
After your webOS emulator is set up, it can get boring without any new apps to play with. The official Palm App Catalog isn’t supported in the emulator but luckily the homebrew Preware app is supported. Here is how to get more apps in your webOS emulator.

设置好webOS模拟器后,如果没有任何新应用程序可玩,它将变得很无聊。 模拟器不支持官方的Palm App Catalog,但幸运的是,它支持自制的Preware应用。 这是在webOS模拟器中获取更多应用的方法。

We previously covered how to test drive webOS without a phone on your PC via the emulator, but what about adding apps? Preware not only has access to some of the official Palm App Catalog applications, but it also has access to hundreds of third party patches and apps that aren’t available in Palm’s App Catalog.

前面我们介绍了如何通过模拟器在PC没有电话的情况下测试驱动器webOS ,但是如何添加应用程序呢? Preware不仅可以访问某些正式的Palm App Catalog应用程序,而且还可以访问数百种Palm的App Catalog中不提供的第三方补丁程序和应用程序。

入门 (Getting Started)

First thing you need to do is install the webOS emulator from the link below. Next, download Putty for an SSH client (link below). Now go to your start menu and run palm-emulator.

您需要做的第一件事是从下面的链接安装webOS模拟器。 接下来,为SSH客户端下载Putty (下面的链接) 。 现在转到开始菜单并运行palm-emulator。

Note: If you are using Linux or OS X you can skip installing putty because your terminal already has an SSH client.

注意:如果您使用的是Linux或OS X,则可以跳过安装腻子的步骤,因为您的终端已经具有SSH客户端。


安装固件 (Installing Preware)

Leave the emulator running and start Putty from wherever you downloaded it to. Type in for the hostname and 5522 for the port.

使仿真器保持运行状态,并从将其下载到的位置启动Putty。 输入127.0.0.1作为主机名,并输入5522作为端口。

The first time you connect you will be prompted to accept the RSA key, click yes and the login teminal will open. Login using root as the username with a blank password (push ‘Enter’ when prompted for the password).

首次连接时,系统将提示您接受RSA密钥,单击“是”,登录名将打开。 使用root作为用户名并使用空白密码登录(提示输入密码时,按“ Enter”)。

Now you are actually remote with the webOS emulator running in virtualbox. To install Preware it is three simple commands. Type these into your terminal to install Preware.

现在,您实际上已经在virtualbox中运行了webOS模拟器,因此处于远程状态。 要安装Preware,它是三个简单的命令。 将这些键入您的终端以安装Preware。

cd /tmp
wget http://bit.ly/preware-bootstrap
sh preware-bootstrap

cd /tmp
wget http://bit.ly/preware-bootstrap
sh preware-bootstrap

You should get a confirmation once the installation is complete.


安装应用程序 (Installing Apps)

You can now close Putty and head back over to your emulator. You should find Preware at the bottom of your first launcher page. Click to launch it and it will automatically update all of the available software.

现在,您可以关闭Putty,然后回到仿真器。 您应该在第一个启动器页面的底部找到Preware。 单击以启动它,它将自动更新所有可用软件。

To disable the apps you won’t be able to install, you will need to click on the Preware menu and then manage feeds.


Because the official Palm App Catalog is not supported in the emulator you will want to make sure palm-catalog, palm-catalog-updates, palm-beta, palm-beta-updates, palm-web, and palm-web-updates are all disabled so you don’t have applications listed that you aren’t able to install.

由于模拟器不支持官方的Palm App Catalog,因此您需要确保palm-catalog,palm-catalog更新,palm-beta,palm-beta更新,palm-web和palm-web-updates都是禁用,因此您没有列出无法安装的应用程序。

Once you have turned on (and off) any feeds you want, hit Esc on your keyboard to emulate the “back swipe”. You will be prompted to update your feeds so just click “do it now” and wait for the update to finish. To install apps click available packages and then application. All of the apps will be broken down into categories or you can browse all apps from the list.

打开(或关闭)所需的所有提要后,请按键盘上的Esc以模拟“向后滑动”。 系统将提示您更新Feed,因此只需单击“立即执行”,然后等待更新完成。 要安装应用程序,请单击可用的软件包,然后单击应用程序。 所有应用程序都将分为几类,或者您可以从列表中浏览所有应用程序。

To install apps simply find the one you want and tap on it. All of the information about the app will be shown and the price information will be listed below the description, if the app isn’t free.

要安装应用程序,只需找到所需的应用程序,然后点击它。 如果该应用不是免费的,则将显示有关该应用的所有信息,并且价格信息将列在说明下方。

If you want to search for apps, go to the home screen of Preware and just start typing the app you are looking for. The banner will fill in with your search term and then just hit enter to search. None of the official Palm App Catalog apps will show up in searches unless they have been re-listed in one of the other Preware feeds.

如果要搜索应用程序,请转到Preware的主屏幕,然后开始输入要查找的应用程序。 标语将填充您的搜索词,然后按Enter键即可搜索。 除非已在其他Preware提要之一中将它们重新列出,否则任何正式的Palm App Catalog应用程序都不会出现在搜索中。

You can also install patches into the emulator. WebOS patches are tweaks to the underlying code of built in programs or how things are displayed. If you search for Glass Effect and install it, the application launcher will have more of a glass background than a cloudy one.

您也可以将补丁安装到仿真器中。 WebOS修补程序是对内置程序的基础代码或事物显示方式的调整。 如果搜索并安装了Glass Effect,则应用程序启动器将具有更多的玻璃背景,而不是浑浊的背景。

Install the patch and then restart Luna when prompted.


Now your launcher menu will have more of a see through glass effect rather than the original look.


You can install whatever patches you would like but some of them are device specific and you should stay away from kernel patches because the emulator is quite a bit different than the physical hardware.


You can also install extra testing feeds in Preware by opening the menu and going to manage feeds. Scroll to the bottom and fill out this information for emulator testing feeds. Last time I checked there was only one extra application in the testing feed but it still may be helpful for the future.

您还可以通过打开菜单并管理Feed来在Preware中安装额外的测试Feed。 滚动到底部,然后填写此信息以用于仿真器测试提要。 上次我检查测试供稿中只有一个额外的应用程序,但它可能对将来仍然有用。

Name: webos-testing-i686
URL:  http://ipkg.preware.org/feeds/webos-internals/testing/i686

Even though the official Palm App Catalog isn’t supported in the emulator there is still a big community surrounding homebrew and patches for webOS. Now you can try out even more with your webOS emulator.

即使模拟器不支持官方的Palm App Catalog,仍然有一个很大的社区围绕着自制软件和针对WebOS的补丁。 现在,您可以使用webOS模拟器进行更多尝试。

Install webOS emulatorPuttyWebOS Internals

安装webOS模拟器Putty WebOS内部

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/25710/install-homebrew-apps-in-the-webos-emulator/

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