Windows Task Manager:完整指南

Processes tab in Windows 10's Task Manager

The Windows Task Manager is a powerful tool packed with useful information, from your system’s overall resource usage to detailed statistics about each process. This guide explains every feature and technical term in the Task Manager.

Windows Task Manager是一个功能强大的工具,其中包含有用的信息,从系统的整体资源使用到有关每个进程的详细统计信息。 本指南说明了任务管理器中的每个功能和技术术语。

This article focuses on Windows 10’s Task Manager, although much of this also applies to Windows 7. Microsoft has dramatically improved the Task Manager since the release of Windows 7.

本文重点介绍Windows 10的任务管理器,尽管其中许多内容也适用于Windows7。自Windows 7发行以来,Microsoft大大改进了任务管理器。

如何启动任务管理器 (How to Launch the Task Manager)

Option to launch Task Manager from Windows 10's taskbar

Windows offers many ways to launch the Task Manager. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager with a keyboard shortcut or right-click the Windows taskbar and select “Task Manager.”

Windows提供了许多启动任务管理器的方法。 按Ctrl + Shift + Esc用键盘快捷键打开任务管理器,或右键单击Windows任务栏并选择“任务管理器”。

You can also press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then click “Task Manager” on the screen that appears or find the Task Manager shortcut in your Start menu.

您也可以按Ctrl + Alt + Delete,然后在出现的屏幕上单击“任务管理器”,或在“开始”菜单中找到任务管理器快捷方式。

简单的观点 (The Simple View)

Task Manager's simplified application management view

The first time you launch the Task Manager, you’ll see a small, simple window. This window lists the visible applications running on your desktop, excluding background applications. You can select an application here and click “End Task” to close it. This is useful if an application isn’t responding—in other words, if it’s frozen—and you can’t close it the usual way.

首次启动任务管理器时,您会看到一个小的简单窗口。 该窗口列出了桌面上运行的可见应用程序,但不包括后台应用程序。 您可以在此处选择一个应用程序,然后单击“结束任务”将其关闭。 如果应用程序没有响应(换句话说,如果它被冻结),并且您无法以通常的方式关闭它,则这很有用。

You can also right-click an application in this window to access more options:


  • Switch To: Switch to the application’s window, bringing it to the front of your desktop and putting it in focus. This is useful if you’re not sure which window is associated with which application.

    切换到:切换到应用程序窗口,将其置于桌面的前面,并使其聚焦。 如果您不确定哪个窗口与哪个应用程序相关联,这将很有用。

  • End Task: End the process. This works the same as the “End Task” button.

    结束任务:结束过程。 此功能与“结束任务”按钮相同。

  • Run New Task: Open the Create New Task window, where you can specify a program, folder, document, or website address and Windows will open it.


  • Always On Top: Make the Task Manager window itself “always on top” of other windows on your desktop, letting you see it at all times.


  • Open File Location: Open a File Explorer window showing the location of the program’s .exe file.


  • Search Online: Perform a Bing search for the program’s application name and file name. This will help you see exactly what the program is and what it does.

    在线搜索:进行Bing搜索程序的应用程序名称和文件名。 这将帮助您准确了解程序的含义和作用。

  • Properties: Open the Properties window for the program’s .exe file. Here you can tweak compatibility options and see the program’s version number, for example.

    属性:打开程序的.exe文件的“属性”窗口。 例如,您可以在此处调整兼容性选项并查看程序的版本号。

The Task Manager's notification area icon

While the Task Manager is open, you’ll see a Task Manager icon in your notification area. This shows you how much CPU (central processing unit) resources are currently in use on your system, and you can mouse over it to see memory, disk, and network usage. It’s an easy way to keep tabs on your computer’s CPU usage.

打开任务管理器后,您会在通知区域看到一个任务管理器图标。 这向您显示系统上当前正在使用多少CPU(中央处理单元)资源,并且可以将鼠标悬停在其上以查看内存,磁盘和网络使用情况。 这是监视计算机CPU使用率的简便方法。

To see the system tray icon without the Task Manager appearing on your taskbar, click Options > Hide When Minimized in the full Task Manager interface and minimize the Task Manager window.


任务管理器的选项卡说明 (The Task Manager’s Tabs Explained)

Viewing app resource usage in the Windows Task Manager

To see the Task Manager’s more advanced tools, click “More Details” at the bottom of the simple view window. You’ll see the full, tabbed interface appear. The Task Manager will remember your preference and will open to the more advanced view in the future. If you want to get back to the simple view, click “Fewer Details.”

要查看任务管理器的更高级的工具,请单击简单视图窗口底部的“更多详细信息”。 您会看到完整的选项卡式界面。 任务管理器会记住您的首选项,并会在将来打开更高级的视图。 如果您想返回到简单视图,请单击“较少详细信息”。

With More Details selected, the Task Manager includes the following tabs:


  • Processes: A list of running applications and background processes on your system along with CPU, memory, disk, network, GPU, and other resource usage information.


  • Performance: Real-time graphs showing total CPU, memory, disk, network, and GPU resource usage for your system. You’ll find many other details here, too, from your computer’s IP address to the model names of your computer’s CPU and GPU.

    性能:实时图表显示系统的CPU,内存,磁盘,网络和GPU资源的总使用量。 您还可以在这里找到许多其他详细信息,从计算机的IP地址到计算机的CPU和GPU的型号名称。

  • App History: Information about how much CPU and network resources apps have used for your current user account. This only applies to new Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps—in other words, Store apps—and not traditional Windows desktop apps (Win32 applications.)

    应用程序历史记录:有关应用程序为您当前的用户帐户使用了多少CPU和网络资源的信息。 这仅适用于新的通用Windows平台(UWP)应用程序(即商店应用程序) ,而不适用于传统的Windows桌面应用程序(Win32应用程序)。

  • Startup: A list of your startup programs, which are the applications Windows automatically starts when you sign into your user account. You can disable startup programs from here, although you can also do that from Settings > Apps > Startup.

    启动:启动程序列表,即登录用户帐户后Windows自动启动的应用程序。 您可以从此处禁用启动程序,尽管也可以从“设置”>“应用程序”>“启动”来执行。

  • Users: The user accounts currently signed into your PC, how much resources they’re using, and what applications they’re running.


  • Details: More detailed information about the processes running on your system. This is basically the traditional “Processes” tab from the Task Manager on Windows 7.

    详细信息:有关系统上运行的进程的更多详细信息。 这基本上是Windows 7上任务管理器中的传统“进程”选项卡。

  • Services: Management of system services. This is the same information you’ll find in services.msc, the Services management console.

    服务:系统服务的管理。 这是与服务管理控制台services.msc中相同的信息。

管理流程 (Managing Processes)


The Processes tab shows you a comprehensive list of processes running on your system. If you sort it by name, the list is broken into three categories. The Apps group shows the same list of running applications you’d see in the “Fewer details” simplified view. The other two categories are background processes and Windows processes, and they show processes that don’t appear in the standard simplified Task Manager view.

“进程”选项卡向您显示系统上正在运行的进程的完整列表。 如果按名称排序,则该列表分为三类。 “应用程序”组显示的运行应用程序列表与在“较少详细信息”简化视图中看到的列表相同。 其他两个类别是后台进程和Windows进程,它们显示的进程没有出现在标准的简化任务管理器视图中。

For example, tools like Dropbox, your antivirus program, background update processes, and hardware utilities with notification area (system tray) icons appear in the background processes list. Windows processes include various processes that are part of the Windows operating system, although some of these appear under “Background processes” instead for some reason.

例如,Dropbox,您的防病毒程序,后台更新进程以及带有通知区域(系统任务栏)图标的硬件实用程序之类的工具将显示在后台进程列表中。 Windows进程包括Windows操作系统中的各种进程,尽管其中某些进程出于某些原因出现在“后台进程”下。

Option to restart Windows Explorer in the Task Manager

You can right-click a process to see actions you can perform. The options you’ll see in the context menu are:

您可以右键单击一个进程以查看可以执行的操作。 您将在上下文菜单中看到的选项是:

  • Expand: Some applications, like Google Chrome, have multiple processes are grouped here. Other applications have multiple windows that are part of a single process. You can select expand, double-click the process, or click the arrow to its left to see the entire group of processes individually. This option only appears when you right-click a group.

    展开:此处将某些应用程序(例如Google Chrome)具有多个进程进行了分组。 其他应用程序具有多个窗口,这些窗口属于单个进程。 您可以选择展开,双击进程,或单击其左侧的箭头以分别查看整个进程组。 仅当您右键单击组时,才会显示此选项。

  • Collapse: Collapse an expanded group.


  • End task: End the process. You can also click the “End Task” button below the list.

    结束任务:结束进程。 您也可以单击列表下方的“结束任务”按钮。

  • Restart: This option only appears when you right-click Windows Explorer. It lets you restart explorer.exe instead of simply ending the task. In older versions of Windows, you had to end the Explorer.exe task and then launch it manually to fix problems with the Windows desktop, taskbar, or Start menu. Now, you can just use this Restart option.

    重新启动:仅当您右键单击Windows资源管理器时,此选项才会出现。 它使您可以重新启动explorer.exe,而不仅仅是结束任务。 在旧版Windows中,您必须结束Explorer.exe任务,然后手动启动它以解决Windows桌面,任务栏或“开始”菜单的问题。 现在,您可以只使用此重新启动选项。

  • Resource values: Lets you choose whether you want to see the percentage or precise values for memory, disk, and network. In other words, you can choose whether you want to see the precise amount of memory in MB or the percentage of your system’s memory applications are using.

    资源值:让您选择是否要查看内存,磁盘和网络的百分比或精确值。 换句话说,您可以选择是要查看精确的内存量(以MB为单位)还是要查看系统正在使用的内存应用程序的百分比。

  • Create dump file: This is a debugging tool for programmers. It captures a snapshot of the program’s memory and saves it to disk.

    创建转储文件:这是供程序员使用的调试工具。 它捕获程序内存的快照并将其保存到磁盘。

  • Go to details: Go to the process on the Details tab so you can see more detailed technical information.


  • Open file location: Open File Explorer with the process’s .exe file selected.


  • Search online: Search for the name of the process on Bing.


  • Properties: View the Properties window of the .exe file associated with the process.


You should not end tasks unless you know what the task does. Many of these tasks are background processes important to Windows itself. They often have confusing names, and you may need to perform a web search to find out what they do. We have a whole series explaining what various processes do, from conhost.exe to wsappx.

除非您知道任务的作用,否则不应结束任务。 其中许多任务是对Windows本身很重要的后台进程。 他们的名字常常令人困惑,您可能需要执行网络搜索以了解他们的工作。 我们有一个完整的系列说明conhost.exewsappx的各种过程

Available columns on the Task Manager's Processes tab

This tab also shows you detailed information about each process and their combined resource usage. You can right-click the headings at the top of the list and choose the columns you want to see. The values in each column are color-coded, and a darker orange (or red) color indicates greater resource usage.

此选项卡还向您显示有关每个过程及其组合资源使用情况的详细信息。 您可以右键单击列表顶部的标题,然后选择要查看的列。 每列中的值均用颜色编码,并且较深的橙色(或红色)表示资源使用率更高。

You can click a column to sort by it—for example, click the CPU column to see running processes sorted by CPU usage with the biggest CPU hogs at the top. The top of the column also shows the total resource usage of all the processes on your system. Drag and drop columns to reorder them. The available columns are:

您可以单击一列对其进行排序,例如,单击“ CPU”列以查看按CPU使用率排序的正在运行的进程,其中最大的CPU占用量在顶部。 该列的顶部还显示了系统上所有进程的总资源使用情况。 拖放列以对其重新排序。 可用的列是:

  • Type: The category of the process, which is App, Background process, or Windows process.


  • Status: If a program appears to be frozen, “Not Responding” will appear here. Programs sometimes begin responding after a bit of time and sometimes stay frozen. If Windows has suspended a program to save power, a green leaf will appear in this column. Modern UWP apps can suspend to save power, and Windows can also suspend traditional desktop apps.

    状态:如果程序似乎被冻结,则此处将显示“无响应”。 程序有时会在一段时间后开始响应,有时会冻结。 如果Windows已暂停程序以节省电量,则此列中将出现绿叶。 现代的UWP应用可以暂停以节省电力,而Windows也可以暂停传统的桌面应用。

  • Publisher: The name of the program’s publisher. For example, Chrome displays “Google Inc.” and Microsoft Word displays “Microsoft Corporation.”

    Publisher :程序的发布者的名称。 例如,Chrome显示“ Google Inc.”。 并且Microsoft Word显示“ Microsoft Corporation”。

  • PID: The process identifier number Windows has associated with the process. The process ID may be used by certain functions or system utilities. Windows assigns a unique process ID each time it starts a program, and the process ID is a way of distinguishing between several running processes if multiple instances of the same program are running.

    PID :Windows与该进程关联的进程标识符号。 某些功能或系统实用程序可能会使用进程ID。 Windows每次启动程序时都会分配一个唯一的进程ID,如果同一程序的多个实例正在运行,则进程ID是一种区分多个正在运行的进程的方法。

  • Process Name: The file name of the process. For example, File Explorer is explorer.exe, Microsoft Word is WINWORD.EXE, and the Task Manager itself is Taskmgr.exe.

    进程名称进程的文件名。 例如,文件资源管理器是explorer.exe,Microsoft Word是WINWORD.EXE,任务管理器本身是Taskmgr.exe。

  • Command Line: The full command line used to launch the process. This shows you the full path to the process’s .exe file (for example, “C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE”) as well as any command-line options used to launch the program.

    命令行:用于启动进程的完整命令行。 这将显示该进程的.exe文件的完整路径(例如,“ C:\ WINDOWS \ Explorer.EXE”)以及用于启动该程序的任何命令行选项。

  • CPU: The CPU usage of the process, displayed as a percentage of your total available CPU resources.

    CPU :进程的CPU使用率,以占可用CPU资源总量的百分比显示。

  • Memory: The amount of your system’s physical working memory the process is currently using, displayed in MB or GB.


  • Disk: The disk activity a process is generating, displayed as MB/s. If a process isn’t reading from or writing to disk at the moment, it will display 0 MB/s.

    磁盘:进程正在生成的磁盘活动,显示为MB / s。 如果该进程当前不在磁盘上读取或写入磁盘,它将显示0 MB / s。

  • Network: The network usage of a process on the current primary network, displayed in Mbps.


  • GPU: The GPU (graphics processing unit) resources used by a process, displayed as a percentage of the GPU’s available resources.

    GPU :进程使用的GPU(图形处理单元)资源,以占GPU可用资源的百分比显示。

  • GPU Engine: The GPU device and engine used by a process. If you have multiple GPUs in your system, this will show you which GPU a process is using. See the Performance tab to see which number (“GPU 0” or “GPU 1” is associated with which physical GPU.

    GPU引擎:进程使用的GPU设备和引擎。 如果您的系统中有多个GPU,这将向您显示进程正在使用哪个GPU。 请参阅“性能”选项卡,查看与哪个物理GPU相关联的编号(“ GPU 0”或“ GPU 1”)。

  • Power Usage: The estimated power usage of a process, taking into account its current CPU, disk, and GPU activity. For example, it might say “Very low” if a process isn’t using many resources or “Very high” if a process is using a lot of resources. If it’s high, that means it’s using more electricity and shortening your battery life if you have a laptop.

    功耗:考虑到当前的CPU,磁盘和GPU活动,该进程的估计功耗。 例如,如果一个进程没有使用很多资源,它可能会说“非常低”,如果一个进程正在使用很多资源,它可能会说“非常高”。 如果温度很高,则意味着它会消耗更多的电量,并且如果您有笔记本电脑,则会缩短电池寿命。

  • Power Usage Trend: The estimated impact on power usage over time. The Power Usage column just shows the current power usage, but this column tracks power usage over time. For example, if a program occasionally uses a lot of power but isn’t using much right now, it may say “Very low” in the power usage column and “High” or “Moderate” in the Power Usage Trend column.

    耗电量趋势:一段时间内对耗电量的估计影响。 “电源使用情况”列仅显示当前的电源使用情况,但此列跟踪一段时间内的电源使用情况。 例如,如果某个程序偶尔使用很多电源,但现在使用的不是很多,则在电源使用情况列中可能会说“非常低”,而在电源使用趋势列中可能会说“高”或“中等”。

When you right-click the headings, you’ll also see a “Resource Values” menu. This is the same option that appears when you right-click an individual process. Whether or not you access this option through right-clicking an individual process, it will always change how all processes in the list appear.

右键单击标题时,您还将看到“资源值”菜单。 右键单击单个进程时,显示的选项与此相同。 无论您是否通过右键单击单个进程来访问此选项,它都将始终更改列表中所有进程的显示方式。

任务管理器菜单选项 (Task Manager Menu Options)

The View menu in the Task Manager

There are also a few useful options in the Task Manager’s menu bar:


  • File > Run New Task: Launch a program, folder, document, or network resource by providing its address. You can also check “Create this task with administrative privileges” to launch the program as Administrator.

    文件>运行新任务:通过提供其地址来启动程序,文件夹,文档或网络资源。 您也可以选中“使用管理特权创建此任务”以管理员身份启动程序。

  • Options > Always on Top: The Task Manager window will always be on top of other windows while this option is enabled.


  • Options > Minimize on Use: The Task Manager will be minimized whenever you right-click a process and select “Switch To.” Despite the odd name, that’s all this option does.

    选项>最小化使用:只要右键单击某个进程并选择“切换到”,任务管理器就会最小化。 尽管名称很奇怪,但此选项仅能完成此操作。

  • Options > Hide When Minimized: The Task Manager will stay running in the notification area (system tray) when you click the minimize button if you enable this option.


  • View > Refresh Now: Immediately refresh the data displayed in the Task Manager.


  • View > Update Speed: Choose how frequently the data displayed in the Task Manager is updated: High, Medium, Low, or Paused. With Paused selected, the data isn’t updated until you select a higher frequency or click “Refresh Now.”

    查看>更新速度:选择任务管理器中显示的数据更新的频率:高,中,低或已暂停。 选择“暂停”后,数据才会更新,除非您选择更高的频率或单击“立即刷新”。

  • View > Group By Type: With this option enabled, processes on the Processes tab are grouped into three categories: Apps, Background Processes, and Windows Processes. With this option disabled, they’re shown mixed in the list.

    查看>按类型分组:启用此选项后,“进程”选项卡上的进程分为三类:应用程序,后台进程和Windows进程。 禁用此选项后,它们将在列表中混合显示。

  • View > Expand All: Expand all the process groups in the list. For example, Google Chrome uses multiple processes, and they’re shown combined into a “Google Chrome” group. You can expand individual process groups by clicking the arrow to the left of their name, too.

    查看>全部展开:展开列表中的所有过程组。 例如,谷歌浏览器使用多个进程,它们被显示为一个“谷歌浏览器”组。 您也可以通过单击单个进程组名称左侧的箭头来展开它们。

  • View > Collapse All: Collapse all the process groups in the list. For example, all Google Chrome processes will just be shown under the Google Chrome category.

    查看>全部折叠:折叠列表中的所有过程组。 例如,所有Google Chrome进程将仅显示在Google Chrome类别下。

查看性能信息 (Viewing Performance Information)

CPU usage statistics on the Task Manager's Performance tab

The Performance tab shows real-time graphs displaying the usage of system resources like CPU, memory, disk, network, and GPU. If you have multiple disks, network devices, or GPUs, you can see them all separately.

“性能”选项卡显示实时图,显示系统资源(例如CPU,内存,磁盘,网络和GPU)的使用情况。 如果您有多个磁盘,网络设备或GPU,则可以分别查看它们。

You’ll see small graphs in the left pane, and you can click an option to see a larger graph in the right pane. The graph shows resource usage over the last 60 seconds.

您将在左窗格中看到小图,并且可以单击一个选项在右窗格中查看大图。 该图显示了最近60秒内的资源使用情况。

In addition to resource information, the Performance page shows information about your system’s hardware. Here are just some things the different panes show in addition to resource usage:

除资源信息外,“性能”页面还显示有关系统硬件的信息。 除了资源使用以外,以下是不同窗格显示的一些内容:

  • CPU: The name and model number of your CPU, its speed, the number of cores it has, and whether hardware virtualization features are enabled and available. It also shows your system’s “uptime,” which is how long your system has been running since it last booted up.

    CPUCPU的名称和型号,速度,具有的内核数以及是否启用和可用了硬件虚拟化功能。 它还显示系统的“正常运行时间”,这是系统自上次启动以来已运行了多长时间。

  • Memory: How much RAM you have, its speed, and how many of the RAM slots on your motherboard are used. You can also see how much of your memory is currently filled with cached data. Windows calls this “standby.” This data will be ready and waiting if your system needs it, but Windows will automatically dump the cached data and free up space if it needs more memory for another task.

    内存:您拥有多少RAM,其速度以及主板上使用了多少RAM插槽。 您还可以查看当前有多少内存已被缓存的数据填充。 Windows将其称为“备用”。 如果您的系统需要,这些数据将准备就绪并正在等待,但是Windows将自动转储缓存的数据,并在需要更多内存来执行其他任务时释放空间。

  • Disk: The name and model number of your disk drive, its size, and its current read and write speeds.


  • Wi-Fi or Ethernet: Windows shows a network adapter’s name and its IP addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses) here. For Wi-Fi connections, you can also see the Wi-Fi standard in use on the current connection—for example, 802.11ac.

    Wi-Fi或以太网:Windows在此处显示网络适配器的名称及其IP地址(IPv4和IPv6地址)。 对于Wi-Fi连接,您还可以查看当前连接上使用的Wi-Fi标准,例如802.11ac

  • GPU: The GPU pane shows separate graphs for different types of activity—for example, 3D vs. video encoding or decoding. The GPU has its own built-in memory, so it also shows GPU memory usage. You can also see the name and model number of your GPU here and the graphics driver version it’s using. You can monitor GPU usage right from the Task Manager without any third-party software.

    GPU :GPU窗格显示不同活动类型的单独图形,例如3D与视频编码或解码。 GPU具有自己的内置内存,因此它还显示了GPU内存的使用情况。 您还可以在此处查看GPU的名称和型号以及所使用的图形驱动程序版本。 您可以直接从任务管理器监视GPU使用情况,而无需任何第三方软件。

Minimal floating CPU usage overlay in the Task Manager

You can also turn this into a smaller window if you’d like to see it on screen at all times. Just double-click anywhere in the empty white space in the right pane, and you’ll get a floating, always-on-top window with that graph. You can also right-click the graph and select “Graph Summary View” to enable this mode.

如果您想一直在屏幕上看到它,也可以将其变成一个较小的窗口。 只需在右窗格的空白区域中的任意位置双击,您将获得一个带有该图的浮动的始终位于顶部的窗口。 您也可以右键单击图形并选择“图形摘要视图”以启用此模式。

Windows 10's Resource Monitor showing CPU usage of processes

The “Open Resource Monitor” button at the bottom of the window opens the Resource Monitor tool, which provides more detailed information about GPU, memory, disk, and network usage by individual running processes.


咨询应用历史 (Consulting App History)

The App History tab in Windows 10's Task Manager

The App History tab only applies to Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps. It doesn’t show information about traditional Windows desktop apps, so most people won’t find it too useful.

“应用程序历史记录”选项卡仅适用于通用Windows平台(UWP)应用程序。 它不会显示有关传统Windows桌面应用程序的信息,因此大多数人不会觉得它太有用。

At the top of the window, you’ll see the date Windows started collecting resource usage data. The list shows UWP applications and the amount of CPU time and network activity the application has generated since that date. You can right-click the headings here to enable a few more options for more insight about network activity:

在窗口顶部,您将看到Windows开始收集资源使用数据的日期。 该列表显示UWP应用程序以及自该日期以来该应用程序已生成的CPU时间和网络活动量。 您可以右键单击此处的标题以启用更多选项,以更深入地了解网络活动:

  • CPU Time: The amount of CPU time the program has used within this time frame.


  • Network: The total amount of data transferred over the network by the program within this time frame.


  • Metered Network: The amount of data transferred over metered networks. You can set a network as metered to save data on it. This option is intended for networks you have limited data on, like a mobile network to which you’re tethering.

    计量网络:通过计量网络传输的数据量。 您可以将网络设置为计量网络以在其上保存数据。 此选项适用于数据有限的网络,例如与网络共享的移动网络。

  • Tile Updates: The amount of data the program has downloaded to display updated live tiles on Windows 10’s Start menu.

    磁贴更新:程序已下载的数据量,以在Windows 10的“开始”菜单上显示更新的实时磁贴。

  • Non-metered Network: The amount of data transferred over non-metered networks.


  • Downloads: The amount of data downloaded by the program on all networks.


  • Uploads: The amount of data uploaded by the program on all networks.


控制启动应用程序 (Controlling Startup Applications)

The Task Manager's Startup manager tab

The Startup tab is Windows 10’s built-in startup programs manager. It lists all the applications that Windows automatically starts for your current user account. For example, programs in your Startup folder and programs set to start in the Windows registry both appear here.

启动选项卡是Windows 10的内置启动程序管理器。 它列出了Windows为您当前的用户帐户自动启动的所有应用程序。 例如,“启动”文件夹中的程序和设置为在Windows注册表中启动的程序都将显示在此处。

To disable a startup program, right-click it and select “Disable” or select it and click the “Disable” button. To re-enable it, click the “Enable” option that appears here instead. You can also use the Settings > Apps > Startup interface to manage startup programs.

要禁用启动程序,请右键单击它,然后选择“禁用”,或者选择它并单击“禁用”按钮。 要重新启用它,请单击此处显示的“启用”选项。 您也可以使用“设置”>“应用程序”>“启动”界面来管理启动程序。

At the top right corner of the window, you will see a “Last BIOS time” on some systems. This shows how long your BIOS (or UEFI firmware) took to initialize your hardware when you last booted your PC. This will not appear on all systems. You won’t see it if your PC’s BIOS doesn’t report this time to Windows.

在窗口的右上角,您将在某些系统上看到“上次BIOS时间”。 这显示了您上次引导PC时BIOS(或UEFI固件)初始化硬件所花费的时间。 这不会在所有系统上出现。 如果您的PC的BIOS这次没有向Windows报告,您将看不到它。

As usual, you can right-click the headings and enable additional columns. The columns are:

与往常一样,您可以右键单击标题并启用其他列。 这些列是:

  • Name: The name of the program.


  • Publisher: The name of the program’s publisher.

    Publisher :程序的发布者的名称。

  • Status: “Enabled” appears here if the program automatically starts when you sign in. “Disabled” appears here if you’ve disabled the startup task.


  • Startup Impact: An estimate of how much CPU and disk resources the program uses when it starts. Windows measures and tracks this in the background. A lightweight program will show “Low,” and a heavy program will show “High.” Disabled programs show “None.” You can speed up your boot process more by disabling programs with a “High” startup impact than by disabling ones with a “Low” impact.

    对启动的影响:该程序在启动时使用多少CPU和磁盘资源的估计。 Windows会在后台进行测量和跟踪。 轻量级程序将显示“低”,重量程序将显示“高”。 禁用的程序显示“无”。 通过禁用具有“高”启动影响的程序,比禁用具有“低”影响的程序,可以更快地加快启动过程。

  • Startup Type: This shows whether the program is starting because of a registry entry (“Registry”) or because it’s in your startup folder (“Folder.”)


  • Disk I/O at Startup: The disk activity the program performs at startup, in MB. Windows measures and records this each boot.

    启动时的磁盘I / O :程序在启动时执行的磁盘活动,以MB为单位。 Windows会在每次引导时进行测量并记录下来。

  • CPU at Startup: The amount of CPU time a program uses at startup, in ms. Windows measures and records this at boot.

    启动时的CPU:程序在启动时使用的CPU时间,以毫秒为单位。 Windows会在启动时进行测量并记录下来。

  • Running Now: The word “Running” appears here if a startup program is currently running. If this column appears entry for a program, the program has shut itself down, or you’ve closed it yourself.

    立即运行:如果当前正在运行启动程序,则在此处出现“正在运行”字样。 如果此列显示为某个程序的条目,则表明该程序已自行关闭,或者您已自行关闭。

  • Disabled Time: For startup programs you’ve disabled, the date and time you disabled a program appears here


  • Command Line: This shows the full command line the startup program launches with, including any command line options.


检查用户 (Checking on Users)

Multiple users on the Task Manager's Users tab

The Users tab displays a list of signed in users and their running processes. If you’re the only person signed into your Windows PC, you’ll see only your user account here. If other people have signed in and then locked their sessions without signing out, you’ll also see those—locked sessions appear as “Disconnected.” This also shows you the CPU, memory, disk, network, and other system resources used by processes running under each Windows user account.

“用户”选项卡显示已登录用户及其运行进程的列表。 如果您是唯一登录Windows PC的人,则在这里只会看到您的用户帐户。 如果其他人已经登录,然后锁定了他们的会话却没有注销,那么您还会看到这些-锁定的会话显示为“已断开连接”。 这还会显示每个Windows用户帐户下运行的进程使用的CPU,内存,磁盘,网络和其他系统资源。

You can disconnect a user account by right-clicking it and selecting “Disconnect” or force it to sign off by right-clicking it and selecting “Sign Off.” The Disconnect option terminates the desktop connection, but the programs continue to run, and the user can sign back in—like locking a desktop session. The Sign Off option terminates all processes—like signing out of Windows.

您可以通过右键单击用户帐户并选择“断开连接”来断开用户帐户,或者通过右键单击它并选择“注销”来强制其注销。 “断开连接”选项会终止桌面连接,但是程序会继续运行,并且用户可以重新登录,例如锁定桌面会话。 “注销”选项将终止所有进程,例如退出Windows。

You can also manage another user account’s processes from here if you’d like to end a task that belongs to another running user account.


If you right-click the headings, the available columns are:


  • ID: Each signed in user account has its own session ID number. Session “0” is reserved for system services, while other applications may create their own user accounts. You usually won’t need to know this number, so it’s hidden by default.

    ID :每个登录的用户帐户都有其自己的会话ID号。 会话“ 0”保留用于系统服务,而其他应用程序可以创建自己的用户帐户。 您通常不需要知道此号码,因此默认情况下它是隐藏的。

  • Session: The type of session this is. For example, it will say “Console” if it’s being accessed on your local system. This is primarily useful for server systems running remote desktops.

    会话:这是会话的类型。 例如,如果正在本地系统上访问它,它将显示“ Console”。 这对于运行远程桌面的服务器系统主要有用。

  • Client Name: The name of the remote client system accessing the session, if it’s being accessed remotely.


  • Status: The status of the session—for example, if a user’s session is locked, the Status will say “Disconnected.”


  • CPU: Total CPU used by the user’s processes.

    CPU :用户进程使用的总CPU。

  • Memory: Total memory used by the user’s processes.


  • Disk: Total disk activity associated with the user’s processes.


  • Network: Total network activity from the user’s processes.


管理详细流程 (Managing Detailed Processes)

Context menu options for a process on the Task Manager's Details tab

This is the most detailed Task Manager pane. It’s like the Processes tab, but it provides more information and shows processes from all user accounts on your system. If you’ve used the Windows 7 Task Manager, this will look familiar to you; it’s the same information the Processes tab in Windows 7 displays.

这是最详细的“任务管理器”窗格。 它类似于“进程”选项卡,但是它提供了更多信息并显示了系统上所有用户帐户的进程。 如果您使用过Windows 7任务管理器,则对您来说会很熟悉。 与Windows 7中的“进程”选项卡显示的信息相同。

You can right-click processes here to access additional options:


  • End task: End the process. This is the same option found on the normal Processes tab.

    结束任务:结束进程。 此选项与常规“进程”选项卡上的选项相同。

  • End process tree: End the process, and all the processes created by the process.


  • Set priority: Set a priority for the process: Low, Below normal, Normal, Above normal, High, and Realtime. Processes start at normal priority. Lower priority is ideal for background processes, and higher priority is ideal for desktop processes. However, Microsoft recommends against messing with Realtime priority.

    设置优先级:设置进程的优先级:低,低于正常,正常,高于正常,高和实时。 进程从正常优先级开始。 较低的优先级是后台进程的理想选择,较高的优先级是桌面进程的理想选择。 但是,Microsoft建议不要弄乱实时优先级。

  • Set affinity: Set the processor affinity of a process—in other words, on which processer a process runs. By default, processes run on all processors in your system. You can use this to limit a process to a particular processor. For example, this is sometimes helpful for old games and other programs that assume you only have a single CPU. Even if you have a single CPU in your computer, each core appears as a separate processor.

    设置相似性:设置进程的处理器相似性,换句话说,在哪个进程上运行进程。 默认情况下,进程在系统中的所有处理器上运行。 您可以使用它来将进程限制为特定的处理器。 例如,这有时对于旧游戏和其他假定您只有一个CPU的程序很有用。 即使您的计算机中只有一个CPU,每个内核也会显示为单独的处理器

  • Analyze wait chain: View what threads in the processes are waiting for. This shows you which processes and threads are waiting to use a resource used by another process, and is a useful debugging tool for programmers to diagnose hangs.

    分析等待链:查看进程中正在等待什么线程。 这向您显示哪些进程和线程正在等待使用另一个进程使用的资源,并且是程序员用来诊断挂起的有用调试工具。

  • UAC virtualization: Enable or disable User Account Control virtualization for a process. This feature fixes applications that require administrator access by virtualizing their access to system files, redirecting their file and registry access to other folders. It’s primarily used by older programs—for example, Windows XP-era programs—that weren’t written for modern versions of Windows. This is a debugging option for developers, and you shouldn’t need to change it.

    UAC虚拟化:为流程启用或禁用用户帐户控制虚拟化。 此功能通过虚拟化对系统文件的访问,将其文件和注册表访问重定向到其他文件夹来修复需要管理员访问权限的应用程序。 它主要供较旧的程序(例如Windows XP时代的程序)使用,这些程序不是为现代Windows版本编写的。 对于开发人员来说,这是一个调试选项,您不需要更改它。

  • Create dump file: Capture a snapshot of the program’s memory and save it to diskThis is a useful debugging tool for programmers.

    创建转储文件:捕获程序内存的快照并将其保存到磁盘 这是对程序员有用的调试工具。

  • Open file location: Open a File Explorer window showing the process’s executable file.


  • Search online: Perform a Bing search for the name of the process.


  • Properties: View the properties window of the process’s .exe file.


  • Go to service(s): Show the services associated with the process on the Services tab. This is particularly useful for svchost.exe processes. The services will be highlighted.

    转到服务:在“服务”选项卡上显示与流程相关的服务。 这对于s​​vchost.exe进程特别有用。 服务将突出显示。

Selecting columns for the Windows Task Manager's Details tab

If you right-click the headings and select “Show Columns,” you’ll see a much longer list of information you can show here, including many options that aren’t available on the Processes tab.


Here’s what every possible column means:


  • Package Name: For Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, this displays the name of the app package the process is from. For other apps, this column is empty. UWP apps are generally distributed via the Microsoft Store.

    程序包名称:对于通用Windows平台(UWP)应用程序,它将显示该进程来自的应用程序包的名称。 对于其他应用程序,此列为空。 UWP应用程序通常通过Microsoft Store分发。

  • PID: The unique process ID number associated with that process. This is associated with the process and not the program—for example, if you close and reopen a program, the new program process will have a new process ID number.

    PID :与该进程关联的唯一进程ID号。 这与进程而不是程序相关联,例如,如果您关闭并重新打开程序,则新程序进程将具有新的进程ID号。

  • Status: This shows whether the process is running or suspended to save power. Windows 10 always “suspends” UWP apps you aren’t using to save system resources. You can also control whether Windows 10 suspends traditional desktop processes.

    状态:这显示该进程是正在运行还是已暂停以节省电量。 Windows 10总是“挂起”您不用于保存系统资源的UWP应用。 您还可以控制Windows 10是否挂起传统的桌面进程。

  • User name: The name of the user account running the process. You will often see system user account names here, like SYSTEM and LOCAL SERVICE.

    用户名:运行该进程的用户帐户的名称。 您经常会在这里看到系统用户帐户名,例如SYSTEM和LOCAL SERVICE。

  • Session ID: The unique number associated with the user session running the process. This is the same number shown for a user on the Users tab.

    会话ID :与运行进程的用户会话关联的唯一编号。 这与在“用户”选项卡上为用户显示的数字相同。

  • Job object ID: The “job object in which the process is running.” Job objects are a way to group processes so they can be managed as a group.

    作业对象ID :“正在运行进程的作业对象”。 作业对象是对流程进行分组的一种方式,因此可以将它们作为一个组进行管理。

  • CPU: The percentage of CPU resources the process is currently using across all CPUs. If nothing else is using CPU time, Windows will show the System Idle Process using it here. In other words, if the System Idle Process is using 90% of your CPU resources, that means other processes on your system are using a combined 10%, and it was idle 90% of the time.

    CPU :该进程当前在所有CPU上使用的CPU资源的百分比。 如果没有其他时间在使用CPU时间,Windows将在此处显示使用它的系统空闲进程。 换句话说,如果系统空闲进程使用了​​90%的CPU资源,则意味着系统上的其他进程正在使用总计10%的资源,并且90%的时间处于空闲状态。

  • CPU time: The total processor time (in seconds) used by a process since it began running. If a process closes and restarts, this will be reset. It’s a good way to spot CPU-hungry processes that may be idling at the moment.

    CPU时间:自进程开始运行以来,其使用的总处理器时间(以秒为单位)。 如果进程关闭并重新启动,它将被重置。 这是发现目前可能闲置的需要大量CPU的进程的好方法。

  • Cycle: The percentage of the CPU cycles the process is currently using across all CPUs. It’s unclear exactly how this is different from the CPU column, as Microsoft’s documentation doesn’t explain this. However, the numbers in this column are generally pretty similar to the CPU column, so it’s likely a similar piece of information measured differently.

    周期:该进程当前在所有CPU上使用的CPU周期百分比。 目前尚不清楚这与CPU专栏有何不同,因为Microsoft的文档没有对此进行解释。 但是,此列中的数字通常与CPU列非常相似,因此类似的信息可能以不同的方式进行度量。

  • Working set (memory): The amount of physical memory the process is currently using.

    工作集(内存) :进程当前正在使用的物理内存量。

  • Peak working set (memory): The maximum amount of physical memory the process has used.

    峰值工作集(内存) :进程已使用的最大物理内存量。

  • Working set delta (memory): The change in working set memory from the last refresh of the data here.

    工作集增量(内存) :从此处最后一次刷新数据到工作集内存的变化。

  • Memory (active private working set): The amount of physical memory used by the process that can’t be used by other processes. Processes frequently cache some data to make better use of your RAM, but can quickly give up that memory space if another process needs it. This column excludes data from suspended UWP processes.

    内存(活动专用工作集) :该进程使用的物理内存量,其他进程无法使用。 进程经常缓存一些数据以更好地利用您的RAM ,但是如果另一个进程需要它,则可以快速放弃该内存空间。 此列从暂停的UWP进程中排除数据。

  • Memory (private working set): The amount of physical memory used by the process that can’t be used by other processes. This column does not exclude data from suspended UWP processes.

    内存(私有工作集) :该进程使用的物理内存量,其他进程无法使用。 此列不从暂停的UWP进程中排除数据。

  • Memory (shared working set): The amount of physical memory used by the process that can be used by other processes when necessary.

    内存(共享工作集) :该进程使用的物理内存量,必要时其他进程可以使用。

  • Commit size: The amount of virtual memory Windows is reserving for the process.


  • Paged pool: The amount of pageable kernel memory the Windows kernel or drivers are allocating for this process. The operating system can move this data to the paging file when necessary.

    分页缓冲池:Windows内核或驱动程序为此进程分配的可分页内核内存量。 必要时,操作系统可以将此数据移到页面文件中

  • NP pool: The amount of non-pageable kernel memory the Windows kernel or drivers are allocating for this process. The operating system can’t move this data to the paging file.

    NP池:Windows内核或驱动程序为此进程分配的不可分页的内核内存量。 操作系统无法将此数据移动到页面文件。

  • Page faults: The number of page faults generated by the process since it began running. These occur when a program tries to access memory it doesn’t currently have allocated to it, and are normal.

    页面错误:自进程开始运行以来,该进程生成的页面错误数。 当程序尝试访问其当前未分配给它的内存并且正常时,会发生这种情况。

  • PF Delta: The change in the number of page faults since the last refresh.

    PF Delta :自上次刷新以来页面错误数的变化。

  • Base priority: The priority of the process—for example, this might be Low, Normal, or High. Windows prioritizes scheduling processes with higher priorities. System background tasks that aren’t urgent may have low priority compared to desktop program processes, for example.

    基本优先级:进程的优先级-例如,它可以是低,正常或高。 Windows对优先级更高的调度过程进行优先级排序。 例如,与桌面程序进程相比,不紧急的系统后台任务的优先级可能较低。

  • Handles: The current number of handles in the process’s object table. Handles represent system resources like files, registry keys, and threads.

    句柄:进程的对象表中当前的句柄数。 句柄表示系统资源,例如文件,注册表项和线程。

  • Threads: The number of active threads in a process. Each process runs one or more threads, and Windows allocates processor time to them. Threads in a process share memory.

    线程数:一个进程中活动线程的数量。 每个进程运行一个或多个线程,Windows为其分配处理器时间。 进程中的线程共享内存。

  • User objects: The number of “window manager objects” used by the process. This includes windows, menus, and cursors.

    用户对象:进程使用的“窗口管理器对象”的数量。 这包括窗口,菜单和光标。

  • GDI objects: The number of Graphics Device Interface objects used by the process. These are used for drawing the user interface.

    GDI对象:进程使用的图形设备接口对象的数量。 这些用于绘制用户界面。

  • I/O reads: The number of read operations performed by the process since it started. I/O stands for Input/Output. This includes file, network, and device input/output.

    I / O读取:该进程自启动以来执行的读取操作数。 I / O代表输入/输出。 这包括文件,网络和设备输入/输出。

  • I/O writes: The number of write operations performed by the process since it started.

    I / O写入:自进程启动以来,该进程执行的写操作数。

  • I/O other: The number of non-read and non-write operations performed by the process since it started. For example, this includes control functions.

    I / O其他:自进程启动以来,该进程执行的非读取和非写入操作的数量。 例如,这包括控制功能。

  • I/O read bytes: The total number of bytes read by the process since it started.

    I / O读取字节数:进程自启动以来读取的字节总数。

  • I/O write bytes: The total number of bytes written by the process since it started.

    I / O写入字节数:自进程启动以来,该进程写入的字节总数。

  • I/O other bytes: The total number of bytes used in non-read and non-write I/O operations since the process started.

    I / O其他字节:自进程启动以来,在非读取和非写入I / O操作中使用的字节总数。

  • Image path name: The full path to the process’s executable file.


  • Command line: The exact command line the process was launched with, including the executable file and any command-line arguments.


  • Operating system context: The minimum operating system the program is compatible with if any information is included in the application’s manifest file. For example, some applications might say “Windows Vista,” some “Windows 7,” and others “Windows 8.1”. Most won’t display anything in this column at all.

    操作系统上下文:如果应用程序的清单文件中包含任何信息,则程序兼容的最低操作系统。 例如,某些应用程序可能会说“ Windows Vista”,某些会说“ Windows 7”,而另一些会说“ Windows 8.1”。 大多数都不会在此列中显示任何内容。

  • Platform: Whether this is a 32-bit or 64-bit process.


  • Elevated: Whether the process is running in elevated mode—in other words, with Administrator—permissions or not. You will see either “No” or “Yes” for each process.

    提升:权限是否以提升模式运行(换句话说,使用管理员)。 您将在每个过程中看到“否”或“是”。

  • UAC virtualization: Whether User Account Control virtualization is enabled for the process. This virtualizes the program’s access to the registry and file system, letting programs designed for older versions of Windows run without Administrator access. Options include Enabled, Disabled, and Not Allowed—for processes that require system access.

    UAC虚拟化:是否为该过程启用了用户帐户控制虚拟化。 This virtualizes the program's access to the registry and file system, letting programs designed for older versions of Windows run without Administrator access. Options include Enabled, Disabled, and Not Allowed—for processes that require system access.

  • Description: A human-readable description of the process from its .exe file. For example, chrome.exe has the description “Google Chrome,” and explorer.exe has the description “Windows Explorer.” This is the same name displayed on the Name column in the normal Processes tab.

    Description : A human-readable description of the process from its .exe file. For example, chrome.exe has the description “Google Chrome,” and explorer.exe has the description “Windows Explorer.” This is the same name displayed on the Name column in the normal Processes tab.

  • Data execution prevention: Whether Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is enabled or not for the process. This is a security feature that helps protect applications from attacks.

    Data execution prevention : Whether Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is enabled or not for the process. This is a security feature that helps protect applications from attacks .

  • Enterprise context: On domains, this shows what enterprise context an app is running in. It could be in an enterprise domain context with access to enterprise resources, a “Personal” context without access to work resources, or “Exempt” for Windows system processes.

    Enterprise context : On domains, this shows what enterprise context an app is running in. It could be in an enterprise domain context with access to enterprise resources, a “Personal” context without access to work resources, or “Exempt” for Windows system processes.

  • Power throttling: Whether power throttling is enabled or disabled for a process. Windows automatically throttles certain applications when you’re not using them to save battery power. You can control which applications are throttled from the Settings app.

    Power throttling : Whether power throttling is enabled or disabled for a process. Windows automatically throttles certain applications when you're not using them to save battery power. You can control which applications are throttled from the Settings app .

  • GPU: The percentage of GPU resources used by the process—or, more specifically, the highest utilization across all GPU engines.

    GPU : The percentage of GPU resources used by the process—or, more specifically, the highest utilization across all GPU engines.

  • GPU engine: The GPU engine the process is using—or, more specifically, the GPU engine the process is using the most. See the GPU information on the Performance tab for a list of GPUs and their engines. For example, even if you only have one GPU, it likely has different engines for 3D rendering, encoding video, and decoding video.

    GPU engine : The GPU engine the process is using—or, more specifically, the GPU engine the process is using the most. See the GPU information on the Performance tab for a list of GPUs and their engines. For example, even if you only have one GPU, it likely has different engines for 3D rendering, encoding video, and decoding video.

  • Dedicated GPU memory: The total amount of GPU memory the process is using across all GPUs. GPUs have their own dedicated video memory that’s built-in on discrete GPUs and a reserved portion of normal system memory on onboard GPUs.

    Dedicated GPU memory : The total amount of GPU memory the process is using across all GPUs. GPUs have their own dedicated video memory that's built-in on discrete GPUs and a reserved portion of normal system memory on onboard GPUs.

  • Shared GPU memory: The total amount of system memory shared with the GPU the process is using. This refers to data stored in your system’s normal RAM that’s shared with the GPU, not data stored in your GPU’s dedicated, built-in memory.

    Shared GPU memory : The total amount of system memory shared with the GPU the process is using. This refers to data stored in your system's normal RAM that's shared with the GPU, not data stored in your GPU's dedicated, built-in memory.

Working With Services(Working With Services)

The Services tab in the Task Manager

The Services tab shows a list of the system services on your Windows system. These are background tasks that Windows runs, even when no user account is signed in. They’re controlled by the Windows operating system. Depending on the service, it may be automatically started at boot or only when necessary.

The Services tab shows a list of the system services on your Windows system. These are background tasks that Windows runs, even when no user account is signed in. They're controlled by the Windows operating system. Depending on the service, it may be automatically started at boot or only when necessary.

Many services are part of Windows 10 itself. For example, the Windows Update service downloads updates and the Windows Audio service is responsible for sound. Other services are installed by third-party programs. For example, NVIDIA installs several services as part of its graphics drivers.

Many services are part of Windows 10 itself. For example, the Windows Update service downloads updates and the Windows Audio service is responsible for sound. Other services are installed by third-party programs. For example, NVIDIA installs several services as part of its graphics drivers.

You shouldn’t mess with these services unless you know what you’re doing. But, if you right-click them, you’ll see options to Start, Stop, or Restart the service. You can also select Search Online to perform a Bing search for information about the service online or “Go to Details” to show the process associated with a running service on the Details tab. Many services will have a “svchost.exe” process associated with them.

You shouldn't mess with these services unless you know what you're doing. But, if you right-click them, you'll see options to Start, Stop, or Restart the service. You can also select Search Online to perform a Bing search for information about the service online or “Go to Details” to show the process associated with a running service on the Details tab. Many services will have a “ svchost.exe ” process associated with them.

The Service pane’s columns are:

The Service pane's columns are:

  • Name: A short name associated with the service

    Name : A short name associated with the service

  • PID: The process identifier number of the process associated with the service.

    PID : The process identifier number of the process associated with the service.

  • Description: A longer name that provides more information about what the service does.

    Description : A longer name that provides more information about what the service does.

  • Status: Whether the service is “Stopped” or “Running.”

    Status : Whether the service is “Stopped” or “Running.”

  • Group: The group the service is in, if applicable. Windows loads one service group at a time at startup. A service group is a collection of similar services that are loaded as a group.

    Group : The group the service is in, if applicable. Windows loads one service group at a time at startup. A service group is a collection of similar services that are loaded as a group.

Windows 10's Services management tool

For more information about these services, click the “Open Services” link at the bottom of the window. This Task Manager pane is just a less powerful services administration tool, anyway.

For more information about these services, click the “Open Services” link at the bottom of the window. This Task Manager pane is just a less powerful services administration tool, anyway.

Process Explorer: A More Powerful Task Manager(Process Explorer: A More Powerful Task Manager)

Process Explorer, Microsoft's powerful and free Task Manager alternative

If the built-in Windows Task Manager isn’t powerful enough for you, we recommend Process Explorer. This is a free program from Microsoft; it’s part of the SysInternals suite of useful system tools.

If the built-in Windows Task Manager isn't powerful enough for you, we recommend Process Explorer . This is a free program from Microsoft; it's part of the SysInternals suite of useful system tools.

Process Explorer is packed with features and information not included in the Task Manager. You can view which program has a particular file open and unlock the file, for example. The default view also makes it easy to see which processes have opened which other processes. Check out our in-depth, multi-part guide to using Process Explorer to learn more.

Process Explorer is packed with features and information not included in the Task Manager. You can view which program has a particular file open and unlock the file , for example. The default view also makes it easy to see which processes have opened which other processes. Check out our in-depth, multi-part guide to using Process Explorer to learn more.






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