
YouTube has that betcha-can’t-watch-just-one appeal to it, which is why YouTube’s annoyances become so pronounced the more you use it. Many of these features, such as annotations can be permanently disabled, making for a more enjoyable viewing experience.

YouTube对它的吸引力是无法观看的,这就是为什么它的吸引力,这就是为什么您使用它越多,YouTube的烦恼就越明显。 这些功能(例如注释)中的许多功能都可以永久禁用,从而带来更加愉悦的观看体验。

You may not even realize that many YouTube videos are annotated, or maybe you didn’t realize that they can be disabled. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with annotations but they can be overdone sometimes.

您甚至可能没有意识到很多YouTube视频都带有注释,或者您可能没有意识到可以禁用它们。 注释从根本上没有错,但是有时它们可​​能会被夸大。

The following screenshot is an example of annotations gone wild.


Normally, you have to disable them by clicking the gear icon to open the settings. With the annotations off, our viewing experience is definitely less cluttered and distracting.

通常,您必须通过单击齿轮图标以打开设置来禁用它们。 取消注释后,我们的观看体验绝对不会那么混乱和分散注意力。

As we mentioned, you can obviously disable these via that little settings gear in the lower-right corner. There are also other things you can do.

如前所述,您显然可以通过右下角的小设置来禁用这些设置。 您还可以做其他事情。

Autoplay will automatically play the next song in a playlist.


When you turn autoplay off, it’s off, so next time you visit YouTube or click on another video it doesn’t turn itself back on like annotations do. Plus, there’s an even easier way to do this.

当您关闭自动播放功能时,它将关闭,因此下次您访问YouTube或单击另一个视频时,它不会像注解一样自动重新打开。 另外,还有一种更简单的方法可以做到这一点。

Additionally, you can sometimes adjust the playback speed, quality, as well as whether you want subtitles and closed captioning (when available). If you click the “Options” link next to “Subtitles/CC”, you can also adjust their appearance and positioning.

此外,有时您可以调整播放速度,质量,以及是否需要字幕和隐藏式字幕(如果有)。 如果单击“字幕/ CC”旁边的“选项”链接,则还可以调整其外观和位置。

This is how you can affect video playback on a largely per video basis, but what about if you want to make changes that affects your whole account, i.e. disable annotations permanently?


永久关闭注释 (Turning Off Annotations Permanently)

Open your account settings by clicking on your profile in the upper-right corner and then click the “YouTube settings” gear.

通过单击右上角的个人资料打开您的帐户设置,然后单击“ YouTube设置”齿轮。

On the next screen, click on “Playback”. There’s a checkbox for you to disable annotations under the heading “Annotations and interactivity.”

在下一个屏幕上,单击“播放”。 在“注释和交互性”标题下,有一个复选框可用于禁用注释。

Unchecking this option will disable annotations and other interactive content on all videos, as long as you’re signed in with your account.


Note, you can also enable captions here, so you don’t have to enable them manually from the video settings. There’s also the “video playback quality” option, so you can specify if YouTube should serve the best quality video stream according to your connection and player’s size, or you can tell it to never play high-quality videos.

请注意,您还可以在此处启用字幕,因此不必从视频设置中手动启用字幕。 还有“视频播放质量”选项,因此您可以根据您的连接和播放器的大小指定YouTube是否应提供最优质的视频流,或者可以告诉它永远不要播放高质量的视频。

This is ideal for slower connections, and if you want to view a video at a higher quality, you can always elect to do so from the player controls.


So you see, from the demonstrated options, there are several solid ways to improve your viewing experience, but most of all, the ability to disable annotations is most appreciated. The nice thing is that you can always reenable them per video.

因此,从演示的选项中您可以看到,有几种可靠的方法可以改善您的观看体验,但是最重要的是,人们最喜欢禁用注释的功能。 令人高兴的是,您始终可以为每个视频重新启用它们。

Regardless, if there’s any pressing subsequent information a video wants to convey, it can usually be found in its notes.


It’s hard to imagine a world without YouTube and love of such is well-deserved, but with the constant creep of advertising, other distractions to the viewing experience become that much more annoying. While annotations can serve a useful purpose, they can be way overdone and abused, which is self-defeating.

很难想象没有YouTube的世界,对它的热爱是当之无愧的,但是随着广告的不断发展,对观看体验的其他干扰会变得更加烦人。 尽管注释可以起到有用的作用,但它们可能会被过度使用和滥用,这是自欺欺人的。

Got something to add? We enjoy and encourage your feedback in our discussion forum.

有东西要补充吗? 我们喜欢并鼓励您在我们的讨论论坛中提供反馈。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/210386/how-to-disable-annotations-on-youtube-videos/





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