


We at How-To Geek are grateful to all our readers and hope we have enlightened you about all kinds of interesting topics. Here are the 20 articles that were the most popular in 2011.

我们How-To Geek感激所有读者,希望我们能启发您各种有趣的话题。 以下是2011年最受欢迎的20篇文章。

如何使用Audacity从音乐曲目中删除人声 (How To Remove Vocals From Music Tracks Using Audacity)


Do you like to make your own karaoke? Maybe you have some music you like but you don’t like the person who sings the songs. The following article shows you a few simple steps to remove vocals from your music files using the free program Audacity.

你想自己做卡拉OK吗? 也许您喜欢一些音乐,但不喜欢唱歌的人。 以下文章向您展示了一些使用免费程序Audacity从音乐文件中删除人声的简单步骤。

How To Remove Vocals From Music Tracks Using Audacity


使用DD-WRT将您的家用路由器变成超级功率路由器 (Turn Your Home Router into a Super-Powered Router with DD-WRT)


Most of us have a wireless router on our home network. If your router seems short on features, the following article shows you how to use an open source, alternative firmware for routers, called DD-WRT, to boost your router’s range and add features. DD-WRT unlocks features that aren’t available on all routers, such as static routing, VPN, repeating functions, and more. Even if you don’t use all these features, DD-WRT can make your router work better.

我们大多数人的家庭网络中都有无线路由器。 如果您的路由器似乎缺少功能,那么下面的文章将向您展示如何使用开源的路由器替代固件DD-WRT来扩大路由器的范围并添加功能。 DD-WRT解锁并非所有路由器都具备的功能,例如静态路由,VPN,转发功能等。 即使您不使用所有这些功能,DD-WRT也可以使您的路由器更好地工作。

Turn Your Home Router Into a Super-Powered Router with DD-WRT


10个最荒谬的令人讨厌的怪异计算机恶作剧 (The 10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Geeky Computer Pranks)


If you’re a prankster and a geek, the following article helps you to hone your geeky pranking skills and to avoid being on the receiving end of pranks. The article covers some new computer pranks and some old ones with a new twist. You’ll have to plan for many of these pranks because they require you to have physical access to someone else’s computer.

如果您是恶作剧者和怪胎,下面的文章可以帮助您磨练怪胎的恶作剧技巧,并避免陷入恶作剧的困境。 本文介绍了一些新的计算机恶作剧和一些旧的计算机恶作剧。 您必须为许多此类恶作剧进行计划,因为它们要求您具有对他人计算机的物理访问权限。

The 10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Geeky Computer Pranks


如何删除Win 7 Anti-Spyware 2011(假反病毒感染) (How to Remove Win 7 Anti-Spyware 2011 (Fake Anti-Virus Infections))

There are many fake antivirus, malware, and spyware applications out there that get a hold of your computer and hold it hostage until you pay money to have the virus, malware, or spyware removed. The people who make these fake antivirus applications tell you that your PC is infected with fake viruses, when their application is actually the virus that prevents you from removing it.

那里有许多伪造的防病毒,恶意软件和间谍软件应用程序可以控制您的计算机并将其作为人质,直到您付钱删除病毒,恶意软件或间谍软件。 制作这些伪造的防病毒应用程序的人会告诉您,您的PC感染了伪造的病毒,而他们的应用程序实际上是阻止您将其删除的病毒。

Win 7 Anti-Spyware 2011 is is one of these many fake antivirus applications that goes by many different names. They are all the same virus but the name varies depending on your system and the strain that infects your PC. The following article shows you what Win7 Anti-Spyware 2011 looks like and how to remove it. The article also gives a general guide on removing fake antivirus infections.

Win 7 Anti-Spyware 2011是具有许多不同名称的众多假冒防病毒应用程序之一。 它们都是相同的病毒,但是名称取决于您的系统和感染PC的病毒株。 下面的文章向您显示Win7 Anti-Spyware 2011的外观以及如何将其删除。 本文还提供了有关删除伪造的防病毒感染的一般指南。

How to Remove Win 7 Anti-Spyware 2011 (Fake Anti-Virus Infections)

如何删除Win 7 Anti-Spyware 2011(假反病毒感染)

砍除荧光笔以创建对紫外线有React性的花朵 (Hack Apart a Highlighter to Create UV-Reactive Flowers)


If you want to create some glowing decorations for your home, the following article shows you how to hack apart a highlighter to create flowers that suck up the UV-reactive highlighter dye and glow.


Hack Apart a Highlighter to Create UV-Reactive Flowers [Science]


越狱您的Kindle,实现简单的屏幕保护程序自定义 (Jailbreak Your Kindle for Dead Simple Screensaver Customization)


Do you not like the default screensaver on your Kindle? The following article shows you a simple hack that will jailbreak your Kindle and all you to use other screensavers on your Kindle. Jailbreaking the Kindle is very safe and easy and Amazon has practically approved the process by releasing the Kindle sourcecode. You can start messing around with fun screensaver images in a very short amount of time.

您是否不喜欢Kindle上的默认屏幕保护程序? 以下文章向您展示了一个简单的黑客程序,该程序将越狱Kindle和所有您要使用Kindle上的其他屏幕保护程序。 越狱Kindle是非常安全和容易的,亚马逊实际上已经通过发布Kindle源代码批准了该过程。 您可以在很短的时间内就开始用有趣的屏幕保护程序图片搞乱了。

Jailbreak Your Kindle for Dead Simple Screensaver Customization


愤怒的小鸟:每个级别的视频秘籍 (Angry Birds: Video Cheats for Every Level)


Are you addicted to Angry Birds like a lot of other people out there? Maybe you’ve mastered many levels but have gotten stuck at a certain level. The following article provides video walkthroughs that help you advance to each level. There are video cheats for all the thematic levels in the core game and also cheats about getting all the Golden Eggs.

您是否像其他许多人一样沉迷于《愤怒的小鸟》? 也许您已经掌握了多个级别,但已陷于某个级别。 以下文章提供了视频演练,可帮助您升级到每个级别。 在核心游戏中,有针对所有主题级别的视频作弊,也有关于获取所有金蛋的作弊。

Angry Birds: Video Cheats for Every Level


禁用不需要的内置Windows功能的50种最佳方法 (The 50 Best Ways to Disable Built-in Windows Features You Don’t Want)


How-To Geek has showed you many ways to disable features in Windows that you don’t want, remove some features entirely, and to tweak things to work the way you want. The following article contains a list of the 50 best ways to disable, remove, and tweak features in Windows.

《 How-To Geek》向您展示了许多禁用Windows中不需要的功能,完全删除某些功能以及调整功能以使其工作所需的方法。 下面的文章包含禁用,删除和调整Windows中的功能的50种最佳方法的列表。

The 50 Best Ways to Disable Built-in Windows Features You Don’t Want


如何启动自己的Minecraft服务器进行多人游戏 (How to Start Your Own Minecraft Server for Multiplayer Gaming)


Minecraft is another addictive game played by many people. To play with other players online rather than single player, you can join one of the hundreds of servers at However, you are limited by their rules and discretion. The following article shows you how to easily run your own Minecraft server so you and your friends can play with your own set of rules.

《我的世界》是许多人玩的另一款令人上瘾的游戏。 要在线与其他玩家而不是单人玩家一起玩,您可以在minecraftservers.net上加入数百台服务器之一。 但是,您受到他们的规则和酌处权的限制。 以下文章向您展示如何轻松运行自己的Minecraft服务器,以便您和您的朋友可以使用自己的规则。

How To Start Your Own Minecraft Server for Multiplayer Gaming


如何彻底清洁键盘(不损坏任何东西) (How to Thoroughly Clean Your Keyboard (Without Breaking Anything))


Keyboards can get clogged over time with dirt and grime. The following article provides tips on how to dust off, scrub down, and clean up the most important input device for your computer. Make sure you unplug your keyboard and take the batteries out, if it’s a wireless one. Some of the cleaning methods we show you can damage your keyboard if there’s power going to it.

随着时间的流逝,键盘可能会被灰尘和污垢堵塞。 下面的文章提供了有关如何清除,擦洗和清理计算机上最重要的输入设备的提示。 如果是无线电池,请确保拔下键盘并取出电池。 我们展示了一些清洁方法,如果通电,可能会损坏键盘。

How to Thoroughly Clean Your Keyboard (Without Breaking Anything)


如何从Facebook迁移到Google+ (How to Migrate from Facebook to Google+)


If you’ve been using Facebook for years and have a lot of information in it, you probably are hesitant to move to another social network, such as Google+. The following article shows you some tools that make it easier to migrate pictures, videos, and friends to Google+.

如果您已经使用Facebook多年,并且拥有很多信息,则可能不愿转向其他社交网络,例如Google+。 下面的文章为您展示了一些工具,这些工具可简化将图片,视频和朋友迁移到Google+的过程。

How to Migrate from Facebook to Google+


如何恢复意外删除的照片,图片或文件 (How to Recover that Photo, Picture or File You Deleted Accidentally)

Most of us have accidentally deleted a photo from your camera, on your computer, USB flash drive, or on other external drive at one point or another. Windows provides the Recycle Bin that holds deleted files for a while allowing you to recover files. However, how do you recover files deleted from your camera, USB flash drive, memory cards, or other external drive? The following article shows you a couple of tools you can use to recover deleted files from drives other than your computer’s hard drive.

我们大多数人不小心在某处或另一处从相机,计算机,USB闪存驱动器或其他外部驱动器上删除了照片。 Windows提供了可将删除的文件保存一段时间的回收站,允许您恢复文件。 但是,如何恢复从相机,USB闪存驱动器,存储卡或其他外部驱动器中删除的文件? 下面的文章为您展示了一些工具,可用于从计算机硬盘驱动器以外的驱动器中恢复已删除的文件。

How to Recover that Photo, Picture or File You Deleted Accidentally


如何在PC和Android手机之间无线传输文件 (How to Transfer Files Between Your PC and Android Phone Wirelessly)


Do you move a lot of files between your Android phone and your PC? Using a USB cable to do so is not complicated, but wouldn’t it be easier and quicker to transfer files wirelessly? The following article shows you how to transfer files between your computer and your Android phone without using a USB cable.

您是否在Android手机和PC之间移动了很多文件? 使用USB电缆这样做并不复杂,但是无线传输文件会更容易,更快捷吗? 以下文章显示了如何在不使用USB电缆的情况下在计算机和Android手机之间传输文件。

How to Transfer Files Between Your PC and Android Phone Wirelessly


如何在HP触摸板上安装Android (How to Install Android on Your HP Touchpad)


If you managed to get your hands on an HP Touchpad for $100, you will want to read the following article. It shows you how to install Android on the Touchpad in 3 simple steps such that you can run Android and webOS on the tablet.

如果您能够以100美元的价格买到HP触摸板,则需要阅读以下文章。 它向您展示了如何通过3个简单的步骤在触摸板上安装Android,以便您可以在平板电脑上运行Android和webOS。

How to Install Android on Your HP Touchpad


Windows 8屏幕快照之旅:您可能想知道的一切 (Windows 8 Screenshot Tour: Everything You Possibly Want to Know)


This year, Microsoft released the preview release of Windows 8. How-To Geek tested it out and figured out how it all works. The following four-part review provides with a How-To Geek style screenshot tour with a lot of pictures.

今年,Microsoft发布了Windows 8的预览版。How-ToGeek对其进行了测试,并弄清了它们的工作原理。 以下由四部分组成的评论提供了如何使用怪胎风格的屏幕快照,其中包含许多图片。

Windows 8 Screenshot Tour: Everything You Possibly Want to Know

Windows 8屏幕快照之旅:您可能想知道的一切

如何远程查看和控制您的Android手机 (How to Remote View and Control Your Android Phone)


Cell phone screens are getting bigger, but they still don’t rival the size of a computer monitor or even a laptop screen. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to view your Android’s screen on your desktop computer’s monitor or remote control your phone using your mouse and keyboard? The following tutorial shows you how to view your Android notifications right beside your computer’s notifications on your full-sized monitor. If your phone is rooted, you can also use your keyboard and mouse to control your phone. This is useful if you have an Android phone without a physical keyboard.

手机屏幕越来越大,但仍无法与计算机显示器甚至笔记本电脑屏幕媲美。 能够在台式计算机的显示器上查看Android的屏幕或使用鼠标和键盘远程控制手机不是很好吗? 以下教程向您展示如何在全尺寸显示器上的计算机通知旁边查看Android通知。 如果您的手机已扎根,则还可以使用键盘和鼠标来控制您的手机。 如果您的Android手机没有物理键盘,则此功能非常有用。

How to Remote View and Control Your Android Phone


您如何阻止烦人的短信(SMS)垃圾邮件? (How Do You Block Annoying Text Message (SMS) Spam?)


If you don’t have an unlimited text messaging plan, getting inundated with text message spam is not only annoying but can cost you. The following article shows you some tips for blocking annoying SMS spam. You can use these tips to block anybody from sending you a message. If your phone number ended up in the hands of someone you don’t want to hear from, you can just treat them as a spammer and block their messages.

如果您没有无限的短信计划,那么淹没在短信垃圾邮件中不仅会令人烦恼,而且还会使您付出高昂的代价。 下面的文章向您显示了一些阻止烦人的SMS垃圾邮件的技巧。 您可以使用这些提示来阻止任何人向您发送消息。 如果您的电话号码最终落入了您不想听到的人的手中,则可以将其视为垃圾邮件发送者并阻止他们的消息。

How Do You Block Annoying Text Message (SMS) Spam?


如何在Windows 7中启用“立体声混音”(以录制音频) (How to Enable “Stereo Mix” in Windows 7 (to Record Audio))

If you need to record audio exactly as it’s being played through your computer’s speakers, you can enable a feature called “Stereo Mix” in Windows. Most of today’s sound cards allow you to record whatever is being played, but you must access that recording channel. This is actually rather easy to do and the following article shows you how to do this.

如果您需要录制完全与通过计算机扬声器播放的音频相同的音频,则可以在Windows中启用一项称为“立体声混音”的功能。 当今的大多数声卡都允许您录制正在播放的内容,但是您必须访问该录制频道。 这实际上很容易做到,下面的文章向您展示了如何做到这一点。

How To Enable “Stereo Mix” in Windows 7 (to Record Audio)

如何在Windows 7中启用“立体声混音”(以录制音频)

HTG解释:所有这些音频格式之间有什么区别? (HTG Explains: What are the Differences Between All Those Audio Formats?)

There are many different digital audio formats out there. How do you tell what formats to use in which situations? The following article discusses some of the more common audio formats, the differences among them, and for what purposes you would want to use them.

有许多不同的数字音频格式。 您如何确定在哪种情况下使用哪种格式? 下面的文章讨论了一些更常见的音频格式,它们之间的差异以及您打算使用它们的目的。

HTG Explains: What Are the Differences Between All Those Audio Formats?


如何使用DD-WRT增强Wi-Fi网络信号并增加范围 (How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Network Signal and Increase Range with DD-WRT)


At the beginning of this article, we provided a link to another article about using the open source, free program DD-WRT to unlock additional features on your router. DD-WRT can also be used to extend the range of your home network. All you need is a spare router, and you can use a few simple tweaks to do this. See the article mentioned earlier in this article for information about getting DD-WRT onto your router.

在本文的开头,我们提供了另一篇文章的链接,有关使用开源的免费程序DD-WRT来解锁路由器上的其他功能。 DD-WRT也可以用于扩展家庭网络的范围。 您只需要一个备用路由器,就可以使用一些简单的调整来做到这一点。 有关将DD-WRT放入路由器的信息,请参阅本文前面提到的文章。

How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Network Signal and Increase Range with DD-WRT


Stay tuned in 2012 for more useful How-To and Explainer articles and How-To Geek Guides!

请继续关注2012年,以获取更多有用的“方法和解释器”文章以及“ How-To Geek Guides”!







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