


Finding a new job is a challenge—the right company, the right position, the right pay. These job search engines will make the process of finding your next job easier and faster.

找新工作是一个挑战-合适的公司,合适的职位,合适的薪水。 这些工作搜索引擎将使寻找下一份工作的过程更加轻松快捷。

Monster.com (Monster.com)


Monster.com was one of the first job search engines on the internet. While it may not be the undisputed champion of job search today, it still is relevant and popular with job seekers and employers. You can search for a job you like using the job title or relevant keywords, or use the extensive filters to shortlist available jobs.

Monster.com是互联网上最早的求职引擎之一。 尽管它可能不是当今求职的无可争议的冠军,但它仍然与求职者和雇主相关并受到欢迎。 您可以使用工作标题或相关关键字来搜索所需的工作,或者使用广泛的过滤器来筛选可用的工作。

Apart from just job listing, Monster.com also has a few add-on services that will help your profile get noticed by potential employers. These services include professional resume writing, resume highlighter, and a job-search expediter. Monster.com is free for job seekers, and employers pay a nominal fee to have access to a large pool of potential employees.

除了职位列表之外, Monster.com还提供一些附加服务,这些服务将帮助您的个人资料吸引潜在的雇主。 这些服务包括专业的简历撰写,简历荧光笔和求职加速器。 Monster.com对求职者是免费的,雇主只需支付象征性费用即可接触大量潜在雇员。

领英 (LinkedIn)


LinkedIn is a unique job search engine as it combines the power of professional social networking with job searching. While LinkedIn has a dedicated job portal on its website, it’s estimated that most of the jobs found on LinkedIn are through networking. Even LinkedIn’s research concluded that close to 67% of jobs are found through personal recommendations. Considering that, LinkedIn is a great place not only to find jobs but also to connect with people in the industry in which you work.

LinkedIn是一个独特的求职引擎,因为它结合了专业社交网络与求职的力量。 尽管LinkedIn的网站上有专门的工作门户,但据估计,LinkedIn上的大多数工作都是通过网络进行的。 甚至LinkedIn的研究都得出结论,通过个人推荐可以找到将近67%的工作。 考虑到这一点,LinkedIn不仅是找到工作的好地方,而且还是与您工作的行业中的人保持联系的好地方。

玻璃门 (Glassdoor)


Glassdoor is another popular job search engine with a different approach to job hunting. When you search for a job on Glassdoor.com, you’ll get all the basic information about each job that interests you. You can manage your job-hunting better with useful features like searching, filtering, tracking, and so on.

Glassdoor是另一种流行的求职引擎,具有不同的求职方法。 在Glassdoor.com上搜索职位时,您将获得有关您感兴趣的每个职位的所有基本信息。 您可以使用搜索,过滤,跟踪等有用功能更好地管理求职。

What sets Glassdoor.com apart is that also hosts a plethora of user-generated information about companies. This information includes company reviews, interview questions, salary reports, and more. This information can give you the edge when you’re looking for the perfect organization.

Glassdoor.com与众不同的是,它还托管了许多用户生成的公司信息。 这些信息包括公司评论,面试问题,工资报告等。 当您寻找理想的组织机构时,此信息可以为您提供优势。

SimplyHired (SimplyHired)


Simplyhired is a popular job aggregator with millions of jobs listed on the website. You start by entering a few keywords about the job you’re looking for and hitting search. You can then select your desired jobs from the jobs that appear and apply for them. Since SimplyHired is a job aggregator and not a job board, you’ll be taken to the employer’s website or another portal where you’ll be able to submit your resume or other documents as needed for the recruitment process.

Simplyhired是一个受欢迎的工作汇总器,网站上列出了数百万个工作。 首先,输入一些有关所寻找工作的关键字,然后点击搜索。 然后,您可以从显示的作业中选择所需的作业并申请。 由于SimplyHired是工作汇总器,而不是工作委员会,因此您将被带到雇主的网站或其他门户网站,您可以在该网站上提交简历或其他文件,以进行招聘流程。

天使清单 (AngelList)


AngelList is a fantastic job search site if you’re looking to get hired by startups or fast-growing tech companies. Unlike other sites, you can’t see all the open jobs on AngelList without creating an account. Once you do create your account, you can see all the jobs, upload your resume, and start applying. The interesting thing about AngelList is that all the job listings are posted by the companies themselves, and you can see your potential salary, equity, and stock options upfront—even before applying to the job.

如果您希望被初创公司或快速发展的科技公司聘用, AngelList是一个理想的求职网站。 与其他网站不同,如果不创建帐户,就无法在AngelList上看到所有打开的作业。 创建帐户后,您可以查看所有工作,上传简历并开始申请。 AngelList的有趣之处在于,所有职位清单都是由公司自己发布的,甚至可以在申请职位之前就预先查看潜在的薪水,股权和股票期权。

Dice.com (Dice.com)


Other websites on this list help you find all sorts of jobs, but, Dice.com is different. It’s a job search portal only for tech jobs. You can search using keywords, job titles, company name, or using the trending jobs section.

在此列表帮助其他网站你会发现各种各样工作,但是, Dice.com是不同的。 这是仅适用于技术工作的求职门户。 您可以使用关键字,职务,公司名称或“热门职位”部分进行搜索。

But, if you’re in the tech business, the specificity of jobs is what makes Dice.com different from other job search websites. If you create an account (for free), you can also upload your resume on the site. Having an account also lets you get salary information and track jobs for which you’ve applied.

但是,如果您从事高科技行业,职位的特殊性会使Dice.com与其他求职网站有所不同。 如果您免费创建帐户,也可以在网站上上传简历。 拥有帐户还可以让您获取薪水信息并跟踪您已申请的工作。

Google for Jobs (Google for Jobs)

If you’ve searched for jobs on Google, you might have noticed that Google displays relevant jobs in a rich-snippet search result.



If you click the “100+ more jobs” link, you’ll reach Google’s job search portal. The portal doesn’t have an official name, but it acts like a job search engine. The jobs there are aggregated from multiple websites, which saves time on job-hunting. There are plenty of filters to search for the job you prefer, and you can bookmark individual jobs for later viewing. You can also set an alert for a particular job search that you perform and receive email alerts when similar jobs are posted.

如果您点击“更多100个工作”链接,您将进入Google的工作搜索门户。 该门户网站没有正式名称,但其作用类似于求职引擎。 那里的工作是从多个网站汇总的,从而节省了寻找工作的时间。 有很多过滤器可以搜索您喜欢的工作,您可以为单个工作添加书签以供以后查看。 您还可以为您执行的特定工作搜索设置警报,并在发布类似工作时接收电子邮件警报。


Image Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

图片来源: fizkes / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/393716/the-best-job-search-engines/






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