instagram akp_如何备份您的社交媒体帐户-Facebook,Twitter,Google +和Instagram

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instagram akp


How much of your life is recorded online? Spend a moment considering this and it’s likely to be a terrifying idea. You may not consider yourself the type of person to keep a journal, or even a blog, but over the years you have probably posted thousands of words on the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

您有多少生活是在线记录的? 花点时间考虑一下,这可能是一个可怕的想法。 您可能不会认为自己是写日记甚至博客的人,但是多年来,您可能已经在Facebook,Twitter和Google+之类的网站上发布了数千个单词。

Add to this the images you may have posted and this is data you may well want to record. Could you bear to lose all of this? We’ll show you how to backup all of this data so you can keep it for posterity.

在此添加您可能已发布的图像,这是您可能要记录的数据。 您是否愿意失去所有这一切? 我们将向您展示如何备份所有这些数据,以便您后代保留。

The chances of Facebook, Twitter or Google losing all of your data are fairly slim, but by opting to download it you not only make all of your status updates, images and more available offline, you also make it far easier to work with and can make use of it in different ways.


There are slightly different methods and techniques used by each social network, but you can request and download all of your data free of charge. Here’s how to go about it.

每个社交网络使用的方法和技术略有不同,但是您可以免费请求和下载所有数据。 这是解决方法。

脸书 (Facebook)

Log into your Facebook account, click the gear icon to the upper right of the page and select Account Settings. Make sure that you are in the General section of the settings and click the ‘Download a copy of your Facebook data’ link to the right.

登录您的Facebook帐户,单击页面右上方的齿轮图标,然后选择“帐户设置”。 确保您位于设置的“常规”部分,然后单击右侧的“下载Facebook数据的副本”链接。


There are a couple of options available to you now – downloading a regular archive, or opting for the expanded one. The basic download, referred to by Facebook as Downloaded Info, includes details of your check-ins, chats, general account details, your photos and more.

现在有几个选项供您使用-下载常规存档,或选择扩展的存档。 基本下载(被Facebook称为“下载的信息”)包括签到,聊天,常规帐户详细信息,照片等的详细信息。

There are also an ‘expanded archive’ option which includes far more detail including the apps you have installed, a list of people who have been unfriended, data that has been hidden from your newsfeed and details of IP addresses that have logged into your account. Full details of the differences between the two different archives can be found in Facebook’s help pages.

还有一个“扩展的存档”选项,其中包括更多详细信息,包括您已安装的应用程序,与之成为好友的列表,从新闻源中隐藏的数据以及已登录到您帐户的IP地址的详细信息。 可以在Facebook的帮助页面中找到有关两个不同档案之间差异的完整详细信息。


To download a copy of your basic Facebook archive, click the Start my Archive button followed by ‘Start my archive’. After clicking Confirm, you’ll have to sit back and wait while your data is collected together. You will then receive an email letting you know when the archive is ready for download.

要下载基本的Facebook存档副本,请单击“开始存档”按钮,然后单击“启动存档”。 单击“确认”后,您将不得不坐下来等待数据收集在一起。 然后,您将收到一封电子邮件,通知您何时可以下载存档。


If you’re more interested in obtaining the complete history of your account, you should instead click the ‘expanded archive’ link. Enter your password and click Continue. As with the regular archive, you then need to click ‘Start my archive’ followed by Confirm.

如果您对获取帐户的完整历史记录更感兴趣,则应点击“扩展存档”链接。 输入密码,然后单击继续。 与常规存档一样,然后您需要单击“开始存档”,然后单击“确认”。


In either case you’ll receive an email containing your archive ready for browsing.


推特 (Twitter)

Downloading your Twitter archive is similarly simple. Log into your account, click the gear icon to the upper right of the page and then click Settings. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the ‘Request your archive’ button in the ‘Your Twitter archive’ section.

同样,下载您的Twitter存档也很简单。 登录到您的帐户,单击页面右上方的齿轮图标,然后单击设置。 向下滚动到页面底部,然后单击“您的Twitter存档”部分中的“请求存档”按钮。


As with Facebook, you’ll have to wait a little while for the archive to be prepared, so click the Close button and await the arrival of the confirmation email – in all likelihood this won’t take too long to arrive. Click the ‘Go now’ button in the email

与Facebook一样,您需要等待一段时间才能准备好存档,因此请单击“关闭”按钮并等待确认电子邮件的到来-很有可能这不会花太长时间。 点击电子邮件中的“立即访问”按钮


Click the Download button to grab your archive, which you can then extract using your tool of choice. Twitter archives are provided in both HTML and CSV formats.

单击下载按钮以获取tweets.zip存档,然后可以使用所选工具将其解压缩。 Twitter存档以HTML和CSV格式提供。

Google+ (Google+)

To download your Google+ data, log into your account, click your profile picture to the upper right of the page and then click Account.  You have the choice of downloading all of your Google data – everything from Picasa albums to Google Voice data – in one fell swoop, or you can download different archives individually.

要下载您的Google+数据,请登录您的帐户,点击页面右上角的个人资料图片,然后点击帐户。 您可以一口气下载所有Google数据(从Picasa相册到Google语音数据),也可以单独下载。


To keep things simple and download everything at once, click the ‘Download your data’ button. This will take you to Google Takeaway where you’ll need to enter your password again. You can go ahead and move to the ‘Choose services’ section to select individual services to download data from if you like, but otherwise just click Create Archive.

为了简化操作并一次下载所有内容,请单击“下载数据”按钮。 这将带您到Google Takeaway,在这里您需要再次输入密码。 您可以继续并转到“选择服务”部分,根据需要选择单个服务来下载数据,否则,请单击“创建存档”。


图表 (Instragram)

Freeing your photos from Instagram requires the use of a secondary website – it is not a service provided by Instagram. Instaport enables you to download your entire account as a zip file, and there are plans to also allow data to be transferred to Facebook or Flickr.

从Instagram中释放照片需要使用辅助网站-它不是Instagram提供的服务。 Instaport使您可以将整个帐户下载为zip文件,并且计划还允许将数据传输到Facebook或Flickr。


Visit the Instaport website and click ‘Sign in with Instagram’ before providing authorizing the connection to your account. Make sure that ‘Download .zip file’ is selected and click the Start Export button.

在提供对您帐户的授权连接之前,请访问Instaport网站并单击“使用Instagram登录”。 确保已选择“下载.zip文件”,然后单击“开始导出”按钮。

This time around you’ll have to keep checking back to the page to see when your archive is ready as no confirmation email is sent out. Just how long this will take depends on how many images you have uploaded.

这次,您将不得不继续检查页面以查看归档文件何时准备就绪,因为没有发送确认电子邮件。 这需要多长时间取决于您上传了多少张图片。

If you want to get more specific about the images you want to download rather than just grabbing the whole lot, click the Advanced Options link to access additional settings such as images from a certain time frame.



Have you backed up your social media data, or is it all just pictures of cats and food?



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4K Stogram 是一个适用于PC、macOS 和 Linux系统的Instagram 浏览器和下载器。从您好友的公共和私人Instagram账户中下载照片、视频和故事,备份您的Instagram资料,导入您的Instagram订阅列表。 只需输入 Instagram 用户名、标签或位置,按下‘订阅’按钮。从不同地方浏览、下载 Instagram 照片、视频和限时动态,订阅任意账户的照片以及他们的关注列表。 按用户名、标签或位置下载 Instagram 帖子 订阅您最喜欢的摄影师、标签或地点,自动获取最新的照片。 下载私人好友的照片 用您的Instagram账号登录,下载私人好友账户的照片。 浏览您好友的Instagram内容 订阅任何Instagram用户的关注账户列表,实时观看他们上传的新照片。 下载 Instagram stories 永久保存任何Instagram账户中临时的日常图片和视频。 下载视频帖子 利用这个便利的功能, 从Instagram账户、标签和地点中抓取MP4格式的视频。 瞬间 备份您的账户 只需点击一下,就可从您的Instagram账户中下载所有照片。 点击一下即可关注您的订阅 点击 ‘Subscribe to Accounts I’m Following(订阅我关注的账户)’ ,您在Instagram上关注的所有账户将自动添加至4K Stogram并进行下载。 评论和标签元数据 所有下载的图片均在其元数据中包含评论和标签等信息。 导出和导入订阅 确保您的订阅数据库安全:导出数据,计算机重装后再导入,确保不会丢失任何图片和账户。


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