sql azure 语法_在Azure中使用SQL Server 2016 CTP3

sql azure 语法

As the time of the release of the next version of SQL Server is closing in, the cycle of Community Technical Preview (CTP) releases is shorter and shorter – we are now at CTP3 and the product seems very much mature for release. There is a handful of features not yet implemented, that was on the roadmap – but I bet you the SQL Team will go an extra length to get the features ready for the final release.

随着下一版SQL Server发行时间的临近,社区技术预览(CTP)发行的周期越来越短–我们现在使用的是CTP3,并且该产品似乎已经非常成熟。 路线图中尚有一些尚未实现的功能-但我敢打赌,SQL团队将花更多的时间为最终版本准备好这些功能。

This post will show you how to get started with testing/using the newest version of the CTP.


试用SQL Server 2016 CTP3的方法 (Ways to try out SQL Server 2016 CTP3)

There are a few options as to how to get started with testing the CTP3:


  • Install it on a Laptop

  • Install it on a workstation

  • Download a VHD from Microsoft

  • Try it online at Microsoft Virtual Academy

    在Microsoft Virtual Academy在线尝试
  • …. And then there is the method I am keen on

    …。 然后是我热衷的方法

The easiest way to get started with the new CTP of SQL Server is actually not by downloading it, and installing on your own Laptop or Workstation. There is a more efficient way to get started, and it involves the CLOUD, or as Microsoft calls it AZURE, all you need is an active AZURE account with some credits on it. If you have that, you can be up and running in about 15 minutes from your log-in, till you have a running SQL server.

开始使用SQL Server的新CTP的最简单方法实际上是不下载并安装在自己的笔记本电脑或工作站上。 有一种更有效的入门方法,它涉及CLOUD,或者像Microsoft称为AZURE一样,您需要的是一个具有一定信誉的活跃AZURE帐户。 如果您拥有该服务器,则可以在登录后大约15分钟内启动并运行,直到拥有正在运行SQL Server。

One of the many reasons to be doing it this way could be one or more of the following.


  • IT does not allow you to install servers on your laptop or workstation

  • Limited space available on your laptop or workstation


If one or more of these reasons apply, you should definitely opt for running your trial on AZURE. In the following part, I will guide you through what is needed to get started and what steps are required to perform the install of the SQL Server CTP3 on AZURE.

如果这些原因中的一个或多个适用,则您绝对应该选择在AZURE上运行您的试用版。 在以下部分中,我将指导您完成入门所需的内容以及在AZURE上执行SQL Server CTP3安装所需的步骤。

需要Azure帐户 (Azure Account Needed)

Before you can start using this guide, there are few things that need to be considered.


First off, you will be needing an AZURE Account, either an MSDN, a private or a TRIAL account. You can create a new trial account on this link. When this is created, you will be able to use AZURE for free, for 60 days, and with a spending limit of 200$.

首先,您将需要一个AZURE帐户,一个MSDN,一个私人帐户或一个TRIAL帐户。 您可以在此链接上创建一个新的试用帐户。 创建此文件后,您将可以免费使用AZURE,期限为60天,消费限额为200 $。

Step 1: Go to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/free-trial/


Step 2: Click the “try it now” button


Step 3: Fill in the form, log-in, and you’re ready to rock and roll.


启动虚拟机 (Start up your Virtual Machine)


Use the old portal, as there seems to be an issue with the display of the version of CTP in the new AZURE Portal.

Old Portal : https://manage.windowsazure.com/
New Portal : https://portal.azure.com/



旧门户网站: https : //manage.windowsazure.com/
新门户: https : //portal.azure.com/

Once you are logged in to the portal of your choice, we can get started on the work that really matters, the creation of your virtual machine running SQL Server 2016. There is not that much to it, a few steps to be completed, the provisioning, and installation of the server should be going smoothly.

登录到您选择的门户后,我们就可以开始真正重要的工作,即运行SQL Server 2016的虚拟机的创建。要做的事情不多,需要完成一些步骤,供应和服务器的安装应该顺利进行。

Let us get started:


Step 1: On the main screen of your portal, click the New button:

步骤1:在门户的主屏幕上,单击“ 新建”按钮:

Step 2: On the next window click the Virtual Machine button:

步骤2:在下一个窗口中,单击Virtual Machine(虚拟机)按钮:

Step 3: The next window, you should be clicking the From Gallery button:

步骤3:在下一个窗口中,您应该单击From Gallery按钮。

Step 4: Click on the SQL Server menu point:

步骤4:单击SQL Server菜单上的点:

Step 5: Scroll to the very bottom of the list containing all the various images of SQL Server installations, and select the SQL Server 2016 CTP3 Evaluation image:

步骤5:滚动到包含所有各种SQL Server安装映像的列表的最底部,然后选择SQL Server 2016 CTP3评估映像:

Step 6: Then click the little arrow to the right, indicating that you would like to continue the configuration of this server:


Step 7: This is here you give the server a unique name, set up the size of the server and a user account for the server to be used as administrator.


  1. The name must be between 3 and 15 letters

  2. Use standard tier, as it will be sufficient for testing

  3. I tend to select an A4 server, as I like to not wait for the server to respond

  4. Put in a username

  5. Put in a password, and retype it

  6. Click the little arrow to the right to continue


Step 8: Here we are creating or reusing a cloud service, selecting which region the server will be running in (chose the region nearest to your physical location), setting up or reusing a storage account.


The storage account is the account/container where your Virtual Hard drive is stored. You cannot have a virtual machine on Azure without a Storage Account.

存储帐户是存储虚拟硬盘驱动器的帐户/容器。 没有存储帐户,则无法在Azure上拥有虚拟机。

Choose if there is a need for an availability set. My advice would be to skip this option, as there is seldom use for that in a testing situation:

选择是否需要可用性集。 我的建议是跳过此选项,因为在测试情况下很少使用该选项:


An availability set is a group of virtual machines deployed across fault domains and update domains. An availability set makes sure that your application is not affected by single points of failure, like the network switch or the power unit of a rack of servers.


可用性集是跨故障域和更新域部署的一组虚拟机。 可用性集可确保您的应用程序不受单点故障的影响,例如网络交换机或服务器机架的电源。

Remember to create an endpoint for your SQL Server Management Studio, enabling you to connect to the server from your local host. To do this click the lowest dropdown menu, indicating the Enter or select a value. Select the MSSQL option:

请记住为您SQL Server Management Studio创建一个终结点,使您能够从本地主机连接到服务器。 为此,请单击最低的下拉菜单,指示Enter或选择一个值 选择MSSQL选项:

That will automatically create an endpoint for the TCP protocol with the private and a public port for 3306.


Now end by clicking the little arrow to the right.


Step 9: You have the possibility to install VM agents on the server, but it is not something that I have worked intensively with, so I would not give advice on this subject – please see the blog on the subject https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/vm-agent-and-extensions-part-1/

第9步:您可以在服务器上安装VM代理,但是我并没有认真研究它,因此我不会就此主题提供建议–请参阅主题https:// azure上的博客。 microsoft.com/en-us/blog/vm-agent-and-extensions-part-1/

Start the provisioning of the server by clicking the arrow to the right:


Step 11: The window will now change. The machine is being provisioned, and the virtual machine will be online in approximately 10-15 minutes:

步骤11:窗口现在将改变。 正在配置计算机,虚拟机将在大约10-15分钟内联机:

Step 12: Connect to the virtual machine, using the Connect option at the bottom of the screen. This will download a Remote Desktop Profile. Once downloaded open the profile and login with the username and password used to create the machine:

步骤12:使用屏幕底部的Connect(连接)选项连接到虚拟机。 这将下载一个远程桌面配置文件。 下载完成后,打开配置文件并使用用于创建机器的用户名和密码登录:

结论 (Conclusion)

You should now either already have a Virtual Machine running in Azure, with the latest SQL Server 2016 CTP or you should be able to create one easy.

现在,您应该已经在Azure中运行了具有最新SQL Server 2016 CTP的虚拟机,或者应该可以轻松创建一个虚拟机。

I hope you have enjoyed this article, and have found a new way for using Azure for testing new products from Microsoft.


翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/using-sql-server-2016-ctp3-in-azure/

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