outlook 链接_故障排除:在Outlook中单击链接时,防止出现“查找链接浏览器”弹出对话框...

outlook 链接

outlook 链接

This is a guest post by Aseem Kishore, a technology enthusiast and lead blogger for Online-Tech-Tips.

这是技术爱好者兼Online-Tech-Tips的首席博客作者Aseem Kishore的来宾帖子

If you’re using Firefox as your default Internet browser and Outlook as your email client, then you may have noticed that when you click on a URL link in an Outlook email, you get a popup dialog box titled “Locate Link Browser” and then Firefox will load normally. It doesn’t seem to cause any problems, but it’s certainly very annoying having to close that dialog box every time!

如果您使用Firefox作为默认的Internet浏览器,并使用Outlook作为电子邮件客户端,那么您可能已经注意到,当您单击Outlook电子邮件中的URL链接时,会出现一个名为“查找链接浏览器”的弹出对话框,然后Firefox将正常加载。 它似乎没有引起任何问题,但是每次都必须关闭该对话框确实很烦人!

Note: You will not get this dialog box if you already have Firefox open on your computer. It only occurs when you click on a link and Firefox is not already open. Also, if you’re using IE, you won’t have this issue at all.

注意:如果您的计算机上已经打开Firefox,则不会显示此对话框。 仅当您单击链接并且尚未打开Firefox时,它才会发生。 另外,如果您使用的是IE,则根本不会出现此问题。

locate link browser

So how you can get rid of this annoying dialog once and for all? Follow these simple steps to fix the issue on Windows XP:

那么,如何彻底摆脱这个烦人的对话框呢? 请按照以下简单步骤解决Windows XP上的问题:

Step 1: Open My Computer from the desktop or Start Menu.


Step 2: Go to the Tools menu and click on Folder Options.


tool folder options

Step 3: Now click on the File Types tab and you’ll see a list of registered file types, Extensions and File Types. Under the Extensions column, look for the entries with (NONE) and in that subset, find the entry under File Types that is called URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol.

步骤3:现在,单击File Types(文件类型)选项卡,您将看到已注册文件类型,扩展名和文件类型的列表。 在“扩展名”列下,查找带有(NONE)的条目,然后在该子集中的“文件类型”下找到名为URL:超文本传输​​协议的条目。

url hypertext protocol

Step 4: Click on the Advanced button at the bottom and then click on the Edit button.


edit button

Step 5: Go ahead and uncheck the DDE option. It is called “Use DDE” and it’s checked by default. We want to make sure it’s unchecked.

步骤5:继续并取消选中DDE选项。 它称为“使用DDE”,默认情况下已选中。 我们要确保未选中它。

uncheck dde

Go ahead and click Ok and then Ok again and then close! Now give it a shot and it should work! You can also do the same for this entry: URL: HyperText with Security. This is for HTTPS links. Worked like a charm on my computer!

继续,单击“确定”,然后再次单击“确定”,然后关闭! 现在试一试,它应该可以工作! 您也可以对此条目执行相同的操作:URL:具有安全性的超文本。 这用于HTTPS链接。 在我的计算机上像灵符一样工作!

Note that if the textbox “Application used to perform action” is blank, then you can click Browse and find the Firefox.exe application.


If you’re using Windows Vista, the method above may not work. In Vista, you have to delete some registry keys in order for the dialog box to go away. Here’s how.

如果您使用的是Windows Vista,则上述方法可能不起作用。 在Vista中,必须删除某些注册表项才能使对话框消失。 这是如何做。

Step 1: Click on Start, then Run and type in regedit. Or just type in regedit in the Instant Search Box and press Enter.

步骤1:点击“开始”,然后点击“运行”并输入regedit。 或者,只需在“即时搜索”框中键入regedit,然后按Enter。

Step 2: Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\HTTP\shell\open\ddeexec registry key.

步骤2:导航到HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ HTTP \ shell \ open \ ddeexec注册表项。

Step 3: Delete the “ddexec” registry key

步骤3:删除“ ddexec”注册表项

Step 4: Repeat for the following keys:



“ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ HTTPS \ shell \ open \ ddeexec”“ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ FirefoxURL \ shell \ open \ ddeexec”“ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ FirefoxHTML \ shell \ open \ ddeexec”

This should fix the issue in both Windows XP and Windows Vista! Enjoy!

这应该可以在Windows XP和Windows Vista中解决该问题! 请享用!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/troubleshooting-prevent-locate-link-browser-popup-dialog-when-clicking-on-links-in-outlook/

outlook 链接

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