


Alexa is great for all sorts of stuff, including smarthome control, but if you’re tired of having to turn off everything at night before you go to bed (or at least making sure it’s turned off), you can actually have Alexa do all that for you with a single command.


We’ve talked about Alexa Routines before. It’s a feature that can make tasks around the house a lot easier and quicker, but Routines are also great for when you finally decide to shut down for the night and rest your weary eyes. Here are some common nighttime tasks that you can add to your Alexa Routine.

我们之前已经讨论过Alexa例程 。 此功能可以使整个房子的工作变得更加轻松快捷,但是当您最终决定关闭夜间休息并疲劳的眼睛时,例程也非常有用。 以下是一些常见的夜间任务,您可以将它们添加到Alexa Routine中。

关闭所有仍在点亮的灯或设备 (Turn Off Any Lights or Devices That Are Still On)

Turning off all the lights in my house is probably one of the things I forget to do most often before I finally head to bed for the night. The advancement of LEDs has made my forgetfulness easier on my wallet, but it’s still a waste of electricity.

关掉屋子里所有的灯,可能是我晚上上床睡觉之前最常做的事情之一。 LED的进步使我的钱包遗忘变得更加容易,但仍然浪费电力。

If you have smart lights sprawled across your home and they’re compatible with Alexa, you can add an action to your nightly Alexa Routine that has her turn off every single smart light for you. You’ll never have to worry again about whether or not you left the kitchen lights on.

如果您的智能灯散布在家里并且与Alexa兼容,则可以在每晚的Alexa Routine中添加一个动作,让她为您关闭所有智能灯。 您再也不必担心是否需要打开厨房灯。

And don’t worry; if a light is already off and you tell Alexa to turn that light off, it won’t simply toggle it and turn it back on. Smarthome devices are smart enough to know that if you want to turn a light off and it’s already turned off, it will simply just ignore your command and keep the light off.

不用担心 如果灯已经熄灭,而您告诉Alexa将该灯关闭,则不会简单地将其切换然后重新打开。 智能家居设备足够智能,可以知道如果您要关闭电灯并且已经关闭了电灯,则只需忽略您的命令并保持电灯熄灭即可。

锁上所有门 (Lock All the Doors)

Maybe you lock your exterior doors right after you close them when you’re going in and out; maybe not. Most people lock them before going to sleep, but people can be forgetful sometimes. The good news is that you can have Alexa automatically do a check when you go off to bed and lock any of smart locks that you forgot to lock about.

也许在进出房门后立即关上外门就将其锁好; 也许不会。 大多数人在入睡前将它们锁定,但有时人们可能会健忘。 好消息是,上床睡觉时,Alexa可以自动进行检查并锁定所有您忘记锁的智能锁。

Of course, this requires a smart lock that works with Alexa. If you don’t already have one, they can be a worthwhile investment if you tend to forget to lock your door or just hate using physical keys. Plus, most houses usually only have a couple of exterior doors, so you won’t be spending a ton of money to outfit an entire home with smart locks.

当然,这需要与Alexa配合使用的智能锁。 如果您还没有,那么如果您倾向于忘记锁门或只是讨厌使用实体钥匙,那么这可能是一笔值得的投资。 另外,大多数房屋通常只有几个外门,因此您不会花费大量金钱为整个房屋配备智能锁。

打开任何风扇或其他夜间设备 (Turn On Any Fans or Other Nighttime Devices)

While we turn off most devices at bedtime, there are some things that you may turn on once you get in bed, like a fan or a white noise machine. You can have Alexa turn these on if you’re using smart plugs with them.

虽然我们在就寝时关闭大多数设备,但是有些东西一旦您上床就可以打开,例如风扇或白噪声机。 如果您在使用智能插头,可以将它们打开。

Smart plugs are fairly cheap, but they’re a super simple way of turning “dumb” appliances into smarthome devices of sorts. You can use them to turn on or off something like a simple fan from your phone or using your voice, wherever you are.

智能插头相当便宜,但是它们是将“笨拙”的设备变成各种智能家居设备的超级简单方法。 无论您身在何处,都可以使用它们打开或关闭电话中的简单风扇或声音之类的功能。

Plus, you can add smart plugs to your Alexa Routines and have them turn on or off whenever you run a routine. I love having a fan running for white noise, so having Alexa automatically turn it on when it’s time for bed is convenient.

此外,您可以将智能插头添加到Alexa例程中,并在运行例程时打开或关闭它们。 我喜欢让风扇运转以消除白噪声,因此让Alexa在上床睡觉时自动将其打开很方便。

让Alexa说“晚安”回到你身边 (Get Alexa to say, “Good night” Back to You)

Last but not least, if you want to give Alexa a bit more personality when she responds to your bedtime routine, you can have her say something back to you after you give her a voice command, instead of just saying “OK” or a quick confirmation chime.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,如果您希望在Alexa响应您的就寝习惯时给她更多个性,您可以在给她发声命令后让她回话,而不仅仅是说“ OK”或快速确认铃声。

To do this, you’ll add it as another action, just like you would with the lights, locks, smart plugs, etc. Only this time you’ll select “Alexa says” from the options.

为此,您将其添加为另一个动作,就像使用电灯,锁,智能插头等一样。只有这次,您才从选项中选择“ Alexa说”。

You can select “Custom” and have her say whatever you want, or you can tap on “Phrases” and then “Good Night” to select from a list of nighttime-related phrases.


Of course, all of these are just the tip of the iceberg as far as what you could include in your own Alexa nighttime Routine, but this at least gives you some ideas to get started.


Heck, if you have a garage door that can connect to Alexa, you can even have her close it if you might have forgotten to, that way it’s not left open all night, which is something that happens more often than I’d care to admit!




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