

Browser extensions can be incredibly useful, but install the wrong one, and you’ll open yourself up to security risks. If you don’t use extensions (or someone you know doesn’t), here’s how to disable extensions entirely.

浏览器扩展功能可能非常有用,但是安装错误的扩展程序将使您面临安全风险。 如果您不使用扩展程序(或您认识的人不使用扩展程序),则以下是完全禁用扩展程序的方法。

为什么可能要关闭浏览器扩展 (Why You Might Want to Turn Browser Extensions Off)

If you use and love web browser extensions, great. This article isn’t for you–it’s for the people who don’t use them, and are more likely to harm their computer by allowing them.

如果您使用并喜欢Web浏览器扩展,那就太好了。 本文不适合您-适用于不使用它们的人,并且更可能通过允许他们损害他们的计算机。

I was recently helping a relative with their computer problem, and saw they had a browser extension I didn’t recognize. I asked them what it was, and they responded: “What’s a browser extension?” These are the people for whom browser extensions should just be disabled.

我最近正在帮助一位亲戚解决他们的计算机问题,发现他们有一个我不认识的浏览器扩展。 我问他们是什么,然后他们回答:“什么是浏览器扩展?” 这些人只应禁用浏览器扩展。

When extensions come from a reputable company (like LastPass) and perform a useful function (like helping your create and use strong passwords), browser extensions are really awesome. When they’re written by scummy companies that install them automatically to spy on you or outright hijack your web browser, browser extensions are a nightmare.

当扩展程序来自著名的公司(例如LastPass )并执行有用的功能(例如帮助您创建和使用强密码)时,浏览器扩展程序确实很棒。 当它们由伪装公司编写并自动安装它们以监视您或完全劫持您的Web浏览器时,浏览器扩展就是一场噩梦。

So for those of you that are on top of your security game, only use browser extensions from known and reputable companies, and frequently check in to make sure your browser hasn’t been hijacked by scummy extensions, by all means keep using those few and wonderful extensions you love.


For everyone else, however, there’s no good reason to leave their browser’s extension system active when they’re not even using it. Doing so simply leaves a giant door open for everything from stealthy tracking extensions to spy on them or malware extensions to pop up and scam them with fake tech support.

但是,对于其他所有人,没有充分的理由在甚至不使用浏览器扩展系统的情况下保持它们的活动状态。 这样做只会敞开一扇巨大的大门,从秘密跟踪扩展到监视它们或恶意软件扩展弹出并利用虚假技术支持进行欺诈

如何永久禁用扩展,逐浏览器 (How to Permanently Disable Extensions, Browser-by-Browser)

If you want to really lock down your web browser (or, more likely, the browser of a friend or relative plagued by malicious browser extensions) it isn’t sufficient to simply disable and remove existing browser extensions. The same shady websites and bad browsing habits that led to the browser filling up with malicious extensions will just cause it to fill up again.

如果您想真正锁定Web浏览器(或者更可能是由恶意浏览器扩展困扰的朋友或亲戚的浏览器),仅禁用和删除现有浏览器扩展是不够的。 导致浏览器充满恶意扩展的相同的阴暗网站和不良的浏览习惯只会导致其再次充满。

So while removing a single malicious extension works if your goal is to keep the rest of you browser extensions active, that isn’t our goal today. Our goal is to disable the extension framework such that there’s no chance a malicious browser extension can even load in the first place. By doing so, you’ll never have to spend a holiday visit purging the computer of your relative because there won’t be anything to purge in the first place. The method we’re outlining here doesn’t remove the extensions, it doesn’t prevent, say, some anti-virus software from installing an extension into the extension directory, it outright circumvents any issue you would have with the browser extensions by simply refusing to load them.

因此,如果您的目标是使其余浏览器扩展保持活动状态,则删除单个恶意扩展会起作用,但这并不是我们今天的目标。 我们的目标是禁用扩展框架,以使恶意浏览器扩展根本没有机会首先加载。 这样一来,您就不必花费假期去清理亲戚的电脑,因为一开始就没有什么要清除的。 我们在此概述的方法不会删除扩展程序,也不会阻止某些防病毒软件将扩展程序安装到扩展程序目录中,它完全可以避免浏览器扩展程序遇到的任何问题拒绝加载它们。

Let’s take a look at how to disable the extension framework in the major web browsers, with notes on how the technique works differently between browsers.


Google Chrome:扩展程序扩展变得简单 (Google Chrome: Extension Slaying Made Simple)

By far, Google Chrome makes disabling extensions the simplest. In order to disable the extension framework on Chrome you simply launch the browser from a shortcut appended with the flag --disable-extensions .

到目前为止,谷歌浏览器使禁用扩展最简单。 为了在Chrome上禁用扩展框架,您只需从带有标志--disable-extensions的快捷方式启动浏览器。

The easiest way to take advantage of the flag is to simply edit the shortcut you use to launch Chrome. Right click on the shortcut, select “Properties” and look for the text box near the top labeled “Target:”.

利用该标志的最简单方法是简单地编辑用于启动Chrome的快捷方式。 右键单击快捷方式,选择“属性”,然后在顶部附近标有“目标:”的文本框中查找。

Add --disable-extensions to the end of the entry such that an entry like this:

在条目的末尾添加--disable-extensions ,使条目如下所示:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

Now looks like this:


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-extensions

Now, when you run Chrome, the extension system won’t even load. That means there’s no risk of malicious extensions interfering with your browsing experience, spying on you, or otherwise causing problems.

现在,当您运行Chrome浏览器时,扩展程序系统甚至都不会加载。 这意味着没有恶意扩展干扰您的浏览体验,监视您或引起其他问题的风险。

You can confirm the flag is in effect by clicking on the menu icon in the upper right hand corner of your Chrome browser and looking in the “More tools” menu entry.


If “Extensions” is grayed out and you can’t select it, the flag was successfully applied.


We really like how Chrome handles this situation, as the flag is very specific and targets just extensions (leaving the rest of the browser experience untouched). More importantly it doesn’t get in your face with an announcement or splash screen each time you launch the browser–perfect for setting it up, unobtrusively, on a relative’s computer.

我们真的很喜欢Chrome如何处理这种情况,因为该标志非常具体且仅针对扩展程序(不会影响其余的浏览器体验)。 更重要的是,每次启动浏览器时,它都不会出现通知或启动画面的界面-完美地在亲戚的计算机上进行设置。

Internet Explorer:全部禁用或全部禁用 (Internet Explorer: All-or-Nothing Add-On Disabling)

Like Chrome, Internet Explorer has a flag you can use to disable extensions. Unfortunately, unlike Chrome, the Internet Explorer flag is sweeping in scope and disables all add-ons, extensions, and plugins. While this may not be problematic for everyone, it can cause issues with certain webpages that are dependent on browser plugins, like Flash for video.

与Chrome一样,Internet Explorer都有一个标志,可用于禁用扩展程序。 不幸的是,与Chrome不同,Internet Explorer标志的作用范围很广,并禁用了所有加载项,扩展名和插件。 尽管这可能并非对每个人都有问题,但它可能会导致某些依赖于浏览器插件的网页出现问题,例如视频Flash。

To run Internet Explorer with extensions disabled, you simply append the browser shortcut (as we did with Chrome). Examine the properties of the shortcut and add -extoff to the shortcut found in the “Target” box.

要在禁用扩展程序的情况下运行Internet Explorer,只需添加浏览器快捷方式(就像我们使用Chrome一样)。 检查快捷方式的属性,并将-extoff添加到“目标”框中找到的快捷方式。

For example, this:


"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"

becomes this:


"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -extoff

You’ll know immediately if it worked because, upon launching Internet Explorer from the modified shortcut, IE will announce loudly that it is running without add-ons.

您会立即知道它是否有效,因为从修改后的快捷方式启动Internet Explorer后,IE会大声宣布它正在运行而没有附加组件。

Like with our previous Chrome fix, you can now browser the web without any extensions loaded.


Firefox:安全模式可能太安全了 (Firefox: Safe Mode Might Be Too Safe)

Firefox, too, has a flag you can add to your browser shortcut in order to start with extensions disabled. Like Internet Explorer’s shortcut flag, however, it covers much more than just browser extensions (and the flag name itself reflects that). By appending your shortcut with the flag -safe-mode the browser will start in Firefox’s “safe mode” state–hardware acceleration, browser themes, and extensions are disabled and toolbars and button customizations are reset to the default state.

Firefox也有一个标志,您可以将其添加到浏览器快捷方式中,以从禁用扩展名开始。 但是,就像Internet Explorer的快捷方式标志一样,它不仅涵盖浏览器扩展(而且标志名本身也反映了这一点)。 通过在快捷方式后附加-safe-mode标志,浏览器将以Firefox的“安全模式”状态启动-硬件加速,浏览器主题和扩展名被禁用,工具栏和按钮自定义设置被重置为默认状态。

To start in safe mode you simply edit the browser shortcut, as we demonstrated in the previous sections with -safe-mode . So a shortcut target like:

要以安全模式启动,您只需编辑浏览器快捷方式,正如我们在上一节中使用-safe-mode演示的那样。 因此,快捷方式目标如下:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"



"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -safe-mode

You’ll know if you’ve done it correctly because, immediately upon next start, Firefox will announce it is in safe mode.


While the settings change in Chrome just disables the extensions, like Internet Explorer the change in Firefox is a more intensive troubleshooting mode that isn’t necessarily conducive to simply browser sans extensions. We’ve included it here, however, so users of the three most popular browsers can see how to disable extensions. Depending on your needs, it could be worth the sacrifice.

尽管Chrome中的设置更改只是禁用了扩展程序,例如Internet Explorer,但Firefox中的更改是一种更密集的故障排除模式,不一定有助于简单地使用无浏览器的扩展程序。 但是,我们将其包括在此处,因此三种最受欢迎​​的浏览器的用户可以看到如何禁用扩展。 根据您的需要,可能值得牺牲。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/255612/how-to-permanently-disable-browser-extensions-for-maximum-security/

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