询问HTG:批量调整照片大小,导出Outlook Express消息以及清洁肮脏的键盘


Once a week we share some of the reader emails we’ve answered with the greater HTG readership. This week we’re looking at how to batch resize photos, exporting Outlook Express messages from XP to Windows 7, and cleaning a filthy keyboard.

每周一次,我们与HTG的读者群分享一些已回复的读者电子邮件。 本周,我们正在研究如何批量调整照片大小,如何将Outlook Express邮件从XP导出到Windows 7以及如何清洁肮脏的键盘。

轻松批量调整照片大小 (Easy Batch Photo Resizing)


Dear How-To Geek

亲爱的How-To Geek

Love your newsletter (which I’ve been receiving now for several months)—Several useful articles there for an non-technical guy like me.


Here’s an issue I’d love some help with. I take lots of photos during my travels and email the better ones to friends and family. I haven’t purchased a program like Photoshop, because I’m just travelling with a netbook (which i love).

我很乐意提供一些帮助。 我在旅途中拍了很多照片,并将比较好的照片通过电子邮件发送给朋友和家人。 我没有购买像Photoshop这样的程序,因为我只是带着上网本旅行(我很喜欢)。

In a previous version of Yahoo mail, they had a neat web application that automatically reduced the size of files from large (say, 2 MB) to email thumbnail size of about 100 KB. In the latest update of Yahoo, they removed that function.

在Yahoo邮件的先前版本中,他们有一个简洁的Web应用程序,该应用程序会自动将文件大小从大(例如2 MB)减小到大约100 KB的电子邮件缩略图大小。 在Yahoo的最新更新中,他们删除了该功能。

Do you know of an application that i can download for free from the internet that will do that in batches (not one-by-one)?




Shutterbug Travelin’


Dear Shutterbug,


Photoshop would definitely be overkill for your needs (and a bit taxing on your netbook’s resources for that matter, also). There are plenty of applications you can use to achieve your end but not many of them provide the start-to-finish functionality that having the resize function embedded right in your email client does. If you want to, as closely as possible, replicate that experience we’d recommend installing Picasa on your netbook. Picasa is a robust photo organizer that sports a built-in email client. You can very easily select the best photos from your spread, compose an email to your friends with the photos attached, and have Picasa resize the photos to your preferred size before sending (640×480 is a common selection but you can go smaller). Picasa integrates with Gmail and with your default email client on your machine—thus if you want to continue using Yahoo! Mail you would need to configure a lightweight client like Mozilla Thunderbird to use Yahoo! Mail.

Photoshop绝对不能满足您的需求(与此同时,还需要对上网本的资源加一点税)。 您可以使用许多应用程序来达到目的,但是没有多少应用程序可以像电子邮件客户端中嵌入的调整大小功能那样提供从头到尾的功能。 如果您想尽可能地复制这种体验,建议您在上网本上安装Picasa 。 Picasa是一款功能强大的照片管理器,具有内置的电子邮件客户端。 您可以轻松地从传播中选择最好的照片,写一封附有照片的电子邮件给您的朋友,并让Picasa在发送之前将照片的大小调整为您喜欢的尺寸(通常选择640×480,但可以缩小)。 Picasa与Gmail以及计算机上的默认电子邮件客户端集成在一起-因此,如果您想继续使用Yahoo! 邮件,您需要配置一个轻量级客户端(如Mozilla Thunderbird)才能使用Yahoo! 邮件。

Alternatively you can simply export and resize the photos using Picasa and manually add them to your Yahoo! Mail or (and this is a speedier option) use Picasa’s Web Albums function to upload your photos to a web-based photo album and share the link with your friends. There are other ways you could approach this particular problem but since Picasa is free, fantastic at organizing photos, and makes it super easy to crop/edit/resize/export/upload, you might as well kill all the birds with one stone.

另外,您可以使用Picasa导出照片并调整其大小,然后将其手动添加到Yahoo!中。 邮件使用Picasa的网络相册功能(这是一种较快捷的选择),可以将您的照片上传到基于网络的相册中,并与您的朋友共享链接。 还有其他方法可以解决此特定问题,但是由于Picasa是免费的,非常适合组织照片,并且非常容易裁剪/编辑/调整大小/导出/上传,因此您最好用一块石头杀死所有鸟类。

导出Outlook Express邮件 (Exporting Outlook Express Messages)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

My sister has just got a new Windows 7 PC. She would like her emails from Outlook Express on her old XP machine available (even just viewable), how can I do this as easily as possible?

我姐姐刚有一台新的Windows 7 PC。 她希望她的旧XP计算机上的Outlook Express中的电子邮件可用(甚至是可见的),如何才能尽可能轻松地做到这一点?



Upgrade Brother


Dear Upgrade,


The first thing you need to do is to fire up the old XP machine and export the Outlook Express messages. You can follow Microsoft’s tutorial here to do so. When you’re done with that you’ll have a bundle of files you can transfer to the new machine. On the new machine you can then import the files into Windows Mail (the Outlook Express replacement in Windows 7), we’re going to reference another Microsoft tutorial here to complete the import process from Outlook Express to Windows Mail.

您需要做的第一件事是启动旧的XP计算机并导出Outlook Express消息。 您可以在此处按照Microsoft的教程进行操作。 完成后,您将获得一堆文件,可以将其传输到新计算机上。 然后,在新计算机上,您可以将文件导入Windows Mail(Windows 7中的Outlook Express替代品),我们将在此处参考另一个Microsoft教程,以完成从Outlook Express到Windows Mail的导入过程。

如何清洁肮脏的键盘 (How to Clean a Filthy Keyboard)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Here’s my situation: I spilled a bottle of soda on my keyboard. The keyboard, miraculously, still works. The only problem is that it’s a sticky mess. I don’t want to throw a perfectly functioning keyboard away just because it’s sticky but my attempts to wipe it down seem to have made it worse. What do I do?

这是我的情况:我在键盘上洒了一瓶苏打水。 奇迹般地,键盘仍然可以使用。 唯一的问题是,这是一个烂摊子。 我不想仅仅因为它的粘性而扔掉功能正常的键盘,但是我尝试擦除它似乎使它变得更糟。 我该怎么办?



Sticky Fingers


Dear Sticky Fingers,


We’ve written about several ways to clean a keyboard. It sounds like you’re going to have to go right for the major technique: using your dish washer. Hit up our guide to safely cleaning your keyboard in the dishwasher here. For anyone dealing with a dirty keyboard (but not a keyboard soaked in soda pop) we’d recommend checking out our keyboard cleaning guide here—no disassembly or dishwashers necessary.

我们已经写了几种清洁键盘的方法。 听起来,您将必须遵循主要技术:使用洗碗机。 在此处找到我们的指南以安全清洁洗碗机中的键盘。 对于处理脏键盘(而不是浸泡在苏打汽水中的键盘)的任何人,我们建议您在此处查阅我们的键盘清洁指南-无需拆卸或洗碗机。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at
有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至 ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it. ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/96583/ask-htg-batch-resizing-photos-exporting-outlook-express-messages-and-cleaning-a-filthy-keyboard/

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