
本文探讨了CDS for Apps与Power Query之间的关系,指出CDS for Apps是Power Query功能的子集,类似于SQL Server存储过程。CDS for Apps是Apps的数据管理层,允许安全存储和管理业务应用数据。虽然CDS for Apps适用于Power Apps,但在BI/分析领域中并不适用。文章还讨论了ETL过程、Power Query在数据加载中的作用,以及Power BI Data Flows作为自助服务数据仓库的潜在影响。


执行摘要 (Executive Summary)

CDS for Apps VS Power Query – is there a difference? If so, what is that difference? Are they mutually exclusive or complement each other? Later I briefly outline Common Data Services for Analytics no, Power BI Datapools no again, actually Power BI Data Flows. It is difficult to keep up with the correct naming.

CDS for Apps VS Power Query –有区别吗? 如果是这样,那有什么区别? 它们是互斥的还是互补的? 稍后,我简要概述通用Analytics for Data Services,而不是Power BI Datapool ,实际上是Power BI Data Flows 。 难以跟上正确的命名。

What I have put together is my impression based on my experience and research from the perspective of a backend data person with a developer background. I try not to draw too direct conclusions so please treat it as what it is at this point: a technical opinion (and not an expert’s testimonial).

我的总结是基于我的经验和从具有开发人员背景的后端数据人员的角度进行的研究。 我尽量不要得出太直接的结论,因此请按目前情况将其视为:技术意见(而非专家的推荐)。

In short: my understanding is that CDS for Apps is a subset of Power Query functionality packaged together, something similar to how a SQL Server stored procedure is an abstraction layer of a bunch of T-SQL statements. The same applies to CDS for Apps, you don’t need to understand all the subtleties behind CDS for Apps, it’s like an M stored procedure (that includes connectors in my view though it is not the case in the official documentation).

简而言之:我的理解是CDS for Apps是打包在一起的Power Query功能的子集,类似于SQL Server存储过程是一堆T-SQL语句的抽象层的方式。 同样适用于CDS for Apps,您无需了解CDS for Apps的所有细微之处,就像一个M存储过程( 在我看来,它包括连接器,尽管官方文档中并非如此 )。

So even without CDS for Apps, we can use all that it offers and even more on the backend side, assuming at least one of the dev team can code M queries (Microsoft plans to introduce M into SSIS/ADF, too so it can be used in enterprise level data load processes, too!).

For some more details, please read on!

因此,即使没有CDS for Apps,我们也可以使用其提供的所有功能,甚至可以在后端使用更多功能,前提是至少有一个开发团队可以编写M个查询(微软也计划将M引入SSIS / ADF中,以便也用于企业级数据加载过程!)。


背景 (Background)

Recently I had a chance (thanks to a colleague who came to me with a question) to experiment a little bit with Power Query.

最近,我有机会(感谢一个向我提出问题的同事)对Power Query进行了一些实验。

With all things, Power (true to this one, too) lines become blurry regarding the target audience or the targeted userbase. You hear about a Power [Something], labeled as “self-service” and initially, you (certainly true for me) don’t really know how the pieces fit together and how it is integrated into Microsoft’s enterprise level product roadmap.

总而言之,关于目标受众或目标用户群, Power (也适用于此)内容变得模糊。 您听说过被标记为“自助服务”的Power [Something],起初,您( 对我当然是真的 )并不真正了解各个部分如何组合以及如何将其集成到Microsoft的企业级产品路线图中。

My purpose is to share what I have learned in a brief period of time to help you avoid the confusion and misunderstandings that I had about these things. Given my background, I mostly see things from the BI developer’s (if there is still such a thing, please put your own designation here: data engineer, analytical specialist, etc) perspective, so when I write I or we, it is always from that viewpoint. However, being a consultant means I try to consider technical solutions from a wider perspective from two angles:

我的目的是分享我在短时间内学到的知识,以帮助您避免我对这些事情所产生的困惑和误解。 在我的背景下,我通常会从BI开发人员的角度来看事情( 如果还有这样的事情,请在此处输入您自己的称呼:数据工程师,分析专家等 ),所以当我写我或我们的时候,总是那个观点。 但是,作为顾问意味着我试图从两个角度从更广泛的角度考虑技术解决方案:

  • How would management/stakeholders understand the capabilities of a new tool (or a new version of a tool)? – this often drives future tech-investments and has a significant impact on projects

    管理层/涉众如何理解新工具(或工具的新版本)的功能? –这通常会推动未来的技术投资,并对项目产生重大影响
  • How could end users (on any level) deal with the new tool/version? – this obviously impacts support and its structure

    最终用户(任何级别)如何处理新工具/版本? –这显然会影响支持及其结构

I openly admit that I don’t have a clear picture when it comes to Microsoft’s Power [Something] strategy and roadmap. Bits of news fly around all the time and the scene changes very often. What I write below is my impression and I try not to draw too direct conclusions so please treat it what it is at this point: a technical opinion (and not an expert’s testimonial).

我公开承认,对于Microsoft的Power [Something]策略和路线图,我并没有清楚的了解。 几乎所有时间都散布着很多新闻,而且场景经常变化。 我在下面写的是我的印象,我尽量不得出太直接的结论,因此请在此时将其视为: 技术意见 (而不是专家的推荐)。

应用程序CDS (CDS for Apps)

I keep hearing about CDS for Apps and how awesome it is, and that we just need to wait for a little as it’s not ready yet or not released with all its features.


应用? 什么应用程序?





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