safari 获取视频流_如何在Safari中将RSS feed和社交媒体合并为一个流

safari 获取视频流

safari 获取视频流

Safari allows you to subscribe to RSS feeds and add your social media accounts so you can view them right in the browser, in one universal feed, without the need of any add-on applications or extensions.

Safari允许您订阅RSS feed并添加您的社交媒体帐户,这样您就可以在浏览器中以一种通用feed的形式直接查看它们,而无需任何附加应用程序或扩展。

That way, instead of manually browsing to all your favorite sites and social media pages, you can view every article, tweet, and status update in your Safari sidebar.


如何在OS X和iOS上的Safari中添加RSS feed (How to Add RSS Feeds to Safari on OS X and iOS)

RSS feeds are a great way to keep up with your favorite blogs and news sites, but social media streams have replaced RSS feeds for a lot of people. There are still many RSS feeds available for many major websites, however, and one of the nice things about Safari is the ability to subscribe to these feeds and view them in the browser’s sidebar.

RSS提要是跟上您喜欢的博客和新闻网站的一种很好的方法,但是社交媒体流已经取代了许多人的RSS提要。 但是,仍然可以在许多主要网站上使用许多RSS feed,而Safari的优点之一就是可以订阅这些feed并在浏览器的侧边栏中查看它们。

To open the sidebar, click the “Show Sidebar” button, or alternatively you can go right to your shared links by using the keyboard combination Command+Ctrl+3. In the following screenshot, we’ve already opened the browser to the New York Times’ RSS feed page.

要打开侧栏,请单击“显示侧栏”按钮,或者使用组合键Command + Ctrl + 3可以转到共享链接。 在下面的屏幕截图中,我们已经打开浏览器到“纽约时报”的RSS feed页面。

Once the Sidebar is open, click the “Subscriptions” button at the bottom.


The easiest way to add feeds to the Shared Links sidebar is to simply click on the RSS feed you want.


When you do so, a confirmation dialog will pop up and ask you if you want to add it. To do so you should click “Add”.

这样做时,将弹出一个确认对话框,询问您是否要添加它。 为此,您应该单击“添加”。

As you can see, the Times’ Home Page has been added to our Shared Links. You can keep on adding as many RSS feeds as you want.

如您所见,《泰晤士报》的主页已添加到我们的“共享链接”中。 您可以继续添加任意数量的RSS feed。

Another way to subscribe to feeds is to click the “Add Feed” button, which isn’t often reliably consistent. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. When it does work, you will see the feed appear in the “Subscribe to” dialog, and you can then click “Add Feed”.

订阅提要的另一种方法是单击“添加提要”按钮,该按钮通常无法可靠地保持一致。 有时它起作用,有时却不起作用。 当它起作用时,您将看到该提要出现在“订阅”对话框中,然后您可以单击“添加提要”。

In cases where the resulting dialog simply says “Item” and doesn’t give you any further options, it’s best to use the method described earlier to add RSS feeds.

如果出现的对话框仅显示“项目”,而没有提供任何其他选择,则最好使用前面介绍的方法添加RSS feed。

To do this on your iPhone of iPad, you will first need to browse to the feed you want to add, then click the open book icon at the bottom of the browser.


Next, click “Subscriptions” button.


All you have to do now is click “Add Current Site” and it will be added to your subscriptions.


Note, your subscriptions will be synced to iCloud so everything matches up from Safari session to Safari session. If you don’t want this to happen, you can turn off syncing though you will lose some valuable functionality if you do.

请注意,您的订阅将同步到iCloud,因此从Safari会话到Safari会话的所有内容都匹配。 如果您不希望发生这种情况,则可以关闭同步,尽管这样做会丢失一些有价值的功能。

在OS X上将社交媒体帐户添加到Safari (Adding Social Media Accounts to Safari on OS X)

If you want to add your social media accounts, instead of clicking “Add Feed”, click “Add Account”.


The Internet Accounts system preferences page will then appear allowing you to add your social media accounts.

然后将显示“ Internet帐户系统”首选项页面,允许您添加社交媒体帐户。

For example, if we want to add our Twitter feed, we’d click on “Twitter” and then enter our username and password.

例如,如果要添加Twitter提要,请单击“ Twitter”,然后输入我们的用户名和密码。

(If you use two-factor authentication on your social media account, you’ll need to log into its settings and create an application-specific password and use that here.)


Now you see we’ve successfully added our Twitter account to our Safari sidebar.


When we click “Done” at the bottom of the sidebar, you can see that our shared links now also have Twitter updates included.


You can continue to add more RSS feeds and social media accounts to your heart’s content. Instead of browsing from site to site, you can instead leave the sidebar open and receive the latest alerts, posts, and updates from all your favorite sites and friends.

您可以继续将更多的RSS feed和社交媒体帐户添加到您的心脏内容中。 您可以使侧栏保持打开状态,而不是从一个站点浏览到另一个站点,并从所有喜欢的站点和朋友接收最新的警报,帖子和更新。

This may not make you more productive, but it will sure cut down on the time you spend surfing around. Even better however, is the simple fact that you don’t need to use an extension or any other application. That alone is worth trying it out.

这可能不会使您提高工作效率,但肯定会减少您花在网上冲浪的时间。 然而,更好的事实是,您无需使用扩展程序或任何其他应用程序。 值得一试。


safari 获取视频流





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