windows调整窗口大小_Windows 7仍然可以使用的20个最佳Windows调整



Windows 7 is going to be released this week, and it’s a huge upgrade from previous versions of Windows. The big question for us geeks, however, is “Will all of my favorite tweaks still work?”

Windows 7将于本周发布,它是Windows早期版本的巨大升级。 但是,对于我们极客来说,最大的问题是“我最喜欢的所有调整是否仍然有效?”

This list is not comprehensive by any means—if you have a favorite tweak that you like to use, leave us a comment and we’ll see about adding it to the list.


将碎片整理添加到右键菜单 (Add Defrag to the Right-Click Menu )

Want to be able to quickly defrag a drive whenever you want? You can use a little hack to add the Defragment option to the context menu for each drive. It’ll open up the command prompt, and start the defrag process.

是否希望能够随时对驱动器进行碎片整理? 您可以使用一些技巧将“碎片整理”选项添加到每个驱动器的上下文菜单中。 它将打开命令提示符,并开始进行碎片整理过程。


Add Defragment to the Right-Click Menu for a Drive


创建快捷方式以锁定屏幕,关机,重新启动(Create Shortcuts to Lock the Screen, Shutdown, Restart)

It doesn’t matter where Microsoft puts the shutdown buttons, people seem to still want to have another way to do it. The good news is that all the same shortcuts that worked in previous versions of Windows will still work in Windows 7.

微软在何处放置关机按钮并不重要,人们似乎仍然希望有另一种方法来执行此操作。 好消息是,在早期版本的Windows中使用的所有相同快捷方式仍将在Windows 7中使用。


Create a Shortcut for Locking Your Computer Screen in Windows 7 or Vista

在Windows 7或Vista中创建用于锁定计算机屏幕的快捷方式

Create Shutdown / Restart / Lock Icons in Windows 7 or Vista

在Windows 7或Vista中创建关机/重新启动/锁定图标

创建快捷方式以切换桌面图标(Create a Shortcut to Toggle the Desktop Icons)

Sure, you can easily head into the desktop context menu to toggle the icons on or off, but it’s a lot simpler to use a hotkey, or stick an icon into the Quick Launch (which you can get back on Windows 7 with a little trick). This how-to teaches you how to use a little utility that toggles the icons for you.

当然,您可以轻松进入桌面上下文菜单以打开或关闭图标,但是使用热键要简单得多,也可以将图标粘贴到“快速启动”中(您可以通过一些技巧重新回到Windows 7 )。 本操作方法教您如何使用一个小工具来为您切换图标。


Create a Shortcut or Hotkey to Turn the Desktop Icons On or Off


禁用Aero(以加速某些视频游戏)(Disable Aero (to Speed Up Some Video Games))

If all you do is use your computer for gaming, you might not even care about using Aero. Personally, I don’t know why you’d want to run Windows 7 or Vista without Aero—but if that’s what you want, it’s easy enough to do.

如果您要做的只是使用计算机进行游戏,那么您甚至可能都不在乎使用Aero。 就个人而言,我不知道您为什么要在没有Aero的情况下运行Windows 7或Vista-但是,如果您要这样做,就很容易做到。


Disable Aero on Windows 7 or Vista

在Windows 7或Vista上禁用Aero

挂载ISO (Mount an ISO)

So this one isn’t so much a tweak as an additional piece of software—but if you do a lot of geeky stuff on your PC, you’re going to need to be able to mount an ISO image. My favorite tool, by far, is VirtualCloneDrive—it’s just the simplest possible utility that you can get. All you need to do is double-click on an ISO to mount it.

因此,该程序并不需要额外增加软件来进行调整,但是,如果您在PC上做了大量令人讨厌的工作,则需要能够挂载ISO映像。 到目前为止,我最喜欢的工具是VirtualCloneDrive,它只是您可以获得的最简单的实用程序。 您需要做的就是双击一个ISO来挂载它。


Mount an ISO image in Windows 7 or Vista

在Windows 7或Vista中挂载ISO映像

禁用那些愚蠢的小工具(Disable those Stupid Gadgets)

Windows 7 moves the gadgets onto the desktop, instead of having them on a sidebar like Vista did—but the net effect is the same: it’s all pointless! You can easily disable them in Windows 7, just like you could in Windows Vista.

Windows 7将这些小工具移动到桌面上,而不是像Vista一样将它们放在侧边栏上,但是最终效果是相同的:这一切都没有意义! 您可以在Windows 7中轻松禁用它们,就像在Windows Vista中一样


Disable Sidebar / Desktop Gadgets on Windows 7

在Windows 7上禁用边栏/桌面小工具

启用映射到隐藏共享(Enable Mapping to Hidden Shares)

If you did much networking on previous versions of Windows, you probably know about the C$ share that gives you access to the whole drive. Sadly, those shares don’t work since Vista, at least by default. There’s a simple tweak that you can do that will re-enable them for business, however.

如果您在Windows的早期版本上进行了大量联网,则可能会了解C $共享,从而可以访问整个驱动器。 可悲的是,这些共享至少在默认情况下自Vista开始就不起作用。 您可以执行一个简单的调整,重新启用它们进行业务。


Enable Mapping to \\Hostname\C$ Share on Windows 7 or Vista

在Windows 7或Vista上启用到\\ Hostname \ C $共享的映射

使Windows自动登录(Make Windows Log On Automatically)

If you are the only one that is using your machine at your house, logging on can really be a drag. Thankfully every version of Windows since forever has let you do a simple tweak to make it automatically log on for you. Just make sure your door is locked.

如果您是唯一在家中使用计算机的人,那么登录确实很麻烦。 幸运的是,自从永久以来,每个版本的Windows都允许您进行简单的调整,使其自动为您登录。 只要确保您的门已上锁即可。


Make Windows 7 or Vista Log On Automatically

使Windows 7或Vista自动登录

使用兼容模式(Use Compatibility Mode)

Does your favorite XP application have problems working in Windows 7? You can often make them work anyway by using Compatibility mode to trick the application into thinking it’s running on a previous version of Windows. Tip: This really helps when you’re trying to get a video game working.

您最喜欢的XP应用程序在Windows 7中工作是否有问题? 您通常可以通过使用兼容模式来诱使应用程序正常运行,从而诱使应用程序认为它在Windows的早期版本上运行。 提示:当您尝试使视频游戏正常运行时,这确实有帮助。


Using Windows 7 or Vista Compatibility Mode

使用Windows 7或Vista兼容模式

将任何文件夹添加到任务栏(Add Any Folder To Your Taskbar)

Every version of Windows has allowed you to pin folders to the taskbar, and you can still use this same trick in Windows 7. You can make them use only icons, show text or not, or even use this trick to add the Quick Launch folder back to Windows 7

Windows的每个版本都允许您将文件夹固定到任务栏,并且仍可以在Windows 7中使用此技巧。您可以使它们仅使用图标,不显示文本,甚至使用此技巧来添加“快速启动”文件夹。回到Windows 7


Add “My Computer” to Your Windows 7 / Vista Taskbar

将“我的电脑”添加到Windows 7 / Vista任务栏

将“获取所有权”添加到上下文菜单(Add “Take Ownership” to the Context Menu)

This has to be one of the most useful tweaks for the serious geek tweaker—you can easily give yourself permissions to any file by using this registry hack, which adds a “Take Ownership” item to the menu. Once you’ve taken ownership of a file, you can then easily delete it, rename it, etc.

对于认真的极客调整者,这必须是最有用的调整之一-您可以使用此注册表黑客轻松地将自己的权限授予任何文件,该注册表黑客在菜单中添加了“获取所有权”项。 拥有文件所有权后,即可轻松删除,重命名等。


Add “Take Ownership” to Explorer Right-Click Menu in Win 7 or Vista

在Win 7或Vista中将“获取所有权”添加到资源管理器右键菜单

将复制/移动添加到上下文菜单(Add Copy/Move to the Context Menu)

This remains one of the most consistently popular tweaks for Windows, version after version. You can just do a simple registry hack to add the “Copy To folder” and “Move To folder” option to the context menu.

这仍然是Windows版本之间最受欢迎的调整之一。 您只需执行简单的注册表操作即可将“复制到文件夹”和“移动到文件夹”选项添加到上下文菜单。

Add Copy To / Move To on Windows 7 or Vista Right-Click Menu

在Windows 7或Vista的右键菜单上添加“复制到/移至”

禁用快捷方式图标箭头 (Disable Shortcut Icon Arrows)

The Vista Shortcut Overlay Remover still works just fine in Windows 7, and gets rid of those unsightly shortcut arrows that you really don’t need most of the time. There’s lots of other hacks you can use, but this one works really well, and never leaves you with those “black boxes” on your icons.

Vista快捷键叠加去除器在Windows 7中仍然可以正常工作,并且摆脱了大多数时候您实际上不需要的那些难看的快捷键箭头。 您还可以使用许多其他技巧,但是这种技巧的确非常好,并且永远不会在图标上留下那些“黑匣子”。


Disable Shortcut Icon Arrow Overlay in Windows 7 or Vista 

在Windows 7或Vista中禁用快捷方式图标箭头覆盖

禁用Caps Lock键(Disable the Caps Lock Key)

I’ve never used the Caps Lock key for anything, ever. If you are like me, you probably haven’t either, and it’s a lot easier to get rid of it. You can use a registry hack to get rid of it, or you can map any key to any key using an easy freeware utility.

我从来没有用Caps Lock键做任何事情。 如果您像我一样,可能也没有,而摆脱它要容易得多。 您可以使用注册表黑客来摆脱它,也可以使用简单的免费软件实用程序将任何密钥映射到任何密钥


Disable Caps Lock Key in Windows 7 or Vista 

在Windows 7或Vista中禁用大写锁定键

Map Any Key to Any Key on Windows 7 / XP / Vista

将任何键映射到Windows 7 / XP / Vista上的任何键

阻止Windows Update自动重新启动PC(Stop Windows Update from Automatically Restarting Your PC)

I really hate the automatic reboot “feature” built into Windows Update. In fact, while I was writing this article, it kicked in and rebooted me (I forgot to apply this tweak on my new laptop). You can always temporarily disable the automatic reboot, but there’s a registry hack that will prevent it from happening in the first place.

我真的很讨厌Windows Update内置的自动重新启动“功能”。 实际上,当我写这篇文章时,它开始起作用并重新引导了我(我忘了在新笔记本电脑上应用此调整)。 您始终可以暂时禁用自动重新启动功能,但是有一个注册表hack可以阻止它首先发生。


Prevent Windows Update from Forcibly Rebooting Your Computer

防止Windows Update强行重新启动计算机

停止将睡眠/关机按钮丢失到Windows Update(Stop Losing the Sleep/Shutdown Button to Windows Update)

Have you ever quickly clicked the shutdown button, only to find out that Windows started installing updates and will take forever to shut down? You can tell Windows to stop hijacking your shutdown button with another registry hack.

您是否曾经快速单击过“关闭”按钮,只是发现Windows已开始安装更新并且将永远关闭呢? 您可以告诉Windows停止通过另一个注册表黑客劫持您的关闭按钮。


Stop Windows Update from Hijacking the Sleep Button

阻止Windows Update劫持“睡眠”按钮

启用远程桌面(Enable Remote Desktop)

If you are using the Pro, Ultimate, or Business versions of Windows, you can use Remote Desktop. It’s by far the best way to connect to another Windows PC, especially since Windows Vista or Windows 7 allow you to do Aero through the session.

如果您使用的是Windows Pro,Ultimate或Business版本,则可以使用远程桌面。 到目前为止,这是连接到另一台Windows PC的最佳方法,尤其是因为Windows Vista或Windows 7允许您在整个会话中执行Aero。


Turn on Remote Desktop in Windows 7 or Vista

在Windows 7或Vista中打开远程桌面

禁用粘滞/过滤键对话框(Disable Sticky / Filter Keys Dialogs)

Have you ever been doing something, like playing a game, and had that obnoxious Sticky Keys dialog pop up? You answer No and it goes away… and then shows up again the next day. Here’s how to make it go away for good.

您是否曾经做过某些事情,例如玩游戏,并且弹出了讨厌的“粘滞键”对话框? 您回答“否”,它消失了……然后第二天再次出现。 这是使它永久消失的方法。


Disable the Irritating Sticky / Filter Keys Popup Dialogs


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Disable Windows Explorer Click Sounds


The Windows Explorer click sounds are enough to drive you crazy after a while. You’d think that the configuration option to turn them off would be a checkbox saying “Stop Annoying Me”, but that’s just not the case.

一段时间后,Windows资源管理器中的单击声音足以使您发疯。 您可能会认为关闭它们的配置选项是一个复选框,上面写着“ Stop Annoying Me”,但事实并非如此。


Turn Off Windows Explorer Click Sounds in Windows 7 or Vista

在Windows 7或Vista中关闭Windows资源管理器的单击声音

禁用用户帐户控制的烦人提示(Disable User Account Control’s Annoying Prompts)

This is the one area where Windows 7 makes it so much easier to get rid of those annoying prompts—just drag the slider adjust your UAC settings. If you don’t want to disable UAC, you can always create shortcuts that bypass the UAC prompts with a simple task scheduler trick.

这是Windows 7可以轻松摆脱那些烦人的提示的地方,只需拖动滑块即可调整UAC设置。 如果您不想禁用UAC,则始终可以使用简单的任务计划程序技巧创建绕过UAC提示的快捷方式


Disable User Account Control (UAC) the Easy Way on Win 7 or Vista

在Win 7或Vista上以简易方式禁用用户帐户控制(UAC)

So what are your favorite Windows tweaks? You can leave your comments here, or join in the discussion over at Lifehacker.

那么,您最喜欢Windows的哪些调整? 您可以在此处留下您的评论,也可以在Lifehacker参与讨论







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