创建jira sprint_如何在Excel中创建高级sprint燃尽图


创建jira sprint

SCRUM is a great way to manage all sorts of tasks including sprints, but you don’t have to purchase expensive software packages to burn one. Excel is a great tool for rolling your own sprint burn down graph or you can just take mine. In this article, I’ll walk you through a burn down spreadsheet I created, show you how to modify it and at the end you can download it for yourself and kick the tires.

SCRUM是管理包括sprint在内的各种任务的好方法,但是您不必购买昂贵的软件包即可刻录。 Excel是滚动自己的sprint烧毁图表的好工具,或者您也可以直接使用它。 在本文中,我将引导您完成我创建的烧录电子表格,并向您展示如何对其进行修改,最后您可以自己下载该文件并精疲力尽。

There are many examples of how to create simple-burn down charts in Excel but


  1. They usually have a straight line for estimated progress, when this isn’t realistic. Sprint progress is never a straight, linear process so measuring against this will give a distorted picture of whether the sprint is ahead or behind schedule until the last day. The planned/estimated/projected line will usually accelerate and decelerate at certain points in the sprint so the estimated progress line should to.

    当这不现实时,他们通常会有一条直线来估计进度。 冲刺进度从来都不是一个直线的,线性的过程,因此,以此为衡量标准,会得出在最后一天之前冲刺进度是超前还是落后于时间表的扭曲图像。 计划/估计/计划线通常会在冲刺中的某些点加速和减速,因此估计进度线应该这样做。
  2. They require a lot of tedious booking of hours, units etc

  3. They aren’t flexible enough to easily add tasks, remove them


My goals in create this were …


  • to make something simple, yet sophisticated enough to handle sprints with a reasonably large number of PBIs with varying weights, in terms of effort or value.

  • to make it easy enough to use so that all you have to do is enter in some data in red colored cells (aka inputs)

  • to make updating the sheet as simply as indicate the day a particular task was completed and nothing else

  • to be robust enough to not throw errors unless outside of most normal usage scenarios

  • to abstract the user from complexity, noise and just present inputs and outputs, as much as possible


And here it is …


基本前提 (The basic premise)

This burn down assumes that you have a series of tasks in your sprint of various effort weightings (the weight may be on effort or value), so some might take more time than others, but the sum of the weightings must equal 100%. You can easily convert Effort points you have into a percent, by just dividing each PBI value by the total. Or you could readily update the spreadsheet to have it use effort points directly.

这种疲倦假定您在冲刺中有一系列不同的工作量权重(权重可能在工作量或价值上)的一系列任务,因此某些任务可能比其他任务花费更多的时间,但权重之和必须等于100%。 您只需将每个PBI值除以总数,就可以轻松地将您的努力点转换为百分比。 或者,您可以随时更新电子表格以使其直接使用努力点。

Each task has a ID e.g. 1, a name and a weighting percentage. Once you have set up all of your tasks in the Task inventory section, you are half-way done setting up your sprint

每个任务都有一个ID,例如1,一个名称和一个权重百分比。 在“ 任务清单”部分中设置完所有任务后,您就完成了设置冲刺的中途工作

As the IDs already exist, the “editable” range is highlighted below, and items are colored red in the spreadsheet


In the above example, you can see 15 tasks of various weights starting at 6%. The weights and names can easily be changed. Most likely you would leave the IDs as is.

在上面的示例中,您可以看到15种不同权重的任务(以6%开始)。 权重和名称可以轻松更改。 您很可能会将ID保留原样。

Next move to the Task completion log, and enter in the date of the first day of the sprint, then add in the task ID on the date when you anticipate the task will be done

接下来移至“ 任务完成日志” ,并输入冲刺第一天的日期,然后在您预计将要完成任务的日期添加任务ID。

The aforementioned input items are highlighted below and are highlighted in red in the spreadsheet


Above we see our anticipated milestones for completed tasks. For example the 1st will be completed on the 17th, the 2nd day of the sprint. There is a pretty even dispersion of completion dates with a couple clustered near the end of the sprint

在上方,我们看到了已完成任务的预期里程碑。 例如第1 将在 17 完成,冲刺的第二日。 完成日期的分布相当均匀,并且在冲刺结束时聚集了几对

At this point, your burn down graph will look something like this


That is it, your setup is complete and you are ready to begin your burn down!


冲刺 (Sprinting)

Once you begin your sprint, simply enter the task ID in the “Actual task ID” column when the task is completed. It will automatically update the sprint burn down

一旦开始冲刺,完成任务后,只需在“实际任务ID”列中输入任务ID。 它将自动更新sprint烧毁

To make the burn down look better, and showing only the line based on progress, not making it extend to the right, delete unnecessary cells in the Task completion (%) grid, and then copy them down, each time you complete a task. 为使烧录效果更好,并仅显示基于进度的行,而不是向右延伸,请在每次完成任务时删除“任务完成(%)”网格中不必要的单元格,然后将其复制下来。
Alternatively, you can just copy all the values down and leave them. That works fine but it does distort the actual graph, which goes flat to the end right of the graph vs being truncated, as in the example below. I’d prefer the quick drag and copy action to ensure a nice looking burn down graph.
或者,您可以只复制所有值并保留它们。 效果很好,但确实会使实际的图形失真,该图形在图形的右端相对于被截断而平移,如下例所示。 我更喜欢快速拖动和复制操作,以确保外观漂亮的烧毁图形。

Note: With a little macro work or a more extensive formula, I’m sure this could be made to be done automatically


As you can see above, the actual sprint is going a bit better than expected even though it got off to a slow start. With the completion of task 3 on time and 4 early, the actual curve is under the projected which means the sprint is ahead of schedule

正如您在上面看到的那样,尽管起步很慢,但实际的sprint仍比预期的要好。 随着任务3的按时完成和4的提早完成,实际曲线已超出预期,这意味着冲刺提前了

As you complete each task, just update it in the log, and once you have reached the end of your sprint you will have a completed burn down chart, hopefully showing a successful sprint looking something like this


修改电子表格 (Modifying the spreadsheet)

If your sprint has fewer tasks, just remove the tasks from the task inventory section, by highlighting the rows and columns for the tasks you want to remove and clicking “Clear contents”


Then refactor the task weightings until they again add up to 100%


Next, go to the task completion log and do the same there, removing all of the rows above the number of tasks you have allocated to the sprint.


To add tasks, just copy the rows down to in both the Task completion log and Task inventory sections, making sure to refactor to get the Weight to 100%

要添加任务,只需将“ 任务完成日志”和“ 任务清单”部分中的行向下复制到,并确保进行重构以使权达到100%

You will need to update regions in your graph, if you add tasks, otherwise they won’t show up. Fortunately, it is quick and easy to do with the following example

如果添加任务,则需要更新图形中的区域,否则它们将不会显示。 幸运的是,使用以下示例可以轻松快捷地完成此操作

You can see the Projected region has been stretched to cover new data. The Actual one will need to be done next to get an accurate graph

您可以看到“ 投影区域”已被拉伸以覆盖新数据。 接下来需要完成“ 实际”操作才能获得准确的图形

工作表 (Work sheets)

The spreadsheet has three worksheets


New – this is a new sprint with no actual data, and the Actual % formula has been deleted where there are no completed sprints to show a “cleaner” burndown graph

新增 –这是一个没有实际数据的新冲刺,并且已删除没有完成冲刺的“实际百分比”公式以显示“更清晰的”燃尽图

New w actual formula – this is the same as New but the Actual % formula has been copied down, so that the graph will be updated each time you add data, without having to do anything else

新的w实际公式 –与“新建”相同,但是“实际%”公式已被复制下来,因此每次添加数据时都会更新图表,而无需执行其他任何操作

Completed – this shows a completed burndown

已完成 –显示已完成燃尽

杂项 (Misc)

The dates have not accounted for weekends, holidays. These can be fixed manually

日期不包括周末,节假日。 这些可以手动修复

摘要 (Summary)

I hope you find this spreadsheet useful. Please provide any comments, questions, issues etc in the comment section

希望您发现此电子表格有用。 请在评论部分提供任何评论,问题,问题等

下载 (Download)

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/how-to-create-an-advanced-sprint-burn-down-chart-in-excel/

创建jira sprint





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