webgl1到webgl2_WebGL是未来的技术吗? 什么是AexolGL?


Many companies and people from the IT world claim that WebGL is the technology of future. Is this a correct statement? WebGL has many advantages, one of its biggest is that it is a technology that could revolutionise the gaming experience. With WebGL we can play 3D games directly in the browser without downloading any plugins. In the era of easy Internet access, web based projects have great commercialization potential, which is tempting to big players from the gaming market. What are the negatives then? First of all WebGL technology is not that easy.

来自IT界的许多公司和人员都声称WebGL是未来的技术。 这是正确的说法吗? WebGL具有许多优势,其中最大的优势之一是,它是一种可以彻底改变游戏体验的技术。 使用WebGL,我们可以直接在浏览器中玩3D游戏,而无需下载任何插件。 在易于访问Internet的时代,基于Web的项目具有巨大的商业化潜力,这正吸引着来自游戏市场的大玩家。 那么负面因素是什么? 首先,WebGL技术并不是那么容易。

需要框架 (Need of Frameworks)

WebGL technology is not easy for developers and it is almost impossible to code in without a framework. In comes the AexolGL engine. We came up with the idea to create a framework which would make writing a WebGL code easy and enjoyable. Our goal was to do all the hard work for the developer and I think we have succeeded. Using AexolGL ensures developers don't have to worry about complicated GL functions. AexolGL comes with simple RenderTree and GameObjects:

WebGL技术对开发人员而言并不容易,而且如果没有框架,几乎不可能进行编码。 内含AexolGL引擎。 我们想到了创建一个框架的想法,该框架将使编写WebGL代码变得轻松而愉快。 我们的目标是为开发人员做所有的辛苦工作,我认为我们已经成功了。 使用AexolGL可确保开发人员不必担心复杂的GL功能。 AexolGL带有简单的RenderTree和GameObjects:

world = newScene()
shad = basicShader({})
mat = new Material({color:[1.0,1.0,1.0]}) 
sphereMesh = Mesh.sphere() 
sphere1 = new Aex() 
sphere2 = new Aex() 

//GameObject method
sphere3 = new GameObject(world, { 
	mesh: Mesh.sphere(30).scaleUniform(50.0), 
	shader: basicShader({}), 
	material: new Material({color:[1.0,1.0,1.0]}) 

增强的纹理性能 (Enhanced Texture Performance)

Obviously WebGL has its flaws. There are some fields in which it needs to be improved or even reimagined. A good example is WebGL's texture performance, which is a little archaic, you need to share memory between textures and runtime events. AexolGL binds textures to a mesh, draws an object and then finally unbinds textures. With this texture system you can have the maximum number of textures per mesh. Furthermore it improves performance on older and integrated graphic cards.

显然,WebGL有其缺陷。 在某些领域中,它需要改进甚至重新构想。 一个很好的例子是WebGL的纹理性能,这有点陈旧,您需要在纹理和运行时事件之间共享内存。 AexolGL将纹理绑定到网格,绘制对象,然后最终取消绑定纹理。 使用此纹理系统,每个网格可以拥有最大数量的纹理。 此外,它还改善了旧的集成显卡的性能。

无限度枢轴系统 (Infinite Degrees of Freedom Pivot System)

AexolGL pivots are created to set up 3D objects matrixes. Let's take a car as an example. It has 4 wheels (usually). A wheel rotates around its X axis when you accelerate or brake. You also need to rotate it around its Y axis to turn. If you have a flat tire, you will have to remove it and put it inside the trunk. How to handle these events? The solution is AexolGL's Pivot system, with which you can create as many local coordinate systems as you want.

创建AexolGL枢轴以设置3D对象矩阵。 让我们以汽车为例。 它有4个轮子(通常)。 加速或制动时,车轮会绕其X轴旋转。 您还需要围绕其Y轴旋转它才能旋转。 如果轮胎漏气,则必须将其卸下并将其放入行李箱内。 如何处理这些事件? 解决方案是AexolGL的Pivot系统,您可以使用该系统创建任意数量的局部坐标系。

speedOfWheel = newPivot() speedOfWheel.add(car.tire).add(car.inner_rim).add(car.Material__80).setPivot(car.tire.position)
turnOfWheel = newPivot() turnOfWheel.add(speedOfWheel.setPivotToCenter()

反射变得轻松愉快 (Reflections Made Nice and Easy)

What makes 3D scenes so beautiful? The answer is simple ­ realism.

是什么使3D场景如此美丽? 答案是简单的现实主义。

WebGL Reflection

More detailed examples at http://gl.aexol.com


AexolGL offers many visual features which could enhance your projects. Create beautiful reflection maps from images or snap them inside a 3D environment. Reflections are especially useful in regard to realistic metal or car paint element depiction.

AexolGL提供了许多视觉功能,可以增强您的项目。 从图像创建精美的反射贴图或将其捕捉到3D环境中。 反射对于逼真的金属或汽车油漆元素描绘特别有用。

WebGL Scene

点光源与阴影 (Point Lights with Shadows)

We are aware that our 3D world can not seem real without shadows. That's why we have created shadowing features like real-time point light shadowing and hard shadows system, which give you free reign over creating shadows.

我们知道,没有阴影,我们的3D世界就显得不真实。 这就是为什么我们创建了诸如实时点光源阴影和硬阴影系统之类的阴影功能的原因,这些功能使您可以自由控制创建阴影。

三次ZBuffer实现 (Cubic Z­Buffer implementation)

Snap the whole environment in one cube for later use as an environment, shadow or reflection map. Create a Zbuffercube and put it in the desired place.

将整个环境捕捉到一个立方体中,以供以后用作环境,阴影或反射贴图。 创建一个Zbuffercube并将其放在所需的位置。

长期的项目 (A Long Lasting Project)

Nowadays many WebGL engines are created and soon abandoned. Although our WebGL engine is totally free, we will keep extending its functionality. It's not a GitHub project with few collaborators, but a scientific project that will be continued eternally. Can we guarantee it? YES, we are a games & apps development studio, we have spent a long time testing different game engines, trying to find the one that would best suit our projects. Finally we learned that if we want to have a perfect engine, we must create it ourselves.

如今,许多WebGL引擎已创建并很快被废弃。 尽管我们的WebGL引擎是完全免费的,但我们将继续扩展其功能。 这不是一个协作者很少的GitHub项目,而是一个将永远延续的科学项目。 我们可以保证吗? 是的,我们是一家游戏与应用程序开发工作室,我们花了很长时间测试各种游戏引擎,以期找到最适合我们项目的引擎。 最终,我们了解到,如果我们想拥有一个完美的引擎,就必须自己创建它。

沉默的种族 (The Silent Race)

When we started creating our web engine, WebGL was supported only by Firefox and Google Chrome. Now its becoming more and more popular. In Q1 of 2014 Unity stated its commitment to Mozilla's vision of high performance, plugin­free web experience. We didn't have to wait long for Cupertino's giant response. In March of 2014 Apple silently joined the race and started supporting WebGL technology in their Safari browser, with iOS 8 on the horizon, WebGL seems poised to become the technology of the future.

当我们开始创建Web引擎时,只有Firefox和Google Chrome支持WebGL。 现在它变得越来越流行。 在2014年第一季度,Unity表示致力于Mozilla的高性能,无插件Web体验愿景。 我们不必等很久就等待库比蒂诺的巨大回应。 2014年3月,Apple默默参加比赛,并开始在其Safari浏览器中支持WebGL技术,随着iOS 8的到来,WebGL似乎有望成为未来的技术。

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/webgl-aexolgl


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