您的功能键在Microsoft Powerpoint中的作用

The function keys on keyboards don’t get the love they used to, but depending on the app you’re running, they can still be quite handy. Microsoft PowerPoint has some interesting features tucked away behind your function keys. Here’s what they do.

键盘上的功能键并没有像以前那样让人爱不释手,但是取决于您所运行的应用程序,它们仍然可以非常方便。 Microsoft PowerPoint具有隐藏在功能键后面的一些有趣功能。 这就是他们的工作。

F1 (F1)

  • F1: When you’re in editing mode, pressing F1 displays the help menu. When you’re in slideshow mode, pressing F1 reveals the slideshow’s controls so you can do things like moving forward or backward in your presentation.

    F1:在编辑模式下,按F1将显示帮助菜单。 在幻灯片放映模式下,按F1会显示幻灯片放映的控件,因此您可以在演示文稿中进行前进或后退之类的操作。

  • Ctrl+F1: Close and reopen the current task pane.

    Ctrl + F1:关闭并重新打开当前任务窗格。

F2 (F2)

  • F2: When you have an object that contains text (like a text box or other shape), pressing F2 cycles between selecting the text for editing and selecting the object itself for moving or formatting.


  • Ctrl+F2: Open the Print window, where you can preview and print your document.

    Ctrl + F2:打开“打印”窗口,您可以在其中预览和打印文档。

  • Alt+F2: Open the Save As window.

    Alt + F2:打开“另存为”窗口。

  • Alt+Shift+F2: Save the active presentation that you’re working on. This will not save all open presentations.

    Alt + Shift + F2:保存正在处理的活动演示文稿。 这不会保存所有打开的演示文稿。

F3 (F3)

  • Shift+F3: Change the case of selected text. Pressing this combo repeatedly cycles through the following case styles: Initial Letter Case, ALL CAPS CASE, and lower case.

    Shift + F3:更改所选文本的大小写。 反复按此组合键可循环浏览以下大小写样式:首字母大写,全部大写和小写。

F4 (F4)

  • F4: Repeat your last action.


  • Shift+F4: Repeat the last “Find” action. This one’s handy because you can use it to browse search results without having the Find and Replace window open.

    Shift + F4:重复上一个“查找”操作。 这很方便,因为您可以使用它来浏览搜索结果,而无需打开“查找和替换”窗口。

  • Ctrl+F4: Close the presentation window.

    Ctrl + F4:关闭演示窗口。

  • Alt+F4: Quit Microsoft Powerpoint. This closes all open presentations (giving you the chance to save changes first) and exits Powerpoint.

    Alt + F4:退出Microsoft Powerpoint。 这将关闭所有打开的演示文稿(使您有机会先保存更改)并退出Powerpoint。

F5 (F5)

  • F5: Begin a slideshow with your active presentation from the first slide.


  • Shift+F5: Begin a slideshow from your current slide. This is handy when testing how the presentation view will look.

    Shift + F5:从当前幻灯片开始播放幻灯片。 在测试演示视图的外观时,这很方便。

  • Ctrl+F5: Restore the size of your presentation window.

    Ctrl + F5:恢复演示文稿窗口的大小。

F6 (F6)

  • F6: Move between the Ribbon, worksheet, tabs, and status bar.


  • Shift+F6: Move in reverse order between the Ribbon, worksheet, tabs, and status bar.

    Shift + F6:在功能区,工作表,选项卡和状态栏之间以相反的顺序移动。

  • Ctrl+F6: Switch to the next presentation window when more than one presentation window is open.

    Ctrl + F6:打开多个演示窗口时,切换到下一个演示窗口。

  • Ctrl+Shift+F6: Switch to the previous presentation window when more than one presentation window is open.

    Ctrl + Shift + F6:打开多个演示窗口时,切换到上一个演示窗口。

F7 (F7)

  • F7: Open the Editor pane and starts a spelling and grammar check.


  • Ctrl+F7: Move the presentation window (when it isn’t maximized).

    Ctrl + F7:移动演示文稿窗口(未最大化时)。

  • Shift+F7: Open the thesaurus. If you have a word selected when you press this combo, Excel opens the thesaurus and looks up the selected word.

    Shift + F7:打开同义词库。 如果您在按下此组合键时选择了一个单词,则Excel将打开同义词库并查找所选单词。

F8 (F8)

  • Alt+F8: Display the Macros dialog box.

    Alt + F8:显示“宏”对话框。

  • Ctrl+F8: Resize the presentation window (when it isn’t maximized)

    Ctrl + F8:调整演示文稿窗口的大小(未最大化时)

F9 (F9)

  • Shift+F9: Show or hide a grid that aids you in aligning objects.

    Shift + F9:显示或隐藏可帮助您对齐对象的网格。

  • Ctrl+F9: Minimize the active presentation window.

    Ctrl + F9:最小化活动的演示窗口。

  • Alt+F9: Show or hide movable guidelines that aid you in aligning objects.

    Alt + F9:显示或隐藏可移动准线,以帮助您对齐对象。

F10 (F10)

  • F10: Turn key tips on or off. Key tips display shortcut letters on menus that you can press to navigate menus and activate commands.

    F10:打开或关闭关键提示。 按键提示在菜单上显示快捷键,您可以按这些快捷键来浏览菜单和激活命令。

  • Shift+F10: Display a context menu. This works just like right-clicking.

    Shift + F10:显示上下文菜单。 就像单击鼠标右键一样。

  • Ctrl+F10: Maximize or restore the active presentation window.

    Ctrl + F10:最大化或还原活动的演示窗口。

  • Alt+F10: Maximize the program window.

    Alt + F10:最大化程序窗口。

  • Alt+Shift+F10: Display the menu or message for a smart tag (If more than one smart tag is present, switches to the next smart tag and displays its menu or message).

    Alt + Shift + F10:显示智能标记的菜单或消息(如果存在多个智能标记,则切换到下一个智能标记并显示其菜单或消息)。

F11 (F11)

  • Alt+F11: Switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previously active window.

    Alt + F11:在Visual Basic编辑器和以前的活动窗口之间切换。

  • Alt+Shift+F11: Open the Microsoft Script Editor.

    Alt + Shift + F11:打开Microsoft脚本编辑器。

F12 (F12)

  • F12: Open the Save As window.


  • Shift+F12: Save your presentation.

    Shift + F12:保存您的演示文稿。

  • Ctrl+F12: Open the Open window.

    Ctrl + F12:打开“打开”窗口。

  • Ctrl+Shift+F12: Open the Print window.

    Ctrl + Shift + F12:打开“打印”窗口。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/366907/what-your-function-keys-do-in-microsoft-powerpoint/





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