classic shell_使用Classic Shell将Windows 7开始菜单带到Windows 10

classic shell

classic shell

If there’s one complaint you can expect to hear when a new version of Windows rolls out, it’s “What did they do to the Start Menu?” If you just want the start menu in Windows 10 to look and function the way the Windows 7 Start Menu did, we’re here to help.

如果有新的Windows版本推出时您可能会听到抱怨,那就是“他们对“开始”菜单做了什么?” 如果您只希望Windows 10中的开始菜单具有Windows 7开始菜单的外观和功能,我们将为您提供帮助。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

Maybe you love the Windows 10 Start Menu, which is essentially an extension and revision of the Windows 8 Start Menu. Perhaps the tile-based Metro UI system doesn’t irritate you and you don’t have a problem with the removal of the traditional Start Menu styling. If so this tutorial certainly isn’t for you and it’s great that the new layout doesn’t bother you or fill you fits of nostalgia for the GUIs of yesteryear.

也许您喜欢Windows 10开始菜单,它本质上是Windows 8开始菜单的扩展和修订。 也许基于图块的Metro UI系统不会激怒您,并且消除传统的“开始菜单”样式也没有问题。 如果是这样,那么本教程当然不适合您,并且新的布局不会打扰您或让您充满怀旧的GUI,这真是太好了。

Not everyone (and we’ll include ourselves in that group), however, is such a fan of the new Start Menu system. Some people learned how to wrestle with the Start Menu back in Windows 8 and they’ll take that experience with them to Windows 10. Most people skipped Windows 8 altogether though and the massive rollout of Windows 10 is going to send them slamming headlong into a totally new Start Menu paradigm that doesn’t suit their workstyle or sensibilities about what a Start Menu should be in the first place. If you’re among those new Windows 10 users that want nothing to do with the new menu, we’re here to help sort things out.

但是,并不是每个人(我们都会将自己包括在该组中)都喜欢新的“开始菜单”系统。 有些人学会了如何在Windows 8中使用“开始”菜单进行搏击,并将这种体验带入Windows10。尽管大多数人完全跳过了Windows 8,但Windows 10的大规模推出将使他们猛烈抨击。全新的“开始菜单”范例,不适合他们的工作风格或对“开始”菜单应该放在什么位置的敏感性。 如果您属于那些不希望与新菜单有任何关系的Windows 10新用户,我们将在这里帮助您解决问题。

Now, before we proceed, we do want to make it clear that just because we’re not huge fans of what Microsoft has done with the Windows 10 Start Menu (and the Windows 8 menu before that) doesn’t mean we’re outright negative toward Windows 10 in general. We’ve installed Windows 10 on everything from desktop PCs to our aging ultrabook laptop and have been rather impressed with the improvements found therein (that old ultrabook hasn’t run so snappy since, well, ever).

现在,在继续之前,我们要明确地说,仅仅是因为我们不是Microsoft对Windows 10“开始”菜单(以及之前的Windows 8菜单)所做的事情的忠实拥护者,并不意味着我们会完全通常对Windows 10不利。 我们已经在从台式机到老化的超极本笔记本电脑的所有设备上都安装了Windows 10,并且对其中的改进效果印象深刻(自那以后,旧的超极本就没有那么快地运行了)。

我需要什么? (What Do I Need?)

Thankfully we won’t be doing any mucking about in the registry, there’s no hand-editing of any variables or values, and you won’t have to make any sacrifices to ensure the process works smoothly.


The only thing we need, besides your Windows 10 installation, is a very handy little program known as Classic Shell. The Classic Shell program includes both an overhaul to the Start Menu system that allows you to switch out the Windows 8/Windows 10 system for the classic single column Start Menu that harkens all the way back to Windows XP, a two-column arrangement, and the Windows 7 style.

除了安装Windows 10外,我们唯一需要的是一个非常方便的小程序,称为Classic Shell。 Classic Shell程序包括对“开始菜单”系统的大修,该系统使您可以将Windows 8 / Windows 10系统切换为经典的单列“开始菜单”,该菜单可以一直追溯到Windows XP,分为两列,并且Windows 7样式。

In addition to adjusting the Start Menu, the focus of our tutorial today, the Classic Shell system includes not only the Classic Start Menu but Classic Explorer (a package of tweaks and adjustments for the Windows Explorer experience). So far we haven’t felt much compulsion to dig into changing the way Windows 10 handles Windows Explorer but the tweaks are there if you’d like to dig into them.

除了调整“开始菜单”(本教程今天的重点)之外,Classic Shell系统不仅包括“经典开始菜单”,还包括“经典资源管理器”(针对Windows资源管理器体验的一系列调整和调整)。 到目前为止,我们还没有深深地希望改变Windows 10处理Windows资源管理器的方式,但是如果您想深入研究它们,可以进行一些调整。

You can download Classic Shell at the project homepage here. As of the publication of this article we recommend using the beta release as it will have the most current adjustments for Windows 10. Once Windows 10 has been officially released for awhile the changes will be less frequent and the beta adjustments in the program will be folded into the stable release.

您可以在项目主页上下载Classic Shell。 从本文发布之日起,我们建议使用beta版,因为它将对Windows 10进行最新调整。一旦Windows 10正式发布了一段时间,更改的频率将降低,并且程序中的beta版调整将被折叠进入稳定版本。

Update: Classic Shell is no longer being developed, but volunteers are now maintaining the program under the name Open Shell. You’ll probably want to try that instead.

更新:Classic Shell不再开发,但是志愿者现在以Open Shell的名义维护该程序。 您可能想尝试一下。

Before we jump into the actual process though, we’d like to take a minute to encourage you to donate a few buck to the Classic Shell project if you find the Classic Shell useful. The program has been chugging along for years (since 2009), it’s free, and it’s maintained and curated by a single guy. It’s a lot easier to keep maintaining and updating a long running project when enough of your users care enough to help keep the lights turned on.

但是,在进入实际流程之前,如果您发现Classic Shell有用,我们想花一点时间鼓励您向Classic Shell项目捐款。 该程序已经运行了很多年(自2009年以来),它是免费的,并且由一个人维护和策划。 当足够多的用户关心并保持照明状态打开时,继续维护和更新长期运行的项目会容易得多。

安装和配置经典Shell (Installing and Configuring Classic Shell)

Download the installation executable from the project homepage, linked in the previous section, and run it. While you can opt to not install individual elements (like the Classic Explorer components) they aren’t activated until you turn them on so there is little harm in installing the entire package in one swoop.

从上一节中链接的项目主页下载安装可执行文件,然后运行它。 尽管您可以选择不安装单个元素(例如Classic Explorer组件),但直到您将它们打开才激活它们,因此一口气安装整个软件包几乎没有什么害处。

Once the installation is complete, you begin the Start Menu configuration process by, intuitively, clicking on the Start Button on the toolbar. The following menu will pop up.

安装完成后,您可以通过直观地单击工具栏上的“开始”按钮来开始“开始菜单”配置过程。 将会弹出以下菜单。

Here you can opt to adopt the Classic, Classic with two columns, or Windows 7 style menu. As the goal of this tutorial is to recreate the Windows 7 style, we’ll leave it as the default. We’ll return to this menu in a moment, but for now simply confirm you have Windows 7 selected and click OK.

在这里,您可以选择采用经典,两栏经典或Windows 7样式菜单。 由于本教程的目标是重新创建Windows 7样式,因此将其保留为默认样式。 稍后我们将返回此菜单,但现在只需确认您已选择Windows 7,然后单击“确定”即可。

Now let’s open up the Start Menu by clicking on the Start Button again.


We kept the screenshot above to the exact same scale as the Windows 10 Start Menu screenshot in the introduction of article. Not only is the Start Menu nice and compact but the Classic Shell team has thoughtfully included a Metro-themed skin (that sets as the default at that). We get exactly the same layout and comfortable familiarity of the Windows 7 menu but in a nice theme that meshes with the other UI tweaks in Windows 10.

我们将上面的屏幕截图与本文介绍中的Windows 10开始菜单屏幕截图保持完全相同的比例。 “开始”菜单不仅美观,紧凑,而且Classic Shell团队深思熟虑地包含了以Metro为主题的皮肤(该皮肤被设置为默认皮肤)。 我们获得了与Windows 7菜单完全相同的布局和熟悉度,但主题与Windows 10中的其他UI调整紧密结合。

And, super convenient, we didn’t lose the Windows 10 Start Menu at all. If you need anything in the Windows 10 menu that isn’t in the Classic Shell menu (or you’re having trouble locating it at any rate) all you need to do is click on the entry at the very top of the Windows 7 Classic Shell menu labeled “Start Menu (Windows)” as seen in the screenshot above and it kicks you immediately (and temporarily) into the true Windows 10 Start Menu. The next time you click the Start Button, however, you’ll be right back in the Windows 7 style menu without a hitch.

而且,非常方便,我们完全没有丢失Windows 10开始菜单。 如果您需要在Windows 10的菜单,是不是在Classic Shell菜单东西(或您无法在任何速度中找到它)所有你需要做的只是点击进入,在Windows 7的经典的最顶端如上面的屏幕快照所示,标有“开始菜单(Windows)”的Shell菜单,它会立即(暂时)将您踢入真正的Windows 10“开始”菜单。 但是,下次单击“开始”按钮时,您将立即回到Windows 7样式菜单中。

调整经典菜单 (Tweaking The Classic Menu)

Many people will be thrilled with just the default settings (the Windows 7 style menu + the Metro theme). If you’d like to do some further tweaking you can simply right click on the Start Button and access the Classic Start Menu settings via the “Settings” option as seen below.

默认设置(Windows 7样式菜单+ Metro主题)会让很多人激动。 如果您想进行进一步的调整,只需右键单击开始按钮,然后通过“设置”选项访问经典开始菜单设置,如下所示。

That selection will send you right back to the menu we saw when we first ran Classic Start Menu and you can make adjustments like switching to the “Classic with two columns” setup. By digging further into the additional tabs you’ll find a huge number of tweaks and settings you can play with.

该选择将使您立即返回到我们首次运行Classic Start Menu时所看到的菜单,您可以进行调整,例如切换到“两列经典”设置。 通过进一步研究其他选项卡,您将发现大量可以使用的调整和设置。

In addition to switching the column-style of the menu you can also swap out the actual Start Menu button icon itself if you’re so inclined. You can do so by checking “Replace Start button” at the bottom of the default “Start Menu Style” tab. Select from Aero, Classic, or supply a custom image.

除了切换菜单的列样式之外,如果您愿意,还可以交换实际的“开始菜单”按钮图标本身。 您可以通过检查默认“开始菜单样式”选项卡底部的“替换开始按钮”来实现。 从Aero,Classic中选择,或提供自定义图像。

Don’t worry, you’re not on the hook for designing your own custom image/animation, there are thousands of people online that have shared their creations. You can find new Start Menu buttons simply by searching in Google for “Classic Start Menu buttons” and then some descriptor like “Windows 10” if you’re looking for buttons with a Windows 10 theme. You can also hit up the official forum here.

不用担心,您不必设计自己的自定义图像/动画,网上有成千上万的人分享了他们的作品。 您只需在Google中搜索“经典的开始菜单按钮”,然后搜索诸如Windows 10的某些描述符(如果您正在寻找具有Windows 10主题的按钮),就可以找到新的开始菜单按钮。 您也可以在此处访问官方论坛

Under the “Basic Settings” tab you can adjust Start Menu related functions like what happens when you press the Windows key or combinations thereof. You can also adjust how the Programs Menu opens on the Start Menu, swap the shutdown button default (we always switch ours to Hibernate so we don’t accidently shut our PCs down), and tweak the on-menu search box.

在“基本设置”选项卡下,您可以调整与开始菜单相关的功能,例如按Windows键或其组合时会发生的情况。 您还可以调整“程序”菜单在“开始”菜单上的打开方式,交换默认的“关闭”按钮(我们始终将其切换为“Hibernate”,这样我们就不会意外关闭PC),并调整菜单上的搜索框。

Under the “Skin” tab you can swap out the skin on your Classic Shell Menu from the default Metro theme to other themes like Windows Aero. We’ll be honest though, while we really like the Windows 7 style menu once you’ve seen the clean UI update to Windows 10 (ugly Start Menu aside) you probably won’t want to go back to the now-fairly-dated-looking Aero look. The Areo theme, in our opinion, just looks out of place among all the other GUI improvements.

在“皮肤”选项卡下,您可以将“经典外壳”菜单上的皮肤从默认的Metro主题换成其他主题,例如Windows Aero。 坦白说,虽然我们非常喜欢Windows 7风格的菜单,但是一旦您看到干净的UI更新到Windows 10(除了丑陋的“开始”菜单),您可能就不想回到现在的日期了的航空外观。 我们认为,Areo主题在所有其他GUI改进中显得格格不入。

Finally, and we highly recommend you check this tab out even if you’re happy with everything else, the “Customize Start Menu” tab.

最后,即使您对“ Customize Start Menu”(自定义开始菜单)标签感到满意,我们也强烈建议您签出该标签。

Here you’ll find a big old pile of fun things you can toggle on and off. Miss a direct link to your default Downloads directory? Turn it on. Don’t care about your Music or Games folders? Turn them off. Actually use Metro apps? (We won’t judge.) There’s a toggle for that too: you can directly access the Metro app links off the Classic Shell without opening the default Windows 10 Start Menu up.

在这里,您会发现很多有趣的东西,您可以打开和关闭它们。 是否缺少指向默认下载目录的直接链接? 打开它。 不在乎您的“音乐”或“游戏”文件夹? 把它们关掉。 实际使用Metro应用程序吗? (我们不会判断。)对此也有一个切换:您可以直接从Classic Shell中访问Metro应用程序链接,而无需打开默认的Windows 10开始菜单。

Finally if you want to get really crazy and micromanage every aspect of the Start Menu experience from the millisecond timing of the menu to the infotip popup delay to the way icons load, then you need to check “Show all settings” at the top of the menu. You’ll go from four tabs to 13 and gain the ability to tweak things most users never even consider modifying. Don’t worry though, you don’t have to pick every setting from scratch when you switch over to the all-settings mode it keeps all the current defaults and just gives you the option to tweak them. If you do take the time to tweak the menu that in depth, however, we’d strongly encourage you to use the backup button at the bottom of the menu and backup all the tweaks you’ve made to an XML file you can save and then import later if the need should arise.

最后,如果您想真正疯狂并开始管理“开始”菜单的各个方面(从菜单的毫秒计时到信息提示弹出延迟到图标加载方式),则需要选中“显示所有设置”菜单。 您将从四个选项卡转到13个选项卡,并能够调整大多数用户甚至不考虑修改的内容。 不过,请放心,切换到“所有设置”模式时不必从头开始选择所有设置,它会保留所有当前默认值,并为您提供调整它们的选项。 但是,如果您确实花时间对菜单进行了深入的调整,我们强烈建议您使用菜单底部的备份按钮,并将所做的所有调整备份到XML文件中,然后保存并保存。然后在需要时再导入。

With Classic Shell all you need is a few minutes to install things, another minute or two to tweak the basic settings, and you’re in business. The Windows 10 Start Menu looks like Windows 7 and all the stuff on it is right where you want it: not a tile in sight.

使用Classic Shell,您只需花费几分钟来安装东西,再花一两分钟来调整基本设置,就可以开始工作了。 Windows 10的开始菜单看起来像Windows 7,并且所有菜单项都在您想要的位置:看不见瓷砖。


classic shell





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