ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上使文本更大,更可读

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Apple continues to produce mobile devices with incredible screen resolution and clarity. Retina display or not, however, even if on-screen text is sharp enough to rival print, it makes little difference if you can’t read it.

苹果继续生产具有令人难以置信的屏幕分辨率和清晰度的移动设备。 视网膜显示与否,但是,即使屏幕上的文字足够清晰,足以与印刷品媲美,但即使您看不懂,也不会有太大的区别。

Super tiny screen text is all the rage these days, and just as Android’s text can be upsized, so too can iOS’s. In fact, while Android’s solution is basically large or nothing, Apple’s solution is quite a bit more elegant and nuanced.

如今,超小屏幕文本非常流行就像Android的文本可以放大一样,iOS的文本也可以放大。 实际上,尽管Android的解决方案基本上很大,甚至没有,但Apple的解决方案却更加优雅和细微。

显示文字大小 (Display Text Size)

The quickest way to simply resize your device’s text is to open your iPad or iPhone’s Settings and tap, “Display & Brightness” and then tap, “Text Size.”


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The default setting is right in the middle, but you have six other sizes to choose from.


Here’s what the largest sized text looks like, which quite a bit more prominent.


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Of course, if you’re an eagle-eyed, carrot-eating, bionic-vision type, then you can drag the slider all the way to the left for the smallest type. The smaller the text, the more that will fit on the screen, and vice-versa.

当然,如果您是鹰眼,吃胡萝卜,仿生视觉的类型,则可以将滑块向左拖动到最小的类型。 文本越小,屏幕上显示的内容越多,反之亦然。

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Recall the Display & Brightness settings had a Bold Text setting.


If you want to turn on bold text, you will need to restart your device.


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Here’s the results when we use the largest size with bold enabled. While the headings and clock don’t necessarily appear larger along with the settings, the bolded text gives everything greater contrast.

这是当我们使用最大尺寸并启用粗体显示时的结果。 虽然标题和时钟不一定会随设置而变大,但粗体文本会给所有内容带来更大的对比度。

Don’t forget that along with the Display & Brightness settings, you can also pinch-zoom in many applications.


辅助功能中的更多选项 (More Options in Accessibility)

If you tap “General” and then “Accessibility,” you’re treated to quite a few more options that deal primarily making iOS easier to use, such as if you have problems with your vision or need corrective lenses. Many of these are fairly easy to reason out, VoiceOver, for example, speaks items on the screen when you tap on them, while Speech reads screen text aloud.

如果您依次点击“常规”和“辅助功能”,则会看到很多其他选项,这些选项主要是使iOS易于使用,例如,您的视力有问题或需要矫正镜片。 其中许多都是很容易推论的,例如,VoiceOver会在您点击它们时在屏幕上说出内容,而Speech则会大声读出屏幕上的文字。

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Zoom is a bit more immediately useful for enlarging text. When turned on, you zoom the screen when you double-tap with three fingers. You can drag the selection square (its zooming effect doesn’t appear in the screenshot), like a magnifying glass.

缩放对于放大文本而言更为有用。 启用此功能后,用三根手指点按两次即可缩放屏幕。 您可以像放大镜一样拖动选择框(其缩放效果不会出现在屏幕截图中)。

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If you scroll further down the accessibility settings, there’s a few more text-related controls.


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Most notably, the Larger Text options, while strikingly similar to the Large Text options in the previous section, take things a bit further by allowing you to access even larger text sizes.


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Another trick you can enable is the Button Shapes setting, which doesn’t necessarily make buttons more readable, but easier to see.


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Finally, tap the “Increase Contrast” to access options, such as to reduce transparencies, which increases text legibility; Darken Colors, and the Reduce White Point feature, which lowers the display temperature so bright colors don’t appear so intense.

最后,点击“增加对比度”以访问选项,例如减少透明度,从而增加文本的清晰度; “变暗颜色”和“减少白点”功能降低了显示温度,因此明亮的颜色不会显得太浓。

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It’s a good idea to play around with all these options to see what combination works for you. Clearly Apple has designed these accessibility options with the philosophy that one size does not fit all.

尝试使用所有这些选项,看看哪种组合对您有效。 显然,Apple设计一种可访问性选项的理念是一种尺寸无法容纳所有尺寸。

Beyond making text larger and more readable, there’s quite a bit more to the accessibility options, such as subtitles, hearing aids, guided access, and more. You’re encouraged to explore them to see if they offer anything to make your iOS user experience easier and more enjoyable.

除了使文本更大和更具可读性之外,辅助功能选项还包括很多功能,例如字幕,助听器,引导式访问等。 我们鼓励您探索它们,看看它们是否提供任何可以使您的iOS用户体验更加轻松愉快的功能。

Please take a moment or two to let us know if these tips helped you out. Lend your questions and comments in our discussion forum.

请花一两分钟让我们知道这些提示是否对您有所帮助。 在我们的论坛中提出您的问题和意见。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/205175/how-to-make-text-larger-and-more-readable-on-iphone-or-ipad/

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