将仅显示在聊天窗口下。 但是,Planner和OneNote可以安装在侧栏中,但也可以将它们添加为选项卡以共享您的工作。

将应用程序添加到侧边栏 (Adding an App to the Sidebar)

Apps that you add to the sidebar will show you information specific to you. There are default apps in the sidebar that do this already, such as “Activity,” “Chat,” “Teams,” “Calendar,” “Calls,” and “Files.”

您添加到侧边栏中的应用将向您显示特定于您的信息。 侧边栏中已经有默认应用程序可以执行此操作,例如“活动”,“聊天”,“团队”,“日历”,“通话”和“文件”。

The default apps in the sidebar on Teams.

You can add more sidebar apps by clicking the ellipsis (. . .) in the sidebar and selecting an app from the window that appears.


Click the ellipsis in the sidebar and select an app in the popup window.

We clicked “Planner” to add it to the sidebar.


The "Planner" app in the sidebar on Teams.

When we click it, Teams displays all of our tasks across all of our plans. If one of our colleagues also adds the “Planner” button, they’ll also see all of their tasks across all of their plans.

当我们单击它时,团队将显示我们所有计划中的所有任务。 如果我们的一位同事还添加了“计划者”按钮,他们还将在所有计划中看到他们的所有任务。

A button will disappear whenever you click somewhere else. To keep it visible, right-click it and select “Pin.”

只要您在其他位置单击,按钮就会消失。 要使其可见,请右键单击它并选择“ Pin”。

Click "Pin" to keep a button visible.

Our “Planner” button will now be visible on the sidebar at all times. You can also right-click a button at any point and select “Unpin” to hide it again.

现在,我们随时都可以在侧边栏上看到“规划师”按钮。 您也可以随时在某个按钮上单击鼠标右键,然后选择“取消固定”以再次将其隐藏。

Click "Unpin" to hide a button.

Pinning and unpinning works for all the buttons in the sidebar. Don’t use the “Calls” button? Right-click and unpin it. You can click the ellipsis (. . .) in the sidebar to bring it back any time.

固定和取消固定适用于侧栏中的所有按钮。 不使用“通话”按钮? 右键单击并取消固定。 您可以单击侧边栏中的省略号(。。。)随时将其恢复。

将应用程序添加为选项卡 (Adding an App as a Tab)

Apps that you add as tabs are available to everyone on your team. Tabbed apps are the heart of Teams’ “single pane of glass” design.

您添加为标签的应用程序可供团队中的每个人使用。 选项卡式应用程序是Teams“单一窗格”设计的核心。

There are default tabbed apps in every channel already, including “Posts,” “Files,” and “Wiki.”

每个频道中都已经有默认的选项卡式应用程序,包括“帖子”,“文件”和“ Wiki”。

The default tabbed apps in Teams.

To add additional apps as tabs, click the plus sign (+) at the top of the channel to which you want to add it.


Click the plus sign (+) to add an app as a tab to a channel.

This opens the “Add a Tab” window. You can select a Microsoft app from the top two rows, or scroll down to see hundreds of third-party apps. There’s also a search box if you know which app you want to add.

这将打开“添加选项卡”窗口。 您可以从顶部两行中选择一个Microsoft应用程序,或向下滚动以查看数百个第三方应用程序。 如果您知道要添加的应用程序,则还会有一个搜索框。

The "Add a Tab" menu.

Different apps work in different ways. Here’s what happens if you select the following options in Microsoft apps:

不同的应用程序以不同的方式工作。 如果在Microsoft应用程序中选择以下选项,则会发生以下情况:

  • “Document Library”: You can select a SharePoint library to embed in the tab.

    “文档 库”:您可以选择一个SharePoint库以嵌入选项卡中。

  • “Excel,” “PDF,” “PowerPoint,” “Visio,” or “Word”: The app will be added as a tab that allows you to create and edit the corresponding file types in Teams.

    “ Excel ”,“ PDF ”,“ PowerPoint ”,“ Visio或“ Word”:该应用程序将作为选项卡添加,允许您在Teams中创建和编辑相应的文件类型。

  • “Planner”: Allows you to create a new plan for your team.


  • “OneNote”: Displays your team’s shared OneNote notebook.

    “ OneNote”:显示团队的共享OneNote笔记本。

  • “Stream”: Choose a Stream channel to embed in a tab.


  • “Website”: Embed any page with a valid URL in a tab.


  • “Wiki”: Add a new Wiki page to the channel.

    “ Wiki”:在频道中添加一个新的Wiki页面。

The third-party apps allow you to access a particular service for which you have a login. So, if you spend a lot of time in task management apps, like Jira, Trello, or Asana, you can add that service as a tab. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see your boards and tasks.

第三方应用程序允许您访问已登录的特定服务。 因此,如果您在Jira,Trello或Asana等任务管理应用程序中花费大量时间,则可以将该服务添加为选项卡。 登录后,您将看到自己的电路板和任务。

To add a third-party app, simply select it in the “Add a Tab” window. If you haven’t installed the app in the team before (such as in another channel or the sidebar), just click “Add” to install it.

要添加第三方应用,只需在“添加标签”窗口中选择它即可。 如果您以前没有在团队中安装过该应用程序(例如在另一个频道或侧边栏中),则只需单击“添加”即可安装它。

Click "Add" to install an app.

Next, you’ll be asked to log in to the service. You should only have to do this the first time you use it. When your coworkers open the tab for the first time, they’ll also have to sign in.

接下来,将要求您登录该服务。 您仅应在首次使用时执行此操作。 当您的同事第一次打开该标签时,他们还必须登录。

If Microsoft Teams doesn’t have an app for the service you want, you can still access it by using the “Website” app.

如果Microsoft Teams没有您想要的服务应用程序,您仍然可以使用“网站”应用程序来访问它。

The "Website" app in the "Add a Tab" menu.

Type a name for the tab, a valid URL, and then click “Save.”


Type a name for the tab and its URL, and then click "Save."

Now, the website is just a tab away at all times.


The "Website" app showing the How-To Geek website.

在聊天窗口下添加应用 (Adding an App Under the Chat Window)

Apps under the chat window provide extra functionality and are available to a whole team.


There are default apps under the chat window already, including Format, Attach, Emoji, Giphy, Sticker, Meet Now, and Stream.


The default chat window apps.

These allow you to do things with your chat, but you can do more. Click the ellipsis (. . .) under the chat window, and then click “More Apps.”

这些功能使您可以在聊天时做事,但是您可以做更多。 单击聊天窗口下的省略号(。。。),然后单击“更多应用”。

Click the ellipsis, and then click "More Apps."

This opens the “Apps” window with the filter already set to “Messaging.”


The "Messaging" filter in the "Apps" menu.

This means all the apps on the right can be added under the chat window. There are lots to choose from, including GitHub, Jira, Confluence, Wikipedia, YouTube, Azure DevOps, and even Stack Overflow.

这意味着可以在聊天窗口下添加右侧的所有应用。 有很多选择,包括GitHub,Jira,Confluence,Wikipedia,YouTube,Azure DevOps甚至Stack Overflow。

Just like adding an app in a tab, some of the apps require you to log in to a service to use it. To install an app, just click it. If you haven’t installed the app in the team before, such as in another channel or the sidebar, you’ll have to click “Add” to do so.

就像在选项卡中添加应用程序一样,某些应用程序要求您登录到服务才能使用它。 要安装应用程序,只需单击它。 如果您以前从未在团队中安装过该应用程序(例如在另一个频道或侧边栏中),则必须单击“添加”来进行安装。

Click "Add" to install an app.

The app will now be available under the chat window.


An app button under the chat window.

Different apps do different things. For example, the Wikipedia app allows you to search for an article and post it right in the chat.

不同的应用程序执行不同的操作。 例如,Wikipedia应用程序允许您搜索文章并将其直接发布在聊天中。

The Wikipedia app search function showing a variety of articles.

Just click the article you want to add to your chat.


A Wikipedia search result added to a chat.

For services the whole team uses, this is very efficient. You can search Stack Overflow and post an answer in your channel, bring up the right pull request from GitHub, show a story from Jira, and so on—all in one place.

对于整个团队使用的服务,这是非常有效的。 您可以搜索Stack Overflow并在您的频道中发布答案,提出来自GitHub的正确拉取请求,显示来自Jira的故事,等等—都集中在一处。

卸载应用 (Uninstalling an App)

Uninstalling an app is easy, although the method for doing so depends on where it was installed.


For a sidebar app, right-click it, and then select “Uninstall.”


Select "Uninstall" to uninstall an app from the sidebar.

For a chat-window app, you do the same as above: right-click it, and then select “Uninstall.”


Select "Uninstall" to uninstall an app from the chat window.

For apps in tabs, you have to dig a little deeper. Click the ellipsis (. . .) next to the team’s name, select “Manage Team,” and then click the “Apps” tab.

对于选项卡中的应用程序,您必须进行更深入的研究。 单击团队名称旁边的省略号(。..),选择“管理团队”,然后单击“应用程序”选项卡。

Click the ellipsis, select "Manage Team," and then click "Apps."

Now, click the Trash icon next to the app you want to uninstall.


Click the Trash icon.

This will uninstall it for the whole team, no matter where it’s used. You can always reinstall an app later if you decide you need it again.

无论在哪里使用它,都将为整个团队卸载。 如果您决定再次需要该应用,则以后可以随时重新安装该应用。

There are many apps you can install in teams, and a lot of them don’t require an account or license to use them. Browse through them and see what looks useful. If you spend a lot of time in Microsoft Teams, apps will make your workdays much easier and more efficient.

您可以在团队中安装许多应用程序,其中许多不需要帐户或许可证即可使用它们。 浏览它们,看看有什么用。 如果您在Microsoft Teams中花费大量时间,则应用程序将使您的工作日变得更加轻松和高效。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/676792/how-to-add-apps-to-microsoft-teams/





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