dsp怪胎_您是超级怪胎吗? 这是您必须属于的一个站点



Are your geek skills primed and ready for a challenge? Super User is the place where you can show off just how good your skills really are. If answering questions isn’t your game, it’s also a great place to get your really difficult tech questions answered.

您的怪胎技能已经准备就绪并且可以应对挑战了吗? 超级用户是您可以炫耀自己真正技能的地方。 如果回答问题不是您的游戏,那么它也是一个让您真正困难的技术问题得到解答的好地方。

Super User

What Makes Super User Great?


First, and most importantly, Super User was created by a group of guys that really believe in putting the reader first—they aren’t going to sell out and flood the site with obnoxious popup ads. I’m putting the How-To Geek reputation on the line and officially announcing our affiliation with the Stack Overflow network, which includes Super User. That’s how strongly I believe in this site.

首先,也是最重要的是,超级用户是由一群真正相信将读者放在第一位的人创建的-他们不会售罄并用令人讨厌的弹出式广告充斥整个网站。 我将“如何成为极客”的声誉上线,并正式宣布我们与包括超级用户在内的Stack Overflow网络的隶属关系。 这就是我对本网站的坚信。

This doesn’t mean any changes to How-To Geek, this affiliation is just our way of expressing our mutual respect, and working together to make the web a better place for geek information. And the How-To Geek Forums remain a great place to get computer help, or just talk about geeky subjects.

这并不意味着How-To Geek会有任何变化,这种联系只是表达我们相互尊重并共同努力以使网络成为更好的Geek信息场所的方式。 而且, How-To Geek论坛仍然是获得计算机帮助或谈论怪异主题的好地方。

What is Super User Exactly?


At its core, Super User is a question / answer site (and only real questions are allowed). But unlike a traditional forum, Super User is editable by (almost) anybody, very similar to Wikipedia. This means that a group of users can contribute to helping put together the best answers, or tweak the question to make more sense. Before you freak out, everybody’s going to change my posts! you shouldn’t worry, it doesn’t mean that everybody is going to edit every one of your posts.

超级用户从本质上讲是一个问题/答案站点(只允许出现实际问题)。 但是与传统论坛不同,超级用户可以(几乎)由任何人编辑,这与维基百科非常相似。 这意味着一组用户可以帮助提供最佳答案,或者调整问题以使其更有意义。 在您大吃一惊之前,每个人都会改变我的帖子! 您不必担心,这并不意味着每个人都会编辑您的每个帖子。

Super User has a reputation score that is tied to everything that you do. If you answer a question and somebody gives you an up-vote, you’ll gain reputation. If you ask an interesting question, you’ll gain reputation. Once you’ve built up enough reputation, you will be automatically given the ability to re-tag posts, edit questions, and more. This means that only the best, most trustworthy geeks will be making edits to anything, and there are moderators to make sure everybody plays nice.

超级用户的声誉得分与您所做的一切都息息相关。 如果您回答了一个问题并且有人给了您赞成票,那么您将赢得声誉。 如果您提出一个有趣的问题,您将赢得声誉。 建立足够的声誉后,您将自动获得重新标记帖子,编辑问题等的能力。 这意味着只有最好,最值得信赖的极客才能对任何内容进行编辑,并且有主持人来确保每个人的表现都很好。

Super User

Super User Has Reputation Scores, Badges, and More


Once you’ve logged in—using your Google, Yahoo, AOL, or OpenID credentials—you can immediately start answering questions, or ask one of your own. Every time your questions, answers, or comments are voted up, your reputation will increase—showing off just how much of a geek you really are.

使用Google,Yahoo,AOL或OpenID凭据登录后,您可以立即开始回答问题或提出自己的问题。 每次您对问题,答案或评论投赞成票时,您的声誉就会提高,从而彰显您真正的怪才。

Super User

As you interact throughout the site, you’ll be given badges for various accomplishments—once you’ve left 10 comments you’ll receive the Commentator badge, down-voting will give you the Critic badge, or your answer being voted up 10 times will give you the Nice Answer badge.


Super User

The Best Part: Killer Geek Information!


All the badges and reputation score in the world won’t matter one bit if the content isn’t very interesting, but that’s the great thing about Super User—you can ask just about any computer-related question and get very interesting answers.


Here’s just a few of the recently popular threads—and the site has just opened out of private beta, so it will only get better.


So what are you waiting for? Head over to Super User now and get your fill of geeky goodness.

你还在等什么? 立即前往“超级用户” ,获取您的令人讨厌的礼物。

Super User

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/3430/are-you-a-super-geek-heres-the-one-site-you-must-belong-to/






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