读取ios sms.db_如何更改您的iOS SMS声音和随机播放铃声

读取ios sms.db

读取ios sms.db


One of the biggest complaints about iOS is the severe lack of SMS tones. If you’re jailbroken, however, you can easily add and manage those sounds as well as randomize your ringtones with a great utility called ToneFXs 2.

关于iOS的最大抱怨之一是严重缺乏SMS音调。 但是,如果您越狱了,则可以使用名为ToneFXs 2的强大实用程序轻松添加和管理这些声音以及将铃声随机化。

安装与配置 (Installation and Configuration)

ToneFXs 2 is a great tool made by Efiko and is available through Cydia for $4.99, with a 15-day free trial.

ToneFXs 2是Efiko制作的一款出色工具,可通过Cydia以4.99美元的价格购买,并提供15天的免费试用期。

Open up Cydia and search for “ToneFXs 2 (Pro)”.

打开Cydia并搜索“ ToneFXs 2(Pro)”。

Photo Jun 29, 6 15 02 PM
Photo Jun 29, 6 15 20 PM

Scroll down and you’ll see a list of features:


Photo Jun 29, 6 15 32 PM

When you’re ready, tap install, watch it do its thing, and then re-spring when prompted.


Find the ToneFXs icon and open it up. If you also run BiteSMS, you’ll see a notice come up.

找到ToneFXs图标并打开它。 如果您还运行BiteSMS,将会看到一条通知。

Photo Jun 29, 6 19 14 PM

Tap OK and take a look at all of the system sounds you can change!


Photo Jun 29, 6 21 33 PM

Just tap on any alert to assign tones.


Photo Jun 29, 11 02 07 PM

You can create “profiles,” which are essentially alert sounds for specific contacts, by tapping the plus button. That will take you to the contact selection screen. For now, though, just tap on the Default profile to see the list of available sounds.

您可以通过点击加号按钮来创建“配置文件”,该配置文件本质上是特定联系人的警报声音。 这将带您进入联系人选择屏幕。 不过,目前,仅点击默认配置文件即可查看可用声音的列表。

Photo Jun 29, 11 02 19 PM

You can play with all of the defaults, and ToneFXs even gives you some new ones to play with. If you scroll down, you can even choose the normal defaults of iOS.

您可以使用所有默认值,甚至ToneFXs可以为您提供一些新的默认值。 如果向下滚动,甚至可以选择iOS的默认默认设置。

From the main menu, tap on Manage Tones to view and delete tones you have.


Photo Jun 29, 6 21 57 PM

将声音传到设备上 (Getting Sounds Onto Your Device)

ToneFXs supports the ringtones that you create using iTunes for all notifications as well as Winterboard sound themes downloaded through Cydia.


You can also download the ToneFXsCreator application for free from the Efiko website to really easily get tones onto your iOS device.



Click on Download ToneFXsCreator to be taken to the download page.



Grab the version for your platform, go through the usual installation steps, and launch the app.



Click on “Browse Computer” to load an audio file, then move the sliders or enter specific times to find start and end points. Click Preview to hear what the file will sound like, and when you’re done, click on “Send ToneFX to iPhone”.

单击“浏览计算机”以加载音频文件,然后移动滑块或输入特定时间以查找起点和终点。 单击预览以听见文件的声音,完成后单击“将ToneFX发送到iPhone”。


I used a GlaDOS-esque sound file I created. Give your file a name, then click OK.

我使用了创建GlaDOS风格的声音文件 。 为文件命名,然后单击“确定”。


The file will be uploaded to Efiko’s servers and you’ll get a text code.


Now, in the ToneFXs app on your iPhone, scroll down to “Get a ToneFX”.


Photo Jun 29, 6 55 28 PM

Your audio file will be quickly and painlessly downloaded and added to your ToneFXs library to use as you wish.


使您的铃声随机随机播放 (Making Your Ringtones Shuffle Randomly)

You can easily “shuffle” your ringtones – or have your phone randomly choose among a bunch of different ones – by simply choosing multiple sounds for any given alert.


Photo Jun 30, 2 41 28 AM
Photo Jun 30, 2 41 35 AM

You’ll see that it’ll say “X Tones” on the Profiles screen, as a sign that you’ve got multiple selected. Now, you won’t get tired of hearing the same song over and over again!

您会在“个人资料”屏幕上看到“ X音调”,表示您已选择多个。 现在,您将不会厌倦一次又一次地听到同一首歌!

老式的方式 (The Old-Fashioned Way)

If you’re loathe to spend money but you’re really bored with the default iOS text message sounds, you can manually replace the text sounds in your iOS system partition. (Please note that this isn’t for the faint-of-heart, or those who fear the command-line.)

如果您不愿意花钱,但是对默认的iOS短信声音确实很无聊,则可以手动替换iOS系统分区中的短信声音。 (请注意,这不适合胆小的人或害怕命令行的人。)

Install OpenSSH from Cydia and reboot your device. Now, you should be able to SSH into your phone from another computer on your network.

从Cydia安装OpenSSH并重新启动设备。 现在,您应该能够从网络上的另一台计算机SSH进入手机。

username: “root”

用户名:“ root”

password: “alpine”

密码:“ alpine”

Use the above credentials (without quotes, of course) to log in.


Note: The FIRST thing you should do is change the default password, for safety reasons. OpenSSH allows remote access to your phone, so be SURE to change the password to prevent unauthorized use. There have been demonstrated malware attacks that you are susceptible to unless you do this.

注意:出于安全考虑,您首先要做的是更改默认密码。 OpenSSH允许远程访问您的电话,因此请务必更改密码以防止未经授权的使用。 除非您这样做,否则已证明您容易受到恶意软件攻击。

Type the following command:





Then enter a new password and type it again to confirm it. There, now you’re safe!

然后输入新密码,然后再次输入以确认。 在那里,现在您很安全!

Now, you can use the SCP command to copy files onto your iPhone or iPod touch (but don’t setup key file access). Navigate to the following directory:

现在,您可以使用SCP命令将文件复制到iPhone或iPod touch(但不设置关键文件访问权限)。 导航到以下目录:


/系统/图书馆/音频/ UISounds /


The files you need to replace are named “sms-received1.caf”, “sms-received2.caf”, …, through “sms-received6.caf”. You can create backups of these files in case you want to restore the defaults later:

您需要替换的文件分别通过“ sms-received6.caf”命名为“ sms-received1.caf”,“ sms-received2.caf”,...。 您可以为这些文件创建备份,以备日后恢复默认设置时使用:

cp sms-received1.caf sms-received1.caf.bak

cp sms-received1.caf sms-received1.caf.bak

and so forth. Here’s an example of the command I used to replace the files:

等等。 这是我用来替换文件的命令的示例:

scp mario_brick.aiff root@

scp mario_brick.aiff root@

Your files should .AIFF files that have the extension renamed to “.caf” – which you can do while SCPing – and you can probably just make them monaural instead of stereo. If you need to edit and convert those files, look at our Basic Guide to Audio Editing: The Basics for basic instructions on using Audacity.

您的文件应将扩展名为“ .caf”的.AIFF文件重命名为“ .caf”(您可以在SCPing时执行此操作),并且可以将它们设为单声道而不是立体声。 如果您需要编辑和转换这些文件,请参阅我们的音频编辑基本指南:基础知识,以获取有关使用Audacity的基本说明。

Once you’ve replaced the default files you can uninstall OpenSSH to prevent outside access to your device, though you will need to reinstall it should you decide to go through the process again. You can also use programs like iPhoneBrowser instead of SSH to replace the aforementioned files.

替换默认文件后,您可以卸载OpenSSH以防止外部访问您的设备,但是如果您决定再次执行此过程,则需要重新安装它。 您也可以使用iPhoneBrowser之类的程序代替SSH来替换上述文件。

At just $5, ToneFXs 2 is a really cheap way to manage all of your iOS system sounds, not just your SMS and call alerts. It’s much easier than doing things manually, and allows you to shuffle the sounds so you won’t get bored of them.

仅需5美元,ToneFXs 2即可非常便宜地管理您所有iOS系统的声音,而不仅仅是您的SMS和通话提醒。 它比手动处理要容易得多,并且允许您随机播放声音,以免感到无聊。

Do you shuffle your ringtones? Have you found a better way to do this? Share in the comments!

您会打乱铃声吗? 您找到更好的方法了吗? 分享评论!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/67177/how-to-change-your-ios-text-message-sounds-and-shuffle-your-ringtones/

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