



Siri is actually pretty useful for all kinds of things, from searching for things to identifying songs. You can also use her to create, delete, and change alarms in your clock app. Here’s how it works.

Siri实际上对于从搜索事物到识别歌曲的所有事物都非常有用。 您还可以在时钟应用中使用她创建,删除和更改闹钟。 运作方式如下。

创建警报 (Create an Alarm)

To create a new alarm with Siri, just press and hold the Home button to activate her, or say “Hey Siri if you have her set to respond to your voice. When she’s listening, you can say things like:

要使用Siri创建新警报,只需按住“主页”按钮将其激活,或者说“嘿Siri,如果您设置了她以响应您的声音。 当她在听时,您可以说出以下内容:

  • “Set an alarm for 6:30 pm”

  • “Set an alarm on weekdays at 6:45 am”

  • “Set an alarm on weekends at 9:00 am”

  • “Set an alarm in 45 minutes”


You can also say “wake me” or “wake me up” instead of “set an alarm” for any of those commands. When you tell her what alarm to set, Siri will respond with a confirmation where you also can turn the alarm on or off.

您也可以为任何这些命令说“唤醒我”或“唤醒我”,而不是“设置警报”。 当您告诉她要设置的闹铃时,Siri会回复确认信息,您还可以在其中打开或关闭闹铃。


If you want to create an alarm with a label, you can do that too. Just say something like “Set an alarm to call my son at 3 tomorrow afternoon” or “Set an alarm in 45 minutes call my son,” where you replace the words “call my son” with whatever you want.

如果要创建带有标签的警报,也可以这样做。 只需说“设置闹钟以在明天下午3点给我的儿子打电话”或“设置闹钟在45分钟内给我的儿子打电话”之类的字词,然后在其中用您想要的字词替换“给我的儿子打电话”。


Unfortunately, you can’t use Siri to create an alarm using a custom sound. She will, however, create an alarm using whatever sound you set for the last alarm you created. It’s worth dropping in on your Clock app to check the sounds used for your alarms when you can, especially if you tend to use different sounds for different alarms or even a silent alarm for some things.

不幸的是,您不能使用Siri通过自定义声音创建警报。 但是,她将使用为上次创建的警报设置的任何声音来创建警报。 值得的是,您可以在Clock应用程序中插入以检查警报所使用的声音,尤其是当您倾向于对不同的警报使用不同的声音,甚至对某些事情使用静音警报时

删除警报 (Delete an Alarm)

You can also use Siri to delete alarms from your phone. Once she’s listening for your command, you can say something like “Delete my 3:00 alarm.” If Siri has any trouble distinguishing which alarm you mean, she’ll ask for clarification. You can tap the alarm to delete or tell Siri.

您也可以使用Siri从手机中删除警报。 她听完您的命令后,您可以说“删除我的3:00警报”。 如果Siri在区分您的警报时遇到任何麻烦,她将要求您进行澄清。 您可以点击警报以删除或告诉Siri。


Of course, you can also be more specific in your request by saying something like “Delete my 3:00 am alarm.” When Siri can identify the alarm you mean with certainty, she’ll just go ahead and delete it without any confirmation needed.

当然,您也可以说“删除我的凌晨3:00闹钟”之类的内容来更具体地说明您的要求。 当Siri可以确定地确定您的警报时,她将继续进行删除,而无需任何确认。


You can also tell Siri to remove all alarms on your phone by saying “Delete all my alarms.” In this case, Siri will ask you to confirm your choice. Tell Siri “Confirm” or tap the Confirm button.

您还可以通过说“删除我的所有警报”来告诉Siri删除手机上的所有警报。 在这种情况下,Siri将要求您确认选择。 告诉Siri“确认”或点击“确认”按钮。


When you’re using Siri to delete alarms, just be careful that you’re deleting the right one. If you’re unsure, it’s usually better to just pop open the Clock app and do it manually.

使用Siri删除警报时,请注意要删除正确的警报。 如果不确定,通常最好打开“时钟”应用并手动执行。

修改警报 (Modify an Alarm)

Siri also lets you modify an existing alarm by setting it to a new time. Note that you can’t change sounds, labels, or on what days the alarm recurs using Siri, only the time of an alarm. Just say something along the lines of “Change my 6:45 am alarm to 7:45 am.”

Siri还允许您通过将现有警报设置为新时间来对其进行修改。 请注意,您无法更改声音,标签或使用Siri仅在警报发生的时间更改警报重发的日期。 只需按照“将我的上午6:45警报更改为上午7:45”的方式说几句即可。


Again, it helps to be as specific as possible. If Siri can’t identify exactly the alarm you’re referring to, or if you use a command like “Change my alarms,” Siri will pop up a list of possible matches and ask you to confirm which alarm you want to change by tapping it.

同样,它有助于尽可能具体。 如果Siri不能准确识别您所指的警报,或者您使用“更改我的警报”之类的命令,则Siri将弹出一个可能的匹配项列表,并要求您通过点按来确认要更改的警报它。


If you need to make additional changes to alarms, you’ll need to open the Clocks app and do it manually. Or, you could use Siri to delete the alarm and then create a new one.

如果您需要对闹钟进行其他更改,则需要打开Clocks应用并手动进行。 或者,您可以使用Siri删除警报,然后创建一个新警报。

开启和关闭闹钟 (Turn Alarms On and Off)

And finally, you can use Siri to turn your alarms on and off. You can turn off a select alarm by specifying something like “Turn off (or on) my 3PM alarm.”

最后,您可以使用Siri打开和关闭警报。 您可以通过指定“关闭(或打开)我的3PM警报”之类的内容来关闭选择警报。


You can also turn all your alarms off or on at once with a phrase like “Turn all my alarms off (or on).”



And there you have it. Siri offers a lot of ways to control your alarms. For some things, like modifying an alarm’s settings, it’s probably easier to just use the Clock app. But you have to admit, being able to create alarms by voice is nice if you’re driving or can’t use your hands for whatever reason. And turning off all your alarms at once is pretty handy, too.

那里有。 Siri提供了许多控制警报的方法。 对于某些事情,例如修改闹钟的设置,仅使用Clock应用程序可能会更容易。 但是您必须承认,如果您开车或出于任何原因不能使用手,都可以通过语音创建警报。 同时关闭所有警报也很方便。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/260280/how-to-create-manage-and-delete-alarms-using-siri/






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