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Twitter is a text-focused social network, but that hasn’t stopped the tech company from including photos and videos. Now, the social media site has added a voice tweet feature that allows you to send personalized audio messages to your followers.

Twitter是一个以文本为中心的社交网络,但这并没有阻止科技公司包括照片和视频。 现在,社交媒体网站已添加了语音推文功能,可让您将个性化音频消息发送给关注者。

At the time of writing, Twitter is still slowly rolling out the voice tweet feature to its iPhone and iPad apps. There’s no word on when it will make its way to Android.

在撰写本文时,Twitter仍在缓慢地在其iPhoneiPad应用程序中推出语音推文功能。 关于何时将其引入Android尚无定论

Start by opening the Twitter app on your smartphone and then tapping the Compose Tweet floating action button found in the bottom-right corner of the interface.

首先打开智能手机上的Twitter应用,然后点击界面右下角的Compose Tweet浮动操作按钮。

Tap the New Tweet floating action button in the Twitter app

Next, type out a tweet. This isn’t a requirement, you can send a voice tweet without adding a written message. From there, select the Soundwave button found in the toolbar above your keyboard.

接下来,输入一条推文。 这不是必需的,您可以发送语音鸣叫而无需添加书面消息。 从那里,选择键盘上方工具栏中的Soundwave按钮。

Type out a tweet and then select the soundwave button

When you’re ready to record a voice message, tap the red Microphone button.


Tap on the Record button the microphone icon

A soundbar will appear onscreen, indicating that the recording has started. Select the Pause button whenever you want to take a break and then hit the Record button again to continue recording.

条形音箱将出现在屏幕上,表明录制已开始。 只要您想休息一下,请选择“暂停”按钮,然后再次单击“录制”按钮以继续录制。

Tap on the Pause button to stop recording

From our testing, it doesn’t appear as though Twitter has put a time limit on recordings. You can record as long as you like, but Twitter will break the audio into two-minute-long clips.

根据我们的测试,似乎Twitter似乎没有对录音设置时间限制。 您可以随意录制,但是Twitter会将音频分成两分钟长的片段。

When you’re happy with your recording, tap the “Done” button.


Select the "Done" button when you're done recording

Take one last look at your tweet. When you’re ready to share your message and or voice recording with your followers, select the “Tweet” button.

最后看看您的推文。 当您准备与关注者共享消息和/或语音记录时,请选择“ Tweet”按钮。

Tap the "Tweet" button

You and the rest of Twitter can now play your voice recording by tapping the Play button.


Select the Play button on the voice recording

The audio recording will play in a mini-player at the bottom of your screen. You can pause, play, and exit the voice tweet from the playback bar. Additionally, the player will follow you through Twitter, so you can leave the original tweet and finish listening to the recording while scrolling through your feed.

录音将在屏幕底部的迷你播放器中播放。 您可以从播放栏中暂停,播放和退出语音鸣叫。 此外,播放器将通过Twitter关注您,因此您可以保留原始推文,并在滚动Feed时完成对录音的收听。

Tap the Pause or Close button from the mini player

Now that you’ve master voice tweets, try adding one to a Twitter thread.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/678246/how-to-record-and-send-a-voice-tweet-in-the-twitter-app/





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