


Avast is an unusually noisy antivirus application. It speaks notifications aloud, displays ads, and bundles a lot of additional software. You can disable some (or all) of these annoyances to quiet Avast down.

Avast是一种异常嘈杂的防病毒应用程序。 它会大声说出通知,显示广告并捆绑许多其他软件。 您可以禁用其中的一些(或全部)烦恼来使Avast安静下来。

The following steps were performed with Avast’s Free Antivirus software. The free version of Avast allows you to disable everything but its popup “offers” for other Avast products. That’s just the price you pay for using the free version. To learn more about which antivirus programs we recommend, check out this guide.

以下步骤是使用Avast的Free Antivirus软件执行的。 免费版本的Avast允许您禁用除其他Avast产品的弹出菜单之外的所有功能。 这只是您使用免费版本所要付出的代价。 要了解有关我们建议使用哪种防病毒程序的更多信息,请查阅本指南

自定义您的安装以删除不必要的额外内容 (Customize Your Installation to Remove Unnecessary Extras)

While installing Avast, you can click the “Customize” link to prevent Avast from installing additional software you may not want.


If you’ve already installed Avast and want to go through the Customize Installation screen again, you can head to the Control Panel > Uninstall a Program and double-click “Avast” in the list.

如果已经安装了Avast,并希望再次进入“自定义安装”屏幕,则可以转到“控制面板”>“卸载程序”,然后在列表中双击“ Avast”。

Click the “Change” link in the Avast window to choose which components you want installed.


By default, Avast installs its “Recommended protection”, including an entirely separate “SafeZone Browser”, two different browser extensions, a VPN service, a password vault, a PC cleanup program, and  a utility that checks for updates to your other desktop software.

默认情况下,Avast安装其“推荐保护”,包括一个完全独立的“ SafeZone浏览器”,两个不同的浏览器扩展,一个VPN服务,一个密码保险库,一个PC清理程序以及一个用于检查其他台式机软件更新的实用程序。

We recommend you don’t use your antivirus’s browser extensions. We also prefer other VPN services, password managers, and PC cleaning tools. This stuff isn’t necessary.

我们建议您不要使用防病毒的浏览器扩展。 我们还更喜欢其他VPN服务密码管理器PC清洁工具。 这些东西不是必需的。

You can select exactly which parts of Avast you want installed here or just click the “Which components do you want to install?” box and select “Minimal protection” to get just the antivirus software.

您可以在此处精确选择要安装的Avast的哪些部分,或只需单击“您要安装哪个组件?”。 框,然后选择“最低保护”以仅获取防病毒软件。

禁用Avast的声音 (Disable Avast’s Sounds)

The rest of Avast’s settings are available in its user interface. To access it, left-click the orange “Avast” icon in your notification area or right-click it and select “Open Avast User Interface”. This circular icon may be hidden behind the up arrow to the left of your system tray icons.

Avast的其余设置可在其用户界面中使用。 要访问它,请在通知区域中左击橙色的“ Avast”图标,或右键单击它并选择“打开Avast用户界面”。 该圆形图标可能隐藏在系统任务栏图标左侧的向上箭头后面。

Click the gear-shaped “Settings” icon at the upper right corner of the Avast window to open the Settings screen.


Expand the “Sounds” category under the General pane to find the sound options. You can uncheck the “Enable Avast Sounds” option to silence Avast entirely.

展开“常规”窗格下的“声音”类别以找到声音选项。 您可以取消选中“启用Avast声音”选项以完全使Avast静音。

If you only find Avast’s spoken notifications annoying, you can just uncheck the “Use voiceover sounds (when available)” box here.


禁用(大多数)Avast的弹出窗口 (Disable (Most of) Avast’s Popups)

Expand the “Popups” section on the General pane in Avast’s Settings window to find Avast’s popup settings.


You can’t disable the popup adds for Avast products unless you have a paid version of Avast. If you do, you can uncheck the “Show popup offers for other Avast products” box here.

除非您具有Avast的付费版本,否则您不能禁用Avast产品的弹出窗口添加。 如果这样做,则可以在此处取消选中“显示其他Avast产品的弹出菜单优惠”框。

You can disable other types of popups–info, update, warning, and alert popups—by setting them to display for “0” seconds here.

您可以禁用其他类型的弹出窗口(信息,更新,警告和警报弹出窗口),方法是将其设置为在此处显示“ 0”秒。

Avast will also display a notification when its antivirus updates fail. If you regularly experience connection issues and don’t want to see this error message, you can click the “Update” section in the Settings window and uncheck the “Show notification box if an error occurs” box.

当其防病毒更新失败时,Avast还将显示一条通知。 如果您经常遇到连接问题,并且不想看到此错误消息,则可以单击“设置”窗口中的“更新”部分,然后取消选中“如果发生错误则显示通知框”框。

You can also activate the “Silent/Gaming Mode” checkbox at the top of the General pane to stop all Avast’s popup messages until you disable silent mode.


This will prevent Avast from showing you notifications when it detects malware, however, so it’s probably not a setting you’ll want to enable.


禁用Avast的电子邮件签名“功能” (Disable Avast’s Email Signature “Feature”)

This feature won’t annoy you, but it will annoy the people you send emails to. Avast automatically adds a signature to emails you send, advertising itself.

此功能不会使您烦恼,但会惹恼您向其发送电子邮件的人员。 Avast会自动在您发送的电子邮件中添加一个签名,以进行广告宣传。

To disable this feature, uncheck the “Enable Avast Email Signature” option on the General pane in Avast’s settings window.


Avast should mostly be quiet and get out of your way now, silently protecting your PC in the background. You should only see popup offers for Avast’s paid products.

Avast应该大部分时间保持安静,并且现在让您摆脱困境,在后台以无声方式保护您的PC。 您应该只看到Avast付费产品的弹出式优惠。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/291316/how-to-get-rid-of-avasts-notifications-sounds-and-bundled-software/






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