
Facebook fixes its most prominent issue with memorialized profiles, Verizon fixes issues with millions of routers, Google’s laptop and tablet team isn’t dead yet, Roku finally bets on itself, and a whole lot more.


Exodus在iOS上找到家 (Exodus Finds a Home on iOS)

Last week, a story broke about a new type of government malware found in the Google Play Store. The malware, called Exodus, completely hijacks an infected phone. And now it’s also on iOS.

上周,有关Google Play商店中发现的新型政府恶意软件的故事破裂。 该恶意软件名为Exodus,完全劫持了受感染的手机。 现在,它也在iOS上。

Before you start to lose confidence in Apple’s normally-tight security practices, it’s worth highlighting that Exodus has only been found in third-party app stores (for now, at least). It did so by leveraging Apple’s Developer Enterprise program, which allows companies to distribute apps outside of the App Store. This is generally not a practice commonly associated with malware distribution, though it has been used for it in the past.

在您开始对苹果通常严格的安全措施失去信心之前,值得强调的是,Exodus仅在第三方应用程序商店中被发现(至少目前是这样)。 它是通过利用Apple的Developer Enterprise计划实现的,该计划允许公司在App Store之外分发应用程序。 尽管过去已将其用于恶意软件分发,但通常通常不会将其与恶意软件分发相关联。

The app was found by the research team at Lookout Security and is said to be a lighter version of its Android counterpart, as it can’t take total control of a device. Still, it was able to pull contacts, audio recording, photos, videos, GPS location, and other device information. It was also capable of remotely capturing audio. That should still be enough to make you squirm in your chair a little bit.

该应用程序是由Lookout Security的研究小组找到的,据说它是Android同类产品的较轻版本,因为它无法完全控制设备。 尽管如此,它仍然能够提取联系人,音频记录,照片,视频,GPS位置和其他设备信息。 它还能够远程捕获音频。 那仍然足以使您在椅子上蠕动一些。

Lookout shared its findings with Apple, which then revoked the affected certificates, thus stopping the spread of the malware. While malware isn’t something we commonly talk about on iOS, this serves as a good reminder that, while it’s less common than on Android, it can still be an issue.

Lookout与Apple分享了调查结果,然后Apple撤销了受影响的证书,从而阻止了恶意软件的传播。 虽然恶意软件不是我们在iOS上通常谈论的话题,但它可以很好地提醒您,尽管与Android相比,恶意软件不常见,但这仍然是一个问题。

The biggest takeaway here is that you should always be careful with what you download, especially if it’s coming from outside of your device’s official app store.


[Lookout via Engadget]


苹果新闻:为英国用户解锁的iPhone NFC芯片 (Apple News: The iPhone’s NFC Chip Unlocked for UK Users)

Plus, Apple stops charging $99 to transfer data to a new Mac.

此外,Apple不再收取$ 99的费用,即可将数据传输到新的Mac。

  • Apple reached a deal with the UK government to open the NFC tech found in the iPhone to allow EU residents to scan their passports to apply for residency in the UK post-Brexit. [9to5Mac]

    苹果与英国政府达成协议,开放iPhone中使用的NFC技术,以允许欧盟居民扫描护照以申请英国脱欧后在英国的居留权。 [ 9to5Mac ]

  • Previously, if you bought a new Mac, Apple would charge $99 to transfer your data from the old machine to the new one. Now they do it for free. Yay. [Engadget]

    以前,如果您购买了一台新的Mac,苹果将向您收取$ 99的费用,将您的数据从旧计算机传输到新计算机。 现在,他们免费这样做。 好极了。 [ Engadget ]

  • Apple hired Jaunt VR’s founder Arthur van Hoff to a Senior Architect Position. It’s still too early to speculate on what this hire means for Apple, but there’s a good chance it’s something to do with an AR headset. A good chance. [Variety]

    苹果公司聘请Jaunt VR的创始人Arthur van Hoff担任高级建筑师职位。 现在猜测这种聘用对苹果意味着什么还为时过早,但是很有可能与AR头戴式耳机有关。 一个好机会。 [品种]

  • Macworld took the 21.5-inch Core i5 iMac for a spin and said it “makes a compelling case as an affordable pro-level machine.” Check it out if you’re on the fence about picking one up. [Macworld]

    Macworld试驾了21.5英寸的Core i5 iMac,并称其“成为价格合理的专业级机器的诱人案例。” 检查一下您是否在捡起一根篱笆。 [ Macworld ]

While the hope is that Apple will eventually open the iPhone’s NFC chip for more uses outside of just Apple Pay (and now residency applications in the UK), that’s still probably unlikely. Before now, the NFC chip was used exclusively for Apple Pay.

尽管希望苹果最终将开放iPhone的NFC芯片,供Apple Pay以外的其他用途(现在是英国的居住应用程序)使用,但这仍然不太可能。 在此之前,NFC芯片仅用于Apple Pay。

But NFC has a lot of uses outside of contactless payment, which is highlighted in Apple’s new deal with the UK government. It seems like such a simple thing, but in this situation, it’s a pretty big move and a highly useful tool.

但是NFC在非接触式支付之外有很多用途,这在苹果与英国政府的新协议中得到了强调。 看起来很简单,但是在这种情况下,这是一个很大的举措,也是一个非常有用的工具。

The UK government released an app that allows UE citizens to apply for residency in which they fill out of a form, snap a selfie, and scan their passport. That last bit is where NFC comes in—with the deal between Apple and the UK government, users will be able to scan their passports using their iPhone quickly.

英国政府发布了一个应用程序,该应用程序允许UE公民申请居留权,他们可以在其中填写表格,拍照并扫描护照。 最后一点就是NFC的作用所在-通过苹果公司与英国政府之间的协议,用户将能够使用自己的iPhone快速扫描护照。

As pointed out by 9to5Mac, however, this is likely (and unfortunately) and one-off situation and not something that we’ll see again. Certainly not regularly, anyway.

但是,正如9to5Mac所指出的那样,这种情况很可能(不幸的是)是一次性的,我们不会再次看到。 无论如何,当然不是定期的。

Google和Android新闻:Pixelbook团队有新消息 (Google and Android News: The Pixelbook Team Has Something New Coming)

Plus new before: and after: date search tags, the new Galaxy A80 is official, and more.

加上之前,之后的新功能:日期搜索标签,新版Galaxy A80正式上市等等。

  • It was recently reported that Google told members of its laptop and tablet division to find new departments to work in. Now, however, the company says it has new laptops and tablets on the way. Pixelbook 2, anyone? [The Verge]

    最近有报道称,谷歌告诉其笔记本电脑和平板电脑部门的成员寻找新的部门来工作。但是,现在,该公司表示它正在开发新的笔记本电脑和平板电脑。 Pixelbook 2,有人吗? [边缘]

  • Samsung officially announced the Galaxy A80, with a sliding, flippable camera for a truly edge-to-edge display with no notch or hole punch. We have all the details over at Review Geek. [Samsung Mobile Press]

    三星正式发布了Galaxy A80,它具有可滑动翻转的摄像头,可实现真正的边缘到边缘显示,没有缺口或打Kong。 我们在Review Geek上提供了所有详细信息。 [三星手机出版社]

  • Google is testing “before” and “after” commands in search to allow users to find things before or after a certain date. Like other search commands, the format is “<term> before: <date>”. [9to5Google]

    Google正在测试搜索中的“之前”和“之后”命令,以允许用户查找特定日期之前或之后的内容。 像其他搜索命令一样,格式为“ <term> before:<date>”。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • G Suite users will soon be able to work with Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides directly in Dropbox. [VentureBeat]

    G Suite用户很快将可以直接在Dropbox中使用Google文档,表格和幻灯片。 [ VentureBeat ]

  • YouTube wants in on this “plan your own adventure” thing that Netflix did with Bandersnatch last year, so it’s planning its own content. [The Verge]

    YouTube希望参与Netflix去年与Bandersnatch合作所做的“计划自己的冒险”活动,因此它正在计划自己的内容。 [边缘]

  • A new study shows that 51% of Pixel 3 owners came from Samsung devices, while 37% of previous Samsung owners chose the OnePlus 6T instead. 18% and 16% respectively switched from iPhone. Nothing groundbreaking here, but interesting nonetheless. [Counterpoint Research]

    一项新研究表明,Pixel 3拥有者中有51%来自三星设备,而先前三星拥有者中有37%选择了OnePlus 6T。 从iPhone切换到18%和16%。 这里没有开创性的东西,但是很有趣。 [对策研究]

  • About Chromebook uncovered a new Chrome OS reference board called “Zork” that is the first to use AMD’s power Ryzen chips. Ooooooooooh. [About Chromebooks]

    关于Chromebook,发现了一个名为“ Zork”的新型Chrome OS参考板,这是第一个使用AMD强大的Ryzen芯片的参考板。 哦,哦。 [关于Chromebook ]

While Google confirmed to The Verge that it indeed has new laptop and tablet hardware in the works, the most interesting aspect here was uncovered by 9to5Google, which found a session at Cloud Next 2019 called “Google Hardware for Business.”

虽然Google向The Verge确认确实确实正在开发新的笔记本电脑和平板电脑硬件,但9to5Google却发现了这里最有趣的方面,该公司在Cloud Next 2019上的一次会议名为“ Google Hardware for Business”。

Google took this opportunity to talk about the Pixelbook and Pixel Slate, but what came next was curious indeed: there was talk of a new device for “leaders” to “be productive on-the-go.” This is a fascinating type of announcement because it’s completely unclear what any of that means. Google Pixelbook Group Lead Product Manager Steve Jacobs threw some numbers out about the Google team itself, but also make an interesting comparison to the current Pixelbook and Pixel Slate:

Google借此机会谈论了Pixelbook和Pixel Slate,但接下来的事情确实很好奇:有人在谈论一种新的设备,使“领导者”“在旅途中变得高效”。 这是一种令人着迷的公告,因为目前还不清楚这意味着什么。 Google Pixelbook集团首席产品经理Steve Jacobs给出了有关Google团队本身的一些数据,但也与当前的Pixelbook和Pixel Slate进行了有趣的比较:

Help the employees that are constantly on the go that have a working paradigm where 60% of them — and this is all of our [Google] employees — are working outside of their desk. And 43% of them are working remotely at least part of the time.

帮助经常出差的员工建立工作模式,其中60%(这就是我们所有的[Google]员工)在办公桌外工作。 并且其中有43%的人至少有一部分时间在远程工作。

The tools they have aren’t really conducive to the lifestyle and work style that makes them maximally productive and excited about going to work every day. And we think there’s some unique things we can do differently than the Pixelbook and Pixel Slate that are going to really help give them what they’re looking for when they’re working in this new modern cloud-first era.

他们使用的工具并没有真正有益于生活方式和工作方式,这使他们对每天上班都充满了生产力和兴奋。 而且我们认为,我们可以做一些不同于Pixelbook和Pixel Slate的独特工作,这些工作将真正帮助他们在这个新的现代云优先时代中工作时所寻找的东西。

The standout phrasing that last bit—what sort of things are they planning to do differently? The Pixelbook is a folding convertible and the Pixel Slate is a detachable tablet. Is there some sort of middle ground being planned for the Pixlebook 2? Or is this a totally new device. Either way, it’s pretty exciting. I’m a huge fan of my Pixelbook, so I look forward to seeing what the company has been working on.

最突出的措辞是最后一点-他们打算做什么不同的事情? Pixelbook是可折叠的敞篷车,而Pixel Slate是可拆卸的平板电脑。 Pixlebook 2是否正在计划某种中间立场? 还是这是一个全新的设备。 无论哪种方式,都非常令人兴奋。 我为我的Pixelbook一个巨大的风扇,所以我期待着看到该公司一直致力于在东西。

其他新闻:Roku自己打赌,亚马逊的2019年Kindle评论已经发布 (Other News: Roku Bets on Itself, and Amazon’s 2019 Kindle Reviews Are Out)

Plus Facebook fixes the issues with memorialized profiles, Qualcomm announced some new Snapdragon chips, Verizon is fixing vulnerabilities in its modems, and a whole lot more. Let’s get to it.

加上Facebook修复了个人档案问题,高通宣布了一些新的Snapdragon芯片,Verizon修复了其调制解调器中的漏洞,以及更多其他漏洞。 让我们开始吧。

  • Roku has long been thought of as a “neutral platform” that offered fair ground for all streaming options, but with the 9.1 update, it’s going all-in on itself and its own content. [TechCrunch]

    长期以来,Roku一直被认为是“中立平台”,为所有流媒体选项提供了公平的平台,但是随着9.1更新的推出,Roku全面融入了自身及其内容。 [ TechCrunch ]

  • Facebook will soon stop reminding you to say “happy birthday” to friends and family are deceased. It’s also introducing a “Tribute Tab” on tribute profiles where users can share memories of the deceased. [Engadget]

    Facebook将很快停止提醒您,对已故的亲朋好友说“生日快乐”。 它还在贡品资料中引入了“致敬标签”,用户可以在其中分享死者的记忆。 [ Engadget ]

  • Facebook also wants to use AI to map population around the world. As pointed out, this is a “humanitarian” effort, but also “benefit’s Facebook commercial interests.” Because of course it does. [The Verge]

    Facebook还希望使用AI来绘制世界各地的人口图。 如前所述,这是“人道主义”的努力,也是“受益于Facebook的商业利益”。 当然可以。 [边缘]

  • In news that comes as no surprise, pirates are using Facebook Watch Parties to host pirated content. Shocker. [Business Insider]

    毫不奇怪的是,盗版者正在使用Facebook Watch Party托管盗版内容。 令人震惊[商业内幕]

  • Verizon is getting around to patching a bunch of vulnerabilities that affect “millions of routers” in its Fios Quantum Gateway line. Good. [Security Weekly]

    Verizon正努力修补一系列影响其Fios Quantum Gateway产品线中“数百万路由器”的漏洞。 好。 [安全周刊]

  • Netflix wants to buy a theatre, which would actually be pretty neat. [Deadline Hollywood]

    Netflix想要购买一个剧院,这实际上很整洁。 [好莱坞截止日期]

  • Qualcomm unveiled its new Snapdragon 665, 730, and 730G chips, the latter of which is the company’s first “gaming” chip for upper-midrange smartphones. This mobile gaming thing is becoming huge. [Liliputing]

    高通公司推出了其新的骁龙665、730和730G芯片,后者是该公司的首款用于中高端智能手机的“游戏”芯片。 这个手机游戏的东西正在变得巨大。 [ Liliputing ]

  • Good news: AT&T announced more 5G markets! Bad news: it still only has one 5G device that you can’t buy. Neat. [Android Police]

    好消息:AT&T宣布了更多5G市场! 坏消息:它仍然只有一台您无法购买的5G设备。 整齐。 [ Android警察]

  • Firefox is testing a feature that will block “fingerprinting,” a practice that allows sites to continue tracking you even after cookies are cleared. Cyptomining scripts are also blocked. [The Verge]

    Firefox正在测试一项功能,该功能将阻止“指纹识别”,一种做法是,即使清除了Cookie,该方法也允许站点继续跟踪您。 挖矿脚本也被阻止。 [边缘]

  • Two-thirds of hotel sites “leak” guest information to third-parties. Not surprising, but still disgusting. [Bleeping Computer]

    三分之二的酒店网站会将访客信息“泄漏”给第三方。 不足为奇,但仍然令人作呕。 [哔哔电脑]

  • Slack now integrates with Office 365 for easier document collaboration. [The Verge]

    Slack现在与Office 365集成在一起,可简化文档协作。 [边缘]

  • In a bit of non-tech news, it turns out that teeth-whitening products might actually be bad for your teeth. Because that’s how it always works, right? [Gizmodo]

    在一些非技术新闻中,事实证明,牙齿增白产品实际上可能对您的牙齿有害。 因为那总是这样,对吧? [ Gizmodo ]

  • Distracted driving is up 10% compared to last year. Seriously guys, stop looking at your phone when you’re driving. Like, just stop. Stop. [CNET]

    分心驾驶比去年增加了10%。 认真的家伙,开车时不要再看手机了。 就像,停下来。 停止。 [ CNET ]

  • In what might be my favorite story of the day, a woman called police on her Roomba because she thought it was an intruder. I love this story so much. [CNET]

    在今天我最喜欢的故事中,一个女人在Roomba打电话给警察,因为她认为这是入侵者。 我非常喜欢这个故事。 [ CNET ]

  • Alexa can now provide long-form news briefings in the US. More details are always better, right? [The Verge]

    Alexa现在可以在美国提供长篇新闻简报。 更多细节总是更好,对吧? [边缘]

  • The 2019 Kindle reviews are rolling out, and they’re by and large…not great: Digital Trends, Engadget, The Verge, Wired.

    2019年Kindle评论正在陆续推出,而且总体而言...还不算太好: Digital TrendsEngadgetThe VergeWired

  • In other interest Amazon news, its cashless Go stores are gearing up to…accept cash. Alright then. [Gizmodo]

    令亚马逊感兴趣的还有其他消息,其无现金Go商店正在准备……接受现金。 那好吧[ Gizmodo ]

  • The first ever images of a black hole have been captured, and it’s fascinating. [CNET]

    黑洞的第一个图像已被捕获,令人着迷。 [ CNET ]

It’s interesting to see Roku transition into its own. After years as one of the most loved streaming platforms that served as a neutral ground for all streaming services—it’s the only one to offer access to Google Play Movies outside of Google’s own services, for example—the introduction of The Roku Channel is starting to show the company’s direction moving forward: it’s going to focus on content.

看到Roku过渡到它自己很有趣。 多年以来,作为所有流媒体服务的中立平台之一的最受欢迎的流媒体平台(例如,它是唯一在Google自己的服务之外提供对Google Play电影访问权限的平台),Roku Channel的引入开始显示公司前进的方向:它将专注于内容。

With the arrival of the 9.1 update, it is highlighting The Roku Channel in search results. It also adds the option to automatically play The Roku Channel movies and TV shows within voice search results (which seems like it could be annoying?), though it’s noted that if the specific show or movie isn’t available on The Roku Channel, customers will continue to get “unbiased search results.”

随着9.1更新的到来,它在搜索结果中突出显示了Roku频道。 它还指出,可以在语音搜索结果中自动播放Roku Channel电影和电视节目(看起来可能很烦人?),尽管要注意的是,如果Roku Channel无法播放特定的节目或电影,客户将会继续获得“公正​​的搜索结果”。

This is the first time that Roku has ever prioritized its own content over everything else available on the platform, but it’s a shift that makes perfect sense. Everyone else does this, and with the CEO’s recent comments that the company is “in the ad business, not the hardware business” it’s clear that this is a directional shift for the company moving forward.

这是Roku首次将自己的内容优先于平台上的所有其他内容,但这是完全合理的转变。 其他所有人都这样做,并且首席执行官最近发表的评论是,该公司“从事广告业务,而不是硬件业务”,这显然是公司前进的方向性转变。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/410851/daily-news-roundup-41019-spyware-isnt-just-for-android-as-exodus-hits-ios-devices/





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