如何使用YouTube的New Creator Studio

YouTube’s new Creator Studio has left beta and is now set the default studio for all users. It’s laid out much differently and has a lot more features and analytics for you to peruse.

YouTube的新创作者工作室已退出测试版,现已为所有用户设置了默认工作室。 它的布局大不相同,并且具有更多功能和分析供您仔细研究。

仪表板 (The Dashboard)

The dashboard isn’t too useful in its current state. Right now, it just shows how well your latest video is doing, as well as an overview of your channel is doing. There are more cards for YouTube news and its Creator Insider newsletter, which feels like it’s just taking up space.

仪表板在当前状态下不太有用。 现在,它仅显示您最新视频的效果,以及您频道的概况。 YouTube新闻及其“创作者内幕”新闻的卡片更多,感觉就像是在占用空间。

Hopefully, YouTube will add more cards and the ability to customize the dashboard in the future. Until then, you’ll likely want to move further down the sidebar to find anything useful.

希望YouTube将来会添加更多卡片,并能够自定义信息中心。 在此之前,您可能需要进一步移至侧边栏,以找到有用的内容。

新的Google Analytics(分析)页面 (The New Analytics Page)

YouTube analytics overview

Perhaps the biggest and best change in the new studio, the Analytics page is a significant upgrade from the awful analytics YouTube used to have. The old analytics were not very detailed and took a day or two to update. The new analytics update mostly in real time, faster than the video’s view count. Anything that isn’t real-time updates by the hour, except for revenue which usually takes a day to figure itself out.

“分析”页面也许是新工作室中最大,最好的变化,它是YouTube过去糟糕的分析的重大升级。 旧的分析不是很详细,需要一两天进行更新。 新的分析功能大部分是实时更新的,比视频观看次数还快。 除了每小时通常需要一天才能解决的收入外,所有不是每小时更新的内容。

The overview page is the first thing you’ll see. This shows basic stats about your channel in a graph over time. The default period is “Last 28 Days,” but you can change the timeframe from the menu in the top right corner.

概述页面是您首先看到的内容。 随着时间的推移,这会在图表中显示有关您频道的基本统计信息。 默认期限为“过去28天”,但是您可以从右上角的菜单更改时间范围。

The graph itself is split into four tabs, which you can switch between as you choose. All of the other analytics pages are laid out the same way, with multiple graphs about each topic. You can also hover over the graph to view the specific stats for that day.

图形本身分为四个选项卡,您可以根据需要在两个选项卡之间进行切换。 所有其他分析页面的布局方式相同,每个主题都有多个图表。 您也可以将鼠标悬停在图表上以查看当天的具体统计信息。

Next up is the “Reach Viewers” tab which includes statistics about impressions and click-through rate, but is summarized very nicely by this chart under the main graph.

接下来是“ Reach Viewers”标签,其中包含有关展示次数和点击率的统计信息,但是该图表在主图表下的显示非常好。

YouTube analytics impressions

This pyramid of impressions, views, and watch time is essentially how the YouTube algorithm works. Maximize your click-through rate and average view duration, and YouTube will give you more impressions, which gives you more views, which gives you more watch time. Watch time is all that matters, not views; after all, if someone is staying on YouTube longer, they’re exposed to more ads.

展示次数,观看次数和观看时间的金字塔是YouTube算法的工作原理。 最大限度地提高点击率和平均观看时长,YouTube会为您带来更多展示次数,从而为您带来更多观看次数,从而为您带来更多观看时间。 观看时间是最重要的,而不是观看; 毕竟,如果某人在YouTube上停留的时间更长,那么他们就会看到更多的广告。

The next tab is “Interest Viewers,” which tracks the average view duration.


YouTube analytics interest

There’s a card at the bottom that shows which end screen videos perform best, but other than that, it’s not the most useful of pages.


The “Build an Audience” tab shows stats about your viewers and tracks subscribers. It’s nice to look at the demographics of your viewers, but this page is mostly static.

“建立受众群体”标签会显示有关观众的统计信息并跟踪订阅者。 查看观众的人口统计数据很不错,但是此页面大部分是静态的。

The Revenue tab might be what you’re clicking most often. It shows various stats about the monetization of your channel, how many viewers see ads on your videos, and how much you make per thousand playbacks (CPM).

收入标签可能是您最常点击的地方。 它显示有关频道获利,观看者在您的视频上看到广告的数量以及每千次播放(CPM)的收入等各种统计信息。

YouTube analytics revenue

It’s important to note here that your CPM is not your real CPM. It’s based on how many monetized playbacks YouTube gives you, which is only a small percentage of your views. So, the math doesn’t make sense if you’re just multiplying CPM by views.

请务必注意,您的每千次展示费用不是您的实际每千次展示费用。 它基于YouTube给您带来的获利播放次数,仅占观看次数的一小部分。 因此,如果您仅将CPM与视图相乘,那么数学就没有意义。

The default timeframe for this tab is still “Last 28 Days,” which isn’t what you might want. Since Adsense only pays out once a month for everything you made that month, you’ll want to switch it to the current month to view how much you’ve made since your last paycheck.

该选项卡的默认时间范围仍然是“过去28天”,这不是您想要的时间。 由于Adsense每月仅会支付您当月的所有收入,因此您需要将其切换到当月,以查看自上次支付薪水以来的收入。

新影片清单 (The New Videos List)

YouTube videos list

Click the “Videos” button in the sidebar to navigate to the videos list. This page shows an overview of all your videos, including the views, number of comments and likes, and other information.

单击边栏中的“视频”按钮以导航到视频列表。 此页面显示了您所有视频的概述,包括观看次数,评论和喜欢的次数以及其他信息。

One change from the old studio is that uploads are separated from live streams. You’ll need to click the “Live” tab to find your past live videos, which are laid out in the same way your uploads are.

与旧工作室的不同之处在于,上传与实时流分开了。 您需要单击“实时”标签以找到您过去的实时视频,这些视频的布局与您上传的视频相同。

To view more information about a video, click on the thumbnail or title in the list.


The new video details page is quite different. The sidebar will change, and you will see your video’s thumbnail on top of it. You’ll find familiar options for changing the title and description, and farther down you’ll find options for changing the thumbnail, tags, visibility, and end screens of your video.

新的视频详细信息页面是完全不同的。 侧边栏将更改,您将在其顶部看到视频的缩略图。 您会发现用于更改标题和说明的熟悉选项,而在更深处,您会找到用于更改视频的缩略图,标签,可见性和结束屏幕的选项。

In the sidebar, you’ll see three main pages, the first of which is video-specific analytics.


YouTube video analytics

This page is similar to the main analytics page but has a few video-specific options. A useful addition is the audience retention graph—you can see where people stop watching or skip through, which is useful to find what your viewers like.

该页面类似于主分析页面,但具有一些特定于视频的选项。 观众续看率图表是一个有用的补充,您可以查看人们停止观看或跳过的地方,这对于查找观众的喜好很有用。

Further down is the editor page, which contains a very basic video editor. You can’t really edit videos after they’ve been uploaded, so this editor just contains options for cutting or blurring out content that’s already in the video or to add music (or bleeps).

再往下是编辑器页面,其中包含一个非常基本的视频编辑器。 上传完视频后,您将无法真正对其进行编辑,因此该编辑器仅包含用于剪切或模糊化视频中已有内容或添加音乐(或提示音)的选项。

YouTube video editor

Next is the Comments tab, which replaces the Community tab from the old studio. This shows video-specific comments and lets you reply to people from the studio.

接下来是“注释”选项卡,它取代了旧工作室中的“社区”选项卡。 这会显示特定于视频的评论,并让您回复工作室中的人。

YouTube comments

To view new comments, click the sort button in the top right and sort by “New Comments.” You can also search for comments with the filter box, or view comments YouTube deems as spam (which sometimes includes innocent people who post links, so it’s worth looking through once in a while).

要查看新评论,请单击右上角的排序按钮,然后按“新评论”进行排序。 您也可以使用过滤器框搜索评论,或查看YouTube视为垃圾评论的评论(有时其中包括发布链接的无辜者,因此不时需要进行浏览)。

其他特性 (Other Features)

YouTube classic creator studio

Besides videos and analytics, you’ll find options for monetization, channel settings, copyright settings, and settings for your community moderators. The studio is quite expansive, so poke around for yourself to get a sense of where everything is.

除了视频和分析之外,您还将找到获利选项,频道设置,版权设置以及社区主持人的设置。 工作室相当宽敞,因此请自己摸索一下,以了解一切。

Most of the other various settings and pages from the old creator dashboard have been merged into the new studio. Anything that’s still missing, you’ll find under the “Other Features” tab in the main sidebar, and you can use the classic studio until YouTube gets around to building new versions of them.

旧版创建者信息中心中的大多数其他各种设置和页面已合并到新工作室中。 仍然缺少的所有内容都可以在侧边栏中的“其他功能”标签下找到,并且可以使用经典工作室,直到YouTube逐步构建它们的新版本为止。

如果您不喜欢它,可以切换回去 (If You Don’t Like it, You Can Switch Back)

YouTube classic studio option

If you’re completely opposed to change, you can switch back to the “Classic” studio. Just click the “Creator Studio Classic” button at the bottom of the new studio’s sidebar. This will set the Classic studio as the default, though you can always use the new one by selecting “Studio Beta” from the account menu.

如果您完全反对更改,则可以切换回“经典”工作室。 只需点击新工作室侧边栏底部的“ Creator Studio Classic”按钮。 尽管您始终可以通过从帐户菜单中选择“ Studio Beta”来使用新的Studio,但这会将Classic Studio设置为默认工作室。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/409227/how-to-use-youtube’s-new-creator-studio/

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