sql server新增列_SQL Server 2016安装中的新增功能?

sql server新增列

SQL Server 2016 introduced officially on the 1st of June 2016. It comes with many new features such as Query Store that maintains the execution plans history for the queries with its performance data in order to detect any slowness in the query caused by the new plans, so that the administrator can force the use of the better old plan.

SQL Server 2016于2016年6月1 正式推出。它具有许多新功能,例如查询存储 ,该存储使用性能数据维护查询的执行计划历史记录,以便检测由新计划引起的查询中的任何慢速情况,以便管理员可以强制使用更好的旧计划。

Another new feature in SQL Server 2016 is Polybase; a SQL Server connector to Hadoop. Microsoft SQL 2016 allows you to store parts of your tables in SQL Azure databases in the cloud, this feature is called the Stretch Database. Java Script Object Notation (JSON) language is supported now in SQL Server 2016. Row Level Security is introduced in SQL Server 2016, where you can limit the data access based on a specific column. A new functionality that allows the data to be encrypted in transit, at rest and while it is live in the database called the Always Encrypted.

SQL Server 2016中的另一个新功能是Polybase ; HadoopSQL Server连接器。 Microsoft SQL 2016允许您将部分表存储在云中SQL Azure数据库中,此功能称为Stretch Database 。 SQL Server 2016现在支持Java脚本对象表示法( JSON )语言。SQLServer 2016中引入了行级安全性 ,您可以在其中基于特定列限制数据访问。 一项新功能,允许在传输过程中,静止时以及数据在数据库中处于活动状态时对数据进行加密,称为Always Encrypted

Many features that are introduced in older SQL Server versions improved in SQL Server 2016, such as the In Memory tables feature foreign keys, check and unique constraints and parallelism limitations. And Always On Availability Groups which supports the DTC transactions now.

SQL Server 2016中改进了旧版SQL Server中引入的许多功能,例如“内存中”表具有外键,检查和唯一约束以及并行性限制。 并且Always On Availability组现在支持DTC事务。

In this article, we are interested in the new enhancements in the SQL Server 2016 installation wizard, which we will discuss during the installation process.

在本文中,我们对SQL Server 2016安装向导中的新增强功能感兴趣,我们将在安装过程中进行讨论。

From the SQL Server 2016 installation media, click on the setup.exe file in order to start the installation wizard.

从SQL Server 2016安装媒体,单击setup.exe文件以启动安装向导。

Choose the Installation tab at the left side of the SQL Server Installation Center window to view the installation options. What is new in this window is that you can find a separate line for Install SQL Server Management Tools and Install SQL Server Data Tools. These tools were part of the Shared Features selection window in the previous SQL Server versions.

选择“ SQL Server安装中心”窗口左侧的“ 安装”选项卡以查看安装选项。 该窗口的新功能是您可以找到一条单独的行,用于安装SQL Server管理工具安装SQL Server数据工具 。 这些工具是以前SQL Server版本中“共享功能”选择窗口的一部分。

To start the starndard SQL Server installation, click on the New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation first option.

要启动starndard SQL Server安装,请单击“ 新建SQL Server独立安装”或将功能添加到现有安装优先选项。

Nothing new in the Product Key window, where you need to specify the edition of the SQL Server to be installed, by providing the product key for that edition or choosing the Evaluation free edition. For the licensed editions, the product key will be included within the installation media itself. Click Next when you finish.

产品密钥”窗口中没有新内容,您无需在其中通过提供该版本的产品密钥或选择免费评估版来指定要安装SQL Server的版本。 对于许可版本,产品密钥将包含在安装介质本身中。 完成后,单击“ 下一步”

In the License Terms window, read the Microsoft product license terms as usual then check the confirmation check box if you agree and click Next.


If there are no errors or warnings, the Global Rules window will be skipped automatically to the next Product Updates window, in which you can check for updates to be installed, making sure that the server has internet access. If there is no updates, SQL Server Setup will not show you this page and will be directed to the next Install Setup Files window.

如果没有错误或警告,则“ 全局规则”窗口将自动跳到下一个“ 产品更新”窗口,您可以在其中检查要安装的更新,确保服务器可以访问互联网。 如果没有更新,SQL Server安装程序将不会在此页面显示您,并且将定向到下一个“ 安装安装程序文件”窗口。

The Install Setup Files window will be displayed, searching for the available updates in addition to installing the required setup files. Once completed without any issue, the Install Rules window will validate some installation parameters. For the firewall warning appeared, you can proceed with the SQL Server installation for now and configure the windows firewall to allow the used SQL Server ports later. If there is no error, click Next.

将显示“ 安装设置文件”窗口,除了安装所需的安装文件外,还在搜索可用的更新。 完成后,没有任何问题,“ 安装规则”窗口将验证一些安装参数。 对于出现的防火墙警告,您可以立即进行SQL Server安装,并配置Windows防火墙以稍后允许使用SQL Server端口。 如果没有错误,请单击“ 下一步”

From the Features Selection window, you can select the SQL Server components and features that you need to install, with each feature description displayed in the Feature Description area at the right upper side of the window.

在“ 功能选择”窗口中,可以选择需要安装SQL Server组件和功能,每个功能描述都显示在窗口右上角的“ 功能描述”区域中。

A new component is introduced in SQL Server 2016 that can be selected and installed from the Feature Selection window which is the PolyBase Query Service for External Data shown below:

SQL Server 2016中引入了一个新组件,可以从“功能选择”窗口中选择并安装该组件,该窗口是如下所示的用于外部数据PolyBase查询服务

This feature acts as connector between Hadoop and SQL Server and allows querying data using standard T-SQL statements.

此功能充当Hadoop与SQL Server之间的连接器,并允许使用标准T-SQL语句查询数据。

As you can see, SQL Server Management Tools and SQL Server Data Tools are not part of the Shared Features below, it has a separate installation link as introduced previously. To continue click Next.

如您所见,SQL Server管理工具和SQL Server数据工具不是下面的共享功能的一部分,它具有前面介绍的单独的安装链接。 要继续,请单击下一步

The Feature Rules check will be automatically skipped if there is no error. One thing that still not enhanced here is that you still have to install the .NET Framework 3.5 manually as it is not installed automatically within the setup and pre-installation files.

如果没有错误,将自动跳过功能规则检查。 这里仍然没有增强的一件事是,您仍然必须手动安装.NET Framework 3.5,因为它不会自动在安装和安装前文件中安装。

In the Instance Configuration window, you have the choice to install a default SQL Server instance or install a named instance if there is a default instance installed previously. If you choose to install a named instance, specify a name for that instance. You can see also a list of installed SQL Server instances on the current machine as follows:

在“ 实例配置”窗口中,如果以前安装了默认实例,则可以选择安装默认SQL Server实例或安装命名实例。 如果选择安装命名实例,请为该实例指定一个名称。 您还可以看到当前计算机上已安装SQL Server实例的列表,如下所示:

The Server Configuration page is used to provide the SQL Server services login accounts. The start mode for these services can be specified also to be automatic, manual, or disabled. The list of services shown in this window depends on the services you choose to install.

服务器配置”页面用于提供SQL Server服务登录帐户。 这些服务的启动模式也可以指定为自动,手动或禁用。 此窗口中显示的服务列表取决于您选择安装的服务。

What is different here from the previous SQL Server versions is the ability to enable the Instance File Initialization, which is used to reclaim the used disk space without filling that space with zeros. Previously, this feature is enabled by adding the SQL Server Service account to the Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks policy from the User Rights Assignments of the Security Setting as follows:

与以前SQL Server版本不同的是,它具有启用实例文件初始化的功能 ,该实例文件初始化用于回收使用的磁盘空间而不会用零填充该空间。 以前,通过从“ 安全设置”的“ 用户权限分配 ”中将SQL Server服务帐户添加到“ 执行卷维护任务”策略中来启用此功能,如下所示:

Now this can be handled directly from the SQL Server installation wizard by checking the Grant Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks Privilege to SQL Server Database Engine Service as below:

现在,可以通过检查SQL Server数据库引擎服务的“ 授予执行卷维护任务权限”权限,直接从SQL Server安装向导中进行处理,如下所示:

In the Database Engine Configuration window, specify the authentication mode and the SQL Server administrators in the Server Configuration page.

在“ 数据库引擎配置”窗口中 ,在“服务器配置”页面中指定身份验证模式和SQL Server管理员。

You can also change the default path for the system and user databases files in addition to the backup folder.


The new addition here is the TempDB page, where you can specify the size and growth parameters for the TempDB data and log files.


In the previous SQL Server versions, it was one of the database administrator’s tasks to configure the TempDB with multiple data files based on the number of server cores after the SQL Server installation. In SQL Server 2016, a new tab is added to the Database Engine Configuration window that enables you to specify the number of TempDB data files, the initial size, growth and directory for the data and log files.

在以前SQL Server版本中,数据库管理员的任务之一是根据安装SQL Server之后服务器核心的数量为TempDB配置多个数据文件。 在SQL Server 2016中,新选项卡已添加到`` 数据库引擎配置''窗口,使您可以指定TempDB数据文件的数量,数据和日志文件的初始大小,增长和目录。

As a best practice, the number of TempDB data files should be same as the number of the server cores up to 8 data files. My current test machine has 4 cores only, so that the installation wizard set the default data files number to 4 with 8MB initial size and 64MB auto-growth by default as in the example below.

最佳做法是,TempDB数据文件的数量应与最多8个数据文件的服务器核心的数量相同。 我当前的测试计算机只有4个核,因此安装向导将默认数据文件号设置为4,初始大小为8MB,默认情况下自动增长为64MB,如下例所示。

You need to take into consideration that the maximum size that you can set here for the TempDB data or log file is 1024 MB (1GB). If you try to put any value higher than 1GB, the GUI will reverse the number back to 1GB automatically. To continue click Next.

您需要考虑到此处可以为TempDB数据或日志文件设置的最大大小为1024 MB(1GB)。 如果您尝试将任何大于1GB的值放入该值,则GUI会自动将该数字恢复为1GB。 要继续,请单击下一步

If there is no issue, the Feature Configuration Rules page will be skipped to show the Ready to Install window. Review the installation options that were specified during the setup process and click Install to start the installation process.

如果没有问题,将跳过“ 功能配置规则”页面,以显示“ 准备安装”窗口。 查看在安装过程中指定的安装选项,然后单击“ 安装”以开始安装过程。

You can monitor the installation status from the Installation Progress page during the installation. Once the installation completed successfully, the Complete page will provide you with a link to the installation summary log file. You may be requested to restart the current machine and it is better to do so now.

安装过程中,您可以从“ 安装进度”页面监视安装状态。 安装成功完成后,“ 完成”页面将为您提供安装摘要日志文件的链接。 可能会要求您重新启动当前计算机,最好现在重新启动。

As we mentioned previously, the SQL Server Management Tools installation is not available within the SQL Server 2016 shared features installation, as it has its own installation link in the SQL Server Installation Center window as below:

如前所述,SQL Server 2016共享功能安装中不提供SQL Server管理工具安装,因为它在SQL Server安装中心窗口中具有自己的安装链接,如下所示:

As described in the previous image, the installation link will open a download page from where you can download the SQL Server Management Tools installation files. The installation file will install all SQL Server management tools including the SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server command-line utilities, SQL Server PowerShell provider, SQL Server Profiler and the Database Tuning Advisor.

如上图所示,安装链接将打开一个下载页面,您可以从该页面下载SQL Server管理工具安装文件。 安装文件将安装所有SQL Server管理工具,包括SQL Server Management Studio,SQL Server命令行实用程序,SQL Server PowerShell提供程序,SQL Server Profiler和数据库优化顾问。

If you click on the Install SQL Server management Tools link in the SQL Server Installation Center window, it will open the (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt238290.aspx ) download page automatically. Once the exe file downloaded completely, double-click on it, the below window will be displayed:

如果单击“ SQL Server安装中心”窗口中的“ 安装SQL Server管理工具”链接,它将自动打开( https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt238290.aspx )下载页面。 exe文件下载完成后,双击它,将显示以下窗口:

This window summarizes many steps of the SQL Server Management Tools installation. Just click on the Install button to acknowledge the license and privacy terms and start the installation process. It will start loading the installation packages as in the following window:

该窗口总结了SQL Server管理工具安装的许多步骤。 只需单击“ 安装”按钮以确认许可和隐私条款,然后开始安装过程。 它将在以下窗口中开始加载安装软件包:

Once the packages loaded completely, the Management Tools installation will proceed automatically, showing the installation progress of each component and the overall installation progress:


After completing the management tools installation, the wizard will ask you to restart the current machine now to continue the installation or restart it later. Click Restart to reboot the machine and complete the installation process and enjoy the new SQL Server 2016 with all Management Tools.

完成管理工具的安装后,向导将要求您立即重新启动当前计算机以继续安装或稍后重新启动。 单击重新启动以重新启动计算机,并完成安装过程,并使用带有所有管理工具的新SQL Server 2016。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/whats-new-sql-server-2016-installation/

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