


Stop us if you’ve heard this one before. You want to upload your stuff to Dropbox, but it’s taking hours, days, or if you’re trying to archive a lot of data, even weeks. Why does it take so long?

如果您之前曾听过,请阻止我们。 您想将内容上传到Dropbox,但这需要花费数小时,数天的时间,或者如果您要存档大量数据(甚至数周),则需要花费数小时,数天的时间。 为什么要花这么长时间?

The answer is quite simple, it’s your connection. You were probably thrilled at first with your broadband connection. You could download files and movies in a few minutes, larger files take longer but it’s no big deal because you can still watch streaming movies, listen to music, view sporting events, and it all seems plenty fast enough.

答案很简单,这是您的联系。 刚开始使用宽带连接时,您可能会很兴奋。 您可以在几分钟之内下载文件和电影,较大的文件则需要更长的时间,但这没什么大不了的,因为您仍然可以观看流媒体电影,听音乐,观看体育赛事,而且看起来足够快。

But not so much with uploading stuff. If you try to share video files, or back up virtual machines, archive music, movies, or even photos to the cloud, you find out quickly that it can be a long, tedious wait.

但是上传内容却不多。 如果您尝试共享视频文件,或者将虚拟机,音乐,电影甚至照片备份到云中,您很快就会发现这是一个漫长而乏味的等待。

上载速度:ISP不吹牛的数量 (Upload Speeds: The Number ISPs Don’t Brag About)

Upload speed is very important. It has a noticeable affect on overall speed, and if you’re trying to upload a bunch of stuff to your cloud folders, it can really bog your connection down.

上载速度非常重要。 它对整体速度有明显的影响,如果您尝试将一堆东西上传到云文件夹中,那确实会使连接中断。

You’re probably well aware of your download speed because your ISP boldly advertises it, usually leaving your upload speed to the finer print.


Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 5.05.14 PM
Here are some of Time Warner’s Internet packages. Note how the download speeds are in large type and bolded, while the upload speeds are discretely mentioned below it.
这是时代华纳的一些Internet软件包。 请注意下载速度如何以大字体显示并以粗体显示,而上传速度则在下面单独提到。

Or, they might not make upload speeds immediately apparent at all.


Here’s a look at a couple of Comcast’s offerings. If you click “Learn More”, they’ll tell you what your upload speeds could be with each tier, but the big number here are download speeds.
这是康卡斯特提供的几种产品。 如果您单击“了解更多”,他们会告诉您每个层的上载速度是多少,但是这里最大的数字是下载速度。

By contrast, fiber ISPs don’t have this problem. Verizon FIOS for example, advertises their upload speeds alongside download speeds.

相比之下,光纤ISP则没有此问题。 以Verizon FIOS为例,宣传其上传速度和下载速度。

Unfortunately, fiber isn’t widespread or available in many places; most Internet customers are going to have to rely on the big, more notorious ISPs: Comcast, Time Warner, and AT&T.

不幸的是,光纤在许多地方并不普及或可用。 大多数Internet客户将不得不依赖更大而臭名昭著的ISP:Comcast,Time Warner和AT&T。

您的连接速度有多快 (How Fast is Your Connection )

If you’re unsure what your connection speed is, you should test it.



Results are displayed according to three metrics, latency (ping), download throughput and, of course, upload, which is the number we’re most interested in.


什么是延迟? (What is Latency?)

Aside from the obvious download/upload numbers, there’s latency, which is measured in milliseconds (ms). Latency should be lower than higher.

除了明显的下载/上传数量之外,还有延迟(以毫秒(ms)为单位)。 延迟应低于较高。

It might be easier to think of latency as response time, but the determining factor with regard to latency is length. How far away is the server you’re trying to communicate with? In the following screenshot, we see the server we’ve pinged is about 100 miles away or 161 kilometers, which is a 362 km roundtrip.

将延迟视为响应时间可能会更容易,但是与延迟有关的决定因素是长度。 您要与之通信的服务器有多远? 在以下屏幕截图中,我们看到我们ping的服务器大约100英里(161公里),即362公里的往返路程。

Light travels at 300,000 km per second. So, if our connection were perfect, we could see a a 1.8 ms ping time (362/200,000). Obviously, it isn’t a perfect connection, and it takes quite a bit longer (but 38 ms isn’t terrible).

光速以每秒30万公里的速度传播。 因此,如果我们的连接完美,我们可以看到ping时间为1.8毫秒(362 / 200,000)。 显然,这不是一个完美的连接,并且需要花费更长的时间(但是38毫秒并不可怕)。


A more extreme example – we ping a server in Sydney, Australia over 8000 miles away, or a 26,876 km round-trip. Because of the distance and the finite speed of light, even with a perfect connection, it would still take 134.4 ms. So, you can have all the bandwidth in the world but you can’t escape physics.

一个更极端的例子–我们在距离澳大利亚8000英里(或往返26876公里)的澳大利亚悉尼ping服务器。 由于距离和光速的限制,即使连接完美,仍需要134.4毫秒。 因此,您可以拥有世界上所有的带宽,但无法逃避物理。


In our test, it takes 243 ms, which is unacceptably long. That’s because on its trip halfway around the world, our data has to hop from server to server.

在我们的测试中,它花费了243毫秒,这是无法接受的长时间。 这是因为在遍历世界的途中,我们的数据必须在服务器之间跳跃。


Even a short trip to a more local server is going to have to go through several hops before it it gets there and back, which is why it takes 38 ms to ping a server only 100 miles away.


Thus, latency is going to affect the overall speed of your connection. High latency simply means that it will take longer for a packet of data to make a round trip from your computer to the remote server and then return to you. Unfortunately, there’s not too much you an really do about latency, and it can make even fast connections feel slow.

因此,延迟将影响连接的整体速度。 高延迟只是意味着一包数据从您的计算机到远程服务器往返然后返回给您将花费更长的时间。 不幸的是,您对延迟的了解并没有太多,它甚至会使快速的连接变慢

Psssst…不要忘记您的开销! (Psssst … Don’t Forget Your Overhead!)

Another thing you can’t really control is overhead. What is overhead? It’s kind of complicated, but basically, you never get all the bandwidth available because a portion of it is lost for things like turning your data into packets, addressing it, dealing with collisions, basic inefficiencies in networking technologies, and other factors.

您无法真正控制的另一件事是开销。 什么是开销? 这有点复杂,但是从根本上讲,您永远无法获得所有可用带宽,因为一部分带宽会因为将数据转换为数据包,对其进行处理,处理冲突,网络技术的基本效率低下以及其他因素而丢失。

So no matter what your connection speed is, you always have to give up a portion of that to overhead. How much you give up to overhead will depend on the those above-mentioned factors but ideally it should be around 10 percent.

因此,无论您的连接速度是多少,都必须始终放弃一部分开销。 您放弃多少开销将取决于上述因素,但理想情况下应为10%左右。

您的连接需要多长时间才能上传数据? (How Long Does it Take Your Connection to Upload Data?)

Many cloud services now offer a terabyte or more of storage – Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, and so on.

现在,许多云服务提供了TB或更多的存储空间-Dropbox,OneDrive,Google Drive等。

A terabyte is a considerable amount of capacity, comparing well to desktop computer hard drives, and far outpacing tablets and phones. Therefore it’s a great place to keep your stuff and access it from almost anywhere, or use it to offload data you want to archive but not keep on local storage.

与台式机硬盘驱动器相比,1 TB的容量相当可观,远远超过了平板电脑和手机。 因此,这里是保存您的东西并从几乎任何地方访问它的好地方,或者使用它来卸载要归档的数据,而不是保留在本地存储中

Thus, we calculated the time it would take to upload 1GB, 100GB, and 1000GB (or 1TB) of data using common upload speeds: 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5Mbps, 10Mbps, 20Mbps, and finally, just for kicks 1000Mbps (1Gbps), which are the speeds Google Fiber advertises.

因此,我们使用常见的上传速度计算了上传1GB,100GB和1000GB(或1TB)数据所需的时间:1Mbps,2Mbps,5Mbps,10Mbps,20Mbps,最后,仅用于踢1000Mbps(1Gbps),是Google Fiber宣传的速度

1 GB100 GB1000 GB
1Mbps2.5 hrs10 days99 days
2Mbps1.25 hrs5 days50 days
5Mbps28 min2 days20.3 days
10Mbps14 min1 day10.2 days
20Mbps7 min12 hrs5.1 days
1000Mbps8 sec15 min2.5 hrs
1 GB 100 GB 1000 GB
1Mbps的 2.5小时10天99天

Our calculations are rounded to the nearest minute and include 10 percent connection overhead. Keep in mind that if your overhead is more than 10 percent, then your transmission times will be even greater than the data presented in our table.

我们的计算结果四舍五入到最接近的分钟,并包括10%的连接开销。 请记住,如果您的开销超过10%,那么您的传输时间将甚至超过我们表中显示的数据。

如果要提高上传速度,请准备付款! (If You Want Higher Upload Speeds, Prepare to Pay Up!)

It’s pretty clear from the results that upload speeds don’t really start to become usable until they hit 20Mbps. Uploading a terabyte in less than a week isn’t that bad. Sadly, to get 20Mbps, at least from a cable Internet provider (Comcast, the worst one of all), is going to set you back almost $115/month!

从结果可以很明显地看出,上传速度直到达到20Mbps才真正开始变得可用。 在不到一周的时间上传1TB等于没有那么糟糕。 可悲的是,至少要从有线互联网提供商那里获得20Mbps(康卡斯特,这是最差的一个),这将使您的月收入几乎提高到115美元!

$115 doesn’t really seem reasonable for monthly home Internet service. We’re disinclined to spend more than $50/month on Internet, and what you can get for that much isn’t terribly jaw dropping (2Mbps to 5Mbps).

115美元对于每月家庭互联网服务来说似乎并不合理。 我们不希望每月在互联网上花费超过50美元,而您所能获得的却不是令人jaw目结舌的(2Mbps至5Mbps)。

So, for the time being, you’re stuck with what Internet providers offer and charge for it. Obviously, if you have access to fiber, try to go with that but understand that, too, is going to cost more (though arguably a far better value).

因此,就目前而言,您受制于Internet提供商提供的服务并为此付费。 显然,如果您可以使用光纤,请尝试使用光纤,但要明白,光纤成本也会更高(尽管可以说价值更高)。

When all is said and done, however, regardless of how much you can afford, pay closer attention to that all-important upload number because it can actually affect how fast your connection feels almost as much as your download speed.


We’d like to hear now from you. Do you have slower upload speeds? Are you stuck in the gray area between fast enough and dial-up? Our discussion forum is open and we’d like to hear your feedback.

我们希望收到您的来信。 您的上传速度是否较慢? 您是否陷在足够快的灰色区域和拨号之间? 我们的讨论论坛是开放的,我们希望听到您的反馈。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/200728/why-does-it-take-so-long-to-upload-data-to-the-cloud/


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