Power BI Desktop中的分解树

本文介绍了Power BI Desktop中的分解树可视化功能,包括其内置的AI分析能力,帮助用户深入钻取和理解数据。文章详细阐述了如何在Power BI Desktop中设置和使用分解树,以及它的锁定行为、限制和预览特性。利用分解树,用户可以对数据进行多维度分析,同时利用AI功能进行更深入的数据洞察。

介绍 (Introduction)

Power BI is enriched with many useful visualizations and helps to represent data in various forms. We have explored many use cases of PowerBI in SQLShack articles.

Power BI丰富了许多有用的可视化效果,并有助于表示各种形式的数据。 我们在SQLShack文章中探讨了PowerBI的许多用例。

Microsoft regularly provides updates to Power BI desktop and comes up with new enhancements, features. You should always work with the latest version. In this article, I am using the December 2019 Power BI desktop version.

Microsoft定期提供Power BI桌面的更新,并提供新的增强功能。 您应该始终使用最新版本。 在本文中,我正在使用2019年12月的Power BI桌面版本。

You can check the Power BI desktop from Help->About.

Power BI Desktop version

您可以从“ 帮助”->“关于”中检查Power BI桌面。

In November Power BI Desktop release, we have a new decomposition tree visual with the capability of artificial intelligence (AI). Yes, it is having inbuilt AI functionality and helps you to drill down the data.

在Power BI Desktop的11月发行版中,我们有了一个具有人工智能(AI)功能的新的分解树视图。 是的,它具有内置的AI功能,可以帮助您向下钻取数据。

Power BI桌面中的分解树可视化 (Decomposition Tree Visual in Power BI desktop)

We can use the decomposition tree to visualize data in multiple dimensions. We can drill down and analyze data in the hierarchy for a quick analysis. Its’s artificial intelligence (AI) capability enables you to find the next dimension data as per defined criteria. We breakdown (decompose) data into individual categories and determine the high, low values using AI functions in this decomposition visual.

我们可以使用分解树来可视化多维数据。 我们可以向下钻取和分析层次结构中的数据以进行快速分析。 它的人工智能(AI)功能使您能够根据定义的条件查找下一个尺寸数据。 我们将数据分解(分解)为单独的类别,并在此分解视图中使用AI函数确定高值和低值。

It is a preview feature as of now and does not automatically show in the visualization pane.


Launch Power BI dashboard and click on File -> Options and settings -> Options:

启动Power BI仪表板,然后单击文件 -> 选项和设置 -> 选项:

Options and settings

It opens an options page with different configurations. Navigate to the Preview features tab, and you see the checkbox for the Decomposition tree visual feature:

它会打开一个具有不同配置的选项页面。 导航到“ 预览功能”选项卡,然后看到“ 分解树”视觉功能的复选框:

Preview features

Put a check on the Decomposition tree visual feature and click the OK button:

选中“ 分解树”视觉功能,然后单击“确定”按钮:

Decomposition tree visual

Once you click the OK button, it pops us a message that Power I Desktop restart will enable this preview feature:

单击确定按钮后,它会向我们弹出一条消息,即重启Power I Desktop将启用此预览功能:

Feature restart required

After the restart, you get the Decomposition tree visualization icon as shown below:

重新启动后,您将获得“ 分解树”可视化图标,如下所示:

Decomposition tree icon

Click on this visual, and it opens the visual layout. You can adjust the layout for a better visual. It consists of two parts – Visual shape and a bulb that represents artificial intelligence:

单击此视觉效果,它将打开视觉效果布局。 您可以调整布局以获得更好的视觉效果。 它由两部分组成-视觉形状和代表人工智能的灯泡:

Visual fields

Decomposition tree requires two inputs:


  • Analyze: In this input, we specify a column for that you require a breakdown of the tree 分析:在此输入中,我们指定一列,您需要对树进行细分
  • Explain by: We can add multiple dimensions in this column. We can analyze tree further using these breakdown columns 解释:我们可以在此列中添加多个维度。 我们可以使用这些细分列进一步分析树

We will use the AdventureWorksDW2017 sample database for this demonstration. If you do not have this database, visit GitHub and download the backup copy of this database.

我们将使用AdventureWorksDW2017示例数据库进行此演示。 如果您没有此数据库,请访问





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