Android One和Android Go有什么区别?

In 2014, Google announced a lineup of low-cost, low-spec phones called Android One. In 2017, they announced Android Go, specifically designed for low-cost, low-spec phones. So…what’s the difference?

2014年,Google宣布了一系列名为Android One的低成本,低规格手机。 他们在2017年发布了Android Go ,专门为低成本,低规格手机设计。 所以...有什么区别?

Android One到底是什么? (What Exactly Is Android One?)

To put it as simply as possible, Android One is a hardware spec designed for emerging markets by Google. Low-cost, low-spec hardware is the very heart of Android One.

简而言之,Android One是Google为新兴市场设计的硬件规格。 低成本,低规格的硬件是Android One的核心。

But it’s not just simply hardware—there’s also a specific set of “rules” in place for Android One’s key ideas. Google wants three things for Android One handsets:

但这不仅仅是硬件,还有针对Android One关键思想的一套特定“规则”。 Google希望Android One手机具备三点优势:

  • Unmodified, stock Android: Any manufacturer that wanted to release a handset as part of the Android One program couldn’t modify the operating system with things like custom skins.

    未修改的,有库存的Android:任何想要将手机作为Android One程序的一部分发布的制造商都无法使用自定义外观之类的东西来修改操作系统

  • Regular security updates: Any manufacturer building a handset for Android One had to commit to regular security updates.

    定期的安全更新:任何为Android One制造手机的制造商都必须进行定期的安全更新。

  • Strict hardware requirements: Google essentially specific a maximum hardware spec for Android One handsets, and manufacturers have to go with that.

    严格的硬件要求: Google本质上为Android One手机指定了最大的硬件规格,制造商必须遵守。

Basically, Google wants control with Android One—everything from the hardware to software updates are set by the company, and manufacturers just have to agree. Think of it as a sort of low-cost Pixel or Nexus.

基本上,Google希望使用Android One进行控制-从硬件到软件更新的所有过程都由公司设定,制造商只需同意即可。 将其视为一种低成本的Pixel或Nexus。

While Android One was originally released with the intention of bringing usable, affordable mobile devices to third-world countries and other emerging markets, we’ve recently started to see a shift in this idea as One devices become available in other parts of the world. For example, Project Fi has an Android One version of the Moto X4 available for purchase in the US, and the Xiaomi MI A1 is available globally.

最初发布Android One的目的是将可用的,价格可承受的移动设备带到第三世界国家和其他新兴市场,但随着One设备在世界其他地区的普及,我们最近开始看到这种观念的转变。 例如,Project Fi拥有可在美国购买的Android One版本的Moto X4 ,而小米MI A1则可在全球范围内购买。

好的,那么Android Go是什么? (Okay, So What’s Android Go?)

Android Go, on the other hand, is purely defined in the software experience. It’s essentially a custom version of Android Oreo designed to run on hardware with as little as half a gigabyte of RAM, with three key points defining what Go is all about:

另一方面, Android Go纯粹是在软件体验中定义的。 本质上,这是一个Android Oreo的自定义版本,旨在在仅需0.5 GB RAM的硬件上运行,其中三个关键点定义了Go的全部意义:

  • A “custom” operating system: It’s still Android Oreo, but it’s somewhat modified for lower-end hardware.

    一个“自定义”操作系统:仍然是Android Oreo,但为低端硬件做了一些修改。

  • A specific set of apps built for Go: Google released a slew of “Go” apps for limited hardware, including YouTube Go, Files Go, and more.

    为Go构建的一组特定应用: Google发布了一系列针对有限硬件的“ Go”应用,包括YouTube GoFiles Go等。

  • A curated Play Store: The Play Store on Android Go isn’t technically different from the Play Store on other Android devices, but it does highlight apps that will work best on limited hardware—like Facebook Lite, for example.

    精选的Play商店: Android Go上的Play商店与其他Android设备上的Play商店在技术上并没有什么不同,但是它的确突出了在有限的硬件(例如Facebook Lite)上运行效果最好的应用

Since Android Go is designed for low-spec, low-cost hardware, it also features improved data management tools—both for internal storage and mobile data. Android Go is nearly half the size of “stock” Android, leaving more room available on as little as eight gigabytes of internal storage. Similarly, Go apps are have 50 percent of the size of their full-size counterparts.

由于Android Go专为低规格,低成本的硬件而设计,因此它还具有改进的数据管理工具-既用于内部存储又用于移动数据。 Android Go几乎是“常规” Android大小的一半,仅8 GB的内部存储就可提供更多空间。 同样,Go应用程序的大小是全尺寸应用程序的50%。

So, to put it plainly: Android One is a line of phones—hardware, defined and managed by Google—and Android Go is pure software that can run on any hardware. There aren’t specific hardware requirements on Go like on One, though the former is designed explicitly for lower-end hardware.

因此,简单地说:Android One是一系列电话,由Google定义和管理,是硬件,而Android Go是可以在任何硬件上运行的纯软件。 尽管像Go一样,对Go并没有特定的硬件要求,但前者专门为低端硬件设计的。

If a manufacturer plans on releasing a budget handset, Google really wants them to do so using Android Go as its operating system. That’s what it’s designed for. Go really seems to be picking up the torch that was originally designed for Android One—it seems to be a mobile OS designed for emerging markets and third-world countries.

如果制造商计划发布廉价手机,那么Google确实希望他们使用Android Go作为其操作系统。 这就是它的设计目的。 Go似乎真的在接手最初为Android One设计的火炬-它似乎是为新兴市场和第三世界国家设计的移动操作系统。

That said, it’s never explicitly stated that Go is designed for emerging markets (just “low-end devices”), but this seems to be heavily suggested. Most of the Go apps—like YouTube Go and Google Go—are geo-restricted and not available in the US, and while Google itself advertises Android Go as available “around the world,” it’s unclear whether we’ll ever see it become widely available in the US or not.

就是说,从未明确指出Go是为新兴市场(只是“低端设备”)设计的,但似乎有很多建议。 大多数Go应用(例如YouTube GoGoogle Go )都受地域限制,并且在美国不可用。尽管Google本身在广告“ Android Go”可“在世界范围内使用”,但尚不清楚我们是否会广泛使用它是否可以在美国使用。

It’s also unclear whether or not Android One handsets will eventually run Android Go—it really makes sense that they should…but this is Google we’re talking about here. Sometimes “because it makes sense” isn’t a reason to do something, so who knows.

目前还不清楚Android One手机是否最终将运行Android Go,这应该说是真的很有意义……但这就是我们在这里谈论的Google。 有时候,“因为有道理”并不是做某事的理由,所以谁知道。






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